mt. Scott herald The sewer on «2nd street is now Y. P. A. Holds Business Meeting finished and that street has once The Y. P. A. of the Lents Evan­ more been opened to traffic from Fos­ gelical church held their monthly Published Every Friday at Lents business meeting at the home of H. R. ter road to Powell Valley road. Station, Portland, Oregon. Scheuerman, Tuesday evening. Due» Mrs. Frank Snuffin of Lennox ave­ ing the business session, delegates GIO. A.McARTHl R ............. Propriacor I C.W. SMITH . Assistant Manager nue. who has been confined to her were elected to attend the convention H. G. GUILD Local Editor lux! for more than a month past, is at Jennings Lodge camp ground, Aug ust 4 and 5. A good social time was Entered as second-class mail mat­ still quite sick had and refreshments consisting of ter February 14, 1*14, at the post­ office at Lents, Oregon. under act of Congress, March 1. 187*. J. Goschie has painted the house belonging to Mrs, 0. A, Updike, on Gilbert road, greatly improving the 11.00 a year appearance of the place. Subscription price 5811 Ninety-second Street Phones: Tabor 78*4. Oregon hns 65 varieties of commer­ cial wood. We need more factories in the state to work up the commer­ cial wood. MICKIE SAYS Born, to Mr. and Mrs A. O. Lin­ wood, of Chehalis, Wash., Thursday, July 8 an 11 1-4 pound girl The l.inwoods formerly lived east of Lents on the Gilbert road. OvO tXKN SCRvXkrS ALU»» AS UOV4 Ut AlNT ÔOIMTK DO XVOftt £xDVt«'V\'iiSkS UNTTU. Ug sosAg. atsours fo . o » a - tu ' SWSU OU TU' EltPvAAuT TUAT PAID <7 FOR. TU TWAV XMUVU TU' ORCA)« VJkS wtRi Let’s be sure your tires are right; ff not; yet new ones at our reduced price, or see our line of repairs for tubes, reliners, boots and patch outfits. ! ■ ■■ ■ J VST 90 1st Bur — Who Is he? ta<* Bur — One of those fly cops you hear about. X gu Mrs. F. R. Peterson and daughter Miss Nina, left Lents Monday night for an extended visit with relative» in South Dakota. They expect to be gone until early fall. • The street car company has been improving its roadbed between l«ents and Gray's Crossing this week, by substituting new ties and otherwise ixing up the track. "You would be surprised at the number of articles left in the theatre here every night,” said the janitor of the Yeager theatre, the other morning, as he swept off the pave- mennt. “They comprise everything from coats, handkerchiefs, packages, ADDITIONAL LOCALS wearing apparel, combs, umbrellas gloves to a hairpin. One lady left The Associated Industries of Ore- a pair of overshoes here over a year gon will soon launch another cam- ago. She said she would call for them paign. but they are still here. Frances Schmidt of 6216 93rd Jimmy Henderson Breaks Arm street, who was seriously ill with whooping cough, is recovering While picking cherries on his father’s farm out in Happy Valley, Herbert Peterson returned early Thursday forenoon, Jimmy Hender­ this week from a two weeks visit in son, aged 13, son of the superinten­ Seattle, Tacoma and other Sound dent of the Lents postoffice, fell from cities. a tree to the ground a distance uf Fred Boster and family expect to about 12 feet, fracturing the right leave this week for Seattle, Wash. fore-arm. The boy was brought to Mr. Boster id a brother of Mrs. Ash town where the fracture received medical attention. of the Lents Delicatessen shop. Lee The best season for pleas­ ure in your car is NOW. cantaloupe and Bing cherries were served, Special music is one of the We hav Enamel and Polish features of every Sunday evening ser­ vice. too that makes them shine. Topic July 18, “Why People Are Unhappy: The Cure.” All welcome. The Annual Camp Meeting will be­ Evangelical Association. gin at Jennings Lodge t'amp Ground, At the Lenta Evangelical church July 27, , and will continue over Aug- ust 5. .Mr. Culver will be glad to Sunday at 11 a. m. the pastor will furnish infocmation to any one re- speak on "The remedy for the world« garding camping privileges. need.” At 8 p. m, the subject will be •'Some dangers of placing vi»lue~ oTv A wild eyed lunatic, armed with a pitchfork, escaped from the asylum at Salem last week, and is at large somewhere in the northern part of Marion county. NtfXUS ADO GASOLINE SITUATION BETTER animals rather than souls.” Dairy cow» of Tillamook county received the highest rating in the Northwest in tests made by Washing­ ton State College. An average