w, THE Mr«. Elmir* Pugh who has Lenta Baptist Church been very ill at the home of her Sunday school at 9 :4S. Good daughter, Mrs, R. O. Wigle, music and classes for all ages 5900 82nd street is slowly ini and siaes. Morning worship at proving. 11 a. m. "Friendship with Jesus, How Attain It,** will be Purse Found. the pastor ’s subject. Found purse containing money Yeung people ’s prayer meet Owner may have same by call­ ing at 6:80. ing at the Herald office and Sunday evening service at identifying. 7:80. Song service. "Why I FURS ARE HIGH Believe in Enlistment in the Everywhere trappers are male New World Movement** will be ing big money. Are you one of discussed by members of the I them ? We are paying top-notch church. The solo by Happy Miles and prices. Try us—you’ll be pleased. Send for free price list the trio by Messrs. Albert and today. E. R. Skinner and Co. Roy Boatwright anil Philip 1121 Front street, Sacramento. Drake were much enjoyed last Musical comedy runs largely Sunday night. to legs. For Sale. Subscribe for the Herald $1.00 Good I Ain wood at a reason­ per year. able price. Phone Tabor 5398 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Oxone Oxygen Vapor, Mas sage. Violet Ray, High Frequen­ cy. Electricity, Vibratory, Spinal Treatment«, Faradic, Organic Corrective Methods, Super Heat Cabinet Sweats: free examina­ tion; 24 treatments Twenty l)ol lart.— Dr. Jenson, Chiropractor, (since 1910), 30» Raleigh build Ing, Washington at tfth; phones Main 1132 -C12KI. Mrs. Hedge Given New Office. Mrs. Marvin Hedge who held the office of Shepherdess in the White Shrine order was elected Noble Prophetess recently. Mrs. Hedge is most proficient in all lodge work she undertakes and deserves the honor bestowed up­ on her, Stray Taken Up Bay horsa, 4 white fvst, whita faca. Call Hume phon« 1011. A. W. . !• « art, Guisnsss road, north of Gilbert road. d512p Come in and pay that over­ due suliscription account. Don* wait until the paper stops. Mrs. J. W. Maffctl entertain For Sale cd a number of White Shrine Baldwin apples, $1 per box delivered. Call at (1228 92nd friends from the city, Monday, street, or phone Tabor (1297. December 1, at her home (1835 n2ltf 90th street. Thornton & Sowards VONTKACHXVKN Coment Work. I'laatering and Csaspouls Raaldenoa 4410 Fiftieth Ava - -------------- Furniture Wanted Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert 1 We pay the most for your Bleything, 5827 83rd street, used furniture, stoves and December 5. a son. ranges. W. C*. Rockwell, <1015 The Herald does all kinds of 92nd street. printing, not the cheap kind, Woodsawing. but the gtxxi kind. Orders taken for woodsawing. Do you use good paper when Call T. Kearns. Tabor 40fl. you write? The Herald can The Herald one dollar a year.‘print Anything and do it right. Xmas Suggestions FROM THE Mt. Scott Drug Company ■ ■ Scott I WHY NOT MAKE YOURS A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS This beautiful Columbia Grafonola in Walnut, Oak or Mahogany and 12 records 24 selections. Before baying your Phono­ graph come in and hear the Wonderful Edison. Pay whatever you wish down Pay whatever you wish down and the balance in small monthly pay­ ments. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN and the balance in payments. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN Af EAGE M ■ $1.00 ■ ■ ■ ■ M M ■ ■ ■ PerYear Suggestions for the Different Members of the Family f OK FATHER AND BROTHER FOR MOTHER AND SISTER Electric Peculator Electric Vacuum Sweeper Electric Heater Electric Iron Electric Grill Handbag-Purse Pyratin Ivory, Single Piece or Sets Perfumes and Atomizers fountain Pen Stationery Casseroles Eastman Kodaks and Albums Candy in Fancy Boxes Community Silverware Ink Stands ■ W ■ Eastman Kodak Daylo flashlight M H M M Fountain Pen Cigarette Case or Holder Shaving Sets ft ■ M Mugs and Strops Si Safety Razors Purse. Pocketbook, Billbook Ingersol Watches $2.25 up to $12.00 a Cigarettes and Cigars in boxes Playing Cards Military Brushes FOR BABY—Baby Brushes and Comb Sets, Rattles, Floating Toys, Kiddie Kars, Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Etc. ............................................................................................. ■ VALUE AT EACE VALUE. Herald ■ ■ ■ $200.00 $135 M ■ ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I................... " I------------------------------------- , ,■ — You are cordially invited to come in and look over our Christmas Stock GEISLER BROTHERS NINETY-SECOND STREET, Near Carline LENTS ■ M M ■ M M I w ■ ■ 5 3 5 M M