Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 13, 1920, Image 4

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Because— I get what I pay for.
Because—I want to see the goods
before I buy,
Reuben Morterud is taking his
The young people of the Lents
...—I wU what I product <
vacation as Seaside.
Evangelical church held their month­ here at home.
Adicrliaaacau ssder Ibis kesdisg He per
A daughter was born to Mr. and ly business meeting at the home of Because— this is the place when. I lute Hr»t IsKrUsa; fc per Mac ca.h saU<ss*»i
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scheuerman make my money and thia is the l*»uc. Miaiaaa .barg«. 24c. taaal b aaed*
Mrs. Wm. Kirtz the 26th ult
to IM line.
Having planned an out-door meet­ place to spend it.
F. ,B. Rayburn of Salem, visited ing it was held oo the lawn which
Wh> n doling the cards the writer Lost—White fox terrier dog with
his parents at 8709 56th avenue, last was lighted with electric lights.
naturally observed the response to , yellow. He to rather tall and
After the business session the social his endeavors and to pleased to re­ . thin, no collar. Return to 6015
was spent toasting weinies. late that, with one or two exceptions ! »9th tsreet S. E. Phone Lenta 2421
Sam Turk, of Timber, was the
marehmellows over a bon he wus «iwn * cordial greeting, Automatic.
guest of Percy Pile of 86th street,
report of delegates from !ftnd the slog;ul ,.j tn|de
last week.
the convention
a _
i sptx-ial hangs on the wall or is displayed in
FOR SALE— 25 full blood Ancona
— —
Dr. and Mrs O. A Hem of 5406 feature of next Sunday evening's the windows of many of our var­ yearling hens and one rooter at 81 00
»‘2nd street, spent last week-end at service, All y uoneogpreuotu Y a ious busincM establishments. If all a piece. Call on Anna Fletcher. 6422
service, All young people are in will practice what this little placard 81st St., S. E., after 5 p in.
vited to meet with us in all our preacheth, soon a desirable change
Clifford Wilson is reported serious meetings
W ANTED Work by middle sge.l
for the better in business conditions woman, by hour or day. Cleaning
ly at the home of his mother, on
Corresponding Secretary in this locality is assured
56th avenue.
office?, laundry work, etc Apply
Apropos of the subject, at this 6411, 94th & E.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen of »2nd
time the publisher of this news
PASTOR CONVALESCING (Hiper wishes to say a few worda:
street have returned home after a
Wanted—Furnished house or house-
two months absence.
Mrs. C P. Blanchard. 6713 Powell Haiing recently purchased the Mt. J.eepmg rooms for two adults. W ould
: Scott Herald and its splendid equip­ I rent unfurnished deaicable amal
Mrs. Herman Rettig and daugh- Valley road, pastor of the 4th Uniter!
ment and added thereto an up-to- house. Enquire at Herald office. 27tf
ter. Ida, went to Seaside Tuesday
date. first-class typesetting machine,
to remain a week.
officially present at her church last
WANTED—Modern residence of
representing as well as new faces of
Sunday. This was the first appear
rooms, with at least two lota,
Jess Amsberry and family have ance of Mrs. Blanchard at services type and other printing material
in to Lents. Must be a bar
moved from 4821 64th street to a since her return from the hospital . galore, a cash investment well up in
the four figures, we believe we are gain. Cash deal. Apply at this of
new home in Reedsville.
about four weeks ago.
, entitled to the patronage of this com- flee.
Mrs. Powers of 56th avenue, re­
munity (not as an act of charity)
Plain Sewing
turned this week from a visit with
purely from :i business viewpoint.
done reasonably. R. R.
her father at Prosser. Wash.
We shall endeavor to do business, 3 Box 444. Foster road.
lard Avenue Presbyterian church the
28 4tx
Mrs. E. Smith of Washigton pulpit was filled by a former pastor, •on business principles—minus the
county, mother of Mrs. Emma Taylor Rev. W. H. Amos. In the evening 1 profiteering prices, and via, paren- <
of 86th street, passed away last the Rev Dr. Angus H. Cameron, thesis conduct the Mt. Scott Her-I
who has been suppling at this churvh aid in a manner that it may prove
for the past few weeks, spoke. Dr of material benefit, not only to its Growers of Seedling Cherries:
Mia. S. A. Cobb of Colton, Ore.,'
Cameron came to Portland recently publisher but prove a prime factor in I
Your children or others can
formerly of Firland, has been a!
from Coronado, Cal., where he was the business and social circles of make good money picking the
guest of Mrs. J. H. Zehrung at 7105 ■
engaged in the ministry, Previous- 1-ents and country tributary thereto fruit off seedling trees that is
48th street.
