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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
I LOCAL AND PEft^jNAt Methodist Church OBJECTS OF GIRLS RE GILBERT SCHOOL NOTES Bible school Sundae morning SERVES IS OUTLINED . Mr». G^V ’wVeythiug has been . Vernon Haygarth has been ab it S>:45. Will Hugill, superin BY MISS BLACKWELL sent from school for the past (indent. At II a. m. Mrs. Bliss suffering /ioni an attack of ton- week on account of ¡linea«. •HR«. H. A. Darnall came in from the ranch at Kerry last Friday evening and visited over Sun day at home. Mr. and Mrs. Burch, of Gresh am, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Paul Lent, the latter part of this week. H. B. Conn, 5403 100th street, has purchased the lot north of him and is putting up a fine chicken house. Mr. Bush, of Newport, will de liver the sermon at St. Paul’s Episcopal church next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Dawson, of Mt. Tabor, and Mrs. Clymton Kelley, of Montavilla. spent last Wednes day with Mrs. J. C. McGrew. 8741 56th avenue. W. S. Sanders left for Tilla mook last Sunday for a week’s outing. Mr. YValker is helping in the meat market during Mr. Sanders' absence. Mr. anil Mrs. Guy Sanders spent last week in Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Deaton. 6313 92nd street, are spending the winter at Riverside, Cal. On last Saturday evening the families of Messrs. J. C. and F. O. McGrew motoreil out to Gar den Home where they were en tertained at dinner by Mrs. Ciar ridge Hines. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Drake, of 6414 88th street, who have been visiting relatives in Pennsylvania and Nebraska for the past two months, returned home Wednes day evening. The Misses Effie and Orpha Oslin, from Ashland, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McIntyre of 6020 89th street, are visiting for a while with Mr. anil Mrs. C S Drake, 6414 88th street. Mrs. Mary Lawrence spent Monday with her daughter, Sirs. N. A. Ely. 1470 East Sherman street, who was entertaining in honor of Miss Hattie Marolf of San Francisco and her sister. Mrs. Holden, of Tillamook. The work of the Girl Re serves, which was recently pre sented at Woodmere by Miss Marion Blackwell, is considered a very attractive movement for girls. In each school the girls are to form their own group and to carry it «in under a su pervisor. All sorts of interest ing and recreational games, pro grams ami entertainments arc to lie a part of the work. The unit of the organisation is called a corps; two corps constitute s company, and all the corps in the city make a division. Girls of certain ages will belong to one corps ami those older or younger than these will belong to others. A free swim is given to each corps once a week under a competent instructor. A sys fem of honors similar to that used by the campfire girls has been inaugurated. an«l as honors are won chevrons are added to th«* armband. Glen Weston. Hershel Town send. Harold Townsend. Elbert Nicholson, Thelma Mahaffey and Velma Mahaffey are new pupils who have entered school th'- past week. The first entertainment of the school year will be given on Friday evening. October 31. It is planned to have n short en- tertainment and a good social In Refreshments will time, served and there will lie no charge. The work in The M odern Health Crusade will be started in several of the grades about th«- second week ill November. This crusade is an excellent means of aiding boys and girls in the forming of habits of j»er sonal cleanliness. Echo Kruger of the seventh grade is winning the honors for accuracy nnd speed in the Cour tis Tests. The seventh and Mrs. Richardson is having her eighth grade tests nrc given to residence on 88th street remod gether anti up to the present eled preparatory to occupying it. time she has the best recur«! of Mrs. George Hamilton, of any one in either grade. 