T CARDS OREGON NEWS NOTES PROFESSIONAL OF GENERAL INTEREST MUSH Wad Htrset Tabor 4154 DR. C. S. OGSBURY DMNTiaTRV Lend, MMuR Otto* : Tabor 3214 Itae. Tabor : HIM DR. P. J, O’DONNELL OÈIMTIST (Jor. MM and Foster Bond. I nmi I*. Ora. DR. A. O. ATWOOD DBNTIST j Pbouas: »307 Poetar R<«d Of lice, Tsbor M21 Home, Tatmr 4004 Portland Oregon H. P. ARNEST ATTOnXBT AT UW notary ruM.ic MMOfc Ninety-sqquud Street Phone : Taltur* 2166 t*uto Hta., near car ho* P ortian », Os. s ■" MT. MOTT MH m HC, l o . o . S’. Meets «vary Tuemlay evening at 7:80. Visitors W«leome W. BOHM. N. G. W. E. GotXIINM, Mecretary EHRLICH A BERNHARDT TAILORS I a A dikn * and gentn * ar rm MADE TO ORDER I m toe I Hl y lee in spring Gap* VISA Foster Road Next Dour to Poatuffice Lents Welding Shop (rij-AiTirlrtbf—Brasi»* Aluminum Cooking Utensil* W«l.H. T. Arnest, mother of W. H. Smith, Echo farmer, waa the attorney may come up from Leb­ killed oa hie ranch by Mayor Ana B anon and keep house for hltne. Mr. »a. ot Echo, who went to aid Apnest still retains his law offle«* — Sheriff In arreotthg Smith oa 'tn the Addlton building. Mra. Mary B. Howe, who Itvee on «bargee of robbery and aaaault. Receipt* of the motor vehicle depart- 41 st street near Division, has just sold her residence and store at Gray*« maat at the Mate government for the Crossing to G. It. Williams. Her son month of May. 1820, totaled JS9.684. George Howe, who Is a lumbermaYi according to a financial «tatement pre­ residing near Marshfield, Coos County, «»« greeting old friends at »2nd streM pared by th« secretary of «tote. Unprecedented Increase la buelaeea and Woodstock avenue, last Friday. Mr^aad Mrs. WlUiauas and little son during the peat fbw i recently can«* fro®1 California They ad the reason for th« capital Mock of the Fhe* compaay «f Salem from 11,500,000 to 14,000,000. A number of men of Coburg and vlclsltj were cited by Deputy Sheriff Crener to appear before Dtotriet At torney Ray aad explain why they have not obtained «tote llcoane* for their dog*. Wnahlngton county Holateta brood aro heli g Hold msetlug Ob'tbe farm pt H. Martin, near Eddy. Mr. Martin 4*^a tav<«f thorough-bred sattl*. 'A formerly livid la Lents. REAL ESTATE Good lint of reaidence prop­ erty, farm« and «mall acreage. Also grocery and confectionery •lock« for «ale. Try Ua For Quick Raault* Notary Public CLEANING PREtWING DYEING We Cail For and DeHver BULLOCK’S Tbe e«ly Cleaaar «a4 Dyer la tbe Mt. Scott District 0400 Foetov Rd. THE CARLE REALTY COMPANY For IG- mu II m FARM ACREAGE WANTED 5»28 72nd Htreet Southeast Phone Tabor 247» WHITE LEGHUHN OME YEAR OU) HEMH. 1 DEI4VER IN REAHOM- ABLE DUTANCK. call Tabor 6895. 6848 84th St., S. E. For EXPRESS AND MOVING < all Tabor sues I axm I and Long litstanc* Hauling ot all kinda. 1-eav* Order«-at Parfootton Confec­ tionery, cor. 82nd and Foater Road. JOHN E. DEARDORFT P. For the purpone of dlM-uMtag the wool aad mohair mar hat aituatlon and th* organisation of a county wool aad mohair growers’ association, a «erles of meetings of growers of wool and mohair will ho held In Linn county thl* week The fight of the Dalla« church«* to close the moving picture theater« In the city on Bunday waa log« when the cltlaon« of the town In a «pedal Heé- tlon decided they wanted the Bunday evening «bowo by a vote ot 407 t* SS4, ending a bitter fight. A largo amuaement hall and several homes for employee of the Oregon Lumbar ompany ar* being oenitructed at Batea, a lumber eamp on the Sump ter Valley railroad, by the lumber cor­ poration, In an effort to better living condition* and afford recreation to It« »mpleyoa. Between 8000 aad 7400 pheasant egg« are to be hatched this year at the state game farm at Eugene, aa- cording to State Game Warden Burgh­ duff. At present 1300 young bird« an out aad MM eggs are under the hen«. The Corvallla farm will ato* «roduáb about 7004 birds thl* J»a». B. KENT t'arpcnUT Cor. 8004 Woodatock Av«, and 80th Street AU, KINDS REPAIR WORK Agency Right-Grade Cedar Shingles in any quantities. Re*. «125 «Oth Avenue Tabor Htand Phone Main 714 ML Scott Transfer Co J. 8. Millar. Prop. Piano and Furniture Moving Baggage and Exproae Dally Trips to Mt. Bcott aad Le Agent for Kook Springe and Kin* Coal Stand: Find and Taylor Stai Moving e a U« For WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1494 D61 8222 Footer