Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, September 19, 1919, Image 3

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    Miss Jeannette Pound, 4928
Seventy-first street S. E.. began
her work last Monday as a
teacher in the Vancouver pub­
lie schools.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Ordway, 5528 Seventy-
first street 8. E., there arrived
Wednesday, Septemlier 10, a
baby daughter
at the Good Samaritan hospital.
Miss Scheider is at present hold­
ing her own against the dis­
Miss Jeannette Dahllierg, of
Seattle, returned home after
spending a week with Mrs. I.
M. Hunsaker, 6904 Sixty-second
avenue S. E. Miss Dahlberg
was formerly a pupil in the
Woodmere school, and WILS well
known there for her pen and
ink sketches.
J. T. King and Mrs. Minerva
Twist were united in the Ixinds
of matrimony Wednesday eve­
who lias
ning, September 10. They will
the past
lie at home to their friends at
the groom’s residence, Seven­
tieth street and Millard avenue.
his home, as formerly, at 5140
street S. E. Mr.
Prof. J. A. Hollingworth, of
several months
the Arieta Studio of Music, 5140
Sixty-sixth street S. E., has in France with a hospital corps.
opened a down-town studio at On his return he visited with
216 Tilford building, He will, his people in Indiana for a time
however, continue to give les- before returning to the coast to
engage in business and to con­
sons at his A lieta branch.
tinue his vocal work with Prof.
— I—
Next Sunday morning at the Hollingworth, of the Arieta Stu­
Millard Avenue Presbyterian dio.
church the Rev. Bondinot Seel­
Mrs. Sarah Cauthorn, of 4816
ey, superintendent of home mis­
sions in Oregon, will Hpeak. In Sixty-fourth street S. E., re­
the evening the pastor, Rev. W. turned Thursday of last week
Lee Gray, will preach on the from a month’s visit with her
daughter, Mrs. J. Fred Buchan­
topic "Crumbs Swept Up.”
an, of Corvallis. On the first
Miss Gertrude Chambers, of of this week she entertained her
6916 Fifty-seventh avenue S. E., son-in-law, A. C. McIntyre, a
is engaged as teacher of fourth rancher near Pendleton. Mr.
grade studies in the Arieta McIntyre was formerly an attor­
school. Miss Chandlers is a ney in this city, living in Ar­
graduate of Monmouth Normal ieta. He reports that the busi­
and has had experience as a ness of farming in his vicinity
1 b liooming, one farmer actually
teacher in other schools.
this year clearing up in the
Miss Minnie Scheider, who neighborhood of $80,000. Mr.
came down from Walla Walla McIntyre coupled the pleasure
to visit her sister, Mrs. Will of seeing the presidential party
Rittel, 5604 Seventy-firat street with a biennial business trip to
8. E., is ill with typhoid fever Portland.
- „
____ - - —------- ‘
Mrs. Handsaker to Entertain
The I^urelwood Congrega­
tional church is reorganizing
after the summer vacation, the
first on its list of Sunday school
activities l»eing the formal pro­
motion from the primary de­
partment, which will soon oc­
cur. Other plans include the
high school course of Bible
study to lie given in the Sunday
school by a local teacher, the
students to lie examined and
accredited by persons appointed
by the state superintendent of
public instruction. This eve­
ning Mrs. J. J. Handsaker will
entertain at her residence, 6939
Forty-fifth avenue S. E., all the
young people of thè church at
a get-together sing. A delight­
ful musical and social time is
promised under the direction of
Mrs. Handsaker and Mrs. Meta
which is being held at the East
Side Christian church. The Kern
Park ladies are honored in that
the president of their Loyal
Workers is also president of
this federated board of mis­
MRS. BLANCHARD LEAVES Gast Sunday and Monday eve-
I nings
tlltlfFlJ 1 by
k V Ilin
11 F 11 »«I O brothers,
the (-
Preached Farewell Sermon I amt Alfred, George and Quinten, and
on Sunday evening Mr. Hillis
Sunday Night.
also sang a solo.
I4i»t Sunday evening at the
Mrs. Blanchard left Thurs­
Fourth United Brethren church day of this week for The Dalles
at Tremont Mrs. C. P. Blanch­ where the annual United Breth­
ard preached her farewell ser­ ren conference is being held.
mon to a crowded house. In After the conference Mr. and
token of their apprecition of Mrs. Blanchard will go to Mary­
Mrs. Blanchard’s two years of hill, Wash., to visit Mr. Blanch­
service the people of the church ard’s brother.
had decorated the interior pro­
The teachers of the Sunday
fusely with greenery and flow­ school classes which won high­
ers, to her surprise and great est records in the church at­
delight. On Monday evening at tendance contest are Mesdames
the concluding board meeting of Burdick, Garretson and Guthrie,
the year, Mrs. Blanchard was and Messrs. Blanchard and
again surprised by the beauty Marston.
and profusion of the decora­
The services next Sunday
tions. At the close of the meet­ morning and evening at this
ing five Sunday school classes, church will be in chargé of the
who had stood the highest in Rev. Mr. Clarke.
point of church attendance,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. I^each, of
united with the members of the
Park, returned Tuesday
church and congregation in a
week from a five-days’
social time, refreshments of ice
Creek canyon. While
cream being a leading feature.
