Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 30, 1920, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year
'Jalv«raíty of Origen I
Professor Hershner Leaves
Lents School After Nearly
Fourteen Years of Service
I want to thank my friends
Patrons of Lents school and
citizens generally wi re saddened lor so noun word* of apprccia
when it became known that iliou of my work in the Lents
Prof. A. F. Hcrshner was to re •chool. I worked with you for
tire io principal of the Lents almost 14 years and during all
school at the i lid of I tic past this time in the work of the
term anil take a similar position school and care and interest in
with the Creston school. Prof. the Lents children, I was much
Hcrshner hns been nt the head encouraged by the kind words
of the Lents school for nearly spoken.
During the 14 years CilO chil
I 1 yenrs nnd during those years
Ims built a i Hinge school into dren received graduating cer­
one of the largest mid best in tificates from me and a larg.-
percciitage of them continued
the city.
Il is not alone as n successful their education in high school
MnnV of
teacher nnd executive that pil Jir business college.
pits nnd parents will remember (hem have become active and
Prof. Hcrshner; they will also successful, ami useful citizens,
remember him for his many I 1 was highly pleased when so
kind ili-ids and timely advice, ninny of them called to see me
lie was more than teacher lie Hie last few «lays of mV work in
was a friend to both pupils and Lents school.
family, la-tits school work was I I want to say, as you have
always closely < onneeted with oft< n said to me, that the Lents
Study was not all.‘ school has been a good one—-
the home.
Strong emphnsl < was laid on none any better in the city of
building up a »1 ronq, healthy Portland and
No principal can
body. Home industry was rec made it so.
ognixed nnd emphasis was plnccd make a school efficient without
on good conduct, Al) these in- efficient teachers.
The Inst week of my work
fluences combined to make wor­
with you was made the bright­
thy citizens.
Prof. Kershner's close atten­ est of my whole career in school
tion to the health of the pupils work, made so by the scores of
is shown from the fact flint dur letters, telephone messages and
ing his many year« as principal personal calls of my friend«. And
the school was never closed on the many little tokens in form
account of an epidemic of dis- uf presents that the children
ease save once, nini Hint was gave me.
I highly appreciate the letter
during the influenza epidemic
Inst year when not only all the of appreciation from the twenty
city schools but schools of the teachers of Lents school.
I feelingly appreciate the chil­
whole country were closed.
Prof. Hershner’« intense pat II dren and mothers coming to nv,
riotism during the time our coun­ 1 taking me hv the hand to sav
try waz engaged in the Inti- war roodhye with tears in their eyes.
I appreciate all these tokens
won the admiration of loyal
Americans, and the school under and I shnll never forget the peo­
his leadership, led in war activ­ ple. and especially tile hundreds
ities. The school hns n service of children who were in mv care
flag of 7«l stars, three of them for so many years.
gold. The three gold stars rep­
They always greeted me with
resent William Knecht, William a smile and I know in the coni­
Porter nnd t'ccil laindon.
At ng years they will continue to
the close of the war Prof. Hersll- do so, anil I certainly will watch
ncr led the school in showing them and their progress with
appreciation for his fioys who much interest. I want them to
had band their breasts to tin be as loyal and true to mv suc­
enemy of freedom and democ­ cessor as they were to me. So
racy, nnd a memorial service was I thank you for all friendships
held for those who had made the and the many tokens of appre­
supreme sacrifice.
Pictures of ciation shown me.
two of the hoys were placed in
the assembly hall. Later a ban
ipiet nnd reception was tendered EVENING STAR GRANGE
the boys of the school who re
turneil from the service.
On Saturday, February 7, Eve­
It is with profound regret *
all Imvc learned of Prof. Kersh­ ning Star Grange, of which J. J.
Johnson is master, will be held at
ner*« leaving the prim ip i> *»
our school. We arc glml to know Grange hall. The first and second
however, that he will cont n • degrees will be conferred on five or
six candidates. Mrs. Delia E. Mur­
to make his home hi re, uie.
though we have lost his lender ray, the lecturer, plane to have an
ship in tin' school we max •.♦J’ interesting speaker and some special
musical and elocutionary numbers.
benefit from his influent e
Among the features will be selections
citizen and neighbor.
by the combined Boys’ and Girls’
The teachers of Un­
Prof. Glee Clubs of Franklin high; solos
adopted and presented
fol by an expert banjoist, sent by the
IL rsliner v .
. _
Weber studio, and two readers. Mrs.
lowing resolutions;
Murray is anxious to make the ses­
"Mr. A. F. Hcrshner:
sions during her term as lecturer
"W< wish to express our ap
most interesting and profitable, and
preeintion for the pleasant asso
plnns to have brought before the
soeiation and the congenial nt
members those subjects which are of
mosphcrc under which we have
present importance.
worked with you.
