fHL , t n, $1 00 a Year 'GILBERT 51 M, 'LL .ANEOUS WEDNESDAY w Heralh LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 BOSTON’S FAMOUS FISH PIER IS BUSY AGAIN I ki .Mil ’ g n< The famous Flsli Pier of Boston which has l>wn Idle for over ten years so* hustles with activity. The East Coa-t tiHiierles lias «liken over the whole wharf and will mnke It oue of the biggest fresh fish terminals In the whole world. Photograph »how» fishermen celebrating the opeuing of the pier with a finh-packliig contest. LENTS GRANGE PASSED WOODMERE CLUB IS MRS. MARY THORNE LAID RESOLUTION AGAINST ACTIVE IN SECURING TO REST FEBRUARY 18TH ENTERY INTO POLITICS MANY IMPROVEMENTS of 0 Ltbriry VOL. xvm. No. 8 SIX-YEAR-OLD IRA LEM­ J. BERT McCRUM DIED MON KILLED BY AUTO 9 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 SATURDAY ON FOSTER John Bert McCrum, who died on February 17, was born in Canada on August 11, 1881. Hr was tlie »on of Martha and the late John McCrum. When hr was only 'three weeks old hi * parents moved to Superior, Wis.. aud lie lived there until 190 4, when he came with his parents io Portland. lie was married on December 25, 1910. to Miss De) in i A. Nicks, daughter of Mrs. John Erb, and sister of the late (’ora May Buckley, who passed away ’ last week. To this union two children I were born: Orin Bert, aged 8 years, and Ruby May, aged 4. Mr. McCrum was brought up in the Methodist church and was well versed in the Bible. He was an honest, hard-working man. alwavs striving to make a good home for his family. He was a good friend and a good neighbor. His death was a great shock to his nianv friends, rela­ tives and fellow workmen, for he was ill only two weeks, and he seemed on the road to recov- ery when his illness developed into pnemoia. which hastened the end. Besides his wife and children he leaves his mother. Mrs. Martha McCrum. and his two sisters. Mrs. F. C. Ward and Mrs. A. A. Craft, all three of Corvallis: and also a number of relatives in this citv. Mr. McCrum was a member of the earpeters’ union, local No. 1106. and the funeral was under their auspices. The burial was in the Mount Scott cemetery. Little Ira Lemmon Jr., six- year-old son of Ira Lemmon, of 9609 56th avenue, was fatally injured late last Saturday after­ noon by an automobile driven by Adolph Egger of 23rd street and Columbia boluevard, at the in­ tersection of 92nd street and Foster road. The boy died about 30 minutes later. F.gger and a partv of friends had been to a funeral at the Mt. Scott Park cemetery and were returning to town at the time of the accident, The boy was said to have tried to run aeroM the street in front of the machine to join his father. F.gger said he was going ten miles an hour at the time of the accilent. Ho admitted his ma­ chine went 25 feet after striking the bov before he brought it to a stop. Patrolman Anderson ar- rested Egger and took him to the police station where he was charged with operating a ma­ chine with defective brakes. No inquest was held over the body of the little boy and the funeral was held at Kenworthy’s Monday at 12:80. Interment was at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Mrs. Mary Thorne, of 5643 84th At the (■range meeting last street, was laid to rest in the Mt. The Woodmere club meeting ■ »aturdny the following résolu Scott Park cemetery Wednesday. was held nt Woomere hall Fri­ February 18. Funeral services were day evening. February 13. The ¡lion was i adopted : Whereas, There seems to be a gen­ held at Kenworthy’s chapel at 10:80 attendance was the largest so eral impre« «ion abroad that the A. M.. the minister in charge being far, and there are other pros­ S. D. SMITH, OF WILL- Grange in alii«*! with the labor union* Rev. J. F. Ghormlcy, pastor of the pective members to be heard BRIDG, BURIED HERE i and other organisations in fostering Kern Park Christian church. from. Mrs. Thome was bom in Ohio on I the Idea of and bringing into actual couple « H. T. Blakeslee, president, an Stephen Douglas Smith, of ' existence a political party known as October 17, 1839, and died in Port­ nouneed that al) the nine light- home. Willbridge, passed away Febru­ « Gilbert, «lui was the re- the "Land and Labor Party” and the land February 16, 1920, after six for which the club inaugurated ary 11 at the home of his son, t of m»«’V heautifnl and num«n «if some of our head officcri« months of failing health. For the a petition some time ago are be­ W ill Smith, after a few days of will be greatly past 30 years Mrs. Thome has lived have bi ’ en linked through the public rift* ing installed and that 77th street acute illness resulting from a pres» with thia proposed political in Oregon, part of the time being is now pretty well lighted. t from tills coinmunltV. chronic ailment. Funeral ser­ •««• pre sin* were France» party, an«i our whole order is thus spent at Falls City and the rent in A committee of three, com­ vice was conducted at Ken­ Portland, with the exception of a posed of Messrs. Holme s, Volt« MRS MABEL C. FAGUE ■ •li. I.nvcrn D" ial«l- n. Gl !