PROFESSIONAL CAROS Tabor 476« «2nd «trvel Otti«« : Talxir 8314 <>aanoM DR. P. J. O’DONNELL 1*ute. Ore. DR. A. (J. ATWOOD D I’. N T I M 1 Ollier, T«l«»r 6421 Hume, Talxir 40, 180 dentists were licensed to prac­ tice In Oregon. Of these, 184 were non-resident. The licenses of 81 den­ tists were revoked because of non pay­ ment of fees. July was an exceptionally dry month In Astoria and the lower Columbia river district, according to the records In the local weather observer's office. The precipitation for tbe month was .9 of an Inch. The special committee of state legit- ’atom appointed to Investigate the state game and fish commission will meet In Portland August 18 to hear anyone who has a complaint to make against the commission. While testing out a forest service radio outfit at Eugene, human voices were picked up by the Instruments. It was learned that the voices came from Portland through a wireless tele­ phone apparatus In that city. Fire destroyed the Strange Shingle company's mill, four miles from the city limits of Portland on the Llnnton road, and burned four dwellings, four bunkhouses and a boarding house, with a total loss of about *80.000. The Klamath Falla council has de­ cided not to remove dice and card games from pool rooms and other pub­ lic places but will smend existing or­ dinances by providing for revocation of license In case gambling is allowed. All organisation commanders of the Nstlonal guard of Oregon have been authorised by Adjutant-General White to suspend drills during the harvest season so that guardsmen may help gather the Oregon fruit and grain crop. Attractions of boat races, automo­ bile races, a carnival and the biggest agricultural, horticultural and indus­ trial exhibit of Many yeara will fea ture this year's Wasco county fair to be hold at The Dalles October 4, I, 6 and 7. the Southern Pacific railroad track near the station In Sutherlin. He ap­ parently had met death accidentally by being run over In getting off of a night train Fire protection at Roseburg and Medford 1* declared Inadequate by G W. Stokes, an investigator for ths tats fire marshal*» department, la Itoseburg Stokee found only 63 hy­ drants. There should be twice that number, be aaya Wbat Is said to be the largest still yet ceptured In Oregon was raided near Newberg by federal revenue of­ ficers who seized 15u gallons ot corn moonshine whisky and 800 gallons of corn mask. The still was saty to have a capacity of 100 gallons a day. Philip (XI, 45. a farmer of Hubbard, was killed almost Instantly when bls light touring car crashed through the railing of the bridge over Pudding river, Just outside of tbe city limits of Aurora, on the PacWlc highway, and fell a distance of about 40 feet. Because of the tendency of members of the dental profession to come from the eastern stales to the west, while few go from the west to Ute east, the statu board of deutal examiners has placed Its disapproval on a proposed reciprocal exchange of dental licenses. Officials of the socialist party have filed tn the office of Ham A. Koxer, secretary of state, certificates of nom luatluu of candidates for presidential electors, secretary of state, dairy and food commissioner and comtnlsaioner of the public service commission for tbe western Oregon district. Not leas than *858.000 will be net­ ted this season to loganberry growers within a radius of ten miles of Ralem. according to an estimate of J. L. Van Doren. berry buyer of Salem. The crop disposed of at a figure suf­ ficiently high to bring this amount is estimated at 8.600.000 pounds. While cutting hay on his farm a few days ago Fred lx>ckwood, a rancher of the North Fork country In tho western end of Mne county, cut off both feet of hla 3 year-old daughter, who was playing In the tall oata. The little girl was not seen by her father until an Instant before the alckle hit her. Following the breaking of a dike at Brownsmead in the eastern part of Clatsop county, approximately 300 acres of fine farm land were Inun­ dated and damage estimated between *7000 and *6uoo has resulted. About 300 feet of tbe dike collapsed as a result of the sand foundation giving away. Waaco county's population, accord­ ing to census figures, Is 13.648 men, women end children. An apparent decrease ot 2788 since the 1910 cen sus, totaling 16,336 persons, la, ex­ plained by the county being redigjrlct- ed and nearly one-third of the resi­ dents transferred to another county ■Ince 1*10. The casualty report of the state In­ dustrial accident commission for the week ending August 5 shows a total of 534 accidents, of which four were fatal. Tbe fatalities were George Bow­ man. Sheridan, truck driver; N. H. Fennell, Algoma, lumberman; J. Hous­ ton, Klamath Falla, miller; J. A. Blair, Knapps, logger. Waaco county has the pureet field of turkey red seed wheat in Oregon, according to reaults of a state-wide wheat certification trip recently com­ pleted by Professor G. R. Hyslop, of Oregon Agricultural college. The wheat was raised by Albert 8. Roberts at his Boyd ranch and graded 99.98 per cent pure for seed purposes. The hop orop In most localities near Albany Is good, and some growers pro­ nounce It the beat In many years. Some owners of yards say this year’s yield will be double that of last. Pick­ ing will begin in the yards near Al­ bany about September 1. In yards near Harrisburg picking will be un­ der way a week or two earlier. Olaf Anderson confessed to Coroner Hughes and Deputy Coroner Karlson of Clataop county that he was respon­ sible for his wife's death by drown­ ing Saturday In the Columbia river near Tongue point. According to Cor­ oner Hughes, Anderson admitted shov­ ing his wife from the boat In which hla wife and their 4-year-old son were riding. Work