We extend to you our sincere
Funeral of Mrs. McRoberts
good wishes for your future
The funeral service of Mrs. Eliza­
Marie Meagher. Mary Mnneur, beth McRoberts was conducted from
Matie B. Train. Laura G. Hnr the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
vev. Carri- H. Absher. Elsie M. H. E. George, 5719 72nd street, on
Thursday afternoon, January 22, at
LaRoche, »Stella Smith, Bessie
Enrsley. Grace Wolverton. Mar­ 2 o”clock, the officiating clergyman
being Rev. W. Lee Gray, of the
ion Dickey. Loretta Chapman.
Millard Avenue Presbyterian church,
Norecn McDonald. Maycc M.
Interment was made in the Rose
Alton. Clara Vaughan. Jessi-
City "cemetery.
Ethel E. Evarts. Maud K. Dnr-
Not a Motorboat
nall, Ida L. Menzies. Gertrude
Dr. J. S. McSlov attempted to
Urn lit rcc.
transform his machine into some
kind of a water craft the first
of the week in order to get
I desire to make a statement across the flood waters of John-
through your columns to the citi­ son Creek east of town, but the
zens of Lents and the patrons propeller or pnddle wheel or
and children of I.ents school.
something refused to function
Mv residence is with you and and "Doc" was marooned in th ■
Ims been the past 15 years. nnd midst of the swirling flood, He
in the- future will continue to be had to jump in and push the
machine ashore.
so far ns I know.
The public is cordially in­
Last Friday evening Mt. Scott
vited to be present nt the com­ Circle of Neighbors of Wood­
sing craft held a most interesting
which fill be held in the Lanta meeting at which officers for the
school assembly
Friday I coming year were installed. The
evening, January 80. at 8 p. m., captnin of the guards from Roy­
under the auspices of the Lents al circle came out and put on
Pa rent-Teacher .Association.
the work in a very pleasing man­
Mrs. Harvey T. Blakeslee of ner.
Mary Wartie was install
7521 69th avenue will lead the big officer. Foffinylhy is the
i he singing nnd Mrs. Echo Mc­ personnel of the new officers:
Nettie Hartwig. P. G. N.
Cord will preside at the piano.
Miss I.utic E. Stearns, librarian,
Annie Tumey. G. N.
Ruth Wrisley, adviser.
club woman nnd child welfare
Addie Allen, banker.
worker, of Milwaukee, Wis.,
Mary Tussey. clerk.
who is s|x*ndlng the month of
Annot R.-idoek. magician.
January in Portland lecturing to
Corn Wright. C. of G,
clubs and organizations, will
Mary Warde, attendant.
speak on "The Hope of the Na-
Rose Hubler, I. S.
tlon.” All ill this section of the
Mary’ Wrisley, <1. S.
city should avail themselves of
Frances Hartwig, musician.
this excellent
Managers: Mary Warde. Edith
hear Miss Stearns.
Rayburn, Frances Hartwig.
After the installation a social
RECEIVED DIPLOMAS hour was enjoyed and the fune
tion was concluded with refresh­
"Life Assets” was the topic of ments in the “blue room.” For
an address made last Friday the enlightment of the uninitiat­
night by Dr. Frnncis Burgette ed, it might be said that the ad­
Short of the Wilbur Methodist dition of the blue room to the
church, who was the speaker at grange hall suite is the result of
Franklin high school mid-year atmospheric instead of decora­
He suggested tive conditions.
five qualities as being invaluable
to the grnduate: Health, a grip- Prof. Hughson New Principal
ping life purpose, faith, love of
Prof. B. E. Hughson of 222
folks and ability to choose com­ West Sumner street. succeeds
panions among the best people. Prof. Hershner as principal of
Those who received diplomas the I.ents school. 1’rof. Hugh­
son. who is a graduate of Mar­
ietta college, has been principal
F.stel Newton Aker«.
of the Holliday school since
Tressa Amelia Armstrong.
Elizabeth Holmes Bennett.
Esther Chapman.
Elsie Frances Crawford.
Rae Candle Dering.
Victoria Ellis.
Ruth Gentry.
Lillian Hamilton.
Marguerite Hansen.
Ruth M^irguerita Hockman.
Lydia Holversen.
Ruth Howard.
Sira Charlotte Kallander.
Robert Kuhl.
Lucile Lopghary.
Jean McLean.
F.stella June Muir.
Julius Olsen.
. Benjamin H. M. Pollack.
Louise Schumacher.
Emerson Sims.
Marjorie Smith.
Samuel Soblc.
Dorothy Stevens.
Inez Terrill.
Harry William Thomas.
Agnes Ellen Esther Welling­
Sara E. Wood.
