If— Of- PLAIN AND DOTTED VOILE BILLIE BURKE .. ........ ............................................................................ .. ' A ii Oregon fniuily of four t»««t $I20, how in tile world would it live ? Interchurch If You Yourself Were Responsible could you carry on the work <»f the College, l'niver»ity mid Nor nml on the »nme Ntnte support a» in mi.t? You Could Not. Ncitfier cali lili- State l'niver *itv, Ilio A grillili« nd Collrg*. and lite Normnl Scllool ilo il. Will you noi Help tlx .«• tlirre invtltiitions lo continue (lo ir iim fui and prediteti r< wprk for Ore goti by vntjng on May 21 for th< liigln r EducntriloMril ridici iiicn aure ? When Ton Want to Move /00 per cent UNION Il ere I» u pretty bloiine muti«* In sur- pllc^Kiylr, of pialli nnf thè «l«»tt«fl gooda. Tilt« lilo'iie I h Dot ut all dlflk'Ult to iiiuke nmj »uggì aia Iho cuuiblnntlon of "liort lengiti» of material tliat coutil no< <>therwi«> be u«e .... ——«Mtt-w.*--"’' ll <*|M>n» nt the front over a cheuilactt« of lu«'e. that tei-uilrmiea In u jxilnt be­ low tlx- walat and line elbow sleeve» finished with blind» of velvet ribbon. Moving . . ■ Velvet band on the vklrt and girdle and a bow anil ent!» of narrow ribbon complete It I ROSE CITY VAN The One-Way Charge Company - OUTDOOR ORESS OF GINGHAM *222 Footer Rd ... Conaolat on. N. Peek—Here I urn, with my Dose m the grlmlstone. ns I have la-ca for years am! years! Mrs. N. Peck- Hull! You ought to be glad that the grindstone don't bust on you. us grindstones do, sometime». ... Yreat It as Ore. We’ll nut believe wliiit we lire told Ity tiny man upon the stump. Smelt wliat he »ay», save till trulh'» gold. Ttieu throw the tattings on the dump. ... — Conductor of the Portland <'horns Society I love the summer, when ’tie cold. In apr!n« I like* the fall; The summer. In the winter tin»«. I love the moat of all. I love to snowbill folka In June, and coast through warm July. (n January, o’er the stream l*d cast the tempting fly. In ’mid Dseemhar I*d go forth and pluck the daiatvd dell— • I strotixly hop- that heaven won’t give me a yehrn for theather place* • • • 4,000 YEARS AGO TODAY WOOD AND COAL Oratorio This is about the time of year whan Fancy (T h inous foul!) Goes etr.»> li.< ‘round the < dcea of some minnow muddied pool; One hears the fro4s <0 ’’GulHwump*’’ or tell you H'S "knee deep’*— Thia vision will ffrow atronser as the sea­ sons on anrd cre*p. Hut when tie spring and we have had a heated day or two. That same f« ol Fan< y will bring back a snowy day to view! Grund, a Abie B-ndar i. laid up w'th * badly ipr.xrd tail, the result of a narrow e.cape from a fall from the family (coconut) tree. Mr«. Jocko Howler ia viaiting friend, at Monkton. She reporta the broad fruit . rop a bumper.—From the Simianeille Review. See Us For . . . Tab. 1424 l)«l irtì • v* jraaiANP WGILUCAtb 5 KITTS TRANSFI wh Mu>» lldlle Murice. thè pretty blonde »ciré»» la one of thè nioat popular Idola of thè American “movie” atage. Some lime ago Sin pilneil mudi fame l ecnit'-c of n ’’»1« e ’ .;f tweuly .K—k» III allieti «he fueed a batter) of •'movie" «•unteraa. --------- O--------- »ys fT"* Call Tabor 7707 ^L iik (150 voire») vocal teacher. Portland, Tillford lluilding Phunc Bwd 2777 % WE I) NEH DA YS I* n. i t. to 3 p. in. Lenta Station Over th« Herald Office JOSEPH A. FINLEY THE PROVOKING ANSWERER. FEATrlEU RENOVATING We Clean by High Prcmire Stci in Systems Free Belli cry neTnbor *39(1 All Work Giiarnnlt'i'd Rate» Reasonable 5*25 Foster Rd. Portland,Orc Itea. 2116 60th Avnnuo 9L01t J®q«X Htaml Phuiie Main 734 Rprlng fashions have their try-out» nt the winter resorts and that 1» where new glnghnin Crocks with lints to match, made their appearance on the afreet» mid nt the beachM. Thcxe out- Ilia prov flares," th. ranting speaker cried, “dispute the thing» I »ay tonlghtf A quiet votes al once replied: "Well, tail us who ft la—I'll bite!" • • « • DAY OF KNOWLEDGE NEAR • It Is only about a nioath, now, till the hopeful candidate with a book containing tha list of names of those who have prom’.ed to vote for Mm can look over the same list and count bow many liars there are in Me town* ship, county or ward. ... Finnlgin Flloaofy. A public sh|>enker is like a turr- key. Th’ longer tit takes 'tn t’ git done th' more thoroughly he's roasted. ------ o--------- Mt. Scott Transfer Co. i CROSBY’S KIDS ■ I >*<*#*#<#<###*** Gall on the Herald When in need any kind of Printed ^Stationery such as Letter Heads Bill Heads Business Cards Envelopes Hand Bills In fact we are prepared to do anything that is to be done in a print shop. tabor 7824 Lents, Oregon Now Open for Business Nothing but Quality Meats. No matter |what: your wants ''may be in the meat line we can meet them~always with'quality meats Fruits and Vegetables World Movehioht All Local Proteotant C bure boo Co-oper­ ating In Movement Will Be Repreoontod. for tllghrr E j I ucm Iloti In uridmdn.t power. Ad ter liM'liH-nt iiisrrtrfl bjr Jnltit Mutilili Iti I----- 1 to Send Big “Team” That Is the Case With « COUNTY CONFERENCE TO BE HOD IN APRIL Nothing more unusual tbnn dark blue serge and large hone buttom make the ault sb >wn