LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ted Douglas is staying with his grandmother at Forest Grove for a few weeks. ,ä . .. The Oregon Humane Society will have a part in the evening service, Byron Rutledge will be present and speak at this meet­ ing. Miss Edna M. Wolf, a former Mrs. Althea Kendall has been Lents girl, and Miss Mary Ward week-end visiting friends in For v hose home is in Washington D. est Grove. C. spent the past few days visit mg Portland friends while en entertained Mrs W. C. Smith route from Boise to San Francis- Mrs. D. W B< ilstein of Holton, ' co. one day this week. A little Miss arrived at the A H. Nelson of tifi 17 81st Emanuel hospital Monday morn­ street is confine»! to his bed with ing by way of the stork route HI severe cold and gathering a and will take up her abode in a his head. few days at the home of Mr. and Thursday of last week C. I. Mrs. Chester Cieslinski, ps 16 Tborington of 619 56th street N Gilbert, road. Mother and babe purchased a new home at 5418 are doing nicely. 84th street. The Mt. Scott Thimble club Mrs. G. G. Wood WO rth of gave a one o’clock lunchci on al 5785 85th street will entertain the resilience of Mrs. Charles the M. E. Ladies Aid silver tea Wardc. of 5704 92nd street, on next Wednesday. April 21. Thursday, April 15, in honor of Mrs. Margaret Jensen, of Flor- 84th Mrs. Wood worth of < nee. Ore. Mrs. I. E. Allen as­ street, who has been confined to sisted Mrs. Ward« as hostess on her home for a few- days with the occasion. rheumatism, is able to be about again. Little Gleneva Hunter, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen D. Hun ter of 5419 84th street, has been ' having a siege of diptheria. She is improving satisfactorily, how I ever, and the rest of the family 'who were treated with the anti Elmer E. Droste of 9 409 57th toxin, are still seemingly immune avenue, left the last of the week and are hoping for the lifting of on a business trip for his firm, the quarentine in the near future. including Aberdeen ami other The Minute Club of the church Sound Points. i let Tuesday. April 6. at the home i . Audrey Bell Lees For Salo. The funeral of little eight-year [old Audrey Bell l.ees was con­ ducted last Tuesday al 3 :30 p. in. at the Mt. Scott Park cemetery under the direction of Kenwor­ thy's. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, with their family, were on their way to Roseburg from an eastern point when Audrey contracted diptheria on the train, the catas­ trophe forcing them to stop ui Portland with friends at <1330 71 st street at which address the child died. Black cap plants C umber- Innds. biggest and best black raspberries, $1 per dosen, $8 per hundred. W. E. Bates, 1 4 mile northeast of Rnmapo station, Estacada carline. iu2en up by doctors and declared past residence on 74th street and 53r.l the best attended of all. human aid. will speak next Sunday avenue. They will move to their Mrs. W. I.. Warner of Culver. evening at 7:30 o’clock at the Friends new home the first of May. The meeting will be in I Indiana, left Monday. April 5. church. John Robison, of 65th street for her home after an extended charge of the young* people and spe­ near 66th avenue, has just pur­ visit with her daughters Mes- cial music has been arranged. chased a new Chevrolet and an­ dames E. M. and H. R. Scheur Sunday afternoon the young people ticipates some good rides this ¡man of Lents. Mrs. Warner ar will hold their regular prayer meet­ summer through the country. sued in Portland last Novein ing at the parsonage at 4:30 . At­ ibi r. and timed her return so th..t tendance has been good and God is The little son of Mr. and Mrs. honoring the faith of this prayer Armstrong of 7013 53rd avenue, she might be at home on the 11th hand. All young people welcome. of April. Mr. and Mrs. Warners was the victim last Sunday of an Sunday morning the adult women’s acute illness, his recovery on , golden wedding anniersary. class will have charge of the opening Monday, however, being assured. Ed Boyd, formerly manager of exercises of Sunday school. [the Lents Mercantile company for a number of years, left Wed nesday with his family for Cald­ well, Idaho, to make their fu­ ture home. Mr. Boyd has ac­ cepted a position on a large ranch near Caldwell. Both Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bogard of 64th .