Woodmere Club Asks That
Car Riders be Relieved
From Part of Their Burden
the last meeting of the Wood- of license fees, bridge tolls and the
mere Club Mr. McKinley was ap- the paving of portions of streets.
pointed to see about securing Wood- The revenue derived by the city treas­
mere ball as a permanent meeting ury from these last mentioned sources
place for the club on account of its reduced by a like amount the sum
more central location. Through the necessary for the city to raise by
efforts of the club the city public taxation.
works authorities have been induced
“Resolved into essentials, it seems
to make requisition for nine more clear that the passenger, when re­
lights in the Woodmere district, the quired to pay a 5 cent fare, was
installation of the lights now being called upon, and did, defray the en­
dependent on the action of the Port­ tire cost of maintaining and operat­
land Railway, Light & Power Co. A ing a street railway system for the
petition has also been circulated for public benefit, plus the value of the
sidewalks on 59th and 60th avenues. individual benefit enjoyed, plus a
Regarding the present system of material contribution to the public
placing the whole burden of main- purse and the consequent lowering of
taining thc street car system upon the rate of taxation by which all,
the car riders, and the proposed raise car rider, business, industry and
in car fares, the club transmitted non-rider, benefited alike.
the following letter to the Oregon
“The 6 cent fare, more recently in­
Public Service Commission:
augurated, ha added nothing to the
“We assume that it will be con­ benefit of the individual car rider,
ceded that the existence of a street but has served only to add to the
railway system is necessary to the weight of an unjust burden so far
conomic, industrial and social life as he is affected, and to save harm­
of a modem city; that every person less and whole those other agencies,
living within the city is either direct- public and private, among whom, di­
Ivor indirectly benefited by the ex­ rectly and indirectly, the luckless
istence and operation of a street passenger’s fare is distributed.
“We make no claim that the pres­
ail way system; that the entire in­
dustrial life of the city would come ent revenues of the street railway
to a practical standstill if for any company are adequate or that the
reason, financial or otherwise, the company is not justly entitled to re­
street railway system were to per­ lief. We made no protest when the
manently cease to func’ion. and that, rate of fare was raised from 5 cents
generally, as aii are benefited, all to 6 cents, recognizing the increase
.- hould contribute to its support in as a possible necessary and tempo-
proportion to the benefits received. rary solution of a problem resulting
“It follows that the car rider from the abnormal condition of the
.-hould be charged with a larger pro­ times.
“But now that your honorable body
portion of the cost than the person,
business of industry that is a non­ is again asked to authorize still fur­
rider, for the reason that in addition ther increase in revenue in order to
to participation in the benefit that permit of the proper maintenance
accrues to the community as a whole and operation of Portland’s street
by reason of the existence of the railway system, we respectfully pe­
treet railway system, the car rider tition that you place no further bur­
is the recipient of the immediate dens on our shoulders, but that you,
in your wisdom and having all the
and individual benefit of the ride
facts before you, evolve a solution of
which he receives. It is for this in­
the perplexing problem that wall do
dividual benefit that the car rider
justice to all by effecting a distribu­
hould rightfully be directly charged.
tion of costs in proportion to bene­
It is submitted that in fixing this
fits received.”
charge the primary question to be
considered is the worth of the ride
to the individual rather than the 26 PUPILS GRADUATED
reasonable cost involved in supplying
the ride thus to be charged for.
“Heretofore, and to within a com­
Kellogg school promoted 26
paratively recent date, the revenue of
pupils nt the clone of last term.
our street railway system has been
Fifteen of these will go to Frank­
drawn almost wholly from the fare
lin. seven to Benson, two to
paid by individual car riders, or pas­
Commercial High and two will
sengers, and the 5-cent fare so paid
either stay at home or go to
was sufficient to defray the cost and
necessary net revenue to which the work. A new teacher has been
public utility was entitled. In other added to the faculty of this
words, the car rider was called upton school. Miss Lillie Walters, who
to bear the entire cost of maintaining takes the 8b. class, formerly
and operating a street railway sys­ I taught by Miss Alice Joyce, who
tem that is a necessity and benefil | has gone to New York to take
paying 5 cents for a car ride the ' up special work in Columbia
passenger not only paid what the I University.
ride was worth to himself as an indi­
vidual, but included in the amount
Mr. and Mrs. N. Coonradt, 5004
of the fare was an indirect contri­ 85th street, will be at home to their
bution to the public purse in the friends and neighbors Saturday af­
percentage of each 5 cent fare that ternoon, January 31, from 1 to 8
the public utility was required to o’clock, the occasion being the fiftieth
pay into the city treasury by way anniversary of their marriage.
Mr*. J. C. Martin and «on Donald,
formerly of Gray« Crossing, after
spending the past year in this vi­
cinity, left for their home in Los
Angeles last Friday. Mr. Martin re-
lieds arrested in the late raids in Massachusetts are enjoying Uncle Sam's hospitality at Deer Island, Boston,
while awaiting Investigation or deportation. While there they are made to aid In the care and feeding of their
anarchistic brethren. The photograph shows group of arrested radicals bringing food Into one of the detenUon
buildings on the Island.