mt. Scott ficrald A. I*o Stevens, a balloon expert The housewives will. In cleanlug out the house, throw away or burn greet at Fort Omaha. say» that In order to quantities of waste. The lessons help Prof. David Todd communicate learned during the war should not he with Mara he will endeavor to pilot forgotten; let It toe borne In mind that hls balloon to an altitude of 50.(100 feet, the reclamation of waste Is a problem or «omev hat lees than ten miles At which Is not only fitted for war times that great height he will be practlra'ly but for the time» of peace as well. next door to Mara, which Is only about The argument which may be advanced 48.0Utl.0U> miles from the eartit. Uoiu- from time to time that the utilisation munleatlon ought to he easy. of waste material In times other than "Man's time Is what he makes It war Is not necessary Is fallacious. be cause it Is essential that some means worth by work." observes the Toledo of offsetting the high cost of living be Blade. And It may be added that found. Do not waste, but turn it back without work a man's time 1» worth Into the channels of commerce, says less than nothing, since It Is devoid Indianapolis News. You will be sur­ of usefulness and extracts from hls Ilfs prised at the money that can be de­ his tally excuse for living. rived by turning over nil character of old papers, mgs. rubber, metals and A aoidler lately applled for treat- other odds and ends Io the Junk deal­ ment st a Philadelphia hoepltal bear- ers. who will tn turn start this waste Ing an offlelal certlflcate tluit lie dled back Into useful trades. wlth honor In the service of his cotin- try. The best treatment for him ca Excited people who gather about that recommendation ought to have city shops and talk parlor bolshevism been a dead certainty. should not eutertaln the delusion that they constitute or even represent the Bolshevism follows up Ita political United States. Ninety-nine out of a and Industrial poison gas with bullets hundred Americans now regard bolshe­ and flame projectors. Democratic na­ vism as a bad Joke, and they object tions cannot be blanted for sticking to to havlug any Joke—particularly a bad the ballot as a means of changiug gov­ one—carried too far. ernment. Published Every Friday at Lenta Station. Portland. Oregon. J. & UPDIKE C. W. SMITH Proprietor Manager Entered as second-claaa mail mat­ ter February 14. 1*14. at the poet­ office at Lenta. Oregon, under act of Congress. March I, 187». Subscription price - • <1.00 a year 581» Ninety-second Street Phones: Tabor 7824. MICKIE SAYS eux w»\ xMUsj Cbvh FOUAS VOOM. ONWt < eW OO CMMCLOVCC ¥» OAVUt ' n •aTwrsvAsurs ' n oa-Dcn. wum TUC^'SC OOtNrik «4CTO VNSTYAO VMZoTtva' UNTtv TVtUM'Rt kA. OUT 'M TUaM TV»' POOO. PQ am XVO.% 'N POOQ. lit hMCMtt T PttCCA 2 OUÄOM1 tv caoou oU *tóO.VO' • Both men and women In Russln are being compelled to register for work withoot distinction of class. This 1« not the paradise which was expected from the workingman's rule, say* Baltimore American. The people may wake to the >aalization that the soviets are more autocratic than the czar. AMERICAN WOMEN. Bhisco Ibanez, the noted Spanish writer, now In this country, startled a woman's meeting In Paris recently hy saying that American women were tired of the abject devotion of men. and longed for their particular man to show something of the cave man In hls characteristics. It Is said that Se­ ñor Ibanez must have got his impres­ sion of American marrtel life from the comic artists, one favorite picture of this class being that of the athletic wife waiting at the door with a rolling pin for her errant husband. One of the traditions of comic opera is the condition of terror in which men live with their wives, and probably this ha« been taken as an actual fact by many Europeans besides Senor Ibanez. Now no less a person than William Allen Neilson, president of Smith college, makes his voice heard by declaring that one of the main defects In worn an's education at the present day is the “too exclusive cultivation of the receptive attitude.” He warns stu­ dents that the greatest womanly fault is excessive docility, and urges them to seek to arouse doubt objection aud resistance. The success of growers of Egyptian cotton in the Southwest, particularly In Arizona, has been so great that the acreage to be planted this year prob­ ably will greatly