on the Link river dam. which will control the storage of upper Klam­ ath lake, will start at once, according to J. C. Thompson, division manager of the California-Oregon Power com­ pany. A construction camp has boon established and a crew of 100 men will be at work within a few days. It Is estimated that the dam will cont 880,- 000 and will be completed next year. There are In Oregon 3493 adult Jap­ anese who own 2815 acres of land and lease 7911 acres more. Business Investments of Japanese In the stato have a value of *860,000. Since 1913 there has been a nominal decrease In realty holdings of tbe Japanese of *7* acres. Such are the figures compiled by the Japanese association of Ore­ gon and submitted to the'eongression- al committee on immigration and na­ turalisation. which haa been holding Investigations in California and Wash­ ington dealing wl«h the problem of ad- mlsaluu and laud tenancy of orientals. 0..... ■ ■>'< hiihiihihi NM*MMMIMMMM*II9 Williams Realty Co. »Sass»! PAYS EDUCATION K o. wiLiiini-i. e . ninorT” You h»n the property; wehave the buyer. List witbus for results. FOB THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 160,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the public With Common School Education 4 Chances With High School Education ... 87 Chances With Collegs Education.......... 800 Chances lebor 49J4. trsy'» Crstilas, FwUssd ________ J A re You Giving Your Child His Chance? W HITE LEGHORN ONE YEAH OLD HENN. I DELIVER IN REASON­ ABLE DISTANCE. THOSE STATES ARE WEALHIEST THAT NAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College call Tabor 0895. 6848 84th St., ' S. E. ✓ Poter I.arwu B Throug h “Liberal and Practical Education" pre- Cares the Young Man and Young Woman for Fse^ul Citizenship and Successful Careers in Wiatera KERN PARK REALTY COMPANY AURKI'LTIIRE COMMERCE •7*7 tUMLK MO AD PortlMiul. Orc. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO Spirella the World’s Best Corset THE REGISTEH, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. >*•«**«• I.MRS. A. STEINMAN haa exclusive selling privileges In tbl* ■ territory for Hplrella Corsets. ■ n Pitting* guaranteed. Service In your home. Your biialne»» solicited and appre­ ciated. Phone before 9 a. in. Automatic 261-11 then call 1813 Bea. U22 UOlh St. l-ente Ex. Auto. 1322 Stand Phono Marshall 28U3 ■ ■ Mt. Scott Transfer Co. < > REAL EMTATE CITS PBOPgKTI «nd PAKMS 1’iion«: Tabor 9142 5019 72ud Street FIR LAND STATION K. C. Wilson WIDHO.N'K AI TO SERVICE Your Sati»fa<-lk>ii--Our Advertiaenicut Tabor 3O7C 591* 82nd St., 8. E. Will promptly fill your orders from up-to-date GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES. TABLE DELICACIES and other Good Things TO EAT. We carry FLOUR and FEED. Special attention given to phone orders, and a New and Dependable Deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. OUR AIM is to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. ■ ■ ■ Ninety-second Street | fnntral Directors LAUER REALTY CO. All Work l.iuirauU-eil and Done at PimMlble Price» ■ N. D. Kenworthy $ Company RENTALS P. G. Witeon The Lents Mercantile Co. Phone Tabor 1141 J. ». Miller. Prop. Plano and Furniture Moving Baggage and Expreaa Daily Trip» to Mt. Scott and Lents Agi lor Hoik spring* and Klug Coal Slaml: El ret aixl I ay lor I'orllaiid DOAN8 HOME ECONOMICS VOCATIONAL FDCCATION MININO FORESTRY The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION. MUSIC, ENG­ LISH. MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and Other Essentials of a Standard Technical Cellege Course FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. TUITION FREE cm piiornrrv a kpixjiai / ty Fnrua« and Acr«a<«. CuilecTtona, Loams, Kautala aud ßu ai ne a a Chaucaa I*1 mmi 4* î M ü -43 ENOINEEMNtJ PHARMACY I First-class Service given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals' at a Minimum Expense 5802-4 92nd St. Lents Sta. Tabor 5267 ARLETA STUDIO «431 Fueler Howl W« photograph anything, snywhore, tUue. Your boiu*. your family, your baby. Eggiman s Meat Market Knlarxomrnla and Copying Dene Open from * a. in. to 9 p. m. Sundays 9 a. m. to 5 p. in FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS AND FISH BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP Frank Babnik. Prop. *121 l\>stcr Hoail Vegetable» and Fruits Butter and Eggs Baby carriages repalr.xl and re- Ured. Lawn mower» and saw» repaired and nharpmed. IPhone Tabor 2573 C. E. TILLMAN 5919 Ninety-second Street REAL ESTATE 9106 Woodstock Ave. Lents, Oregon Good list of resilience prop­ I erty, farms and small acreage. Also grocery and confectionery stocks for sale. D Try Us For Quick Results Notary Public r Pastime Pool Hall D. M. McDADE, PropT Has opsned at 5940 Ninety-first St., nsxt door to the Yeagar theatre, where patrons will find Soft Drinks, Confectionery Tobacco and Clears Three large pool rooms in connec­ tion. Come in; get acquainted. Quality Goes ClearThrou^h SUU Moving T ouring C ar ROSE QTY VAN -—Small Gatoline Contumption The One-way-Charge Company The present gasoline situation is not so seriously effecting owners of DORT cars because the DORT averages from 20 to 25 miles to the gallon of gasoline. For many other reasons, too, the DORT is the most desir­ able car, for example, its economy on oil and tires and its very low cost of operation. S*o Us For . . . WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1424 0 61 8222 Foster Rd I Each DORT i» at good at the bett ever made. KEARNS BROS. WOOD SAW Call Ta b o r 4 0 6 The Lents Garage AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor D. J. 0*C0NN01 REAL ESTATE AUTO FOR HIRE 6102 85th St. Ltnts Station Phone : Tabor 6397 8919 Foster Road Tabor 3429 (AlS^ P.O KJ JM OT O K C A K C O M r A N Y