of 906 pounds of milk per cow per month was made by 762 cows of this county. The Sunday School meets at 9:45 a. m. and the Young Peoples Alliance at 7 p. m. If you are not attending Sunday services we will be pleased to welcome you at the Evangelical church. . F. P. Coulter and wife and John Graves and wife made an auto trip to Ariel, over in Washington—104 miles distant from l-ents—last Sun­ day. Mrs. Coulter remained for a week to visit with Mrs. Summers for a few-days. ttoe latter at one time be­ ing a resident of lx*nts. COULD FILL THE BILL Fly: Hey Wil­ lie Firefly, they want a bright boy down where I live. Why don't you after the lob. : ■ ! Ajax EAGLE GARAGE IN THE CENTER OF LENTS H. & H. GARAGE 103rd St., and Foster Road : We do strictly first-class Auto Repairing all : WORK GUARANTEED I Unlimited Guaranteed Tires at a Big Discount ■ : : ■ i Fisk and Lee Tires We carry a complete stock of 4c- cessories. We buy and sell cars. Jhe Lents Mercantile Co C. E. TILLMAN REAL ESTATE A SAD STATE. Why. what is the matter, Mabel, you look like you didn't have a friend? That is it ex- I "have actly. about as many as an friends alarm clock. A new gun bought by the French government has u range of 120 tulles, and France doesn't say whom she’d like to try It on but she doesn't have to. 9106 Woodstock Ave. Lents, Oregon Good list of residtence Pr,,P ertv, farms and small acreage. Also grocery a ml confectionery stocks for sale. : : Will promptly 'ill your orders from up-to-diite GROCERIES. ERESH FRUIT. VEGETABLES. TABLE DELICACIES and other Good Things TO EAT. We carry FLOUR and FEED. Special attention given to phone order*, and a New and Dependable Deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. Try. Us For Quick Results ANOTHER Big Saturday Special THE CABLE REALTY CO WE WANT LISTINGS OF HOUSE« FOR SALE Also Farms and Acreage 582* 72nd Street Southeast Phone Tabor 2475 OUR AIM is to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. Ninety-second Street Phone Tabor 1141 I Watch Your Step WHITE LEGHORN ONE YEAR OI.D IIENN. I DELIVER IN REANON- \BDE DISTANCE. Watch your step, as you step on­ ward in life’s journey! And your step will lie more certain, if a bunk uccount bucks up the "going.” A St. I.enta Bl. Auto 1322 Stand Phon«* MarahiiH 2WD3 Mt. Scott Transfer Co. J S. Miller. Prop Plano and Furniture Moving Baggage and Express Dally Trips to Mt. Hcott and lx>nts Ast. lor Rock Spring» ami King Coal Stand; I ust and Taylor Portland Lents Station Portland, Oregon _______________j < “Classifed Ads.” Bring Results ■ a HEMSTITCHING DRKBSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS Pikes Reasonable MRS. E. G. CORLOW ««37 «7111 Street KKKN PARK LOANS RENTALS LAUER REALTY CO. REAL estate CITY PROPERTY «ml FARMS Phone; Tabor 9142 5018 72ml Street FIRLAND STATION Good Paint Insurance never look upon it Qs on expense. Try our splendid 35c Coffee; it will please. P. G. Wilson K. C. Wilson WILSON'S AITO NERVI«'E For Service, Prices and Quality Our Store Cannot be Excelled Doors Open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. We operate a First Class Butcher Shop. Our Meats are All of the Best. MARKET OPEN SUNDA YS from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. WE DELIVER THE GOODS. LENTS JUNCTION Mercantile Co COR. 1O3D STREET AND FOSTER ROAD : Notary Public r ♦ I ■■■ All Work «•iinrautccd and Done at lament Possible Prices Your Snri«fa<’tloii--Oiir Advertisement ¡Tabor *07« 5919 «2nd St.. S. E. ARLETA STUDIO MS4 Foster Road We photograph anything, anywhere, any time. Your home, your family, your baby. ■enlargements end ( npylag l>ene Open from 9 a. m. fo II p. m. Mnndnya 9 a. m. to A p. in. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP Frank Babulk, Prop. »124 F’ostvr Road Baby carriages repair,»] and tired. Lawn mowers and saws repaired and sharpened. w GOOD paint Thousand* of Dollars are lost yearly throughout the Pacific North- r~ . * W68t by property owners who fall to protect their houses and buildings with paint. FULLER Paint saves many thousands of dollars yearly to property owners. It saves a great deal more than ft costs. Insure your property against the ravages of the elements with FULLER Paint. Take a few minutes and look over your property today. Northwest Branch Houses at Portland, S e a 111 e, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise. Loolt Up a FULLER Dealer In Your Town !