exceed that of last year, which was approximately 90.000. The Egyptian cotton now being grown so extensively is a long staple variety which has come to be distinct from any long staple cotton grown In Egypt by reason of scientific plant breeding conducted by federal specialists. With the exception of Sea Island, now prac­ tically destroyed by the boll weevil, and the Meade, not yet established on a large scale, there is said to be noth- Ing In this country to compare wlth this American Egyptian cotton, Be­ cause of Its superior quality and es pe- dal fitness for making thread, auto mobile tire fabric, and other products, * strong demand for it has developed. Credit must be given Trotzky as an organizer He Is now applying to In* dustry the same stern methods by which he whipped his armies Into shape. With the aid of a new execu­ tive department of the soviet, the chief committee for general compulsory labor, he Is conscripting the male pop­ ulation. organizing ft on military lines Into a labor army, and actually mak­ ing the lazy Russians work at his speed for twelve hours a day. says San Francisco Chronicle. The discipline is said to be precisely the same as in his army: In other words, the firing squad Is the magneto of his labor engine. What a Joke It all Is on the proletariat, that thought It was going to work how. when and as little as it pleased. Two years ago I made a study of the heads of the one hundred leading In­ dustries of America, remarks Roger W. Babson in Independent. Those men are all multimillionaires and the lead­ ers In their Industry. Five per cent of them are the sons of hankers. 10 per cent of them are sons of merchants and manufacturers. 25 per cent of them are the sons of teachers, doctors and country lawyers, and over 30 per cent of them are the sons of preach­ ers whose salaries didn't average <1.500 a year. The National Geographic society •n nounces that the United States Is con sumlng nmcf oil than It is producing and it might have added that the sup­ ply of Americana willing to die in an attempt to keep the American hoM- Ings In the Mexican oil fields is also running a little low. That year of thirteen month«, each month of equal length. Is hopeless, When such a row Is stirred up over a single hour from April to October, what kind of a social earthquake would result from seeking to alter the month? A Frenchman has Invented a gun that will shoot 12" miles, When arili* lery like that begins to operate >0 cities the world may stage h real back- to-the-farm movement. What could the state do with all the money If every automoblllsl who ex- ceeds the speed limit, parks on tho wrong side of the street ami ••* any of the many other forbidden thing» were to be arrested and fined? The United States wants. In settle­ ment of the Turkish question, to pro­ tect the Armenians, Something will have tn he done about It promptly or there will be no Armenians left to pro rect. Propaganda never mnde a corn crop. That still remains the Job of the sun­ shine. the man. the mule and the plow. file ouija board Is a sort of census enumerator of fmvla SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE A IJIUIARY ON WHFFIA The public library 1s planning a weekly book delivery on two rural rout«« beginning in June, one to the •astern part of the county and one to the v casern. Tho library Ford has been equipped with shelves which will hold, on one aide books for grown people and on the other, books for chilikren.-a mlnature library on wheels. The book waron will nisk» regular weekly trips stopping at cer­ tain places according to schedule when patrons will bo on hand to se­ lect their books. and ordeh book* on special subjects. Tuesday will bo delivery day on the eastern route, the first trip was mtt.le on June »nd. uncording to the fol­ lowing time table. Gilbert school 10 a rt. owoll Valley and Buckley avenue. I toll:»0 a m. I^nch school. 1130 to 11:10 Rockwood. I to I Pleasant Valley school 8 to > 80 Melrose. 