I Son of Mr. and Mrs. Nutter Die« Lents M -thoJist Church, The infant son of Mr. and At the M. E. church next John Tweed, of Salem, was a Mrs. Fred Nutter. 6107 62nd ave. Sunday morning the Bible school Thanksgiving visitor at the was laid to rest in the Rose City will be held at 9:40. At II home of Mr. and Mr». William cemetery Wednesday, Nov. 24. o’clock the pastor. Rev. F. R Sibley, will preach on "Chris- McNeil. The ladies Aid of the M. E. tian Brotherhood." and at 4 Miss Terrell has been quite church w ill hold their 'baaaar in o’clock his topic will be Give sick since Monday but is recov­ th«- church parlor Wednesday, Me Scotian«! or 1 Die." The ering nicely and hopes to be December 10. where one will Epworth League wiN be eondue able to attend monthly meeting find a good assortment of ■y\rons. yokes, handkerchiefs, ted at 5:15. the subject for dis­ Thursday night. bathtowels and numerous other cussion being "Christian Ameri­ O. B. Guisness and son Myron things. Only a fewmore «lays canization." On Thursday eve­ were home for Thiyiksgiving before Christmas so do not for ning th«- prayer serviqe will be dinner. The are working on the led by Mr. 1 lev ting, and oil Fri get the date Dec. 10. and the Pacific highway road work in place the M. E. church porlors. «lay all th«- ladies nr«- invited to Washington. attend th«- all-dav session of the W. F. M. S. aUCcntral Methodist Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Gertrude Katzky came church. Z son of 37th avenue Stith and up from Monmouth, where she LOCAL AND PERSONAL is attending normal school. tolcourt- " edu«-s«Liy. November spend Thanksgiving with her: ■* !“‘n- __________ parents and relatives. Card of Thank«. Jay F. Wing of Lents has " c wish »hank all those who been appointed administrator of ° kindly assisted us during the the estate of H. M. Wing, de-«'»‘I death of our beloved ceased, notice thereof appearing husband and father. Mrs. Kiekenapp and children. elsewhere in this issue of The Herald. LENTS MILLINERY HAT SALE Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Pol- worth, 3712 76th street S. E., with their children, Rene. Isabel and J. Bruce Jr., were Thanks­ giving guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gardner, 9641 Foster road. B. S. Waggener and Ara J. Waggener have purchased prop­ erty in Mt. Scott View addition from John H. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Waggener recently moved to Lents from Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will leave shortly for southern California. The fifth Sunday offering of the Lents Evangelical Sunday school for November 30, for the worthy Armenian relief work, was $31.16. There will be a Christmas offering taken for the sanlte cause by this Sunday school in its Christmas pro­ gram. * Selling all hats at reduced prices. Every lady purchasing a hat $5.00 and over in price will receive an t-nvelope containing a surprise. 5920 92nd street $. E. d5-12 Stray Taken Up Bay horse, 4 white feet, white face. Call Home phone 1011. A. W. Stew­ art, Guisness road, north of Gilbert d5-12p road. For Rent House with four furnished rooms; on 84th street near Foster road. 1 Phone Tabor 7951, or call at 8239 Foster road. Mrs. R. Schnider. The solos by Mrs. H. T. Blakeslee, of Woodmere, at the last meeting of the Kellogg P.- T. A. were very much appreci­ ated. Mrs. Blakeslee’s person­ ality and ability delighted the For Sale ladies and left a very pleasant Baldwin apples, $1 per box memory. Appreciation is due ielivered. Call at 6228 92nd also to Mrs. Edwards for her street, or phone Tabor 6267. niltf artistic accompaniment. r Furniture Wanted Donald McNeil, accompanied We pay the most for your by a friend, Floyd Slayton, came used furniture, stoves and up from Corvallis to spend the ranges. W. C. Rockwell. 6015 Thanksgiving holidays at the '»2nd street. McNeil home on Foster road. Wood sa wing. Miss Myrtle McNeil was also at Orders taken for woodsawing. home from Boardman, where Call T. Kearns. Tabor 406. she is teaching. She reports that Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler Popular sweaters made to order. For information call Ta are well and doing well. New Neckwear in Extraordinary Patterns and ------------------------------------------------------------------ x Thornton & Sowards v z purposely made to strike the instant fancy of the man who is tired of wearing the same old thing he got last spring. Goggins’ Shoe Store Edwin Norene who is attend ing the U. of O. at Eugene spent Thanksgiving with liis parents. Mrs. Mary Finley of Nehalem, is a guest of Mrs. Belle Elwood on 81th street. Unemployment has no terrors for John and Ix-o Kearns, recent Iv returned service men. After their discharge they found it very difficult to obtain employ­ ment, so resolved to make a jot» for themselves. They have pur­ chased a woodaaw. and from early morning until late at night may be seen about I-ertts and vi­ cinity. stalking the wary wood­ pile. Their plans also include the establishment of a wood yard at th«- family home on 92nd street. They arc well known in I'Cnts. having grown to man­ hood her«- and are certainly de- serving of the support <»L th-- community. BesMes fateriof the taawMs doctrine that beat» hto aama, Presideat James Monroe always preached bank lag. ttla ■ When it comes to Water Systems and Farm Lighting Plants Cement Work. Plastering and Cesspools Your ultimate decision will be _ Realdeuce 4(10 Fiftieth Ave. a Paul Automatic Pressure ■ Water System and Universal Still Moving ROSE CITY VAN Farm /Lighting cause they Plant :-4>e represent : ■ the greatest value for the money The One-Way-Charje Company ■ : possible to obtain. The See U» For. . Tab. 1424 D 81 thousands owners testify to WOOD AND COAL of satisfied and this you, too will be equally en- 8222 Fonter Rd thusiastic when you have -■ thoroughly PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS investigated i ■ ■■ s all our claims. VELVET SHAVES Remember, you place yourself under no obligation to buy when you ask for further in* formation. CHILDREN BARBERINO A SPECIALTY Hee C hibtbm A G bobob FURS ARE HIGH Everywhere trappers are mak ing big money, Are you one of them ? We are paying top-notch ■ prices, T ry us—you’ll be AXEL KILDAHL. 