mt. Scott fier aid GILBERT NEW BOOKS OF INTEREST Thornton & Sowards Miss Hutchinson Reviews late Mrs. J. Lennox is nt home Publlahad Every Friday »I l^nta after a visit with her sister in Station. Portland. Oraron. Works at library. California. Proprietor Miss Wil Hutchinson, of the • • • J. 8. UPDIKE - Manaee street from tar February 1«, 1*1«, at ths post tfflcs at Lanta, Oregon, under act of lia A. Rives. An extraordinary operation, is expected home Csngrsaa. March S. 1C79. story of two lovers and a haunt­ a short time. • • • Subacrtptien pries - - II I* a year ed garden in l>eautiful old Vir­ Raymond Ritchie is Mrs. ginia. A new version of the Phones: Tabor Till. EHI—1111 eternal triangle with one of it« Boring keeping house for her till Ninaty-Mcond Btrsst points in the spirit world. Its father, Mr. Myers, for a couple ghostly thrills are warm, not of weeks while her mother is icy. and its tense excitement al­ visiting in Idaho. MICKIE SAYS • • • luring, not terrifying. Milton S. Andrews was pain­ “The Golden Hope.” by Grace «0.1-1. cti wai COWGCAl. TA fully injured while working at Saltwell Mason. It is a strong limin < « omi sovk I axcutaa* story of a loyal woman, a man the Inman-Polsen Lumber mill owe OV ova. »1*1 « oaaihih * og- mm « w « wv auaacaiaae« vmaa bigger than his biggest temp­ last week. He was taken to IM "M CAIO Hl COVA.OHT SK-» U» at- tation. and the terrible thirst Emmanuel hospital where he is CUX Htt> MAO A UOXIA eXPtMlt M HAO JtST BOUdHI A for gain that cramps men’s resting as well as can lie ex­ , 3000 mawtu mo woHoaa souls. The irresistible charm of pected. It is thought he will AtuTH« HtTNtJPAPtM HAN« . APOPTtO the west is woven into every be able to lie brought home Sun­ THS line of this delightful story and day. casm »VSTStA' the call to a wider freedom of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tomp life and love grips the readei kins, who lived in Mrs. Hedge's from the first. house on Ninety-second street “The Old Heart of Russia,” by Bessie Beatty. Miss Beatty- this summer, have moved back witnessed the bolshevik revolu­ to their former home at Medi­ tion throughout its entire cine Lake, Mont. course. She was present at the arrest of the provisional gov­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ernment and she interviewed in the Peter and Paul fortress Tabor 4754 5ft Wt, 92nd Street a number of the ministers of DR. C. S. OGSBURY the czar's regime. But the most DENTISTRY interesting of all, perhaps, is i.Kvrs. oaatiog ier analysis of the Russian peasant mind in action. Her Res. Tabor: 5224 book is filled with striking an-: Office: Tabor 3214 ecdotes and with A harvest of DR. P. J. O’DONNELL DENTIST observations such as only an in­ trepid woman with a trained Cor. 92d and Foster R>«d. I-eutx, Ore. Eighteen thousand Yanks eye could have gathered. have taken foreign brides. Will “Out of the Shadow,” by our American girls please re­ DR. A. G. ATWOOD iose Cohen. An autobiography DENTIST strain themselves from making sm tAl. ATTEST!'!» T)'^I atks that reads like a novel. ‘ How a catty remarks? pbohb : rasna MSI Russian emigrant girl could tiffice : 92o7 Foster Road nee: Patriotism without common write such a story as this is 6314 Reside S2d Nt., 8. E. Portland Ore sense amounts to nothing. So one of the mysteries of the 1 it is well for Uncle Sam to be thing we call genius.—Outlook. DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS always on guard against the MILLARD AVENUE OSTEOPATHIC PHVSKIAN fools who love him well but I». Office, .Marshall 1275 not wisely. Phones. 87+| Mrs. E. O. Rivers, of 5627 Seventy-second street, spent Portland. Orvg<>n Bolshevism is so rapidly on last week-end with the family Ski.uMo BriLDisa the decline that the Industrial of A. J. Hollingworth at theii Workers of the World members ranch home near St. Helens YOUR EYES OR A MILLION DOLLARS may as well deconcile them­ returning Sunday evening. On selves to the prospect of their Tuesday Mrs. Rivers left foi becoming actual workers. Sheridan for an indefinite stay with the family of her brother The American shoe manufac- Mr. Champlin. Before leaving turers say that shoes will be she had received word that $3 to $4 a pair higher next Mrs. Champlin had been taken year than this, It is a long seriously ill, possibly necessi­ time until next year. The shoe­ tating a complete change of makers would be wise not to Mrs. Rivers’ vacation plans. be too hasty in their opinions. Others who were at the Hol lingworth ranch last Sunday NO EXCUSE FOR “AIN’T” were F. E. Crum and family s ^ t 0METRIST- OPTki> “Ain’t” is an improper ab­ and Mrs. W. J. Jefferies, all of breviation of “are not.” British the- Nashville Neighborhood. ■ you »ell your right for a million writers spell in “a’n’t,” which Frank Price, 5627 Seventy- Would dollar»? properly indicates its deriva­ second street, has been in If you value them "to that amount is it : tion. Americans make it an in­ charge of the “Truble-prui ’ not fair that you comult me, ax I ■■ know what they must have. clusive offense, using it for tire exhibit at the Multnomah If I care for your eye», your eye» will ■ care for you. “am not” and “is not,” as well county fair this week. Phone for an appointment as for “are not.” It is unques­ Subscribe lor the Herald, $1.50. Main 7S67 tionably the worst in.