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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
News Items from Arlela- Kern Park Neighborhood Mrs. O. II. Gilbert, of 419N 7 Ist street S. F... I« visiting Mr. mid Mrs. ,1. C. Gibson in Leb a non. Th«- l.auri-lwood Congrcgu thinal intermt «lint«- society will meet next Sunday evening nt '< o'clock. Mis« Irene Janney will lie the lender. Ml«» Della Hurd of Newberg «pent Inst wi-i k end with her »1« ter, Mrs. Jam«« Jones, 52B2 BNth strict S. E., returning home Monday morning. Mr». E«l Doran. 7219 55th nvenue S. E,, who lins I m - cii very ill mill who is now nt the Port land convalescent hospital, is getting nlotig nicely. ( 'ongri-ga Th«- l.mircl wo « m I tional church is planning to ren ovate the church interior ami that of Lucky cottage by the application of kalsomine and paper. Mrs. W. A. Prattcn. 45«0 B5tli street S. F... returned Inst week from nil extended visit with rcl iitives in Canada. She was ac companied by her dnnglitrrs, Vern mid Pauline. I'. M. Hunsaker, 6901 -nu«- S. F... entertained in honor of Mrs. Min were Mesdames J < ..I* li I Minili*- Hiatt, Mrs. luiura Adams Bullork mid Mrs. Bessie Todd of Golden- dale, Wash., were entertained Monday by Mrs. ('tuthorn and granddaughter. Miss Gertrude Mclntyrc, at tin- formers home at IN |tl 6 Mil street S. E. ■ ■ Mrs. Ed Palmer, city president of the Parent-Teacher Associa tion, who was a delegate to the Oregon Congress of Mothers' convention recently held at Med ford, has been addressing the various parent teacher organiza tions since her return, giving them the benefit of th«- confer ence. She will probably be In Lents some time during the next month. At the meeting In Med ford the name, “Oregon Con gress «if Mothers,’’ was chang-d to "State Parent-Teacher Asso ciation.” Bretliren cliurcli, will spenk, a» will nlso Mrs, llinklc, first su perintcmlcnt of thè United Chiiicsc missioii in Br< Ihren A native represi-nta- Portland, live front the inissimi will be present, Special quarte! music will l>c fiirnlshed by Mesdames Frank Garretnon and C. T. King and Mcssrs ('. II. Blancliard and George Guthrie. The servlec will bc in cliarge of Mrs. Charles Guthrie. The Christian Endrav- SOUTH MOUNT TABOR CLUB MEETS TONIGHT >r will I m - led bv Miss Grac” Guthrie, the topic Ix-ing "Chris tianlty and Ilie Health <if China/’ The South Mt. Tabor Com munity club will meet tonight, Laurelwood Congregational Friday, nt the Kellogg chool. It tTh«- Intermediate Christian will be business meeting prin Endeavor of th«- Laurclwood cipally this week, nt which E. E. Congregational church was vis Gilmer, president, will preside. ited last Sunday evening by Mias Finns nrc now under way for a Gertrude I.mining, second vice Hallowe'en party to I m - given on president of the county Interine next Friday night, of which de diate work. The same evening tails will be given next week. th«- Misses Vera Prattcn and Lois Hamlsaker, of the Laurel ROOSEVELT’S 9 RSASONS wood intermediates, paid a visit FOR ATTENDING CHURCH to the Waverly Heights church. Next Sunday morning th«- Rev. Mrs. C. H. Blanchard submit« It. M. Jones, a venerable but the following nine reasons urged very alert minister of th«- Con bf Theodore Roosevelt for n (rcgational church, will ■.peak man's attendance at church: hi “Pilate’s Question.” 1. “In this actual world a clmrclilcss community, a com Third United Brethren munity where men have aban Next Sunday morning nt the doncil mid scoffed nt or ignored I bird United Brethren church their religious beliefs, is a com • Iso th«- woninn's-dny meeting miinitv on the rnpid down grade. w ill I m - held. Th«- committee in 2. “Church work and church -linrgc «if th«- program consists attendance mcuM the cultivation >f Mesdnmcs James Welch mid of the habit of feeling some re W H. Smith, In the evening sponsibility for others. th«- Rev. E. O. Shepherd will 3. “There nr«- enough holi «peak oil flic pertinent topic, days for most of us; Sumlavs 