Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 05, 1919, Image 3

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News Items from Arteta
Kern Park Neighborhood
The Kern Park Christian
church Endeavor will hold its
regular meeting next Sunday
evening at 6:30. The discus-
sion of the topic, "Truths that
Jesus Taught," will be led by
Calvin Douglass.
Miss Katheryn Ball, who is a
student at the University of
Oregon, and who came to Port­
land the day before Thanksgiv­
ing to spend the vacation with
her parents, Prof, and Mrs. S.
F. Ball, of 473« 74th street S.
E.. returned to Eugene the first
of the week.
At the Fourth United Breth­
ren parsonage, 6718 Powell Val­
ley road, on Friday, Noveml>er
26, at 11 o’clock, the marriage
of George Wilehart and Mrs. C.
Josephine Cary was solemnized
in the presence of a few rela­
tives, Mrs. C. P. Blanchard of­
ficiating. The wedding party
came from The Dalles to Port­
land for the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hall,
4507 78rd street S. E., enter­
tained at Thanksgiving dinner
Prof. S. F. Ball and family, of
4736 74th street S. E. Those
who shared in the holiday feast
were Prof, and Mi's. Ball, the
Misses Katheryn and Elizabeth
Ball, Everett Ball, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hall.
J. J. llandsaker, of 6935 45th
avenue S. E., returned last
Monday from a trip to Denver
and points in eastern Oregon in
behalf of the Armenian relief
work, of which he is regional
superintendent. Mr. llandsaker
was on the train following the
one which was robbed by an
escaped convict in Wyoming.
He reporta a good conference, a
good trip, and plenty of excite­
The union Thanksgiving ser­
vice of the Arleta district was
held at the laurel wood Congre­
gational church. The program
was carried out as follows: Vol­
untary, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar;
doxology led by Mrs. Meta Sni­
der, congregation; invocation,
Rev. W. Ixje Gray; hymn, “We
Plow the Fields’’; scripture,
Rev. W. L. Wilson; prayer, Rev.
Mixsell; special music, Fourth
U. B. choir; reading of Thanks-
from 6 till 6 was spent in the
form of a conference in which
representatives of the various
committees met in groups and
discussed their plans and prob­
lems. Following- this confer­
ence was the regular Endeavor
meeting, led by Mr. Conrad
Dixon. Everyone left the meet­
ing filled with new ideas which
will make their own societies
bigger and better.
every member canvas” which
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong ¡Zumwalt, and Mr. and Mr«. Roy
will be conducted next Sunday entertained on Thanksgiving Armstrong and their two chil­
afternoon. The canvas is to se­ day at their borne at 7018 62nd dren. Elaine and Buddy.
cure lubscriptions from the avenue S. E. Those who sat
Mr. and Mr«. Ben Leabo, of
members for the annual budget, down to the delightful dinner 7537 45th avenue S. V enter­
which includes local expenses at two o’clock were Mr. and tained at a two-o’clock dinner
and missionary pledges.
Mrs. W. B. Zumwalt, Mr. and I on
Thanksgiving day, their
The experience social held at Mrs. Mary C. Wells, Miss Phyl­ guest« being Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
the Laurelwood Congregational lis Bowles, John R. Rond, Edwin Snider and Kathryn Snider.
church Friday evening, Novem­
ber 28, was profitable in more
than one way in spite of the
inclemency of the weather. Be­
tween $20 and $25 were ac­
counted for by the industrious ‘
workers. The class which had ,
raised the largest sum was that
of Miss Maud Snider and the •
individual who gave the largest;
sum was Miss Maud Snider. The
scheme of the contest was pro­
posed and encouraged by Miss
Snider and it is greatly to her
credit that she received loth
the class and the individual ■
giving proclamation, Mrs. C. P.
Blanchard; appeal for offering
for poor, Mrs. S. J. Merry, of
Arleta W. C. T. U.; vocal solo,
Mrs. J. McMillen Muir; sermon,
Miss Anna Beckelhymer and
Rev. J. F. Ghormley; song,
"America,” congregation; bene­ her brother Clyde, of the Crum
& Raebuck apartments, were
diction, Rev. Ghormley.
hostess and host to a group of
The Fourth United Brethren relatives and friends Thanks­
church has been holding a ba­ giving day. The guests in­
zaar in the Crum & Raebuck cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jess Beck­
building, Millard avenue and elhymer, with their children
72nd street S. E., during this Frankie and Sylva, of Newberg;
week. Today, Friday, will be Mr. and Mrs. Will Heiszenbut-
the closing day. Lunch and tle and sons, Willy and Oscar, of
dinner will be served from 11 Portland; the Misses Freda
o’clock to 7:30 The bazaar in­ Ix>ng and Mamie Garr, and Roy
cludes useful and fancy articles, Long.