-tance of slovenliness in the common speech of today. Yet it is by no means of universal or even common use. It will slip oc­ casionally from refined lips, al­ ways with a jar to the enunci- ator as well as the hearer. But the habitual user of “ain’ts” is careless of He may be an excellent citizen who never beats his wife nor kicks It sounds just the cat. But there i« likely to be something slipshop about about right for him somewhere. It is desirable dinner today, to eliminate our linguistic sins, and of these “ain’t” is the mo-1 doesn’t it? And deplorable. tXINTKAtnXIHM Cement Work. Pla»t«rlng and Cesspool» llealdenes «410 Fiftieth A vs. Taber «HI Oar l*rl«ea Ar» HI» III I.MV» Orders al Uoggln»' Hh®. giure FREY & ALLEN raiNTaaa Usasral H. iim PaiaMag, Tlallaa •»•I Iteearatlaa Malarial sud Workmanship Guarsutsed I.KNTS, OMKUON PRACTICAL HAIRCUT* tight and pinch the foot in order to look neat and dressy. But comfort need not give way to style. Loin of Pork L. E. Minott reports the fol­ lowing real estate sales: The Wiley property on Ninety-sec­ ond street, near Kelly Butte, to R. W. Simpson, a laundry­ man, of Portland; the William­ son residence at 6312 Eighty­ fourth court to C. L. Morse, an eastern Oregon man. if rris the right kind of a pork roast it will be just about right want one that has an appetising flavor, one that will be thoroughly enjoyed, order it at our market. You get honest weight at honest prices. John Winslow, of Portland, and Miss Lillian Hellis, of Eighty-third street, were mar­ ried last Friday. Eggiman’s Meat Market 5919 Ninety-second Street Tabor 2573 Nee C iishtkk A iisoSoX z- Right Fitting Is the Keynote A. W. BREW ER PAINTING, PAPER HANGING and TINTING Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. _______________________ ________________ f Dress shoes that we fit to your feet can be just as comfortable as shoes you buy for service. And we do not sacrifice either style or neatness in fitting you. Uh Still Moving ... ROSE CITY VAN Our pumps, dancing slippers and all sorts of dress shoes offer you a wide field for choice. Our styles and pi ices will please you. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS The One-Way-Charge Company I Goggins’ Shoe Store D r EVS aü VU VELVET 8IIAVEN CHILDREN BARBICHIMI A NPEUIALTY Many people think that shoes must be See U» For . . . WOOD AND COAL H222 Foster Rd Tab. 1424 D«1 I TEN POINTS TO SETTLE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TRUCK The Motor Truck is established. Its util­ ity is no longer questioned. As a means of transportation it is definitely estali- lished that a motor truck is incomparably economical, convenient, etc. So it is not a question of whether or not you need a motor truck. Your decision must lie WHICH TRUCK to select. It is a big question not to lie decided until you have every fact, every data of cost before you. On that basis ONLY can you make a selection that will justify the required expenditure. GARY, “The Ten Test Truck,” invites every investigation—every test or ques­ tion that any owner may advance. The GARY MOTOR TRUCK has been selected by some of the largest Truck users in America. They buy on a basis of FACT ONLY, and the Gary has satisfied these owners in every one of the following ten vitally important points. TEST 2 TEST 3 4 TEST 5 ECONOMICAL SI I.IX’TION Trucks are means of economy. It Is not an Investment to buy a truck that will increase your transportation costs. Find out what It will actually cost you to transport your merchan­ dise. SIMPLICITY Skilled experienced labor cost» money. You don't want to increase your la­ bor hire because of your truck» In­ vestment. Before making your choice take any worker In your delivery de­ partment give him a few aimpl« In­ struction», see whether or not the truck 1» aim pie enough for hln un­ skilled abilities. I Qt ALI7.i l) BALANCE From front fender to rear lamp bracket maximum efficiency of oper­ ation require» even distribution of weight, work and wear. The motor must not be too light for It» load— the frame must not be heavier than Is necessary. Consider whether or not there Is proper co-rslatlon of and parts. , OVER CARRIAGE I»o not buy a on»-ton truck »nd pect It to do a >%-ton duty, the truck you do buy »hould be built to allow for a reasonable margin of overload. Buy the alxe truck that your bualneM needa. Do not Invest In u (l-ton truck for 1-ton labore. Nor should you buy a 11«-ton truck to do the work of a 6-ton truck. TEST ÍXINT1M ED OI’EIIATIOAI 6 Accident» will happen, and «onio re­ pair» are Inevitable. Helect the truck of a doalgn no »tandardlxed that re­ pair» will never keep your truck out of »ervlce. TEST 7 BEASON ABLE IN V I .STM ENT Don't buy a truck that will depreci­ ate too rapidly to btf economical. You really rent a motor truck when you buy It. At the end of It» period of u»e it should have substantial "caah-ln or trade-in” value. Investi­ gate the actual "after use” worth of any truck before you make your se­ lection. TEST TEST A truck made by a maker having limited resource» I» a e able to continue In bualneaa a» long a» you do. TEST The dealer la the a