<*C involved; and, worthy’s chanel Friday, February WhcrcnA, The principles of our or- temporary residence of a few years and Dr. Stout, has been ap­ Eva A tuler-■•»’. Blanch PASSED AWAY FEB. 10 18. at 2 p. m., Rev. E. A. Smith ,, Mur Haw’’in- I «’la Don- j der do not recognize any political in Caldwell, Idaho. For over thirty- pointed to see that the work on of the Lents Baptist church of­ i ('hide« Refberford. Let« 1 warty nor permit any discussion five years she was a member of the 77th street is done according to Mrs. Mabel C. Fague, of 7705 ficiating. Mesdames Herbert Or­ ' either pro or con in connection there­ Christian church, having Joined that contract. 57th avenue, passed away Feb­ ton and A. E. Ken worthy sang with. and in spirit at least forbids denomination in Ohio and holding L. L. Levings. whose recent j any officer to use or permit his her membership in Falls City at the recommendations to the club on ruary 10, 1920, after an attack ‘Beautiful City of Gold” and office to further any such political time of her death. the carfare controversy have at >f pneumonia. Her funeral ser­ Shall We Meet Beyond the Mis. Thorne is survived by three traded attention and who at vice was held at the Kenworthy River?" Interment was made in i party; and. Whereas, We believe that the fu- ( daughters, Mrs. Bell Elwood of Port­ tended the meeting of the state chapel at 3 p. m- on Satuday, the Mt. Scott Park cemetery. 1 ture '.vclfgpc and very existence of ‘ land, Mrs. Anna Mehrling of Falls I Fn-mmyrce Mr. Smith was born in Jack­ in eon- February 14, Rev. Goode being our order demands that we stcad- City, and Mrs. Maggie Burke of juqction with representatives of the officiating clergyman. Mrs sonville. Hf* Angn^t Id, 1801. i faytljr adhere firmly and fully to our Edon, Ohio. the P. R. !.. A- P. company, has Fague is survived by her hus­ He is survived by his widow and j basic principles above mentioned, now been asked to submit his argu­ band and one little son, Frank eleven children, all but two of !her> foie, be it ments in a written brief to the Frederick; her father. Frederick whom were present at the fu- Resolved, By Lents Grange; that KENNEDY & WILCOX commission for their deliberate Bornstedt, of 8836 66th avenue; neral, one being in flu quaran- we are unalterably opposed to in any REPORT SEVERAL SALES consideration. Mr. Levings ad­ two brothers in North Dakota, tine at the family home and at- ¡way linking the Grange with any vocate« distributing the cost of one in Montana, one in Idaho tended by the other. ■ others in the formation or fostering The real estate firm of Ken­ maintaining the street car sys­ and two in Washington. F W. MULKEY URGED of any political party, and we here­ nedy A Wilcox report the fol­ tem to all interests benefited bv Mrs. Fague was born in Nel­ Mix* Fleming Entertains Parents TO BECOME CANDIDATE by demand that the master of the lowing recent real estate trans the system instead of the present son county. North Dakota. Aug­ Miss Esther Fleming, librarian State Grange publicly and through fers: method of compelling the car ust 23,- 1893. She came to Ore­ of the Lents branch library, has | the pres.- make clear and plain his J. H. Daly property on 71st rider to pav the whole amount. gon in 1905 and was married to been entertaining her parents, ¡position as -uch in reference to this street to H. R. Manuell. Mr. livings’ original report to Hugh F. Fague in 1909. She Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fleming, of o called I and and 14ibor Party, and A. Chowcn property, corner the Woodmere club was printed was laid to rest in the Mt. Scott 1 akima, Wash. Miss Fleming, | «hat he make plain the posititon of of Woodstock avenue and 94tli in the January 30 issue of the Park cemetery. The sympathy who was absent a few days last ' >• Crnwith refcrenc«' thereto, street, to B. Winiger. of friends and their appreciation week on account of la grippe Herald. o the end that the public mind may F. Peterson property at 55th The next meeting of the Wood- of Mrs. Fague was evidenced bv but had sufficiently recovered to ' be fully advised as to the true po avenue and 89th street to G. W. mere club will be on the second the beautiful floral tributes. show her parents about the city, I sition of the Grange in this all- Hartfelder. resumed her library duties last in March nt Woodmere Fridav I important matter. MEN’S TUESDAY NIGHT .J. I.. Johnson ranch near Park hall. ’ Wednesday. Drive and Foster road to A. W. CLUB MEETS AT ARLETA 9 Markee. P.