¿ML Subscription, $1.00 a Year ' ■ ; 1 ” ’ Ulr.r, ’ ' LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER li, 1919 VOL. XVH. No. 50 Why West Is Interested. The large amounts of money AIDS IN RED CROSS SALE in putting together the spent pro­ .Th< Mt. Scott Mental Culture plants of western metal club held Ils regular meeting in duccrs in recent years amounts Arletn library hall Thursday, to approximately a billion dol­ December 4. The Inst of a se­ lars. The bulk of this money ries of papers on Walt Whitman came from eastern investors by Mrs. Blnnche was given Special tnusif* was and the west received the great­ Thurston, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. J. est benefit from the expenditure McMillen Muir, one of the most ami sternly payrolls maintained. a being This is the reason why the it h in be r s attractive west is interested in maintain­ Scotch love song. The Indies of the citi l> as- ing conditions which will make slsted the Ited Cross Friday of it possible for such idustries *o Inst week in selling their Christ develop and get needed capital. inns senls nt Meier A Frank's, The west is perculiarly depen­ the Owl Drug Store, Woodward- dent on foreign orders and out­ Clarke's and Lipmnn A Wolfe’s, side capital Investments to min* 'file Indies who gave their ser- tain its prosperity. We have unlimited recourses vices were Mt-sdamea Frederick Armstrong, F. H. LeRoy, M. A. but it lakes money to develop Locher, T. C. Lockwood, F. N. them nnd purchasers to buy, as Dobbs, Harold Wagstaff, Jean our own local requirements are F. McLoncy, J. J. Hiindsaker. small. This is why we should A. C. Holcomb, W. M. Abel nnd hump ourselves to establish and George E. Stoner. maintain sound measures in mat­ ters relating to legislation Endless Regulation. There arc many lines of busi­ Inlmr questions nnd taxation. Delayed ratification of peac: ness to enter which now one negotiations is sevcrlv injuring must take out a license, or at western industcries at this time. ’cast give reports to I he govern The Farce Continued. incut of hi* business statistics. Press dispatches again an­ O. E. S. OFFICERS ENTER- BLIZZARD RAGED MON­ LADIES OF G. A. R. A newspaper publisher said the nounce that “ Consideration of TAINED BY MRS. HESS. DAY AND TUESDAY other ilay that it took one of ELECT OFFICERS. his clerks half her time to make waterpower legislation before One of the most pleasant so­ On account of the blizzard There was a good attendance out government reports. In tile senate will be taken up fol­ cial events that has happened in lowing disposition of railroad raging Tuesday afternoon and at the meeting of the Ladies of his irritation he probably exag­ gerated, but many business men legislation. The proposition is Lents occurred last Wednesday Wednesday the Herald’s local the G. A. R. last Saturday eve­ the same which hns met with op­ evening when Mrs. O. A. Hess, news department is greatly cur­ ning nnd the following officers would make a similar report, worthy matron of Mt. Scott O. tailed this week. Telephone were elected for the year 1920: The field of governmental ac position of conservationists for E. S„ entertained her officers service was poor owing to the Mrs. Docia Tussey, President; tivity constantly enla r g e a. many years past. Terms of the Many of these extensions arc bill would open up the entire at her home 5406 92nd street, at inability of the operators to get M rs. Florence Hamlin, Senior a six o’clock dinner. to their work Wednesday, mak­ Vice President.; Mrs. Emma absolutely necessary. When west to development of its vast The tables were tastefully de. ing this means of collecting news Bush, Junior Vice President; wasting waterpowers. ’ ’ most people drove horses, little The public han little faith in corated with red carnations and out of the question, while Miss Mrs. Alice Woodworth, Treas- or no road regulating was call­ covers were laid for twenty-two. W. Aimee Hollingworth, local urer; Mrs. Mary Lawrence, ed for, now most of the states such statements as the same pro­ A most enjoyable four course news writer for the Herald" was Chaplain; Mrs. Lulu Schermer­ mise has been made for years maintain Inrgc departments of dinner was served. Just as the also unable to reach the office. horn, Conductress; Mrs. Olive people to license automobiles and never yet has a leader been dinner was being ended a pho­ Business of all kinds was vir­ Forte, Guard. The instillation and their operators and control found in congress with sufficient tographer appeared and a flash tually at a standstill in Lents of the new officers will take understanding of the case and this traffic. The assessing and light picture of the party was all day Wednesday owing to place January 3, at which time collecting of the federal income courage enough to show the hy- taken. Just before the tables cold weather and deep snow’ the appointive officers will be tax is another function requir­ pocracv and self interest of the were removed, Mr. F. O. Mc­ drifts. Many business men installed. so-called “conscrvationest" wag ing costly machinery. Grew in a most fitting manner, found their stores barricaded be­ which baa been able to fool the Tnesc are only two of many public and delay development on behalf of the officers of Mt. hind drifts three to six feet high Basic Economics new fields of government ac­ chapter, presented Mrs. Wednesday morning, while 92nd of wasting water«, when the Scott The schools are the medium tivity. ' The cost to the public world is crying for fuel, heat, Hess with a beautiful Parisian street and Foster road were which we should use to spread is great nnd includes not only ivory mirror. closed to traffic by snow drifts light and power. among the American people cor- the force of government depart­ This month closes the admin­ in many places higher than a Delayed development due to rect notions of capital, labor, ments, but the time it takes political rag chewing has been istration of Mrs. Hess as wor­ mans head. All day a Dodge banking and thrift, The ele- business concerns to make out n crime against the nation and thy matron of the Mt. Scott touring car stood in the inter­ mentarv school is none too early their reports nnd deni with the when the man who brakes the chapter, and under her direc­ section of 92nd street and Fos- in which to begin instruction government. combination and succeeds in tion Mt. Scott chapter has had er, road, having stalled in a snow­ along such lines. We are all Some people think that event­ opening for development the one of its most prosperous years drift there some time Tuesday agreed that thrift should be ually no one will be allowed to in its history. Her devotion to night. vast areas in the west. taught in schools, but to teach enter business or even take a the work of the order and her A lone street car plied be- mere saving or accumulation job without being licensed, MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER congeniality toward the entire tween Lents and Anabel station without showing what the ob­ foresee ail army of inspec- They FOR VIVIAN TOPHAM membership has resulted in her those who were compelled to IP jects of thrift are, is teaching tors, mostly politicians in need being held in high esteem by to the city being obliged to miserliness. In connection with Mrs. P. A. Kennedy recently of a job, who will swarm over all. The* guests departed at an walk from Anabel to some in- the teaching of thrift there the country investigating every­ entertained the Five Piont club earlv hour feeling that they had be should also be taught the func­ definite point supposed to at her home, 5005 82nd street, body. enjoyed one of the most pleas­ 12th and Hawthorne. Hundreds tion of banks. Pupils should be This is nn extreme view of in honor of Miss Vivian Top­ ant evenings ever experinced in however, made no effort to made to see that mere saving whose engagement to course, and while the public ham, the history of the Mt. Scott reach the city. does no good unless that which is feels that mnny practices of Harry Trask was announced, the chapter. saved is used to create more marriage to take place Christ modern life do need control The Short Handled Shovel. All the officers were present wealth. To that end thev should mas day. The occasion was a yet the government nnd states Sing me no song of the short with the exception of Mrs. Hurd. be shown that there is a great for Miss should go a little slow in this micellaneous shower The following were among those handle shovel, the ding-busted difference between money which direction. The cost of regulat­ Topham. present; Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Me- thing has nigh broken my back. is merely stored un in a little The rooms were beautifully ing and the benefits incurring Grew, Mr. and M rs. Hankin, I’ve shoveled the sidewalk, the iron bank at home and that should be closely figured out be­ decorated with pink roses and Mesdames Maud Damali, Nellie roof and the henhouse; the milk which is taken to a real bank fore entering into new fields Oregon grape nnd with festoons Katzky. Estelle Kat«ky. Janet. man, the mailman and the coal­ and is put ont into the indus- of pink nnd green crepe paper. of inspection, thnt may not be nt Gcssel, Myrtle Sager, Edith man track. I’ve cleaned off the trial world to earn an interest nil necessnry or beneficial to the A delicious luncheon was served Droste, Mamie Snyder, Nellie steps and the porch and the in return. In some of our large and the afternoon spent in so- people as a whole. Jessie rose bushes; dug out the garage, schools there are school savings McGrew, Nellie Stout, cinl conversation. Sanders, Vida Weddle, Echo the woodshed and then—I'm a banks established. These exist Mr. Shank Buya Klebe Ranch Those attending were Mr. anil McCord, Alice Stevens and sun-of-a-gun if the didn’t drift not only in elementary but in Sumner D. Shank has pur­ Mrs. J. C. McGrew, Mrs. C. P. full again. I’ve shoveled the high schools, but in very few Mayme Hogue. chased the Klebe ranch on the McGrew, Mrs. F. O. McGrew coa,l the briquets and sawdust cases are any attempts made to Gilbert road and will take pos- and two children, Mr. and Mrs. MARY E. FAWCETT TO through the slit of a blank fur­ teach the nupils the functions of cssion about the first of the McCord, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ADDRESS KELLOGG P.