» Subscription, $1.00 a Year ,, j/^S , iti i> Meralù íBL LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 MARIE MORRISEY RECITAI PROVES MUSICAL TREAT OLD V1MER RETURNS TO OREGON TO STAY. T. J. Bohna, a citizen of th-.: 1 Damawcu» section for the past 50 ¡years and carrying his eighty years of age lightly, is visiting ¡lit» son, F. A' Bohna, 6310 94tli ¡street, having just return«*! from a two years residence in Pasadc- na, Cal. Mr. Bohna returns *o his farm near Damascus, with the Idea that after all, Oregon is about the best place in thc world. Hi- says that w*hih* California is a pleasant place to live, neverthe­ less it Is no placr for a poor man. Whil«- in Pasadena Mr. Bohna wrote for the Oregon papers hi* impressions of California life, with comparisons favorable to ( Ire gon. NOT HALF OF VOTERS WERE REGISTERED VOL. XVIII. No. 19 RELATIVE OF MRS. COGGINS DROWNED WHILE FISHING In the five precinti which in­ clude Lents leas thnn half of the voters were registered by the au­ thorized registrar in the eight days allowed by the law this spring. A total number of 300 The long heralded Morrisey recital BOYS OF S. S. CLASS ogiv r were registered, and after David B. Thomas, a clerk in the have been drowned below the fall« was' given last Tuesday evening to th« books were closed by Mr. water bureau, and E. R. Thomas, within a period of 16 day» this GIVI. BOOK TO TEACHER an audience that ( umh I the Yeager Peft'r’on, the registrar, more salesman for the Frank L. McGuire spring. theuter to its utmost capacity. The than 300 voters applied for regis­ E. R. Thomas was 34 yean of real estate agency were drowned last On last .Sunday morning, at stage was beautifully decorateil with tration. Why tike time was cut age, and leaves a wife and daughter clam -M-ssion, tin- a b«>y » of llrv. N. ferns for the occasion. down to eight «fays is not under Thursday morning in the Willamette at 1346 East 19th street. His father Miss Morrisey li-as assisted ov Sliupp’s Sunday sejiool claws sur- >«tood, as the county officials river below the falls at Oregon City. and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harold I ymun, flutist,.'both of New .prin<-«l liiid by presenting him have 30 days after the registry The men parked their auto on the Thomas, reside in a suburb of Ore­ York, and filling a demonstration cn with a copy of Kipling*» poems. books are closed ill which to en­ east side near the river bank and se­ gon City, together with two brothers gagement with the Iklison Phon«, (Illver Bol ma W#« i-lmsi-n by Hi«» ter tliC names. The short time cured a bo*» at the Frisbie boat­ and a sister. Another sister resides spokesman. In a neat graph company, featuring the new c I umi allowed, certainly, works a hard­ at Wardner, Idaho. Eilison. The recital was an Invita­ uml fitting p|K*e«?lt lie present« I ship on many of the voters, wh > house, and went salmon fishing. The tion affair, though th «ouMesy of 'tire book. Rev. Sliupp express«-I will be obliged to secure ‘four boat was later found drifting down “SPRING’S WITCHERY­ | Ills aprccinlioii ami hope of their the river. the Mount Scoti Drug Store,' local householders to swear that eac.l BRAID AND BORDER.” Mrs. W. E. Goggins, of Lents, who distributors of Edison phonograph-'. Ifiiture us*fulness mid success in Clean-up Day Program. ¡voter is qualified by residence to is a sister of Mrs. E. R. Thomas, A splendid program comprising 11 the study of the word for greattu* Following are tile plans drawn vote. A trip up li e line to Grexbam On thc fly- widow of one of the drowned men, number« was rendered by Miss Mor^ j iiccomplisliiiM-nt. up by tlte Realty Board for Sunday revealed thousands of |l«-uf t» Witten: "In loving re- accompanied by Mr. Goggins, went risey and Mr. Lymun. ’'Clean up” week sell e«hi led for LARGER WATER MAIN up to Oregon City Friday morning plum, prune and cherry trees in . The first performance of the tnii ' iiicmbrun^V. we present the*« May 17 to 22, with club work TO THE TYLER TRACT to the present at the search for the bloom along the rourte from arie WM in the Initial number on th.’ *«•«*«* iro^ppreciation of your de- designated: bodies. Mr. Goggins found the auto Lents eastward. The white dress program, when Miss Morrisey, stand­ The complete program of work The city has a force of men where it had been parked. The man of the fruit trees presented a ing beside the cabinet, sanx In uni­ for the various organizations employed in laying a large water from whom the boat was rented said pleasing contrast to the green son with Mr. Edison's re-creation of <•«• rely O'Neil, has la-cn pre|Mtrcd as follows: her own voice. In th»’ miX>t of th'- main from 65th avenue south ».he men stated they were going to foliage of the firs. Farmers and Civic clubs -Direct the clean­ along 92nd street to supply the fish near the falls. A Mr. Brown gardeners in many places were ’ ( »liver Husk v> son« Miss -Morrisey’s lips erased to six districts, each of Tyler tract, two miles south of saw two men in a boat at about 5:30 busily engaged cultivating straw­ Mitchel, up in move but her son it went on without j Everett Bohna, six civic clubs being assigned to Ixmts. '1 he small pipe was found a. m. He paid no further attention berry tracts, while well kept a break, Slowly it dawned upon the i U«»rd«»n • me district. inadequate to carry the volume of to them. An hour after the men blackberry, loganberry and rasp­ astonished audience that th« arti «t ■ I'irc department'-Distrib u te water required. The work will hired the boat the craft was found berry vines, neatly trellised at­ was no lonircr singing, though her floating down the river empty. tracted «lie eye. On the low voice cam*- forth to th*-m n-i clear i City Engineer Reese In Lents dean up circulars, supervi s c require some time. Grappling for the bodies up to lands along Johnson Creek, far­ and sweet as ever. Veritably it i Engine«; Reese, of the city engi- burning of rubbish uncT collect date has been unavailing, but some mers were at work plowing for seemed that there, wem two sing«.« 'was in Lent. Wdnea old paper and junk at fire sta­ AULETA BAPTISTS hopes are entertained that they may the spring crops. On the tract u|M>n the Stage- two singers, but •'»* «fternoon conferring with prop- tion s. STAKT BIG DRIVE come up, as the body of a man were a number of fishermen with only one voice. |,rl> »*<**«• Heuitli department — Investi­ drowned a few days prior to the rods and reels en route to the Then Mr. Lyman played selections | 1 and 56th .venue, \- gate sanitary conditions and re­ The Arteta Baptist church will be­ drowning of the Thomases was found tiout streams up the line in the (ransf-r of title of the sidewalk port any places which should be on thc flute, and when • h« , eeased gin its campaign to raise its quota of in the river near Jennings Lodge Sun­ foothills of the Cascades. The playing nt nny time, .. the tones of his'“1*« ,0 ,h ‘ city 50 the city can cleaned up from thia standpoint. the Baptist $100.000,000 drive Sun­ ■ ahchd and build the long-delayed day, How the tragedy occurred prob- day, while hazy, was warm and flute were carried by the phonograph Church« »—Make announce­ day, May 9. It will be a momentous ably never will be known since no inviting to tourists, and return­ sidewalks. It is thought that every­ wtihout perceptible difference. ments of clean-up on preceding week for this church. The growing has been fotond who witnessed ing cars brough home-coming one one owning property within the dev They demonstrate«! the wonderful Sunday. condition of the church and the Sun ­ ignated district will be publir-spirite I it. families laden with generous re-producing power of ‘he New Edi­ Schools — Instruct children It is said that of the 100 victims bouquets of wild currants and son beyond thc expectations of th« enough to gladly comply with the along clean-up lines. It is hoped day school make it necessary for tn-.