Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 26, 1919, Image 3

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1 «ion total» *990,435.472.17. lu'cordlu* to
OF GENERAL INTEREST « statement prepared by Frank Lovell,
Lo« Angele» and that fact ls rc-
sponsible for their leaving Port-
Mr. Martin likes Port-
land, and like manv who havc
once lived here, he will prob-
ably feel so strongly the call of
Oregon that he will eventually
films, at the Sunnyside Congre­
gational church. Local churches
are i rite re «ted in helping with
this fund, the Kern Park Chris-
tian church Sunday school bar-
ing raised $10.00 according to
Sunday School Superintendent,
I. Purvince, having promised
more; and the little class of the
Rev. Mrs. J. J. Handsaker of
the I.ail rd wood Congregational
church having collected nearly
dollars. Mr.
«aya that the need* are greater
than ever, and cited a paragraph
from an eastern paper which
stated that only a miracle can
now save the starving millions
over there. There are from five
to ten million people, famine
victims, who will doubtless die
in spite of the efforts which are
being made in this country. Mr.
Handsaker’s February campaign
will include the Lent* churches.
Any one wishing information
concerning this important phil­
anthropy may get it by calling
the Armenian Relief headquar­
ters, Main 2178.
«tal» tax commissioner. Last year the
valuation* were (987.533,896 97. »how­
Principal Events of the Week lin' an Increase thl* year of a trifle
Mr*. Tidball, of (J9th street
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
more than *2,000.000.
E who has
The Hawley Pulp A Paper company and 55th avenue S. . -e.,
mation of Our Readers.
hna placad an order with the Oregon been very ill at her home, la
Pendleton's tax levy this year will (Tiy Foundry company for the ntanu-
reported better.
bs 41 mills m against 27.« Inst year.
facture of several new wet machlues,
Robert <*, Paulus wus re-elected pres­ which have alwaya la the past been
liowarii Crofts, who ha« been
Mr». S. E. Smith, 5(180 (18th
ident of ths Halim Commercial club *1 manufactured In the eaat.
ill nt hi» home at 7106 57th
tb<* nunusl moating.
Reports from varloua section* of th* nvenue S. E., Is feeling bette* •treet S. E., Itn» been entertain
Mr*. Martha A. Smith, ug*-*l 90 year*, »'ate Indicate that large quantities of
ing her sister, Mr«. c.
C. B.
otn* of the oldest resident* of lane potato«« were frozen during the re­ since the change in the weather. Springer, of Grants Pass, for tin-
county, dl< d at Eugene.
cent record breaking zero weather.
J. E. Custic, 6729 58rd ave­ past month,
Mrs. Springer left
The roof of tlto gymnasium of th» Home farmers have suffered rather nue S. E., spent last Monday
for her bom«* last Wednesday,
Monmouth high ■«■hool caved In under heavy I <>«**-« in thia reepect.
Mr*. Smith lias also been hostess
th<> weight of ths heavy snow*.
Hrnator McNary la preparing a bill
Umatilla county’s tax levy for the
Herald, one year one dollar.
recently to her niece, Mrs. Effie
coming year will be 13 mills, an In- city of Medford for public park pur- ing busiiic»» nnd neighborliness. Grayson, of Belleview, Idaho,
poses, and another bill appioprlatlng
crease of 5'»j mills over last year.
who lias been making an ex­
Many hors«« In the Butter Creek re­ *150.000 fur the nrwtlon of a public
visit with Iter «laughter.
glon of Umatilla county are dead be­ building at Klamath Falla.
E. Hadley, of Wasco
cause of «-old and Insufficient feed.
Interstate bridge receipt* for Novem- Good Itoiida association, originally aet
and 28th »treet». Mrs. Grayson
h«*i tot^isl *24.006 r>5, according to • for December 13 and then poatpoued
returned to her Idaho home la<t
one week on accouiit of the storm, has
report Issued by th«* commlsaloncr*.
Following the cancellation of al' >al been postponed uguln and will be held
At the Millard Avenue Pres­
restrictions. P. P. Keck, coal <
byterian church last Sunday eve­
for Oregon, closed hl* office at h. IO.
Fire, which Is ¿bought to bave start­
sure but slow improvement ci
ning the special music was a
Th«* aiiniinl convention of the Oro- ed from au explosion of chemicals In
her «laughter, Mrs. G. W. Har­
aon slate teacher*' »»socialIon will be th«* laboratory or from s stove In the Christmas carol, "O Holy Night,”
OIGHT now, after the hard service
vey, who has just returned to
held In Portlund Ih-eembor 29, 30 and social rooms on the floor above, dam by Georg«- CoIvey, baritone. Mr.
through the summer.
