» BALLOT No. ) ■y MINNII DKARBOBNC. <*. 1*1*. by M.Clar. N.«.*a*w SyadlMl. ) What does he think of the farmer? Was he ever a farmer himself? Does he care more for free seeds for city folks than for county agents for farm folks? Is he for the farmers, now that he's elected, or has he for­ gotten them? ¿1 TSe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ) has been hunting up the farmers in Congress—and, let me tell you, it’s like hunting for a needle in a hay­ stack. At any rate, it is finding out who are the farmers' friends, and that's something to know. In the itaue of TH* C ountry O kntlk MAN that will be out next week there*» a big article called "How Congressmen Vote." 1 wi»h you'd read it — it •ure i» an eye opener. There'» an election coming on, and t he farm m should know who are their friend» in Wash- ington T hs C ount * y GXNTLKMAN will keep you posted if you read It every week and fol­ low it* Washington di*- patches. . . . Best way to get them in by sub­ scribing Come» right to your mail Jjpx 52 times a year—a great, big farm weekly, full of fine, friendly articles. And it Cost* Only $1.00 for a Whole Year Mrs. Bessie Leitch Portland 5251 Eigbty-niothSt. S. E., 0 ELECTION* MAY 21 STATE ROADS Vote 302 X Yes For 4% State Road Bond Limit . — h r ir I X Yet i" "" ■ry 1 i ———-, ■ FIALLOT TITLE IS AS wuQTni —-r - i, t OONirrtTVTIONAL AMENDMRNT-KW« t « ì u , lh. **>*!• by Um Lo*telel>v. Awnrobly. u-f------------------------------ Arte I» XI »( lite Coiwiiisuon of Ute Stato ni Q—». ao ta ta DwmK th» F-temof tebtaaud UabUute. Including pravbT Xbto aa/tetehtto. for lb» pur ui— of building and molato, mn* p—i-rrn* roMb to lb» Otaounlot loutwr OMtrflb«». M Ml l*o p»r rani on now providadby l»v. \ no property tax - no direct tax NO INCI EASE II AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keep these three fact* in mind. The present auto _______ license f< ?sss and gMoihie tax will I pay both the principal and interrat on all the bond* r this amendaient, and will yield an annual surplus besides for other •Mel highway work. No additional taxation of any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE MATCHED must have sufficient Highway Fund* to match Federal spportion- cannot get the benefit of Federal money for Oregon Road*. âth» constitutional limit 1* a necessity. Unless limit is i.oreased road* cannot be completed for many, many yean, or tn tut be finished direct property taxation. Thia measure avert* direot property tax for state •ways and make* early completion possible. Let’* get the road* built now. I mmm fr*a Fr«mt S mkm UMricst t* Fiy PriMip*l rad I atamt tba* ravnoura hum auto Ue.na. t«a and nsollnn tex, without sad Interwt.aUra. bond., In «laariy tel •vwy rmiMhrad reter R4« Io State P l jHy It won. that no proj-rty tax I» raquirad nod lax wtU wdi iB principal aad Intoraçt and yield »uvplu» e BALLOT No. ¡87 Eagle - Garage H. P. Amest AUTO REPAIRING A HAPPY REUNION Our Congress- man Vote X 130 RICHARD DEICH Candidate for District Judge Department No. 2 Now Deputy District Attorney. "Over Seas Veteran.” Only candidate for thia depart­ COMMISSIONER ment who belongs to the Grange. REPUBLICAN, OF C0U&5E- Knows everyjfoot of Multnomah County. Knows the needs of the people. Paid adv. Kelly for Commissioner, Has practiced law for 10 years Cha*. B. Drake, treasurer, Broadway in Portland. Will make an ex­ Pd. Adv. Pd. * adv. cellent Judge. tv Jack Harding had two hour* to wait before bls train waa due to leave. Ho was sauntering along with th* crowd, when be felt ■ heavy band on bls shoulder, and turning around, bo was exceedingly surprised to greet hl* old friend and college chum, Dick Har­ rington. After the usual exclama­ tions and hearty hand-shakes. they proceeded to talk uf th*lr college day* and buslnee Interests, “Excuse me, 1 had quit* forgotten to inquire about Mr*. Jack Harding." Jack blew a puff of smoke Into the air, and turn- Ing to hl* friend, «aid: “Dick, I bare nover had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Jack Harding.” Dick looked at Jack with a qulsslcel smile, and a merry twinkle In bls dark eye* “After I heard that Jean and you Were en­ gaged. I expected every day to receive an Invitation to the wedding, and for some time I seanned the dallies to see where Jaok Harding had succumbed to the charm* of the beautiful Mias Jean Wetherbee, only daughter of Hon. and Mrs. Douglas Grant Weth- erbeo." Dick sudodnly closod his re­ cital, a* Jack moved uneasily, and teas­ ing his cigar away, exclaimed with ap­ parent *urprt*e: “Dick, Jean and I were very happy until her mother de­ cided to take Joan on a Buropean trip for several month*. After an absence of four months, which bad seemed a lifetime to me, I received word that they were about to return, to which I was looking forward to a happy moot­ ing with Jean, and vowed nothing would Heparute u* again. “Father called me into hl* office one morning and told me I must pack at one* and sail for England. It was of th* utmost Importance. The business had to be attended to at once. Father was not able to make th* trip. I was to remain away at least three months, and then go to Pari* for sev­ eral weeks. I tried In vain to per­ suade father to send Proctor, who had been for year* In hl* employ. Thoro waa nothing left for me to do but pack and leave on the next boat for Liverpool. “I had just time to attend to these details and write * hurried note of regret to Jean's home to be delivered to her on her arrival. I was not so busy but I found time to write every day to Jean, but all my letters were returned to me unopened. This made mo feel very down-hearted, a* 1 had explained everything. If Jean had only been reasonable and read my letters. It was Just five mouth* to a day when I returned to the States. “It