87th street, who spent three One of the large six«’ cabinets weeks at Hood River, returned of the Courtis Standard Tests u home last week. Arithmetic lias been purchased Mrs. Reardon, of 88th street, by the school board. The upper is suffering with a sprained grades have all started their ankle and has been unable to work on the tests. The purpose of the tests is to give short les walk for several days. sons in which both speeil and Fred Geisler has been coil accuracy are emphasised. fined to his home on account of The Parent-Teacher Associa illness since last Monday. His many friends hope for his speedy tion voted at the last meeting of the last school year to buy -i recovery. new picture for each grade, in C. W. Smith, business manager order to maintain our position of The Herald, was kept busy as a standad school for the com Thursday receiving congratula ing year. The list from which lions of his numerous friends, the selections will be made is the occasion being his 35th (?) given in the state course of birthday. study. A committee, of which Mrs. Donald Furey is chairman, W. C. T. U. NOTES will purchase the pictures next week. Calendars for the coming year GILBERT will soon be ready for distribu tion. The We meet the first Tuesday of each month. The next meeting Chapel of the Union will be with Mrs. D. H. McKinley, of 6127 92nd street, on November 4. Bible topic. “The Treading of th- Sand,” Dent. 11:13-25. Subject “The Year’s Gain.” The funeral of Mrs. Martha Weiss, late of 6503 89th street, who died at St. Vincent’s hos pital Wednesday, will be held Card of Thanks Monday morning. October 27, at We wish to thank those who 11 a. m. at St. Peter’s church. M rs. Weiss was bom in Ger so kindly assisted us in our re many in 1879 and had lived in cent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband and father. Portland abont 25 years. Especially do we thank those The Ladies of the G. A. i R. who donate«l the use of machines are preparing for a Hallowe’en and those who gave the beauti party to be held November 1. ful floral pieces. The committee, Mrs. Schermer Mrs. May Meunzer horn, Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Kadok and Family. and Miss Jolly, assures the members a fine time. Light re freshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wimberlv of Roseburg arrived in Lents October 13 to attend the wed ding of Mrs. Wimberly’s brother, Jasper C. Lent. Mr. Wimberly returned home the same night but Mrs. Wimberly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lent, until the following Sun- day. The ladies of St. Paul’s Guild held an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Parrish, of 4848 87th street, Wednesday. They had an order for 30 dolls and the morning was spent making them. At noon Mrs. Parrish served luncheon and in the af ternoon the regular business meeting was held. Miss Marie Rathkey and sis ter, Mrs. J. Roy Carter, of 88th street, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beardsley and J. E. Moore of Portland, motored to Mt. Hood last Sunday. They continued on the Oregon trail after leaving Government Camp and returned by way of The Dalles and Hood River, staying in The Dalles Sun day night and returning to Port land Monday evening. On ac count of repairing the road be tween Hood River and Cascade Locks, machines were obliged *o wait until after working hours before being permitted to pass through. Stenographer Wanted Expert stenograper for two hours daily: hours arranged I to suit. Lents Hardware Co. Masquerade Ball Given by United Artisans of Lents, in the Grange Hall, Oct. 29; good music; all welcome. of Los zYligelex will speak on "Greater Portland.” At 6:30 p. in. the Epworth League, led by Mrs. Will Hugill, will con sider the topic "How to Use th.- Bible." At 7 :3(> the pastor. Rev. F. R. Sibley, will conduct an evangelistic service based on the topic. "Saviour. Thv D v i n g Love." Th«- facilities of this church ar«- being augmented bv a spleu did Sunday school orchestra, a class calle«) the Loyal Legion of Cheerful Climbers, and a com bined Philathea and Bnraci« class tn I»«- taught by II. N. Arnes*. As a social activity the Rosebud class is planning a Hallowe’en most «-i i r« I in 11 v invit'd. social. Thursday evening nt Friend» Church 7:30 th«- regular weekly pray-r Sunday school nt 9:48. Th«’ meeting w ill be held. superintendent. C. Barker, who has been awny the last txA» Baptist Church Sundays visiting friends and Next Sunday morning nt picking apples nt I'ntint. Wash., will assume his duties again next Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Dunbar, the teacher of the