If you
aged Waller hall at Willamette Uni­ Colvcy has a pleasingly mellow her home from a specialist’» hos­
Hundred* of peach, apricot anti versity to th«* extent of *35,UOO.
know what hot weather and long night
and vibrating voice.
ierr> treea war* ktn.<i in •Wasco
After liquidating all Indebtedness,
tended by n nurse.
ih<- r* < i ni <*xt r* tin* < old there remained In the surplus fund of
drive« take out of a battery, you can
George Snider, 4418
Prof. .1. A. Hollingworth, of
the Oregon »tat« fair board on Decent- street S. E., is improving «lowly
appreciate the need of a "tuning-up”
The recent t**ro weather and heavy tier 1, 1*19, a total ot *2.409.71, accord
th« Arlcta Studio of Music, gave
for the fall season with its early dusks
full of snow did much damux« to con- Ing to the annual report prepared by from the attack of rheumatic hi» first choir concert of the
servntorles owned by the flArlsta near A H. L<a, secretary of the board.
1 fever from which he ha« been year at the Sunnyside Congr'!-
and sharp mornings. Our
Oregon City.
Mr». Snider lias been
Contracts have been signed by offi­ | f suffering.
With team* of three eommutilllea y«*t cials of the Cascade national forest nssisted in her care of the pa­
to hear from, the ll<x»d River Red and the Northwestern Turpentln« com
included the Misses Bennett,
Cross chapter already ha» 1800 mem­ pany of Portland, whereby this com- tient by her daughter, Mrs. Paid Euraley,
ber» for 1920.
puny will be allowed to tap Douglas k Walker, of Seattle.
Hog«-, and Messrs. Onwtadt and
goes a long way toward "keeping a good
Eight cent» a pound for the Marlon fir trees In th«* forest for turpentine.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. E. Coates, Shearer. Miss Ethel Rand was
county yield of loganberries for the
battery good." Take advantage of it now.
J. E. William* and family of Eugene,
A request has
year 1920 bus been offered by u can­ who were believed to have been !<«t In ¡5728 70tll street S. E., ami Mrs. nt the organ.
If minor repairs are needed, let us save you
nery at Albany.
the deep snow at the summit of the Mary Mahaley, who came thre«* beejt made for th«* repetition of
by making them now. We do care­
Ashley H. June». 35, rancher of the Cascade mountain* while attempting to weeks ago to become their guests
the concert next Sunday eve­
southern end of I'mntl'la county, «a» cross Into eastern Oregon with a four
ful, conscientious work, using Gould parts
for the winter, have all been vic­ ning, and if the choir can be
fatally »hot by I i I m bunting companion. horse team, arc reported t% be safe at
including the famous Dreadnaught Plates.
assembled this week for practice
Edward Warner.
I .a Pine.
A flro In the basement of the Port-
the same program will be given
Twelve aliena have been deport«*d
Ian«! Stove work» al Portland caused from Oregon during the present month All three are now, however, able again at that church next Sun­
G lAinlr lAe Gould Battery
damage to the plant tat I mated at from and other* arc <*xp«*cted to follow be­ to be out again.
it the best in tAe worf<£
9T8.0M to UM.090
Next lime you need a new
fore th«* flrat of the year, according to
battery, let ut tell you teby.
Ih-nry Blank*- and O. C l.uccke. ot Information mad«* public by It. l’. Bon-
J. A. Martin, 5630 68th street worth has been choir director at
Plymouth, Wla.. have announced that ham. chief of the Immigration service S. E., left the first of the week the
Sunnyside Congregational
they will Install a *50.000 hardwood of thl* dlitrlct.
f«>r I.<>s Angele».
Mrs. Martin church since last September.
sawmill at Harrisburg.
Official* of the Houtherir Pacific
The work of Armenian relief
A call lias been Issued for the sixth Oregon lines .received the banner anti their son Donald will folio at
annual conference of the Oregon Htate a warded to the road for making the D is soon as the present Franklin is being carrie«! on nt holiday
Drainage u»»o<lution to convene at beat record among road* employing High term is ended, as it was
time by the regional secretary,
Corvallis. January 1 and 2.
more than 2000 tneu In the northwest iu>t thought advisable for Don­
8919 Foster Road
Tabor 3429
J. J. Handsnker, 6985 45th Ave.
The flr»t case of amputation report­ region during the r«>ceut nallonai sc-
ald to enter a different high S. E
Last Sunday his assistant,
ed at The Dalles a* the result of freez­ 1 cldent prevention drive.
without complete credits. Rev. Warren Morse, gave a leç­
ing »as that of E. Clossen, a sheep-
An Ice jinn ripped out the false
het^N »ho had lit-. !<-* taken off.
work on the new Columbia highway The Martins own their home in ture on this work, assisted by
Damage by broken water pipe*, brok­ bridge over the Deschutes river. In
en tree* In th«* orchard* and death of course of construction, and sent It
stock on the range In Medford and down the river. The false work repre­
th*1 Itogue river valley I* estimated at sented five months’ work und an outlay
of approximately *5000.
