OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Happening* of the Week F rom All Part* of the State Briefly Information of Sketched The for Herald A county wl*t -rod by Thu Ítallo* KERN PARK DISTRICT burl nor* men. *—■ ■ Th* Forait service hai sold 7,000.000 feet of tlnibor In Urn« county abova Mrs. Rose Wilson and her son Oakridge at II 75 par thousand for Hugh, of 5725 72nd street, ex­ Itonglii fir. Incoino codar and red pect to move to Corvallis in the cedar and 60 cauta for hemlock and near future where Harry Wilson, timber. The Astoria Port commission and county court will oxiperale In the con­ structin'! of * road from the southern end of Eleventh street along the beach The Anti •Compulsory Vaccination to a connection with the Nehalem road league line been formed at The bailee. at Williamsport. A new too room hot«l la projected al Thu entire Houghton building at The The Dalle* If »ufflrlvnt inducement la Dallus has been leased by persons In­ enured by local cupltul. terested in the establishment of a All wooden brldg«a In the city of * new bank for Thu Dalles and it I* Haiem ure to be palutod white In fur­ probable the Institution will be In therance) of the civic pride movement. operation by Muy 1. The convention of tho Kaatorn Ore- Plan* for u public auditorium for gon Christ ten Endeavor aocicty *«• The Dall'S received definite Impetus held tn the t briallau cbun.li at i'endlo shun the ebumber of commerce dlrect- Ion. I or* voted unanimously to place the Senator McNary ha* Introduced a question before the voter* at the next bill In the aenatc to throw open th« city election. May 16. - Klamath Indlau renervntton to aattla* W. A Wiest, for the past threa years meat. deputy clerk of the Oregon supreme lloaeburg will vote In May on a pro- court, has resigned and will leave poaltiou to lame between >300.000 and March I for Klamath Falla where he >600.000 bond* for a municipal litchi will associate himself with C. F. Stone plant. In the practice of law. Mr*. Margaret Monteith, who haa re Carl Shoemaker, state fish and game ■ld«d In Albany continuously for oh warden. Is urging remedial legislation year«, baa celebrated her niuely flr*l to keep Oregon streams stocked with birthday. fish. Hu predict* that In the near fu­ The >6600 deficit of former Sheriff ture It will bo neoeeaary for every Oellatly of Benton county haa been county to have a hatchery. mad« good to the county by two of bla Member* of the lut Grande Ad club brother*. are congratulating themselves on be The Veteran* Lane County council !-ig able to Increase the population of haa been organlaed nt Kugwne. It will tho city to 6500 through a cleanup cum conalat of representatives of all patri­ mlttue. which gathers up those missed otic bodies. by tho census enumerators. The annual convention of th« Ore­ About 26 community me«qing* will gon Retail Merchant* aaeoolation con­ be held In Linn county In the next vened In Aatorla Mouday for a three few weeks, at which farm bureau work days' session. for the remainder al this year will be With a large exhibit anduattendance, planm-d. H. V. Smith, county agricul­ Albany's second annual automobile, tural agent, la arranging th« meeting. truck and tractor show want held Fri­ , Of thu 73.616 voters in Multnomah day and Saturday. county who have registered to date, Trust««* of the Klamath Falla Pres­ 52.Uh have registered us Republicans byterian church have placed an order and 17,331 have registered as Demo­ for a pip«' organ to coat >4000 to be crat*. The Soclslt*t. ProMkM1'1» and Installed In Augual. other parties claim the remaln^x 4036 N.’Michel*. recently discharged from I voter*. the eastern Oregon etale hospital. **• Prospects for a prune crop thl* sea­ killed when he threw himself In front son are good wherever the tree« were of a traiu near Echo. I not killed by the December freese, Voters of Eugene will ballot In May accordlag to D. F Fisher and C. A. on a proposal to expend >32.000 for the Reed, federal fruit expert* who passed purchase of an aviation field as. a baa« several days In the Marton county or- tor the forest patrol. i chard district*. Clyde lhekett. a native Oregonian Following their purchase of a down­ and 56 years a resident of Polk ermnty. town business site at a consideration died at hl* home in Salwtu following of >6500, W. L. and T. M. O’Donnell an attack of influvuxa. of Bend have announced that they will An adult man cannot adopt another commence the construction of a >50.