* appreciative audience. Miss Mor- city’s request, as the strip can never to have half a day vacation grant­ church to provide larger room ano who have found a watery grave in early spring flowers of the Ore­ riscy won favor by her splendid con be used for other than sitlewalk pur- ed to the children on the day the equipment. For this reason tin the depths of the whirlpool below the gon woods. church will add to its quota of $30.- falls in the past 30 years, only one tralto voice and charming manner, poses anyway, and will lie more val­ cleanup k - held in their ilis- 000 for the New World Movement a body has ever been recovered. In­ nup is to I m uable to th * owner with u walk on : t Fay Rayburn visited in Lents anil her assistant, Mr. Lyman, was • IrlH, IbdMtting fund which will aggregate cluding the Thomases, four fishermen last Saturday. than without. marvel on th«* flute and piccolo. County officials— Superv i s e $50,000 in five years. The task Following the Edison demonstra­ cleaning of county roads and seems overwhelming but the church tion Miss Morrisey «nng ‘‘An Old- BRCfTHFR BUYS SHARE bridges. ' is united and courageous and con sm­ Fashion«*d Town.” and encor»-. with IN EAGLE GARAGE Boy Sci-uts— Aid in general crated. “It’s a big job for a entire» piano accompaniment, with Miss clennup of vacant lots. of 300 members, but we need it and Ruth Reynolds, of lx*nts, as accom­ Foilr-m.ute men-- Advertise we believe under God we will get i|,” Roy L. Davis wife and two child­ Friday, April 23, 1920 Vol. 1 No. 3 panist. ren arrivMi in Lents last Saturday the camp; ign by addresses in the was the confident assertion of the The Mt. Scott Drug Store deserves from their former home in Riversid’, schools a id before public audi- pastor, Owen T. Day. The Sunday Editor Beatrice Jobe had the highest thc thanks of the large audience for I Cal., and Mr. Davis will hereafter be cnees. school now enrolls more than 630 Lillian Steinbrick standing in 8a spelling. perhaps the most enjoyable musicil Police Report unsightly con- members and the present equipment xsHociated with his brother, Wright Assistant Editors treat evor given in lx*nt«. —I— Davis, in thc Eagle Garage on 92nd dition of wuings, see that lights is entirely inad«?quate to care for that Walter Smith, Helen Delaney, Much interest is shown by pupils street, taking over the interest of in down-t twit districts are put in number. There are classes meeting Augusta Richter of all grades in the coming grammar LENTS PEOPLE HAVE Jesse Farnsworth i^the firm. Mr. order ami report any unsightly in rent«*d looms outside the church school track meet which will be held places. Davis was with the citizen's Nation ­ FOLKS IN R R. WRECK und others meeting in private homes Viola Gripp, of the 5a class, made ion Multnomah athletic feld the last Street < leani n g department— near the church, and C. C. Hessemer, al Bank of Riverside before coming design of her class. the best bird of May. From present indications Aid in general clean up of va ­ the superintendent of the school, A head oil collision at Huron to Oregon, and will have charro .f Lents will have entries in all events, —I— cant lots. th© sales | art of the business, while says that the classes must have more a station west of Ln (•ramie, on Katherine Sawatsky, Carl Dorsey which will include the following: Merchants- Spread the gos­ room or adopt the two session idea .May 3rd, between an O, VV. R. his brother Wright will look after and Russell Draheim proved them- Boys’ Track Meet pel of clemi-up by placing attrac ­ and meet at two different times with selves the best spellers in the spell- and N. passenger train and a the mechanical end of the business. Field Events: Running high jump, tive window displays in their Mr. Farnsworth, the retiring partner; different departments. helper engine, resulted in a fire­ tng match this week in 7a. open; running broad jump, open; 12- stores. The chuich will have the service! man’« death ami injuries, more or will remain with the firm for a few pound shot put, open; running high of Dr. F. H. Divine, the national edi­ less