News Homs from Arlelo- Korn Park Neighhorhood Mil Italia Hurd, of Newberg, ■pant laat weak-and with her steter, Mrs. James Jona«, at till Hlxty-slghth st root H K. George Merry. 7101 Fifty-firth ave- H E., returned laat Saturday Next Hunday morning at 11 o'clock at ths Millard Avenue Presbyterian church ths pastor, Rev. W. I-ee Gray, will speak on "God's Ways and Works.” In the evening at 1:30 his subject will be "Ready to Criticise.” Mr. Gray Is pleased with Ihs Inter Colonel, llolllngworth's mother, left e«t shown In the fall work. for their home last Tuesday morn­ The I «di««' Aid Rodet y of the ing. The ooloneU has Invested In I I«urolwood Methodist church will Oregon land anil hopes to return give u social tonight (Friday) In the within th« year to make this state basement dining room of the church. his future home. Mrs. IJIIIe Perry ha« been appointed nue from a two-week«’ visit with ihihchfm —I— his | chairman of the table committee, and Mrs. W. D. l-ockwood, assisted by Mrs. W. O. Boon, will have charge of the kitchen, Ths proceeds are to go to the local church work. Mrs. Harah Haulcer, 1711 Sixtieth daughter, Mrs. Herman C. Carrier, of street H. E„ and her daughter, Mra. L. Hwaetland, of East Twelfth and Heattie. IHvtalon streets, left Thursday, Hep- —i— A. C. Colin, who Is tearhlng In the Kmber 4, for un extended visit In high achool nt Everett, Wash , recant- the extrema east. Their first stop­ Next Bunday morning at the I«ur- ly «pant a week with hie mother, ping point la Columbus, Ohio, and el wood Congregational church the sac- Mrs H. H Conn, 4*42 Hlxty-fourth later they will visit In West Virginia. rcnient of the I-ord's supper will be ■treat H E. They are planning to lie gone about administered, at which time the pas­ -I— two months. tor, Mrs. J. J. Handsaker, will give John It. I«ach. proprietor of the - I — a short, appropriate address. Mrs Phoenix Pharmacy, left August 27 i«st Saturday the Fourth United Handsaker Is »anguine over the pros­ for u vacation trip to southern Ore­ Brethren church assisted In the serv­ pects for the year as the people are gon lie Is reported to be now come- ing at the C. E. convention held at coming back from their vacations where on the way home. the First United Brethren church. In unii are rallying to the work of the the evening some of the members —I— Mias Wil Hutchinson, librarian at participated In the convention ex­ church. Plana are tielng made for a Ihs Arleta branch, la again at her cursion down the river, a character­ Bible class among the high school desk In the beautiful Carnegie build­ istic yell ’with which they greeted the students. The course Is one outlined ing Miss Hutchinson took her vaca­ battleships at anchor being, "On the by the authority of Htate Superin­ tion In I he wonderful Newport coun­ land or on the sea, we are the Y. P. tendent Churchill, and high school students who take the work and pass try and only recently returned. H C. E." the examination required by the —|—. — I— The laat report from Mrs. Ben Miss Mary Cauthorn. 4X14 Hlxty- state will be given credit for the l«al>o, 7517 Forty-fifth avenue H. E., fourth street H E-. has resumed her course In the high school to which who has been detained In I’nraons. piano teaching at her residence stu­ they belong. The examinations will Kan., on account of a severe accident, dio. She, with her niece. Miss Ger- I>e held In the high school which the la that hope Is entertained that she trude McIntyre, returned l«bor Day student attends, A committee may soon be able to travel. ministers chosen by after a week's visit with her slater, Balani —I— and Mrs. Howard Crofts, 7104 Fifty-seventh avenue H E.. have re- turned from their camping trip up They were located at Gales creek. Mra. Archibald McIntyre, who Ilves Miss on a ranch near Pendleton. Gertrude returned to Portland, after ■pending the school vacation at home, to go on with her work at the Frank­ The Maples, about nine miles from Forest Grove, when the rains of last lin High. Mr class teacher and looks after Churchill will grade the papers. Individual Sunday school «electa the teaching A. W. Pratten has been chosen by the Hunday school of the —I— Next Hunday will be the last Hun­ day of the conference year In the United Brethren church. In the eve­ ning the pastor, Mrs. C. P. Blanchard, will occupy the pulpit. Hhe will speak in retrospective vein, reviewing the work of the past two years and sum­ ming Its renulta. Mrs. Blanchard wishes a grand rally of her people and of the friends and neighbors of the church on, this evening, which may prove to be her last evening as pastor of the church. Although Pre­ siding Elder McDonald has highly complimented Mrs. Blanchard on the good work she has done In a new and difficult field, and It Is only her fear that she may not be able to stand the strain of another year*« work which reconciles him to the Idea of her giving up the work. Mra. Blunchard is giving the question her deepest thought and a decision may not be made till the district confer- I «st ence at The Dalle« ia held. service was conducted by the Kev. J. E. Conner of the United Brethren church. The A. 1». Kenworthy com­ pany was In charge of the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Carrick was born at Wyocena. Wls, March II*. till. Hhe la sur­ vived by her husband, Hydney Cat- rick; her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Marston; and her sister, Edith B. Marston. The Interment was made In Multnomah cemetery. EVENING STAR GRANGE AnuKcrnary ami Home-coming Fea- Hi rr Will ba- OOsxrrvcd at Evenlhg October Meeting. Htar Grange, Eightieth and Powell Valley road, met laat Hat- urday, Heptember 4. at Orange hall. Among the numbers given on the program were a paper on the Irish question by Dr. C. E. Kline; a talk on "A Practical American's Ideals,” by Hamilton Johnstone; a talk on the county schools l>y County Huper- Intendent Alderson; a reading. 