On It* own motion the public service
A mooting of the North Pacific Fair
commlsHlon has Instituted an Investi­ association will be held In Portland
gation of the distance, cluaa and coni January 26 und 27. Representatives
mudlty rat«-» of the Sumpter Valley of all north west fairs belong to the
* ’
organization. Dates for the 1920 fairs
Th*' committee In charge of plan* will be determined, and other business
for the Inaugural ion of A. M. Williams transacted at the meeting.
as president of Albany college has
By executive order a atrip of land
fixed January 7 tut the date of tile two miles long and containing 327
acres, situated at the outer edge of
Nine allotment* of land In the Uma- Tillamook Head, Is restored to entry.
tllla Indian reservation, totaling 600 This land was withdrawn In 1885 for
aero* ami appraised at *80,410, or *124 quarry purposes In connection with
an acre, are to be offered for «ale the improvement of the Columbia
February 16.
A protest signed by 100 parent* of
Mixing poison to kill jackrabblta tn
school children luu* been filed at Rose­ the Tumalo district la progressing and
burg objecting to rouipul*ory examina­ 25 sacks of strychnine-impregnated 'll
tion of their children by a proposed falfa leaves already have been dlstrib-
county nurse.
uted. The first results noted were
The Oregon Duroc Jersey Swine when several hundred bunnies were
Breeder*' asHoelntlon has completed found dead after eating the poisoned
arrangements for a swine show to be loaves.
held at the Htate fair ground* In Salem
l*rlces for commodities In Oregon
on February 4,
hav<> advanced about 10 per cenP in
Jatjk Humphry*. 9 y>-nr old son of the last six months, according to a
Nick Humphry» of Oregon City, was comparison of blds received at Salem
probably fatally Injured when ho watt for furnishing supplies to the various
by a companion while playing state Institutions during th«* first six
a .22 rifle.
months of the year 1920, with those
Th<* 80th annual district convention received on June 12, 1919.
of the Knight* of Pythias was held at
Fir«» that attacked the Palmolive Oil
The Dalle* during th«« official visit of company plant In Portlund practically
Chiirles 8. Davis, of Deliver. Colo., su­ ruined the three-story structure and
preme chancellor.
Gary Truck* gain recognition throughout the Northwest. The Fire Bureau of the City of Port­
forced a score of workmen to flee for
Th«* Christmas vacation tours of the their Ilves. One employe. Frank Rus­
land is using six Gary Trucks.
men's and women's glee club* of the sell, wns severely burned about the
Unlver»lty of Oregon have been In- face when he sought to escape the
definitely postpon«*d on account of flames. The loss is estimated at *250,-
Contractors, lumbermen, timbermen, merchants, cattlemen, warehousemen, and
weather condition*.
The »tato highway commission has
farmers arc using GARY TRUCKS.
We can make immediate delivery.
Utilization of 10,000 acres of govern­
started survey* on the lleppi erGrant ment-owned swamp land near Klamath
interested and wanting to go on road construction, place your order with us
county road which was authorized by lake as a soldier’s settlement project
for spring delivery, ami pay for your truck in one season’s work.
We also
the .Morrow county taxpayer* ut n spe­ was urged by the Oregon delegation In
cial election last summer.
the house at a conference with Secre­
have other good contracts to place trucks on, farmers in -all parts of the
The Portland Railway. Light A Pow­ tary Lane, The government now ie
NORTHWEST are placing orders with us.
The GARY has one full year
er company filed for record at Oregon negotiating a contract with private
City a mortgage covering Its entire Interests to reclaim the land and ee­
factory guarantee. We have some good territory open for dealers and dis­
property. The document covers 36 cure Its use for 30 years.
pages of cloBely printed sheets.
Malheur county lends the counties of
Many birds perished in the Harris­ Oregon In the extent of Its unappropri­
burg section during the severe cold, ated and unreaervod public land*, ac­
due to exposure. In many Instances cording to the annual yeport of the
»now bird» froze In batn lots where commissioner of the general land office
feed had boon thrown out for them.
just made lo congress, and Harney
William L. Finley has been removed county Is second. Malheur has a total
n* Htate biologist of the Oregon fish area of 4,463.403 acres of remaining
anti game commission. Thl* action public lands, and Harney county has
was taken at a meeting of the com­ 8,839,560 acre*.
mission h<*ld In Portland December 11.
Do you use good paper when
The value of the taxable property In you write? The Herald can
the 3« countIe* in Oregon, Including prinf anythinf and do it rijrht.
that equalized by the county boards of Subscribe for the Herald $1.00
equalization and that equalized and
per year.
apportioned by the state tax cotnmto
Give your Battery a Chance
to get its " Second Wind
Battery' Inspection
Lents Garage
City of Portland Recognizes the
Superiority of the Gary
One Ton
Five Ton
Gary Coast Agency
Phone Broadway 2162
Seventy-one Broadway