'stnmlnr«|s.’’ differ from other holidays in the fact that tiler«- are 52 of them Millard Avenue Presbyterian every year. Therefore on Sun Church day go to church. Millard Avenue Pre« 4. "Yes, I know your ex church next Sunday cuses. I know one can worship it I I o'clock, the Rev. the Creator in a grove of trees or bv a running brook or in •» man’s own house just ns well as in a church; but T also know as Mr. nnd Mr«. ('. T. Roberts arrived in Portland Wedncstlay «-veiling, having motored from their home nt Lowry. Mont., nnd visited nt the home of Mrs. Snrnh t'mitliorn. tHIB 64th stri-et S. E. Tlmrsilny morning they left for Toledo in response to n telephone message notifying diem of th«- illness of a relative. Christian Endeavor Growing Mr Roberts Im.s lensed hi« ranch The Kern Park Christian En in Montnnn for a term of year« deavor Society is steadily grow mid expect« to try ranching In ing since its reorganisation two the Willamette valley. weeks ngo, several new member« being milled to tin- society at Fourth United Brethren Inst Sunday's meeting. The October 2<i will be women's weekly meetings of the society day nt tin- Fourth I*. B. church are held nt the Kern Park Chris In the morning Mrs. Blanchard, tian church, IBth avenue mid pastor, will spenk on "Prepared 69tli street S. E. The topic for ness,” or "Go Forward n Little.” next Sunday evening is "Christi In the evening Mrs. E. (). Shep anity and the Health of Chinn." herd. president of the Oregon Mrs. Ward B. Swope will lend branch of the Woman’s Mission the meeting. Everyone is in ary Association of the United vited to attend. : ■ ■ a matter of cold' fact that the 7. “He will take part CONGRESS OF MOTHERS CHANGED NAME TO P.-T. A. average man does not thus wor- singing some good hymn«. ship, 5. “He may not hear a good sermon at church; lie will hear a sermon by a. good man who with his good wife is engage.I all the week in making hard lives a littlr easier, 6. "He will listen to, nnd take part in, reading »»me beau tiful passage from the Bible, and if he is not familiar with the Bible h«- has suffered a loss. in tioned by Mr«. Blanchard, pastor <»f the Fourth United Brethren B. “He will meet, nod or chuch, in connection with the speak to, quiet neighbors; he united enlistment movement, will com«- away feeling a little which is an activity in co-oper mor«- charitable toward those ex ation with the church federation cessively foolish young men who plan for getting everyone in a regard church-going as a Moft community interested in the wel performance. fare and the community value of 9. "I advocate n man’s join a church. In the United Brethren ing in church work for the wake church there will be captains of showing his faith by his chosen over bands who will call works." throughout the neighborhoods Thcsp nine reawnn were men stimulating the people’s interest. i I 4 f I I I I I I « I City of Portland Receives SIX GARY TRUCKS For Fire Bureau F i 1 SERVICE STATION GOODYEAR Tires Ì Tubes AND Accessories GARY TRUCKS PURCHASED BY THE CITY OF PORTLAND FOR THE FIRE BUREAU Factory Guarantee One Full Year The passing of the horse proves the economy of operating by trucks; twelve horses to be disposed of by the City of Portland for the twentieth century fire equipment. The fire fighting apparatus will be installed at the Municipal Shop of the City of Portland. The city held competitive tests for trucks that would be best suited for strength and hill climbing under loaded conditions and speed on the level and the GARY won. This was a decisive victory for GARY trucks for the competition was open and all dealers were invited to compete. The GARY “Ten Point Test” truck is composed of standard units— Buda Motor, Brown-Lipe Transmission. Tuthill Titanic branded springs, Parrish and Bingham cold pressed steel frame. Gary Coast Agency The Lents Garage AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 HomeD-61 8919 Foster Road Phone Broadway 2162 Seventy-one Broadway PORTLAND, OREGON