-T. A. Meets Today MR. AND MRS. JOHNSON Axd Kildahl is linable to se- The Lents P.-T. A. will meet Tuesday evening at 6:45 the TO RETURN TO DENVER •teil bv the state li Clarence Matthews, who frac­ cure Dorts fast enough to supply Men’s Tuesday Night club of the this afternoon (Friday) at the the the demand, so he sold his own amili bv the vote tured his wrist while cranking school house at 3 p. m. Mrs. and nt n general elec the service car of the Lents machine last Sunday to John Arleta Baptist church will meet Blanche Blumauer will present in the vestry of the church. Sup ­ ser­ Godvig. of 2066 Wasco street. in each instance Garage last week, was able to the modern health crusade to the per will be served by the ladies •is of short duration it va» return to work Monday, although Mr. Kildahl says it is now up to ladies and there will be a com­ committee of the church. The . nor to the stnte anil him him to walk for the next thirty he has not full use of his arm days until his new car arrives. (speaker of the evening will be munity sing. Mrs. A. E. Ken­ B. F. Irvine, of the Journal, worthy will render a vocal solo. Portino«! -»■ i He will speak upon different «cries of LENTS SCHOOL NOTES phases of Christian internation­ alism, including the League of Nations and the peace treaty. The canning club of the Lents Special reading«* and solos have school includes the following: been arranged Ibv the program Amelia Davison, Helen Delaney, and the llittle M. E. committee. The men of the com­ Mildred Elrod, Ethel Fisher, that locality, which munitv are invited to attend. In Vera E. Hensley, Ione La Grant, them grentlv. Mrs order to be sure of a plate at Odessa Leonard. Marv G. Lewis, nt present president table, telephone Automatic 210- Doris Marshall, Frances Miller, 3*2 or Tabor 1272. before Tues­ Matilda Schnider. Wanda Sleeper day ’noon. and Mildred Wakefield. • • • •n the able correspondent RF.LLROSE RESIDENT The books for .home reading Herald in the • Bellrose number of IS LAID TO REST of the 4b children include Little Ì. ♦ *7 V Miss Phoebe Gay, Pied Piper of The ’Herald joins with N M nianv friends in wishing Hans Fredriksen was born in Hamlin, Pinocclrio, History of rrnu happiness ami prosperity Norway, near the citv of Molde. Little Goody Two Shoes. Three nnnw in 1856. and passed away at hi* Years With the Peets. Nonsense home al Bellrose February 13. Books. Books of Verses for Chil­ t ENTS RACISTS BURN Lame Prince. He came to the I nited States in dren. and Little MISS GERTRUDE STONE • • • MORTGAGE ON CHURC1’ 1881 and settled at Beloit. Wis.. DIED OF HEART TROUBLE Those who did not attend the where he married Miss Karen illustrated lecture at the school Flack. They moved to Portland To celebrate the burning of the Miss Gertrude Glcna Stone, of 5608 in 1902. Mr. Fredriksen was a auditorium last Friday missed a mortim’o on the Lents Baptist blacksmith bv trade and was a rare treat, the lecture by Mr. chtvch huilding a large crown gnth ng th street, pa.-sed away February deep student His genial dispo­ Lewis being both entertaining ered Wednesday at a dinner at 6:30 18. 1920. at the age of 31 years, the immediate cause »wing heart trouble and instructive. He exhibited a sition won him many friends. At 8 o’clock they assembled in the resulting from a recent attack of number of fur garments such as Funeral services were held on • church auditorium where an excellent After dodging un. ami the wiles of tin- charming Tuesdav. February 17. Rev. Hv (he Esquimaux wear, and skins program took place, after which the pneumonia. Funeral services were French maidens, Private Ernest Lockwobd fell a victim to the flush - from iwoes of Tacoma and Rev. M. A. of animals found only in the far mortgage was burned In the subdued held at the First Friends church on the beautiful black eyes of thia Armenian girl, whom he promptly m:i<> Mra> Monday. February 16. at 2:30 p. m.. Christensen of Portland offici­ north. One skin exhibited, that light by the deacons and trustees. Rev. Homer Cox officiating. Inter |.uckwood. He couldn’t even pronounce her maiden name lie ad ilts l.ock- ating. Mrs. Simondsen of Port­ of a blue bear, is said to be rare ment was made at the Mt. Scott w . hm I drove a motor truck under fire In France, aril later win put In charge John Eggiman and family went Park cemetery. A. D. Kenworthy Ä 9f the Nenr East relief gurnge In Constantinople, where he met the future Mm. land sang his favorite songs. In­ even in /Alaska. to Silverton Tuesday to attend i Company were in charge of the ar- Lockwood. He la here on furlough, but soon expects to returu to Constautl- terment was made in Mt. Scott nonle and his Armenian bride. The Herald One Dollar • y«*r, Park cemetery. the funeral of Mrs. Eggiman* 1 rangements. aunt. SOLDIER AND HIS ARMENIAN BRIDE