serious, to Iti other passen- days. Miss Mary McGinty, Miss Myrtle jump, for pupils under four feet eight gers. Among thorn* injured were i No Tim«, to Play With “Tige.” fice secretary of the American Bap­ Moore and Miss Frances Ellis arc inches, starting at a height of three Mr«. E ther Matilda McSIoy M r. and M rs. II. I.. Norton of A Lent. business man went tist Home Missionary Society. He studying to be teachers and are now feet eight inches. Portland, the former a railroad Mrs. I'.stlser Matilda McSIoy out into n neigh bo rhootl not far will speak in the Arleta church every observing work in different rooms Track Events: CO-yard hurdles, conductor, on n visit with his wife «lied at tlic home of her daughti r, from the city to see about buy­ night at 8 p% m. from May 10 to 16 of the school. They have taken sev­ 2 1-2 feet high open; 100-yard dash, too Eastern Oregon relatives. Mrs. J. M. Whelcan. of 22 1 2 N. ing some produpe. The farmer inclusive. eral of the intermediate classes unde- open; 75-yard dash, 5 feet 3 inches; Both were severely injured and 20th street, Portland, April 30. was not r was born in Ingersoll. Cnnarli, the bull dog gave a savage growl 1 at 6814 16th avenue. The re- —I— Team Events: Four men relay, resides nt 6041 89th street. September 23 183*7. She was mar and charged. A blossoming mains were forwarded from the The children who have been re­ open; tug of var, 12 men on team; rieil to James A. McSIoy, ami cherry tree was near, and by dint Kenworthy undertaking parlors ceived into the school during the past the boys will pul) from a standing LENTS HAS 2 TROOPS shortly after mowed with her liu-- of quick sprinting nnd frenzied to Montesano. Wn., for burial on week are: Del wen Muller from Se­ position on the ground; cleats will OF BOY SCOUTS liand to F.nu J'lnir, Win., where climbing, the man got up among May 3. Deceased is survived by attle; Florence Adamson from Ham- not be used. she spent the greater part of her thc blossoms, while “Tige” a sister, Mrs. Adams at the above enton; Wilbur Meiser from Park Girts’ Track Meet Rose; Filbena Johnson from St. Pat­ The newly organized troop of life, Mr. and Mrs. McSIoy came lunged and growTetl beneath. address in this city. Field Events: Running high jump, rick’s; Merced Whitman from Arden- open, starting from a height of 3 Boy Seoul’ in Lents hail a mem to Oregon ten years ago an 1 Presently the Indy-of-the-hous-.- Mrs. Anna A. Holterman. wald. ber.ship of 12 on Use 1*1 of Jan­ hail since made blieir home in or appeared mid called the bull «log feet 6 inches; running high jump Jtoc Anna Amelia Goodman was born 'My lnn«l,’’ said the lady, —I- uary. It now numbers 21, a sub near Portland, Mr. McSIoy pnss- off. pupils under 4 feet 6 inches, starting Mr. Pratt gave a very good talk “Tige woukl’nt hurt you for any­ in Hartford. Conn., October 12, 1853, stantial gain. This includes ed away September 11 1918. from a height of 3 feet; throwing Mrs. MeSlov is survived bv thing! He just wants to plav and died in Portland, Ore., May 1, to the 8a last week on naturalization Scout Masters F. Dougins Smith basketball for distance, one-handed 'three children. Mrs. J. M. Wh - nationalization. He spoke of 1 1920. versus At the age of three years she with you.” mid Lyman Hawkins. The num­ throw. ’’That may be madam,” re­ I move«! with her parents to Cham- America being a melting pot, and ber of the new troop is 28 and in lean. Dr. J. H. McSIoy ami John Track Events: 60-yard dash open; W. McSIoy, all of Portland. plied the man ns he sidled toward paign county Illinois. Sh<* married that nationalization could not be com­ oom posed of boys aged 12 and 50-yard dash, girls under 5 feet; 50- Funeral services were held Mon ­ pleted without naturalization. Holterman in 1875. They Henry the front gate, ” but I ain’t got no 13. Wlneir 14 these boys will be yard dash, girls under 4 feet 9 inches, day afternoon nt 2 o ’ clock nt the — I — time to moved to Inwood. Iowa, in 1886, liv- stop and play with bull transferred