mt. Scott herald Published Every Friday at i- ints Station, Portland. Oregon. J. a. UPDIKE C. W. SMITH - Proprietor - - Manager - Entered as second-class mail mat­ ter February 14. 1*14. at the post- efflce at Lenta. Oregon, under act of Congress, March 1. 1(7«. Subscription prie» . 11.10 a year Phones: Tabor 7334, D«1—nil till Ninety-second 81root MICKIE SAYS AMERICAN TOYS. The War Mothers are doing a pa- tri otic thing lu encouraging toymak- lug as a profession for returned sol- T sterling, the French Dane and othei European monetary units. The British pound sterling, for ex ample, the moat stable of all Euro­ pean units. Is down to 34.33. The nor­ mal rate ot exchange was 34.8«. The Thornton 4 Sowards tXIN'TRAt'IXIHS diera who are wounded woutidsl. It Is a natural suggestion from the senti­ pound sterling today will buy only ment aroused by the shipment here 34.33 worth of American produce at of Oerman-made toys, and the work our market quotations. of the War Mothers will probably The French franc, worth normally arouse public opinion to approval of neurly SO cent» In our money, is now the development of this industry worth but a fraction more than eight through the wounded men. There is cents. The Italian Hr«' has gone down no reason why a country of such re­ from 19.30 cents to 9.41, and the sources as this should depend on any German mark from nearly 34 cents foreign manufacturers for its toys, to five cents. and the wide field which the war has That makes American commodities opened in thia matter to native in­ enormously dear, as measured in Eu­ dustry and enterprise could be occu­ ropean prices, and as exchange rates pied in no better way than by giving fall further prices advance corres- employment to the men who have pondingly and fbreign buying shades lost their own work through their off.- services on the field. We now see that the law of supply t'rm.nt Work. Plastering and ('Mapnola Residence ««10 Fiftieth Ave labor till Leave Order« at lloggla«' Hboe sture JT4 F.eet.?ryJ American veterans of the great war membership of the Legion through ence of diminished world production due to war's destructBcness and the ecutive committee in session at na- York tional headquarters In New withdrawal of 40 to SO million men and women from peace-time occupa­ City. tions. “ It Is quite plain .___ — not _ hiña _ could be plainer—that the remedy fXr high J000 posts already organized, in a res­ INCREASE PRODI tTION Census report indicates that in 1870, IS per cent of our population in farming; in 1880. IS per cent; in 1890. 14 per cent; in were engaged cut down production and put up prices. , Every man or woman who slacks tinue to increase until we get increas­ ed production, in spite of all the in- on a job is helping to send up the cost of living. Every manufacturer or dealer who 1900, 13 per cent, and in 1910. 71 per It is undoubtedly less that 11 per cent at this time, Prices will con- M ick it xnowlo LIKE TO Be BOSS ABOUT FIFTEEN 1 MINUTES restorations in the world. FRl IT OK VEGETABLES? The annual controversy over FARMERS' COMBINATIONS. The debate on the food control act which passed the house of represen­ tatives has raised the old dispute over the propriety of including farmers' organheatons in laws for the regula­ As usual, tion of trade and prices. complete exemption was given the whether tomatoes are a vegetable or a fruit has started in certain eastern papers. The solution is simpler than usual this year. If tomatoes are veg­ etables, why do the dealers charge fruit prices for them? The high price of pork is said to be due to prospective demand from Europe. This is a look Into the future which explains, at the same time, pected result, for it is the policy of why a lot of people here will have to this country, to encourage combina­ get along without it. tions among the farmers formed for farmer. more tolerable conditions. — Spokane Spokesman-Review Don't send your job printing down town until you see what the Herald can do. We do the very best line of commercial printiqK That, of course, was the ex­ the purpose of selling farm produce and buying farms. what is needed on the Within reasonable limits this pol- icy is sound, but we do not suppose anyone will say the farmer ought not A boost ot IS to 10 per cent in the price of food is anticipated by restau­ rants, so will someone please tell the man who is getting along now on bination in restraint of trade. moral The are obligations the same as any other man's and his lia­ bilities under the cnmnal law ought to be the same. For any and aU combinations there should be a restraining law. In a Massachusetts seminary