women s Bild' class, who has been away for three weeks, is also back and will take her class as usual next Sunday. We bespeak a good w «• I «• o in e. attendance ns n Church services as usual nt 11 We had a a. m. and 8 p. in. gracious time Inst Sunday, the pastor preaching on "The Home A. Smith, pa- m which Jesus Would Like to Office: Tai air 3214 DR. P. J. O’DONNELL D E Nil S T Cor. ‘•‘.M and Footer Road. DENTI* T ki - k 'IAI. ATrasTius tu ri «ras musa: taiu . k tU.'l I HHiv : Resiti* net* : 92(>7 Fœtvr R. mu I «314 82.1 SI., 8 E. Pori Imiti Ore DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN pi Kai.iiNii" And our prices are reasonable. tonight A WEF/T Your Feet — Your Taste — Your Purse GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Goggins’ Shoe Store Portlanil, Orvgou ~ .... . .... NOTICE! CHILDREN BARHERING A SPECIALTY - VELVET SHAVES See (' iikhtkh A G kokiik ON AND AFTER A. W. BREWER PAINTING, PAPER HANGING OCTOBER 27, 1919 and TINTING. Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. THIS BANK WLIL BE OPEN FROM 10:00 3:00 p.m ■ SATURDAY 10:00 a. 12:00 m when Y (ft IRtHT YOl’R EVES u> an OIT< >.M E.TRIST, you are risking your most valuable profession wlii-n you pur chase glasses from unskilled opticians nr "over-the-counter" «al«* people. The only one fitted to make a Thorough Examination of tin- ryes is an OPTOMETRIST IF I CARE F<»R YOUR EYEH THEY WILL ( ARE FoR YOU MULTNOMAH STATE BANK SHERMAN HARKSON, Cashier ^aegrTOMETKlST-nPTici**LZ^ Phone tor an appointment Main 7.567 ÌO6-7-H Shetland Hulldlng Fifth and Washington Sta. i xJ DR. E. R. SPARKS Chiropractic Physician 717 Bek urn Building AFE STORAGE proper shoe. Our stock is main tained in keeping with the dictates of Dame Fashion and you are per fectly safe in buying here. of our service — one on which we particularly pride ourselves. M '*• diali «WA ’ Ronlem-e. Emit 8744 ’ llllllllllllllllllllllllll may be—theater party, danc ing party, reception or wed ding—we can fit you with the sure of pleasing you as this is one of the most important features Lent», ( Ire.» DR. A. (I. ATWOOD Whatever the occasion In fitting, too, we are K«* Talmr: 5224 PRACTICAL haircuts Rev, Blackwell, tin- new FineDressShoes Dwell," at the morning service, and in the evening using the text "The Harvest is Past, the Sum mer is Ended, ami I am not Saved." The Women’s prayer meeting each Wednesday after an I noon nt 2 o’clock anti the chi! So drell’s the same afternoon at 4. I’raycr meeting Thursday, 7:45 p. ill. There will be a ('. E. Evangelical Church Hallowe’en social next Friday \t the F.vaugi lieal church next evening nt the home of Mildred Sunday morning the pastor, Rev. I leneock. N. Shupp, will speak nt 1 1 n. m on "Shorn of His Seven Lucks. * In the evening he will discuss PROFESSIONAL CAROS "Bi Not Wenn in Well Doing. To tlies<- services, to the Sunday Talmr 4754 Atti« S Mtrvrt school nt 9:45 a. in.. to the DR. C. S. (M)SBURY Junior Young People's Alliance DENTISTRY at 5:30 p. m., nnd to the Senior Yi P. \. .-it 6:30. tin- oubli«- is I KST«, oMKlIuN El Acute and chronic diseases. House calls day or night Phones Office .... Main 4768 Res- - - - - Tal>or 7075 t------- ------------------ --------------------------- -------------- — OU can have perfect peace of mind when you leave your car with us. We always have a competent man in charge of our floor and every car is guarded as care fully as if the owner himself were watching it. Y Thornton & Sowards <-ONTK.\< -IX IKS Cement Work, Plastering and Cesspools Residence «6IC Fiftieth Ave. V Rates That All Can Afford If all -the motorists in this community realized the convenience of storing their cars here, and the little it costs them to do it, we wouldn’t have room enough for half the cars that would come to us. E AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 Home D61 8919 FOSTER ROAD Leere Orders at Ooxglna* Mho.- Htor. FREY & ALLEN PAINTKRS J Oeaeral Hesse Palatins, Titling and llwornllns Mstsrlal and Workmanship (Itnirgnteed I.F.NTR, ORKG'IN Why not investigate these conveniences and get our rates. The Lents Garage y oar Priese Are Riche Tabor 4141 ROSE CITY VAN The One-Way-Charge Company. I’ ■ ■ See Us For . . . WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1424 DM 822» Foster Rd