LOCAL AND PERSONAL marie For Sale TO JOIN IN PASTORS’ MORRISEY SURE IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE CONFERENCE MARCH 3 The Locke family, on Gilbert road. i.« quarantined on «ecount If you have ever had the em The congregation of the faints of diphtheria. ^barrassment of s)>eaking to a to- Evangelical church will join in The family of W. H. Wood | tai stranger under the the im- the state wide pastors’ confer worth 1« slowly twin alescing Ipression you knew him. only to enc«- March 3. 4. 5. The follow find out it was the man whose ing commission has been ap after a long siege of sicknes« ! picture adorned every chewing pointed: F.. M. Schcucrman. Born, to Mr. anti Mrs. San gum label vou come across, vou commission chairman; A. W. chea, 72n«l anti McCoy, l-cl»rii- will nderstand how this dough Fankhauser. leader in praver- arv 17. 1920. a bov. meeting«; J. C. Fankhauser. Mrs. bov felt. One dav last year when Marie J. C. Fankhauser. A. Spearrow. Mrs. Anna Conner. S929 53r«l Morrisev. who will give a concert R. W. Reynold«, ami Mrs. Clara avenue, has been confined to the in the Yeager theater March 8. Coffman, boosters; Mrs. W. A house the past few days with a was making a concert tour A«h, N. G. Hedln. choiristcr«: severe cold. through Canada, «he stopped at J. II. Donolson. publicity. The M. E. l-atlies Aid will Sidney to sing for the 600 C. S meet in the church parlors for troops that were quarantined Idaho Official Visits Herr work next Wetliiesd*'} afternoon there. As she passed from wanl Mrs. Fern Hart, of Caldwell. Idaho, at the usual hour. • Ito wanl. singing as she went, she county treasurer of Canyon county. stopped now and again to chat Idaho, has been the guest of Mr». Mrs. Charles McGill, of 860« | with the soldiers. Bell Elwood, of 5645 84th street, 65th avenue, luts b< th street, bookkeeper at the ning March 8. ought to convince as no better. He is al the home Lents Garage, is back at her her that in T.ents she 1« among of his sister at 21st and Hoyt. desk again after having bee’, manv more friends. Pd. adv. confined to her borne for «evertr TOO SLOW FOR HIS GIRL days with la grippe. F A Dro«t* Returns From Ea«t E. A. Droste, 9409 57th avenue, Arnold Eg ’■iman anti family returned Stindav from a three returned last Monday night from a j weeks’ trip to California. 'I hey business trip in the east. Mr. Droste report a fine time ami all for left Portland December 7 and since mer Lentsites whom tbev saw that time has been combining busi­ ness with sightseeing. Most of the ' to I h * enjoying good health. scenery where he has been was of I Mrs. Charles Holmes, of St. the wintry sort, snowy and cold.; John«, is visiting w>fh her sister When he left New York City foi ’ Mrs. J. O. Kadock. 9611 »3rd Portland he paid a taxi driver $3 to avenue, and helping care for take him 11 blocks from his hotel their mother. Mrs. H P. Mor to the station in a blizzard. When der. who is very low. Mr. Ka he reached Spokan Mr. Droste says it seemed like summer to him. He dock is also on the sick list. has been extremely fortunate in es­ The tickets for the Marie Mor caping travelers’ ills and epidemics. risev free concert to I m * given a« On his way home he stopped at va­ the A eager I :t' r Mondav eve rious cities, including Pittsburg, Cin­ ning. March 8. are readv for dis cinnati, Chicago, Indianapolis, Spo­ tribution and mar be obtained kane and Seattle. He is employed in Nell—So the engagement Is broken bv calling at the Mt. Scott Dru r the cutlery, cut-glass and crockery off? Belle—Yes, It seems she told him Store. Th»- i« 1 ne of the most department of M. Sellers. one evening that she wasn't half beau­ notable musical events that has ________________ tiful enough to he his wife, and be ever taken place in Lent, and didn't deny her statement quick enough Lincoln’s Birthday Program everyone should avail themselves to suit her. of this onportunitv to hear one February 12 a good represen- . of the countrv’s noted singer«. tation of Reuben Wilson Po«t ¡and Shiloh Circle, also friends G. A. R. and Circle to Meet : of the order, met at the home Shiloh Circle of the G. A. R. of Mrs. Alice Woodworth. It be­ will hold their regular meeting ing Lincoln’s birthday arrange­ Saturday evening. February 21. ments had been made for a .'