Rd i c J. A. CORNES GROCERIES Frail« «nd Produce la Beases. Cigars. Tobacco. Soda Feuadaln Open All Day Bunday. Eggiman’s Meat Market FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS AND FISH Vegetables and Fruits Butter and Eggs Lents, Orogon Special - Prices On. Ladie’s and Gentlemen’s Suits. Call and inspect the beautiful new patterns to choose from while the lines are' complete. JOHN MANZ Ice crea.ni only 1« open on 8unday B. Wister» Rental, and Boatness Chuscos Pitone 810-43 Portland. Ore. Freshest Eggs and Finest Butter TITCHING AND ALTHBATIOM* I Reasonable . G. OORLOW We photogrspb anything, aaywherk any Ums. Toar homo, feot family, • year baby. Knlars««sonts aad Cepytag Beae Open from • s. ok to * p. ■- Sundays • a. m. to 5 p. m. Butter and eggs have a highly nutri­ tivevalue and should have a prominent place on every table. But quality is an impor­ tant feature to watch. Rich, delicious butter adds greatly to the tastiness of the meal, and we always have plenty, both creamery and country made. Cheaper * grades for cooking. f Our eggs come in fresh every day—right from the poultry farms. Frank Babnlk, Prop. •IM fkarter Road Baby carriage« repalr.xl and ra­ ti red. Uwn mower« and «aw« repaired and sharpened. CESS POOLS DUO ALSO WELLS Box 846 Route 8 Arnaud Station F. Dunsmuir k And we charge no more than you would pay elsewhere for in­ ferior quality. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP MRS. A. STEINMAN ha« excl delve selling privilege« In thi* city health offtoor, han tanued a warn­ territory for Splrella Coraeta. , Fitting« guai rnateed. ing to all uni* of city our houitL . Service in your the water for cobbing Your busineae solicited and appre­ purposes until a sample of tbe water baa bna analysed by tbe Mat* beard ciated. Automatic Phone before I a. m of health. 211-11 then call ISIS !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! TBL. TABOB tUl RBWTALB In a signed canfeMion reiterating LOANS Statement« made previously to folio« LAUER REALTY CO. convicts but tho truth of which wera REAL ESTATE. doubted by Dr. R. Lee Htelner, until CITI PHOPIBTY As4 FARMS recently superintendent of the peni­ Pheas: Taber S143 tentiary, Jamee Ogle, now serving • .1018 T2ad Street FI RIBAND STATION life oentonce In the Institution for th* murder of J. N. Burgess «nd Georg* P. G. Wilson K. C. Wilson E. Porringer of Fondleton In Multnb- WILNON’S AITO SERVICES tnab county lk*t November, has as­ sumed ail blame for tbe «hooting of the two men and exonerated David Bmitlt and Waiter Bannaater aa tar aa the actual killlag was concerned. Smith and Bannaater also are under life sentence for the part they played ARLETA STUDIO la the murder* *434 Foater Road SpireHa the W orld’« Best^Cbmet r ROSE CITY VAN Houea* for Sala Instructor of Popular RAGTIME AND CLA88ÎC8 107 East 60th St. Phone Tabor 1115 L1M Tour Property with AXEL KILD AHL, Proprietor 6919 Ninety-second Street. a KERN PARK REALTY COMPANY MRS. J. M.- IXJVKJOY The Lents Garage tFhone Tabor 2573 » Peter I-arsea ml4-jl4 he tells us over the phone. "Can you come and help me out?’ “Sure,” we reply. “Where?’ “Oh, about ten miles out.” “All right, we’ll be there and fix you up.” Inside of an hour our repairmen hre out there on the job, and if it’s not too bad, Mr. Autoist is on his way. Or we tow his car back for repairs. Tabor IMS Any sise, from 9 rooms up. *1*1 FOSTU BOAD First payment 6100 or mort. CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Balance eàaÿ. ■' See Kennedy and Farms «ad Acreage Colleettba». Loess. Wilcox, Tabor 4811. I'VE HAD AN ACCIDENT »10« WoodMock Aw, ANNOUNCEMENT Mra. Richardson will close the ParUr Kiianery at 8004 88th street from July 1 to September 1. In th* meaatima all «ummer hate will oattl« Judging ooatset for both adult* be doaed out regardle«« of coat. m28 J25 aad boys was Wiki. at the Sixth Avenue Grocery, •nd take • look at our fresh veg­ etables. fresh eggs, nice line of salt meats, canned foa^s. fruit,! etc. Corteous Treatment and Because a large number of can* at good values. Location at 8614 lllneao frota «tomach trouble have do- Woodstock ave. Phone Tabor vel not the eheap kind, but the good kind Local and Personal C. E. TILLMAN Telephone Orders Given Prompt Attention Lents Mercantile Co Phone: Tabor 1141 5805 92nd St TKeUerald does all kinds of Printing