- adult man In Oregon, according to a 600 theater with a seating capacity of decision of Attorney General Brown. I 1600 within a month In rvMpotisv to uh Inquiry. The state board of control has em­ E. L. Smith of Hood River,, an 82 ployed W. C. Knighton, former state year-ohl pioneer. Ik the laat survivor ' architect, to prepare plans and sped- of the republican convention of 1360. I flcat Ions and to supervise th« construc­ which nominated Lincoln tor presi­ tion of the new building at the stats dent. home for the feeble-minded. The struo- Scottish Rite Masons at ltuk«r are : lure will cost approximately >40.000. preparing for a local reunion the latter Fifty nine marten skins and nine part of April, at which all dogreoe up mink, brought into Bend by Bob to and Including the 32d will be con­ Llewellyn, represent a cash valuation ferred. of not under >2000 and Is the richest Charles H. Haddix, depia'y oolloctor take of furs marketed there in years. of customs at Astoria, was accidently Llewellyn Is a veteran trapper and killed while he was replacing the un has been wintering in the Davis lake derpinnlng of the house ut hl* ranch country. at Fernhill. The Beaver Portland Cement plant Squirrel* have become *ttch a nuis­ at Geld Hill, under the superIntend­ ance in the ( latkes accUon of Clack­ ency of W. H. Green, is now ready to amas county that th« farmer* hav<- ap­ operate. Repairs have been completed pointed Albert Gassier to distribute and the plant cleaned up ready for a poison grain. steady run of 1000 barrels per day. The Ankeny grang«' of Jefferson has plant represent* an expenditure of adopted resolution* lauding Governor nearly >100.000. Olcott for vetoing a large number of Startling values in platinum ore sent bills passed at the extra session ,of from Curry county has brought Into the legislature. the section around Ijinglols represen A movement has been started in tat Ives of San Francisco mining con­ Albany to raise >60.000 fcr the con­ cerns who are offering as high as >5000 struction of a community center as a for Individual claims located by vari­ memorial to the returned. soidlers of ous residents since the discovery was Linn county. mad« a couple of months ago. Broccoli in Douglas comity Is head It Is reported that a number of Ing up well, but the cold nights are Portland people Interested in the fu­ holding it lack enough no that th« ture of the state Industrial school for head* will be of large six«' and of ex­ girls will present a bill at the next cellent quality. session of the legislature asking for J. A. Churchill, state *u»«'rlntei*dent an appropriation for the erection and of public Instruction, left Haiem Satur­ furnishing of a new building at that day for Chicago to attend the annual Institution. The proposed building convention of the national! society for will coot In the neighborhood of >60.- vocational education. 000, according to those interested In It has been decided al ’’Salem to in­ the bill. stall warning signals at the railroad With the view to working out a plan cros n at the IntereecUan of Capitol whereby cattle rustling on the ranges and Union streets where several acci­ of Central Oregon can be stopped, dent* have recently oecuitwd. • livestock men of Central Oregon met Definite steps have bectn takeh-by tn Bend with Supervisor N. G. Jacob­ Ln county Dost No. 3, Ainvirlcan Lo- son, of the Deschutes National forest, g on. Eugen«, to place bef.i v tho vot­ to formulate a range policy for the er» of Lane county the proposition to I coming year. It is conservatively e*ti- build a soldiers' memorial i <> cost >20,- mated by livestock men that no less 00b. than 200 head of beef cattle have There were three fatalities due to either bi en killed or Molen by cattle accident* in Oregon durlut the week thieves in the last year. ending February 12. according to a For the purpose of determining the report prepared by the industrial acci­ value of logged-off lands In Oregon dent commission. Tho victim* were: either for agriculture or reforestation. John O. Foster, logger. Coq uillen Hen­ ! the research department of the Port- ry Sylvia, logger. Sequin. Wash..» and 'lard forest service headquarters will Fred Withrow, sawyert Llnnton. ma e a study of this territory. The The secretary of the Interior has re- I wori’ ’will be directed by Forest Ex- jncted the appeal of Dr. J.«F. Reddy of I nminor J~ F. Kum-nel and will Include M'dford, which was taken.Jrom a decl- i a survey of methods of logging and •alen of the war mineral relief com I fire protection to Insure a second crop mUslon awarding Dr. Reck Iy approxi­ i of timber, possibilities of producing mately >86,000 for his effort a to supply turpentine from native yellow pine and the government with c.hrotme from a improved methods of handling grax- Siskiyou county, California , property, Ing on the forest range*. during the war. Reader*. again for the south. Mr. and the Christian Endeavor meeting who is the director of the large Mr*. Johnson will be reinem al 6:30 p. ni., l ather and Son chorus choir at the Arleta church, bered by the older Arleta res­ Day will be celebrated. There will give an evening of music of idents as former business people will be special music sustained hi* own composition. The pro­ of that place. Mrs. Johnson it by the young people's orchestra. gram will consist of three an­ now an employe in a San Fran Judge Gaten» will be one of the thems, two hymns, a