-.nd Mrs. Boyd have a host of avenue and 81st street have sold friends in Lents who will regret their place and bought a home to hear of their leaving. at 27th street and Richmond car Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McGrew of line to which they will soon 8741 56th avenue, were host and move. hostess at a dinner last Sunday, C. A. Ordway, whose residence the guests being Mr. and Mrs. (). has been at '528 71st street, has Lent. Mrs. Philip Evans, O. W. purchased a home between 67th Lent. and Mrs. Cafto Lowe of and 68th street on Whitman ave­ Lebanon. Mrs. Lowe is visiting nue and will take possession the a cousin in the city, and at the first of May. same time brushing up in music. G. M. Zimmerman. 53 40 99th Other Sunday visitors at the Mc­ street left last Saturday for Mt. Grew home were Mr. and Mrs. Angel to help his mother dispose Holland and daughter of 891 E Mrs. of her household goods, prepar­ Caruthers and Mr. and Hager of 573 Highland, all form atory to her moving to Portland erly of Lents. to make her home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Bowersox of Sa­ lem vfere visitors last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Allen. 9112 56th avenue. Mr. Bowersox is Mrs. Allen's broth­ er. Among the Nashville residents who have sold their property re­ cently are Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritte! of 5604 71st street, and Mrs. Sarah a Witbeek of 7001 57th avenue. Mr. W. A. Burns of Rogue River, formerly a resident of Lent«, visited in this community from Saturday until Monday. Mr. Burns is very much pleased with Southern Oregon climate. Mss. Althea Kendall has been at the home of her parents 7911 60th avenue, quite ill, but w is able to go to her own home a few days ago. She had been in the Good Samaratin hospital for sev­ eral weeks. Mrs. M. Frances Swope of 5329 70th street and Mrs. S. J. Merry of 7103 55th avenue wen guests of the Gresham W. C. T. IT. Thursday April 10. the two Jodies both participating in the plavet given at that time. The young people of the Lents Evangelical church will hold their regular business met ting at the parsonage, next Tuesday evening. April 20. As this is no doubt the last meeting our pre­ sent pastor will be with us, we woull like ail members to be pre­ sent anil enjoy the evening with ns. Some specinl business to be attended to and a good social time is being prepare d. All are crdially invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. Renwick, of 66th avenue and 66th street, en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. E. I homas at a luncheon on Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. Renwick will go to New York the second week in May to sail on the steamer Cetric, of the White Star line, for Scotland, where he will visit his mother and brothers and a sister, whom he has not seen for several years. He will be gone three months and on his re­ turn trip he will also visit brother at Niagaria Falls, N. Y. Winslow Mead Circle, ladies of the G. A. R. gave a five hund­ red card party in their lodge room. 525 Court House, on Mon­ day afternoon. A large crowd always attends these parties and they are enjoyed by all. The .members have been invited bv the department president to put on the degree work at the state convention which meets at As­ toria the second week in. June. AV inslow Mead Circle is initiating candidates every business meet- ing, which is the first and third Mondays of each month. It was the first to give a donation to the Pisgah Old Folks Home. It also donated to the fund for the poor colored children of the south. Visiting members are cordially invited to our meeting where they will be welcome at all times. Come in—it will pay you to become a regular advertiser in the Herald. The Bible study class conducted by Catherine Dicky at 7:30 Wednesday cvinings continues with interest. All who desire a deeper knowledge of the Bible are invited to join. The Junior C. E. is held on Wed- nesday afternoons at 4 o’clock, The children manifest a wonderful spirit of devotion to these meetings con­ ducted by