'The Major,” by John Murray; and a vio­ lin and a vocal solo by Mra. Caroline Green, accompanied tyr her daughter. Mrs. Ixrtta Greene Murray. The next meeting of the Grange, which will l>e In October, will be a "Home- coming” and an anniversary func­ tion. WOODMERE CLUB TONIGHT ComniltU* to Report on Street Lights —Mr. I»-vIllgs to Give Latest The on Park HltuaUon. Woodmere Community club will meet this evening (Friday) at the school house. The committee on street lights, composed of Messrs. Morrison and McKinley, will report on their findings, and Mr. I«vlngs «fill give Information as to the chances for a pernianosd ^park at Heventy- necond and Millard avenue. H. T. E., Is again nent practical demonstration is the Albertina Kerr Baby Home drive, which will soon tie on. Mrs. Palmer Is very anxious that the official co­ operation of the schools shall tie through the parent-teacher associa­ I «st Monday the Tabor 3429 ber of new teachers on the Franklin faculty, being the Misses Mitchell. Young. Enke, Pavia, Dunn. Claire and Groshong Telephone Orders Given Promot Attention. 5805 92nd St Your family deserves all the advan tages that your friends and neighbors provide for theirs. Sc why not give them the popular conveniences of the modem home. Free them from the distaste of using old fashioned equipment — out-of-date methods. Let them enjoy life to the fullest. We are prepared to install a complete water system in any home — large or smalt Let us figure on plumbing for your home now. Repair work done prompt­ ly, neatly and efficiently. B. F. MILLER Tabor 5542 Portland, Oregon 5926 92nd Street The crude ovens of the Mexicans may be all right for them, but they would never serve the purpose of a bakery that caters to the people of this community. . . . Our Fancy Pastries need the most modern baking appliances, and also need ex­ pert care in their preparation. That they are of superior quality is proved by the statements of our large number of satisfied customers. Quality and Cletnllnets ar* the twin mottoes of this bakery at all thues. TWO ESTABLISHMENTS BRANCH Oft KI: 58024 92id SrtHt S. E. 4615 66th SI., Cor. Foster Rd. LEITS STATIOI ARLETA STATIOI Phone Tabor 5267 Phone Tabor 5895 Mt. Scott Bakery Cor. 92d and Foster Road J. R0SENAU, Proprietor ✓ Including the Misses Fay Harne«, Maud Mitchel,' Mabel Colvin, Helen Greenman, Alice Joyce and Edna : Messenger. First-Class Service given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense Registration at School.» Growing. The Arleta public school rertatra­ tion had gone up to 800 last Tuea- CORRECT TAILORING day. On the «ame day Woodmere to­ taled «68 and Kellogg registered SOO. ferson City een elected preaident of the federated parent- teacher organisations of the city. In an Interview with her last Tuesday ■ he elated to The Herald representa­ tive that her desire Is to have the social service phase of P. T. A. work emphasised. To thia end she wishes the Individual associations to meet as quickly as possible and to organtie for the year's work, appointing as special social service chairmen and committee niemtiera those who by In­ terests and ability ars specially fitted ior that work. The first and immi­ ROY HEAQI’IHT MXiUTM ARTER FOR WOODMERE HOY SCOUTS Roy Reaqulst, of^ 1421 Sixty-third Royal. supply you with a high grad« Phone: Tabor 1141 I*rr<4dcnt of City I*. T. A. Federation Kcqwsta Isa-al Organisation» to Meet aial Organise. Blakeslee will preside. quality. However, we can REGISTRATION AT FRANKLIN REACHED M2 LAST MONDAY —I— Rtelia Wilson. The state W. will be held at the delegate« to Harah Cauthorn price usually governs the Lents Mercantile Co MRS. S. CARRICK DIES P. T. A. IS ORGANIZED at the home of her parents at 4522 Fifty-eighth avenue H. E.. Monday, m. Heptember 1, nt 1:10 2:10 p. p The grades of lard and the ecclesiastical bigotry. Dr. and Mra. W <>. Boon, of 4VS<> Forty-sixth avenue H. E„ who with —I— Among those who assisted in the their family spent ten days up at special music last Hunday at the mu . Brightwood, returned laat Monday. lard avenue Presbyterian church were Brightwood la situated, at the end of Mr and Mrs George CoIvey and Mr. a drive through delightful scenery, Flnkbonner. The pastor. Itev. W l«e at>out three mile« thia side of Arrah- Gray, had charge of the service, wana and 11 miles this side of Rho­ Besides Dr. and Mrs. which was the first one fyllewlng the dodendron. Boon the returning party constated of vacation season. Mian Mildred, Harold, and little Billy —I— Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. A. H. Boon: and of three week-end guests. Ilolllngworth. of Beatrice. Neb. who Mias Corinne Powers and Messrs were called here by the death of Melvin Hall and Hcanlon Collins The funeral of the late Mrs. Ethel t«ona Carrick, who died Haturday, September S at 2:10 a. m. was held There are many Hui day morning the congregation of thin church was addressed by Ml«« Nichols, of Chicago, who gave the history of her life In the toils of week drove them home Funeral HervH'c« Held at the Home of Her Parent» on Monday, sepu-mlx-r H. Best Grade Lard and Cooking Oils laturelwood Congregational church to have charge of the work there. JOHN MANZ k THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN s E R V I C E who ia mecessful surround« himself with every available modern devise for saving his time and money. The business man who fails to use an AUTOMATIC TBI- EPHONE simply closes his establishment to thousands of possible customers. He may never know the real reason for his failure in busjneaa. THINK IT OVER. Long Distance Everywhere CALL A 6221 * Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon ss See the Herald Office First for your Printing