to troop 2. The total The children who have gone away 50-yard dash, girls under 4 feet 6 ing there 17 years. Four children membership of the Lenta troop is Kenworthy chapel. She was laid dogs!” are: Winfield, Nelson and Mayrond inches; 50-yard dash, girls under 4 bc- to rest in Mt. Scott cemetery ¡were born to the union, three of 45. Some time ago the boys took side her htisltnnd. whom are living, viz: William Holtcr- Boner to Killington; Harold Beck to feet 3 inches; 60-yard hurdle, 22 SMITH -TIMMINS n hike to Camp Brockway on the Killington; Elzadta and Rupart Ver- inches high. , Floyd Douglass Smith, residing nt man of Boring, Mrs. E. J. Moore of Sandy river, which they enjoyed ley to Oregon City. Team Events: 600-yard shuttle FRANKLIN COMMUNITY 8658 56th avenue, and Maxine Alice Pr^ri®.C*^ a"d MrS P_J’ to the utmost. —I— relay, 12 girls, each running 50 yards. of Portland. One son, Frank, died in CLUB IS ORGANIZED Timmins, at Fostre road and Lennox Bessie Allen and Mabel Knox drew Robert Krohn is supervisor of 1913. She is also survived by her • - T avenue were married at the M. E. John Brown of Gresham, local husband, b -o sisters, two brothers the best outline maps of Oregon in physical training. . registration man, reports that The Woodmere Club at its parsonage last Saturday at noon by room 14 this week. —I— _ there were nearly three times as next meeting, which will be the Rev. F. R. Sibley, pastor of the Len’-i and^pight* grandchildren. Mrs. Holterman came to Oregon On Friday. May 14, in the after­ M. E. church. Others present, than j ’ _ many registrants in his district week preceding the primary Mary DeWitt had the highest av 1 M3- ha'in* ,,v*L,n P°rt,and the erage in room 14 for the month of noon. Professor Hunter’s grammar this year, than during any pre­ election, will discuss the pro­ the pastor’s family was Mrs. Chester in past five years. She had been a school orchestra will give an enter- vious yenr. This shows that the posed millage tax amendment McGrew. The twain will reside for member of the Methodist church for April. tainment at Lents school, This or- the present at 8658 56th avenue. farmers particularly are taking n with a view to thoroughly under­ — »— 125 years, 'for five years a member of chestra is comprised of 60 pieces, in­ more than usual interest in poli­ standing its provisions before A great interest is being taken in cluding violins, horns and piano. Thii Iomrelwood Methodist church of this tics. Card of Thanks. election. The club has a com­ the coming track meet in room 14. is really a fine collection of juvenile I city. She was also a member of the ________ -S—X-? panion club in the field, The We wish to thank our many ¡Creswell Star Chapter, order of Those who are showing up well in musicians and the program is one Most of the auto owners arc Franklin Community club having friends and neighbors who •» 'Eastern Star, of Creswell. the 50-yard dashes are Jessie Knox, you can’t afford to miss There is anxiously waiting for the new recently organized. The com­ kindly assisted us during the ill­ Funeral cervices were held at tic Blanche Rife, Carlton Richter and no charge for admission. Members gasoline substitute to appear on munity club idea seems to he ness and death of our beloved Kenworthy mortuary parlors Wef- Nickolas Deis. of the Lents orchestra are: Juanita the market. It mill cost only 5 spreading. When .several such mother. nesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. and Roris Rater Clara Russell, Lu­ cents a gallon to produce it. clubs have been organized th • I A. C. Brackenbury, pastor of Laurel- Mrs. J. M. Whelean. The 8a seem to be doing very good cile Ferguson, Olive Updike and Cane sugar stalks figure largely idea of n central club committee, Dr. J. H. MeSlov. wood M. E. church, with interment at work In the try-out of the track Georgia Barbee, violinist«, and Lucile in its production. probably will be discussed. John W. McSIoy’ ! Mt Scott cemetery. meet. Triplet, pianist. Che Cents School news