solo ar­ cisco railroad office ami Mr. tspeakera. The boys will be in rangement of "Abide With Me,” Johnson is connected with a evidence as ushers and as par and a gospel solo. ticipants in the program. another son, is engaged in the down-town busim■«, concern. The three young people'* so­ confectionery hiMincp*. cieties meet at 6:15 p. m. The Mrs. Ethel Lewellen of 77th Gromore sure grows more. senior and intermediate societies Little Eleanor Smith, of Will­ street and 58th avenue returned I are in a membership drive which last week from a few week's bridge, was the guest of her ma­ Arleta Baptist Church is proving quite interesting. ternal grandmother, Mr*. Jack visit at her mother's home in Mc­ The pastor’s convert claas will The pastor will speak Sunday Minnville. Mrs. Lewellen return Jones, of 6741 72nd street, from morning at 1 1 a. m. on "The Re- meet at 5:45 on the choir plat­ ed greatly improved in health an Sunday, February 8 fbr the rest I lotion of tlie Church to the form. Forty-five were in attend­ of the week, during the time of the result of a complete rest ad­ i Church to the World," Sunday ance at the last meeting. Miss ded to a course of recuperative the illness and death of her pn evening nt 7:80 the subject of I Carrie O. Millspaugh will give ternal grandfather, Stephen treatments by her brother who is an Osteopath physician of that the sermon will be "Can Man an object lesson and chalk talk Douglas Smith, of Willbridge. Escape the Law of Cause and Sunday night. Mi*s Millspaugli city. has had wide experience with Effect?” Mr. and Mrs. (iriff King, 182’1' T. H. Hollingwort li nnd his During the evening tservice a vouPg people and is especially East Madison street but formerly of Myrtle Park, have both just son-in-law, John Michaeli, of special musical program will be 1 fitted for this work. recovered from an attack of la Anaheim, Cal., arrived in Port given. J. A. Finley, conductor Gromore sure grow* more. grippe. Mrs. King i* still con­ land last Tuesday morning to b of the Portland Oratorio Society, nected with the activities of the guests for a short time nt th' Kern Park Christian church, rep­ home of the former’* si-tcr. .Mis- resenting that organisation as A. E. Hollingworth, nt Nashville president of the Christian Church 'station. Mr. Hollingworth ami ¡.Mr. Michaeli arc looking up Ore Women'« Federation. gon land with a view to making Ed Williams, formerly of Mil­ their home here in tln^ near fu­ lard avenue and 70th street, now ture. of Sunnyside addition, has re­ cently had the misfortune to fall Millard Avenue Church at his place of business, break­ At the Millard Avenue Pres­ ing one of hi* limbs and severely byterian church next Sunday hurting his ichest. His injuries morning the pastor, Rev. W. Lee are of such a nature that he will Gray, will sp«-ak on “A Man of probably be under the doctor's the Future." In the evening hi* care for a ‘few weeks. subject will be "Charge It." WHATEVER THE TROUBLE MAY BE Mrs. Viry McWirt Johnson ami her mother. Mis. Dewev, both of San Francisco, who were in the city last week, returned home Inst Saturday evening. Mrs. McWirt Johnson, who is said to have come to Portland to secure the final adjustment of a marriage-relea.se action, was in Arleta renewing acquaintances the nfternoon before she left Gromore sure grow* more. Kem Pi.rk Christian Church At the Kem Park Christian church. 46th avenue and 69th steet, the Bible school will con­ vene at 9:45. At 'll a. tn. the pastor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, will »«peak taking for his theme. "Within the Veil." ¡Following we can remove it if you phone us to cali for your auto. We know autos thoroughly and have every facility for doing thorough and quick work. Let us have your machine and we will put it in first-class condition for you in as short a time as possible and for a very reasonable charge for our service. FRESH STOCK The Lents Garage AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor 8919 Foster Road Tabor 3429 f (XIIMXHMIKKMKMXMIMHMHMIKKHKXMIMIMMXMIKIIXXMMXXXMMIXMIM ■ M M ■ M M M M ■ M City of Portland Recognizes the Superiority of the Gary ■ M M ■ M M ■ ■ ■ M W ■ Gary Truck* gain recognition th roughout the Northwest. The Fire Bureau of the City of Port­ land i* using six Gary Truck*. M One Ton M M ■ ■ ■ Ä M ■ ■ ■ ■ to Contractors, lumbermen, timbermen, merchants, cattlemen, warehousemen, an«i farmers are using GARY TRUCKS. We can make immediate delivery. interested and wanting to go on road construction, place your order with us for spring delivery, and pay for your truck in one season’s work. Five Ton Capacities If factory guarantee. us. The GARY has one full year We have some good territory open for dealers and dis­ tributors. ■ M ■ Gary Coast Agency Phone Broadway 2162 ' Seventy-one Broadway PORTLAND, OREGON » I W We also have other good contracts to place trucks on, farmers in all parts of the NORTHWEST are placing orders with ■