and the ladies will greatly ap­
Little Margaret Ormandy, the
The household of W. Forbes,
preciate patronage. This bazaar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
at 4418 70th street S. E ., dined
is usually held in a Tremont Ormandy of Millard avenue, is
at if o'clock on Thanksgiving
building but as there was no critically ill at St. Vincent’s
with Miss Mary L. Campbell.
vucant room there this season hospital. She was operated on
M r« McLouey’s cousin. as in­
the ladies secured a place in for mastoid infection three
vited guest. Those who'assem-
the Crum block.
weeks ago. She is a patient bled around the well-laden table
The Kern Park Christian sufferer and is trying to get were Meadame« G. Stanburv,
church will hold a bazaar in the well. -If the mothers of boys Jean Forbes, McLoney; Messrs.
church parlors all day today, who ride wheels to school could W. and Herbert I'' orbes, and th»’
Friday, and during this evening. see and know the pain she en­ Misses Lillian and Edith Forbes.
Lunch will be served at 12 and dures they would see to it that
a good dinner at 6 o’clock. The their boys did not ride on the
Richard S. Stoner, «on of Mr.
committees appointed by Mrs. school grounds. Margaret was ami Mr«. George E. Stoner, o»
Griff King, president of the run down by a boy on a bicycle 741 1 59th avenue S. E., has been
Loyal Workers, are as follows: at the Arleta school. She fell transferred from the Pittsburg
Decorating committee, Mrs. on her head, and this is the re­ to a destroyer, the J. Fred Tal­
Minnie Arp; fancy work, Mrs. sult. And the end is not yet.
The fleet to which Mr.
C. L. Douglass; apron booth,
belongs is still in the
I^iurelwood Congregational
Mrs. W. A. Tisdale; reception,
At the Laurelwood Congrega­
Mrs. A. J. Arnett; luncheon,
tional church the Rev. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, of
Mrs. H. Clem; domestic science,
J. Sullens, D.D., superintendent 5627 72nd street S. F... went to
Mrs. S. F. Ball.
of Oregon home missions, will Scappoose Wednesday of last
Millard Avenue Presbyterian speak at 11 o’clock. All mem­ week, to be Thanksgiving day
At the morning service the bers are urged to be present as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will
pastor will speak on “The Be­ Dr. Sullens will have a message Campbell. They returned Fri­
yond.” At 7:30 he will use for particularly pertinent to the I day.
his subject, "Jehu, the Swift.”
Sunday evening will lie neigh-
Irorhood night. After the service
there will be a little surprise
and get-together meeting in the
basement parlor, All friends
and neighbors — which means
everyone in the community—
are invited.
Come In
and see us the next time
you are in need of
Good Printing.
We are specialist in the
kind of work that
ML Scott Herald
Phone: Tabor 7824
City of Portland Receives
The union C. E. meeting held
last Sunday evening at the Kern
Park Christian church was very
successful. Nearly every so­
ciety in the district was repre­
sented. Several of the officers
of the Union, including Mr. Rob­
inson, were present and assisted
with the meeting. The hour
For Fire Bureau
Give your Battery a Chance
to get its "Second Wind”
OIGHT now, after the hard service
AV through the summer.
If you
know what hot weather and long night
drives take out ’of a battery, you can
appreciate the need of a "tuning-up”
for the fall season with its early dusks
and sharp mornings. Our
Battery Inspection
goes a long way toward "keeping a good
battery good." Take advantage of it now.
If minor repairs are needed, let us save you
money by making them now. We do care­
ful, conscientious work, using Gould parts
including the famous Dreadnaught Plates.
think tbo Gould RnUfry
it thr
in rhe morid.
Notti limo you nood a new
bat lory, lot tu toll you toby.
8919 Foster Rond
i ni
Full Year
Phone Broadway 2162
Seventy-one Broadway
AXEL KILDAHL. Proprietor
Gary Coast Agency
Tabor 8429
The passing of the horse proves the economy of operating by trucks;
twelve horses to be disposed of by the City of Portland for the twentieth
century fire equipment. The fire fighting apparatus will be installed at
the Municipal Shop of the City of Portland.
The city held competitive tests for trucks that would be best suited
for strength and hill climbing under loaded conditions and speed on the
level and the GARY won. This was a decisive victory for GARY trucks
for the competition was open and all dealers were invited to compete.
The GARY “Ten Point Test” truck is composed of standard units—
Buda Motor, Brown-Lipe Transmission, Tuthill Titanic branded springs,
Parrish and Bingham cold pressed steel frame.