. The patriotic instructor will hav- coin program by the patriotic a program for the good of th’- instructor, but owing to illness order in memory of Washing­ -he was detained at home. A ton’s birthdav. very interesting program was hastily prepared by the presi­ dent. Mr«. Dosie Tussey, which OREGON PROTECTIVE Screwdriver—Who1» that doleful LEAGUE MEETS 24TH was enjoyed by all present. A very pleasant social afternoon looking Individual? Hammer—That's Mr. Sad Iron. i was spent. The Oregon Protective league will hold a meeting in the as­ sembly room, mezzanine floor, of the Multnomah hotel next Tues­ day evening at 8 p. m. The rds for Gromore, league has just recently been the plant food supreme; organized with the following of ficer«: President. M . H. Malov: st -nds for Reliable, first vice-presid< nt. C. L. Mc­ •’ ■ - suits -asily seen; Kenna: second vice-president. Mrs. F,. F. Mger: secretary and stands for Odorless, trensnrer. Mi«« Josephine Fritz. so neat and so clean; The directors are Dr. M’. A. Tur­ ODORLESS CLEAN-! ner. Mrs. James Rogers. Georg-- stands for Merit, D Vniing. 5. O. Freel. H. A For Lawn3, Flowers Garden Stewart. Frank Cnrtis. Mrs 1 Shrubs, House Plants F’ -ld-t the g . K; rj Tn^hnm. TTfJfn Grnv and Orchards R P OrnJivy 'T'ltp To-trmn nnmnep "fo wh’'1 nrnf r-f Bfown it fhp Book I EiLE - T< 11« j ,t 11« erhn'-1 Odorless, C ■; n. Efficient A 25 lb. bc.g «-„rtr. H I.-IW-I ’ rxnlnifnffnw ” it« «pace of 1200 sqtlari 1» < « I.»-- ’ r«. t - - ’•r» i’.i!i14infr • nwvnn a year or more. rwr» rt <1 r. ” I't •• A table-spoonful to a iiiii >>» rvaoonc 1*t<*i’** f n tp potatoes, tomatoes or ordina, « th*’ prpfcc. rose bush means abundant flor.- ers, crisp, early vegetabl» s rnr^nni r*r>r> e a » 17 A teaspoonful for 6 to 8 in<■' T,,.« .1 ■> >ttcd plant. Ferns love it. Fully uaranteed. wnnts it? Trants fnrn'rp 1 T nej P’-eb father »ni nnr«e eon tainin»» enrrmci between 92ml md «'’iK nn Foster road Reward. Leave at Herald office FOR RENT Fufmi«! d five roomed hoil«" for rent P1»on and water in eluded. Will be vacant March E. 10303 60th Ave S. F... $25 .1 month. Phone Main 5709 !' : • !v kills cut wor; s. I»»dut<-ly removes the moss • 1». y >ur lawn. 1 lb. 20c • M O R E I’ ii l ina urgu I $10 00 Imac r < I. ir $500 droplcai tubi« $3.50 nil for $164)0. <1228 08nd street Tabor <1267 flH p. Gromore sure grows more. PROFESSIONAL 25 lb. $2.50 Lents Hardware Co. MKW1H Wml Btn H I fatKir 47ft) DR. C. S. oaSBURY DIMIsIkV I.KNI'S, OHMUIN MARIE MORRISEY Herself I'he famous concert con­ tralto, whose finished art­ istry has captivated a whole continent, is coming by special arrangement to Lents. Her personal ap­ pearance makes this the musicaleventof theseason. Yeager Theatre, Lents Ninety second Street MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 8 (>tlicet TsUtr3314 Hr» TubortM24 DR. P. J. O’DONNELL DENTIST Cor 92,1 mut ►••»<«•» H«««ul, l*nts, Or«' DR A- G. ATWOOD D B N1 IS T Ki’iu « ai . ATrzwioN n> rt at *» rHONR; TA SOS 6421 < title* : HiMidrnc* ! W3 ii 7 Foster It >«<1 (014 ®N Ht ,«H E. purlUml On« DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS OSTEOPATHIC M1YSKIAN Ollier, Msr.liwll I27«5 Phones Itexiileiii'e. E«i»t 8744 H bi . i . iso Hrll.niNu Porllaud, Oregon H. P. ARNEST ATTUI C 11 LAW NtrriMY PI’Hl.lf Ninvtjr mtoii 'I Htrvi’t Phon«* Tabor «10ft IM ii U Kta., IlfAF C«rllu* PoNTLAM», O k Assiting MISS MORRISEY will be Mr. Thomas A. Edison’s Three Million Dollar Phonograph. F ree T ickets (■all, irrite or telefihone um fur ticketn of ailmit. tance. They trill he iMMiietl in order of ajri>l¡ration. WT. SCOTT DRUG COMPANY, LENTS Ninety-second Street, near Carline Still Moving ... -------------------------------------------------------- BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday school at 9:45. Mrs. Lina Henderson, superintendent. There will be good music and live classe.