1‘roprlttor pleased. Send for free price list ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I today. E. R. Skinner and Co. 1121 Front street, Sacramento. LENTS GARAGE A black eye is a very poor color scheme. Tabor 3429 8919 Foster Road Portland, Oregon i : : f I Seethe Herald Office First for your Printniq FOR SALE OR TRADE Five hundred dollar credit on one of the beat standard make of trucks on the market. The motor truck field is one of the best business opportunities today, motor truck lines re­ placing the railroads for hauling freight in many localities. DON’T BE OUT OF A JOB Get a truck and go into a profitable business of your own. car. Inquire at The Herald office. 1 « 4 percent paid on time deposits MULTNOMAH STATE BANK « SHERMAN BAUSON, Cashier Portland, Oregon ! CONTKACTOKS Will discount for cash or will trade for good used touring Lents Station - :■ : : LENTS. OREGON District 45 Parent-Teacher Association will meet, at the school house. Friday. December 12, at 2:30 p. m. Everyone 1« urged to attend. Monroe, Banker And Diplomat s ! Made, too, ««f heavy silk that do not bring pin holes or wrink­ les out too. prominently after cravnt has been worn a few times. visit with Mrs. Rathkcy’s molh- er, Mrs. Minnie Kathkey of 88th street. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish of th«- restaurant on Foster road opposite the post office. Tuesday. November 3, boy. « Colorings On November 30 at the Laur­ elwood M. E. church Mrs. Martha J. Mellinger of I.ogan, port, Ind., began a series of ■ evangelistic meetings which ar«- bein ’ continued every evening. She will be assisted by Dr. M. '1. Reed, soloist and song leader, and by the pastor, Rev. A. C. Brackenbury. Everyone is in­ vited, and parents arc specially •41 urged to come and bring their children. l>ents Evangelical Church Preaching services next Sun­ day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ! by the pastor. N. Shupp. The pastor will resume his evange-1 listic series of sermons in the morning services. This will be the third sermon. Sunday school at 9:45. Y. P. A. at 6:30. The third quarterly confer­ ence will be held Wednesday, December 10, at 7:30. Sermon by Rev. F. B. Culver at 8 p. m. A full attendance is desired at the session of the quarterly con­ ference. tendent. Church services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Miss L. M. Terrell, pastor. Prayer meeting and monthly business meeting Thursday at 7:45 p m. Ladies' prayer meetihg Wednesday at 2 o’clock. Junior C. E. Wednes­ day 4 p. m., in charge of the pastor. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. No C. E. this week. A wide-awake young people’s meeting and rally will be held at the First Friends church, cor­ ner 35th and Main streets, in charge of Superintendent Lila n28d5 Bentley. The young folks of Mr. and Mrs. John Rathkey bor 1996. the three Friends churches For Rent. of .Astoria returned home last unite quarterly in a rally meet­ Garage across the -street from Monday after a three-weeks* ing. Everybody invited. Rev. Lents library. Call Tabor 3214. NECKWEAR Laurelwood M. E. Church l.enls Baptist Church. At the Lents Baptist church at 9:45 a. m. the Sunday school will be held. There will be live classes and good music. The pastor. Rev. E. A. Smith, will use for his morning subject "The Lord's Supper ami What it Tells Us." At 6:30 p. in. Mr. Francis will lea«l the B. Ys P. U,. anil nt 7:30 tile pastor will .speak on ' The Two Masters.” At the I church services there will be good music by the choir. Mr. Leake's work with the choir is much appreciated and the male trio which appeared at a recent service was much enjoyed. For Sale. Good Itiin wood at a reason -.bit- price. Phone Tabor 5398 Vaughan and McFarlane have »pened a cigar spire and soft drink parlor at 9286 Woodstock avenue. They will also serve hot lunches. * - Oxone Oxygen Vapor, Mas- ige. Violet Ray, High Frequen­ cy, Electricity, Vibratory, Spinal Treatments, Faradic, Organic Corrective Methods, Super Heat Cabinet Sweats: free examina­ tion; 24 treatments Twenty Dol­ lars.—Dr. Jenson, Chiropractor, Friends Church Notes ''since 1910), 304 Raleigh build- Bible school Sunday at 9:45 ng, Washington at 6th; phones Main 1132—C1216. a. m. C. C. Barker, superin- L. C. Hinshaw will give the ad­ dress. Sunday afternoon there will be a missionary meeting at the same place addressed by Miss Terrell. The C. E. goes twice a month to the Portland Commons mis­ sion. Ijust Monday night was an especially good night, being well attended both by the mis­ sion folks and the young people. Several of the older folks sur­ prised the younger ones by go­ ing along, which was much ap­ preciated. Mr. Baldwin read the lesson and Miss Terrell gave the niessage. There were three seekers at the altar. »