Mrs. Blanchard wishes to ex­ there they together shot three
press her appreciation of the buck deer, Mr. Leach as sharp­
faithfulness of the young people shooter and head of the house
of her church and especially claiming the honor of two, and
does she commend the efficiency Mrs. Leach modestly, but none
of the church treasurer, Alfred the less proudly, that of one.
Frey. This church has raised
The registrations of Kellogg
during the past year $925, all and Woodmere are still mount­
accounted for.
ing, Kellogg now numbering 515
Special music was given both and Woodmere 6ol.
Selected Teas and
For your own
daily use or for spe­
cial occasion* when
you entertain,you want
the very best of Coffee»
and Teas
least money.
Our Coffees are all high
quality—finest flavor, best
•elected beans, all evenly
No matter what
price you wish to pay,
we can please you.
And our stock of Teas
is made up of the choic­
est varieties of leaf—any­
thing you want both aa to
flavor and price. Trjrua.
Telephone Orders Given Prompt Attention
Lents Mercantile Co.
Phone: Tabor 1141
Why not take full advantage of the
water supply on your premises.
We will extend your piping to the
The fact that we are equipped to do
welding on broken castings or can
make new parts if necessary is a big
asset to this community.
The Lents Garage
fl. D. Kenworthy
5805 92nd St.
Extension of Piping
We have saved many automobile
owners the trouble and expense of
returning broKen parts to the factory
for repairs.
Church Rennovated
Wednesday evening, Septem­
No matter what your trouble is,
ber 10, a number of energetic
bring it tn .o us. Don* think that any
people met at the Millard A ve­
job is to bit,' -or us. We have facilities
nue Presbyterian church an (1
that will surprise you. And our prices
busily maneuvered for a few
are exception Uy reasonable.
hours. When they called time
Give us a chance to figure on your
the windows had been cleaned,
smaller jobs, too—grinding valves,
the main floor swept and also
burning out carbon, eto. You will find
mopped, and the carpets on the
us always able to please you.
platforms electrically dusted. A
new floor had been given to the
porch at the front and the loose
boards in the sidewalk removed
and new ones substituted. Those
AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor
having a part in this undertak­
ing were Mrs. F. E. Crum, the
Tabor 3429 Home D-61
8919 Foster Road
Misses Mary Hine, Elsie and Es­
Cantata to be Given
sie Strang, Myrtelle Brock and
Last Sunday at the Kem Gladys Crum, and Messrs. F. E.
Park Christian church, the ser­ Crum, George Colvey and Chas.
mon morning and evening was Tronson.
preached by J. M. Potter, a stu­
Boy Scout Rally
funeral Directors
dent from the divinity school at
Eugene. Next Sunday the ser­
vices will lie in charge of Harry Scouta of the city are to have a
MAM Off«:
Hall, an elder in the church.
The last Sunday in September ium of the Lincoln High. Scout­
58024 92nd Srteet S. E.
4615 66th St., Cor. Foster Rd.
will lie observed as rally day master E. Brockway will be in
by the Sunday school of this charge. Parents, day school
church, the committee on pro­
Phone Tabor 5267
Pkoie Takor 5895
gram being Mesdames Nettie all boys from eight to eighteen
Fishbum, M. Frances Swope, are urged to attend for enlight­
First-Class Service given Day or Night.
and Griff King. The subject of enment in scout affairs. There
the rally day cantata will lie
Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals
“God’s Garden,” a group of tivities and pictures of Watum
at a Minimum Expense
thoughts intended to catch the Lake. Mr. Brockway wishes
attention of little folk particu­ every boy to bring his pennants
and noise-making instruments ✓*
and all the scout yells that he
lA>yal Workers Meet Sept. 25 has ever learned. It is to be an
The Ixjyal Workers of the evening of unparalleled scout
Kem Park Christian church, of enthusiasm.
FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Spring goods are now
which Mrs. Griff King is presi­
in—beautiful, serviceable fabrics to choose from. Come in
Miss Bertha Fletcher, of 7015
dent, will meet on the fourth
and select your spring suit now while the lines are com­
Thursday in September. Today, Millard avenue, left today, Fri­
Moderate prices, workmanship guaranteed.
Friday, the ladies of this church day, for Oregon City where she
are attending the Portland-Van­ is engaged as teacher in the
couver and vicinity federation grade schools. The Oregon City
of Christian Women’s Missions, schools open Septeml>er 22.
for the
garage, barn or any part of your property
in surprisingly quick time—and at a surpris­
ingly small cost
If you have any such plana in mind,
just tell us to call and we will ne glad to
discuss the matter with you.
Also remember that our re­
pair department is always ready
to serve you at an instant’s notice.
Tabor 5542
5926 92nd Street
Portland, Oregon
The crude ovens of the Mexicans may be
all right for them, but they would never
serve the purpose of a bakery that caters
to the people of this community. . . .
Our Fancy Pastries
need the most modem baking appliances, and also need ex­
pert care in their preparation. That they are of superior
quality is proved by the statements of our large number of
satisfied customers.
Quality and Clnnllnets art the twin mottoes
of thia bakery at all times.
Mt. Scott Bakery
Cor. 92d and Foster Road
J. ROSENAU, Proprietor
who is miecMBful surround« himself with
every available modern devise for saving
his time and money. The business man
who fails to use an AUTOMATIC THL-
F.I’HONE simply closes his establishment
to thousands of possible customers. He
may never know the real reason for his
failure in business. THINK IT OVER.
., >u- •Kr’
Long Distan oe Everywhere
CALL A 6221
Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon
for your Printing