-. Sabbath worship at 11 a. m. Sub­ ject, “Going Forward." Young people’s meeting at 6:30. Preaching at 7:30. Song service for 30 minutes. Theme, “Our Mission and Our Commission." Lents M. E. Church For Sale. A new combination steel top . 'angc at cost price, at second 'hand store nt 6015 92nd street. : See this before you buy. Wood sawing. O-d.r.s taken for woodsawing ('all T. Kearns. Tabor 406. For Sale. Good 16in wood at a reason able price. Phone Tabor 5398 Morning worship at 11. Bible school at 9:45. FOR SALE Epworth Ix-ague at 6:30. Eighteen thoroughbred White Leg Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, 1 ;30 p. m., prayer meet­ horn pullet«; laying; $1.75 each. H. Klinke, Gates road, Belrose station. ing. Friday, 8 p. m., choir practice. ROSE CITY VAN The One-Way-Charge Company See Us For . . . WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1424 D«1 82g.’ F«»(rr H.l J j HMMMMMMMSMMMeMMSMSSMtSfmHatMSMSSSMStMetSMMNH« <3«uiatatataiitaiR»stwstR*wRi»ststaum«o I When You Want to Move ; ì Cidi Tabor 7707 Ì JfETTVS TRANSFER^ I I and Erpress Auto Truck s ’ Gromore sure grows more. Î RESI DEM I Good printing Is the dress of good Evangelical Church | business; that’s the kind we do at th«« % 9436 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. , The regular services will be Herald office. '«MaaaM'aM ms*nmMm»smnnnnia held next Sunday. The pastor, 5 X -Limg-TJ Rev. N. Shupp, will preach both !!»«■■■■■■ morning and evening. Morning subject, "Christian St« wardship.” Sunday school 9:45 a. m. ■ ■ Junior Y. P. A. 3 p. m. : Young people’s meeting 6:30. Mid-week prayer meeting oil ■ Thursday at 7:45 p. m. « Preaching services at the Mt. Scott church 3 p. m. The Storage Battery ! Gromore sure grows more. ! : ■ : NOTICE TO CREDITORS T" th« Circuit Court of the State of O’-ciron, for the County of Mult- stands for Ornamental, nh n/'na’tmont of Probate. ’ »Iptt-r of the JCstate of Isaac lawn, flowers, Just i ight; «< r1ocoauod. ‘t ’. d.-. f ' • . .... .. > <- h-i'chv given that the « ■ bn • b'-on annoint'*d A'< Gropio t . an-» •' ‘r-’o”. with the will annexed ■ t ‘h" -sstate of the above named r'ands fo: i-rficiei . I aac M. Gingrich, deceased, by the jl'"ays the same. shove entitled Court, and has quali­ fied. All persons having claims againat said estate r e hereby noti­ Best money can buy. fied and required to present the same, Best earth can produce. duly verified and with proper vouch­ er«, to the undersigned, at the office NO FILLER * h’’s attorney, H. P. Amost, 5946 NO BULK 4 St. S. E.. Lents Station, Port land. Oregon, within six months from A LI '’EUTILIZER ‘h” date of the first publication here­ of. Onto of first publication. Febru ary 20, 1920. Date of last publication, March 12 1920. H. R. SCHEUERMAN, Administrator, with the will annexed of the Estate of Isaac M. Ging I rich, decrased. ■ H. P. ARNEST, Attorney. S lb. 75c ('ARDS ■ ■ ■ n ■ a u a 4 u u u u is one of the most important items of the equipment of the car. (f it fails, the lights are dead. Our Batteries are Strong and Lasting, easily changed by the generator and give maximum of current. ■ ■ n ■ ■ a a n u w 1 ■ LENTS GARAGE AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 ■■■■■■■■I 8919 Fostcr Ror