Superintendent Martha Isler. Last Sunday morning Pastor Laur- ena Terrell ably delivered an inspir­ ing message on the life of Hezekiah, illustrating him as an example of a prosperous life. Gladys Bass and Helen Wooster of Estacada were welcome visitors with us and attended all services Sunday. Tuesday evening the executive committee of the Areonauts class held a meeting to consider future ac­ tivities of the class. A contest is to begin next Sunday morning, featur­ ing church and class attendance as well as regularity and new’ members. The losing side to banquet the win­ ners and their friends. The next business meeting and social will be held Friday evening, April 23. Everyone is invited to the mid­ week prayer meeting, Thursday eve­ ning at 7:45. F ree T ikets Cu//, write or telephone lance. They trill tokete of admit, in order «»/ a/>idication. im /or/nr I m - MT. SCOTT DRUG COMPANY, LENTS Ninety-second Street, near Carline If you wish an Edison Phonograph pay whatever is convenient for you down, the balance in small monthly payments. Wc Take Liberty or Victory Bonds at their face value COUNTY COMMISSIONER NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Bern Newcomb Automatic Art and jamin T. Davis, deceased. Carpet loom. Al) the latert im­ Notice is hereby given that the provements and attachments, undersigned has been appointed ad­ (iood as new. 4328 61st avenue ministratrix of the estate of Benja­ evenings and Sunday. It. min — - deceased, by the Cir- T. — Davis, cuit Court of the State of Oregon, All outstanding bills due W. C. for the County of Multnomah, and Rockwell are due and payable has qualified. All persons having to L. A. Barker at 60015 92nd St. claims against the said estate are Successor to W. C. Rockwell hereby notified, and required, to pre- Salesman Wanted sent the same to the undersigned, at Wanted salesman for Ix’nts the office of her attorney, H. P. and vicinity. Commission con- Amest, 5940 »2nd St. S. E., Lents tract only, for spare or full time. Station, Portland, Oregon, with e will teach you to sell income vouchers, and duly verified as re­ protection through our free quired by law, within six months school of instruction and help from the date hereof. von build a business of your own. Dated and first published April 1«. Massachusetts Bonding and In­ 1920. surance Company, Accident and Last publication, May 7, 1920. Health Dept. Saginaw. Michigan, MINNIE DAVIS, Capital $1.500.000 2 t. Administratrix of the Estate of Ben­ jamin T. Davis, Deceased. The Herald One Dollar a year. H. P. ARNEST, Attorney. w. She will be assisted by “The Phonograph with a Soul.” This appearance of the great concert artist in Lents will be the event of the season for lovers of good music. Republican Candidate for ___ _____ For Sale MAY 4 Charles S. Rudeen If I am nominated and elected I will give for the beneft of the county of Multnomah a business administration of county affairs, endeavoring to eliminate useless and expensive conflicts between city and county governments, to the end that county affairs may bt more economically conducted, the tax rate lowered and by co­ operation with the city of Port­ land the public be better served. • Mrs. Inez. Gulliks. Lents I direct your attention to my Lents Millinery, Hats in all the latest modes thirty years’ record as a business Flowers of every description, man in Portland as a guarantee I ■"eathers, ribbons, silks, crepe», that I will be able to perform the b iraids, frames and shapes. duties of such office. Takes orders for custom made Pd. Adv. corsets -Be fitted to a Barclay. Green Trading Stamps. a 16 to m 7 • TUESDAY EVENING, 1 ■ I i I I i I ■ ■ FIRE I I One of Man’s most destructive forces towards his efforts of the past. How many Families are left absolutely Penniless when that destructive forces strike that Beautiful and Cher- rished place, H ome . ■ ! : ■ : THINK ■ What does this mean to you? We take pleasure in solicit­ ing your business by Insuring you with a Reliable Company The Northern Assurance Company,” who meets all emergencies promptly. OH, YES, we can also Insure your Auto against Fire, Theft and Liability : t THINK Then tee us before seeking others. Multnomah State Bank Lents Station Portland, Ore :