above. With these reliable mean» tt Hchtevae mud: sinnrtni MR by adopting u |> qmlnf »11 honetto for tqirlng. The skirt l»»tnilghi th< co»t flares below the ivnlRt llm and i«>tH clone to the figure above II. Early I d April the Interchurch World Movement will hold Ita conference In this county. RepreoontatfrU are now being selected by the local Protoatant Churches of denominations associated with the movement, and from present reports the attendance at the confer­ ence will number well Into the hun­ dreds. In addition to the rttpresenta- tlves selected by the churches, the conference will be open to all church members and friendly citizens who wish to attend. The meeting place probably will be the county seat, and the attendance will be composed of the membership of the Protestant churches of the county. The conferences will last one day only. During that day will be present­ ed the whole program of the In tar­ church World Movement for promot'ng co-operation In missionary and genera! church activities among the Protestant churches. Time will also be given to discussion of the local problems re­ vealed by the Interchurch Movement's survey of religious conditions through­ out the United States. This county conference will be just one of the 2000-odd to be held through­ out the United States on approximate­ ly the came dates. No Sidestepping of Problems. It will be, It is said, a very exoap- tlonal county that does not hear some more or less unpalatable truths con­ cerning unchurched areas, or wasteful competition, or underpaid and ab­ sentee preachers. Not many counties. It Is stated, are able to show an aver­ age ministerial salary higher than the average for the whole United States, which is 1937. while barely one-third of the entire Protestant population of the United States, according to esti­ mates made by the Interchurch survey, has an opportunity for regular church attendance. Besides a full consideration of local problems, the program at the county conference will present the outstand­ ing results of the world wide survey of religious, social and economic condi­ tions made by the Interchurch Move­ ment. the material for which has been gathered from every corner of the earth. Special emphasis will also be laid on the place of prayer in Christian life, the Importance of asalating young people In the right choice of their life work and the duty of laying aside a definite proportion of income for re­ ligious purposes. Lantern slides will be freely used to Illustrate the various addresses. The conference will be managed by local commlttaea, and the various top­ ics under discussion will be handled by a team of from five to eight men and women, recognised as church leaders in the county or state. This teem, in addition to tha local meetings, will be responsible for conducting the confer­ ences in seven other countiea. Bl» Educational Campaign Prepared. This series of conferences repre­ sents only an intermediate stage In a great campaign of intensive education tn practical Christianity preparatory to the united appeal for missionary funds and workers which wiH be held by the Protestant denominations co-operating In the Interchurch Movement between April 25 and May 1. The members of the teem thst will address the county conference were themeelvee trained as a ''faculty” of specialists in the various aspects of the Movement at a aeries of state and pastors' conferences. Sim­ ilarly, those who attend the county­ conference will In turn form a "fac­ ulty" for interpreting the message of the Interchurch Movement to their lo­ cal churches. Thus It Is expeoted that before April 20 the ideal of church co-operation ad­ vocated by the Interchurch World Movement, in place of church com petition, and the program of evangel ixatlon that gees .with it, will be fa­ miliar to every one of the fifty million Protestants in the United States. EXTENSIVE SLIDE EQUIPMENT TO BE USED IN CONFERENCE Interchurch World officers having In charge the conference which will be held tn this county early In April de­ clare the local church workera excep­ tionally fortunate, aa the atereopticon slides and other epparatua ueed in the State l’astor»' Conference In Oregon have been left for uee in the county conference. The slldea In particular are aaid to be exceptionally Interest­ ing, covering very completely the re­ sults of the world wide survey made by the Interchurch World Movement, ae well as Illustrating condition* throughout the United Statee. Slides to Illustrate hymns which were used in the State Pastors’ Con­ ference by the New York ’’team” also have beeu left for uae of the county conference. All in all, it la said that the equipment afforded for thia county will equal that used at any of the atate conferences. An experienced operator with highgrade lantern equip agent will accompany the team. W'e want toffserve you Phone: Tabor 1450 ■ I I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ A FEW SLIGHTLY USED TIRES CHEAP * S pi S Three 32x4£non-skid, each $20.00 ■ ■ Two 32x4 plain, each - - 17.00 ■ ■ Two 30x3 plain, each - - 4.00 ! | EAGLE GARAGE i 5820 92nd St, Lents | Phone: Lent 2 0 11 ;