It is now* up to the patrons of;
ly to assuming the duties at Cor-
unfit for the market or cannery
Mrs. Ines Gulliks is attending the onado. Dr. Cameron was pastor of this paper, who are interested in
this community to organize and' just jumble them into a box
buyers meeting in Portland this week, Emmanuel church of Detroit, Mich.,
ami ship to us. We extract the
and selecting milliery goods for the a position which he held for 16 patronize home industries to thei seed for propagating purposes.
last cent possible. Otherwise, pre­
fall trade.
pare for Portland proper to swal­
Mrs. Berry of Oakland. Cal., is
Mrs. Jennie M. Smalley died at low us up in the near future -body,
visiting her son, S. C. Berry’ of her home 7504 60th avenue. Sat­ boots and breeches.
Orenco, Oregon.
4537 67th street, for an indefinitely urday, August 7 at 2:30 p. m. Her
extended time.
funeray service was held at Ken­
Harry Hamilton of San Francisco worthy’s chapel Monday, August 9 at
is making a somewhat extended visit 3 p. m. the Rev. Mr. Frye officiat­
with his mother, Mrs. Geo Wilson ing Mrs Smalley was 82 years old.
of 4823 64th street
Mrs. Martin Casey, Sr., daughter
Mrs. Janette Williams of Los An­ Nellie; Mrs. Martin Casey Jr., and
geles, is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. son Frederick, were guests of Mr.
T. Fossler, and mother, Mrs. Wor­ and Mrs. Geo. McArthur last Tues­
day, enroute to Fresno Cal., from
den, at 4923 29nd street.
Toppenish, Wash.
A chicken dinner will be given at j
St. Peter’s church Sunday, August,
“Turkey in the Straw.”
29, from 12 to 2 o’clock, at 91st
The editor Along Broadway was
street and Gilbert road. Tickets, 75c. once present at a recital in a small
New Jersey town,where a celebrate.I
C- D. Saunders, who was seriously
violinist was the principal perform­
injured at Dorenbecker’s furniture
As we were waiting at the
factory, is slowly improving and
to go to New York, a sta­
has returned home from the hos-
tion lounger sauntered up and, no­
ticing the violin case under the ar­
Mrs. Frank Wilson the popular tist’s arm, said unto him:
lady clerk in Coulter’s Grocery’ re- “Say, pardner, kin you play “Tur­
turned Monday evening from a two key in the straw’”
weeks outing and visit at and near
Bellingham, Wash.
“What did he say? asked the
Mrs Vera Pfeiffer and daughter, music lover.
Patricia, arrived in Lents from Seat­
“He said ’No’,” I replied.
tle, Wednesday evening, and will ' ‘“Why, that gink told don t know
visit a short time with Mrs. Pfeif- nothin,” was hee comment as he
feris aunt, Mrs. Geo. A. McArthur. walked away in disgust.
Perhaps some
Mrs. Henderson, Sr., and her phonograph has raised our standards
daughter, Miss Mildred of Michigan, of real musical appreciation.
are spending the summer as guests
“Turkey in the Straw” will be al­
of the former’s son, Frank Hender­ most a forgotton melody. But just
son of 80th street and 61st avenue.
now you will scarcely find a young­
“Turkey in
Among the out-of-town people ster who hasn’t heard
who attended the funeral of Mrs. the Straw” and essayed it on the
It has never been ren- |
Jennie M. Smalley of Woodmere harmonica,
snap and sparkle I
were Mrs. Bancroft of Seattle and
Re-Creation by;
Dr. Leonard Andrews of Astoria.
an old favorite, Billy Golden.
Little Clara Guidi, a four-year-old
Beauty and a River.
was buried Saturday the 7th from
There are a thousand things to re-
her home.