-T.A. nace door. Sure I love Oregon a bank and where the interest year. Mr. Shank grew toma­ Sweet, Mrs. W. W. Sanders, and the snow caps, etc, but comes from. The regular meeting of the toes on a large scale in the Wil­ Mrs. Emma Hankin, Mrs. Will­ blamed if Iwant any more. 9t> lamette Valley prior to coming iam York, Mrs. Walter Kaneau. Kellogg Parent-Teacher associa- sing me no song of the short-han­ The bazaar which was to have here, his crop yielding seven and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. tiou wjll be held next Tuesday, dle shovel, for I’m sick of the been held in the M. E. church one hnlf tons. He is planning Elmer Droste nnd little daugh­ December 16, at 2:80 p. m. in thing in more ways than one. Wednesday has been postponed on starting a bee farm at his ter, Mrs. Clyde Sager, Mrs. the Kellogg assembly room. The I’ve seen enough winter to last indefinatelv on account of the new home. He claims they will Connell, Mrs. Dena Hess, Mrs. principal speaker of the after­ me till next year, and I'd give weather. Mrs. May noon will be Mrs. Mary E. pay from 100 to 200 per cent Eddie Snulstrom, my last sock for a look at the Howe, the Misses Frances and Fawcett, dean of women at O. sun. on the investment. In the beginning woman wore Vivian, Tophnm, Mrs. Lydia A. C. Mrs. Lina Jasper will be Old Wrinkle-eye. her engagement ring in her nose, The average family consists of Campbell, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. the vocalist of the afternoon. where right now man is wearing Where there’s a will there*! four and a fraction persons. Mosier, P. A. Kennedy and the Mrs. Bruce Polwarth will pre­ a lawyer. his. side. hostess. Father is the fraction. MENTAL CULTURE CLUB Collective Bargaining 101 MRS. A. S. PEARCE LAID TO REST DECEMBER S Mrs. Anna I. Pearce, of 6209 89th street S, E., died Saturday morning, December 6, at Good Samaritan hospital. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of her death, though up to a few days before her illness was not thought to be serious. Mrs.* Pearce was born at VtM ville, Ind., in October, 1857. She was married to A. S. Pearce st Indianapolis, Ind., December 17, 1874. Four children were born to this union, each of whom died in early childhood many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce lived In Indianapolis until 1904, when they started west. They re sided in Colorado three years, California one and a half year«, and British Columbia three years. They have lived in Lents for the past four years. Mrs. Pearce was a member of the Lents Methodist Epispocal church and of the Women’s Ben­ efit Association of Maccabees at Arleta. She leaves no relatives here except her husband, but two sis­ ters reside in Galveston, Texas; one sister in St. Louis, Mo., and two brothers in Indiana. The funeral services were held at Kenworthy's chapel Monday morning, December 8. »er. >. It. Sibley of the Lents M. E. church officiating, assisted by Rev. E. A. Smith of the Lents Baptis. church. Killing Industrie*. The question is being com­ monly asked. “What excuse is there for the excess profit tax remaining on the statute books? The public seems to demand its early repeal along with other special taxes against certain lines of industry. Commenting on the situation the Wall Street Journal says: •“ The theory of the excess pro­ fits could be drawn into the na­ tional treasury and a high pro­ duction of essential goods main­ tained. The originators of this monstrosity forgot the story of the philosipher, who, wishing to get over a rail fence, thrust his fingers into his bootstraps and pulled with all his might, He didn't get over the fence, bat pulled out his bootstraps. “That is about the way the excess profits tax has worked. It has helped to ceate and bol­ ster up an abnormal price level for all commodities. It is no less than a highway robber, robbing the people, and robbing the government. .“There must be unusual taxes for some years yet until the cost of the war is paid. But there are better forma of taxation than this one that helps to sti­ fle industry, increases the cost of living, makes the purchasing power of the dollar less, breeds discontent and encourages strikes “To say that income taxes will be less this coming year is not sufficient. The public wel­ fare demands that this form of taxation, together with other porfiteers, be abolished.” Card of Thanks I wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kind deeds, expressions of sympathy and beautiful flowers on the occasion of the death and burial of my beloved wife. A. S. PEAICE. Mr Clifford Wilson, 8604 48th street in confined to his bed by sickness. Mr. Wilson has not been well for the past year and has now had to give up com­ pletely.