1:40 to 4:10 r FRIENDS CHURCH NOTES Beginning' at the regular time. 9:45. Sunday, our Sunday school opened with increasing interest. The responsive lesson reading was led by Mr. Erskin. Miss Terrell spoke with unusual power at 11 a. m. The meeting of ministry and oversight was held at the parsonage at 5 o’clock. Brother and Sister Irby, of Greenleaf, Idaho, sang two or three •elections previous to this meeting, which was an agreeable surprise. Immediately following Christian Endeavor, which begins at 7 p. m., Prof. Melody spoke of the summer vacation bible school to be held at the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church, beginning June 16. Miss Terrell was called from the evening service to the bedside of Mrs. Mann, who is seriously ill. At 8 p. m. Miss Spann delivered the message. We hope all Friends will plan to go to the yearly meeting at Newberg, which begins June 10. Regular quarterly meeting begins at First church. East 35th and Main streets, Sunnyside, June 3. Friends Sunday school program Friday evening at 8 p. m.. June 4. Also at Sunnyside. Children’s meeting Wedncseday on lawn of parsonage right after school. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. Business meeting at the close. We would like to urge, not only Friends, but those of other churches, who are interested, to come to our bible study class in the* annex on Wednesday evenings at 7:45. CANDIES MADE DAILY ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Richardson will close the Parlor Millinery at 6004 88th street from July 1 to September 1. In the meantime all summer hats will be closed out regardless of cost. m28-j25 SATURDAY SPECIAL Taffy 35c per pound 1 5114 Ninety-second Street Lents r The Lents Delicatessen Shop House« for Sale Any sise, from 2 rooms up. First payment $100 or mor?. Balance easy. See Kennedy and Wilcox, Tabor 4811. ml4-jl4 Comer Ninety-first and Carline Where you can get a good Home Cooked Dinner, one that you will relish. ■ In the Center of Lents We have a good buy for you in a Ford Touring Car, also a slightly used Chevrolet Roadster. LEE AND AJAX TIRES The Best Oils and Gasoline Good service and prompt attention Eagle - Garage IN THE CENTER OF LENTS Phone Lent» 2011 5820 Ninety-second Street Lenta Station JI. D. Kenworthy $ Company fnnerai Directors First-class Srvicee given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense 5802-4 92nd St Lents Sta Tabor 5267 ♦♦»»»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦eeaaaeo X MRS. W A. ASH Doll Up Your Car! ■ Eagle Garage Wanted. Five or six room houses for sale. Get in touch with Lauer Realty Co.. 5018 72 street. Firland station Phone Tabor »14». m20 J8. X HOME MADE FIES AND CAKES MADE FRESH EVERY DAY 4RI.ETA BAin iNTh G4> OVEB will apeak upon ths youth of Jesus. TUT IN IHIH'H DRIVE The subject, "Growing Up." . ..It». ths evening at I p m. Mr Day The Ariola Hu pt 1st church »»« al­ will deliver the first of four addraseo* lotted the sum of as ita quota on. "Fools and Their Pale." Ths first lr ths world movement and for its »ill l.r -I'h. I :<.itlatU'Hl Fool" The own church, It responded by rals- address will be short but forceful Ing <81.000. and additional pledget The chorus choir, led by Prof. J A are »till cum I ng Í in. The young people Finley, will give several choral num­ have started a weekly paper named bers. The concert will be welcoare to ■•Tlio Peptlmiat I." It la designed to those who have heard the proceeding take the place of the church eaten- concerts. Mr Finley la unparslled as der. and will | give the pastor vnd a leader and hls choir are willing workers n medium of expression. Mis* workers as well as cheerful and en­ Gladys Turner 1» the editor, and Geo thusiastic. T. Jennings assistant editor. »>» 'h department of the church la represant- Agent Wanted. etl by a reporter llev. Gwen T. I»ay has returned from t'olfax. Wash., latdy or gentleman agent wanted where he went to assist Ids father I» for the city of Lents. Sell the orig­ dedicating a new Baptist church. inal Watkins Products. Known everywhere. Write today. Watkins AIU.FTA BAPTIST < HUI« II Co.. 52 Winona, Minn. m7 J4. The Arletn Baptlat church will have n special service In honor of the cl tsa ■fine Mai«-. completing the grade» at the Arletn school, at the morning service, June 8. Two front wheels and tlrss for a The class will attend tn a body. The Ford. for snlv cheap. I». H Letcher. pastor of the church. Owen T. lov. Dial street and Gilbert road. * ■ ■ ■ ■ I Now is the time to Doll Up you car with a new coat of paint. We have all col­ ors of Patton’s Auto Gloss also Top Dressing. ■ ■ I : ■ ■ : I ■■ : LENTS GARAGE AXEL KILD AHL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 8919 Foater Road LETS HARDWARE COMPANY, Local Agents