The interment, under
Kenworthy's direction, was made in member and to say about the ri ver.
which seems to be of IltUe use In the
Happy Valley cemetery.
half-dozen miles I kn ... best, after It
Ninety-second Street
Tabor 2295
The pet dog belonging to Warren has made Itself of gi
Chrisholm of 4735 70th street, was by serving to carry perhaps a dozen
recently killed by a passing auto­ or 20 mills, of one kind and anotl r.
Between Its dam it has a elvll z <1 and
subjected look, but below the In?«
Mrs. John Rogers and her daugh­ falls, nt the Landing. It apparently
feels Itself t<> be Its O’ :i master, anil
ter of 4605 70th street, were guests serves In no public capacity except t<
two days last week at the moun­ carry a boat
now and then, • • • 1
tain home near Rhododendre,' of think its chief use is Its beauty, till'1
Dr. Webster.
that has never born ns I’ldely app e
S O. Jcwe t
cia'ed as It ought to !•
For sale—Some fine pigs at re­
sonable price, if tak-m soon, Call
‘fahor 1822. Address C. F. Zinser
Recently the Mt Scott Herald
P No- 3 Portland
31 32.x
printed handsomely, in two color?
and distributed gratuitously to the
various business houses of L^nts an-1
•hen sturdy pioneers were hewing out a home
vicinity a placard suitable for hang­
•nd an existence In the West, the manufacture of
Owing to the H. C- L. and partic­ ing on the wall or placing in the
ularly the increase of cost of every­ window, containing the following:
thing necessary for the publication
of a newspaper, we are compelled
Because—my interests are here.
to insist that subscriptions to the
Because—the community that is
Mt. Scott Herald must, on and after good enough for me to live in is
August 10, be paid in advance, good enough for me to buy in.
i begun. Today the name FULLER
____ ____
paint manufacturing on the Paci Lo Coast—a name that'hás kepi
While the price is a very insignifi-
Because—every dollar spent a*
faith with quality for 71 years.
cant sum to the individual, it means home stays at home and works for
Made tor the Pacific Northwest, FULLER Paint to the best for
a hardship to the publisher to carry the benefit of the community.
your house or building.
Because—the man I buy from f»ay
delinquents. While the majority of
our subscribers readily respond at his part of the city and county taxes
the expiration of the year, by inves
Because •the man I buy from
ti gat ion we find that there are just helps support the school, my church.
Northwest Brandies st
enough in arrears to embaías our my lodge, my home,
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma,
bank account if this system of do­
Because—I believe in transacting
ing business is continued. A prompt business with my friends.
response to this gentle reminder will
Because—the man I stand back of
be truly appreciated.
stands back of the goods he sells.
Classified Ads
For Sale at Coulter’sGrocery
W. P. Fuller & Co
7s coming!
¡ he celebrated soprano
will appear in person at an
invitation concert-—in the
Yeager Theatre.
Monday Evening
September 13th
She will lie assisted by Victor Young,
pianist. Rotiert Velten, violinist, and by
“The Phonograph with a Soul.”
This appearance of the great opera star
in Lente will be the event of the season for
lovers of good music.
F ree T ickets
Call, write or telephone uh for free ticket*
of admittance. They will be issued in
order of application.
Mt. Scott Drug Company
Ninety-second Street, Lents
n.&H. GARAGE ■ ■■■
JUST A FEW LINES-think them seriously over:
In regard to your “Lizzy, ” if you are her lover.
She needs overhauling, from one end to the other,
the same as her sister, father and mother. Her
brother was in for a Lee cord tire, her sister is
here for some spark plugs and wire. Her cousin is
badly in need of a coil; her other relative}« are using
our oil. We carry a stock of things you use; sucn
as tires, tubes and inside shoes. Our lines are: Lee,
Crescent and Fisk our guarantee with them-you
take no risk. Your money refunded, if they don’t
satisfy. Just come down to the Junction and give
us a try.
You can get us by phone, day or night.
Hugo. Tabor 6168.
Ask for
■ ■
Ford, Maxwell, Chevrolet Specialists
Converting Old Into New
1’hats what oiri tire vulcanizing
does for you. Turns and old, worn
almost ready-to-junk shoe or tube
into practically p new casing or in­
ner tube. Douses, often tribles,
the life of tubes ¡ind tires and that
means much.ii> these days of thrift
and conservation.
Puts dollars
in your pocket, atoo.
AXEL KIL*5 a HL, Proprietor
Tahor 3429
8919 Foster Road
« ■