the prettiest girl there is also the best bread maker. And with such matri- monial prizes right at hand, Ameri- cans are bringing home 10,000 bride» from France! Don't worry about aliens or the money they will take of the combination acting in behalf with them. Wave them a glad fare- of the unorganized public which will well. It the combination is altogether undesirable High Cos« of Idling anil the Remedy it should be destroyed, and the fact The public having curtailed its buy- ing of pork and beef the live stock market at Chicago reflects lower prices. But lower prices would not necessarily follow a slackening de­ mand in this country. Foreign buying has to be taken into account. It is the sum total of the two demands that influences the market. For the present. It chances, there is also a slackening of overseas orders, due to that it is a farmers' combination does not make its standing better or worse than it would be if formed by men in any other business. RECRUITING FOR A. E. F. The War Department has recently issued telegraphic instructions to all Camp Commanders directing that re- cruita be received for the Infantry and Signal Corps of the American Ex- peditonary Forces in cruits having prior service list tor one year. Re­ Europe. 5036S !r_»nd Street DR. C. S. OGSBURY DENTISTRY I.aXTH, oKEi.o.N Oltice: Tabor 3214 R< e. Tabor : 5224 DR. P. J. O’DJDNNELI DENTIST Cor. 92d and Foster Road. the departing there should be some power outside have power to regulate prices. Tabor 47.54 CAROS Lents, (ire. DR. A. G. ATWOOD If the combination itself is desirable, then PROFESSIONAL coffee and a roll for breakfast, how he is going to retrench? to be controlled If he forms a com­ farmer’s takes more than a moderate profit is fanning discontent and Interfering with a safe solution of the problem. Every wasteful and extravagant person is interfering with a return to the decline in foreign exchange, which means a decline in the pur­ chasing power of the British pound * DENTIST SPBCIAL ATTIXTIOM TO PLATH PHOSB: TABOR 6421 Office: Residence: 921)7 Foster Road «314 82d St., 8. E. Portland Ore DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 1275 » Phones nones. ■ j^j,K744 Bxi.uxf B uildimo Portland. Oregon Office: Mein 7*7 TOUS till Hour«, » « m. « p m. Rea. Wdl. 1I0P Evening« by Ap^lutmeol íp 2r .EVS auvii TûMETRIST-0PTici>~ 2WI T-8 «wetland Bldg Fifth end W'a«hingloi> St. Portland, Ort gen must Rubbers and Boots at Camp Mead. Replacement Depot Men who re-inlist for this overseas service will be sent to Camp Mead upon completion their re-inlistment furloughs. of Tele­ phone operators, line men, and re­ pair men and expert radio operators are especally desired for jhe scervice In Europe. The electrical equipment and terial and methods of installation In Europe differ somewhat from equip­ ment ordinarily United States encountered in As an the instance, the huge hooks w-ogn by the line men gi4e them a grotesque appearance, although they are'doubtless safer and more comfortable than spikes, where I poles are of uniform size. CITY WIl.l SELL LI MBER. In order to further assist in bring­ ing prices back to normal Mayor Wil­ liam P. Whitaker, of Pocatello, Idaho, has announce^ his Intention of insti­ tuting a municipal lumber yard which, he asserts, will be able to re­ tail lumber at one-third less than the present prices His plan Is for the furtherance of home building In Po­ catello. % Eggiman’s Meat Market 5919 Ninety-second Street ami TINTING Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. _________________________________ / Still Moving . « « ROSE CITY VAN The One-Way-Charge Company See Us l or . GENTS’ FURNISHINGS WOOD AND COAL Goggins’ Shoe Store 8222 Porter K>l Tal*. 1424 l»«l TEN POINTS TO SETTLE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TRUCK The Motor Truck is established. Its util­ ity is no longer questioned. As a means of transportation it is definitely estab­ lished that a motor truck is incomparably economical, convenient, etc. So it is not a question of whether or not you need a motor truck. Your decision must lie WHICH TRUCK to select. It is a big question not to be decided until you have every fact, every data of cost before you. On that basis ONLY can you make a selection that will justify the required expenditure. GARY, “The Ten Test Truck,” invites every investigation—every test or ques­ tion that any owner may advance. The GARY MOTOR TRUCK has l>een selected by some of the I largest Truck users in America. They buy on a basis of FACT Mb ONLY, and the Gary has satisfied these owners in every one of the following ten vitally important points. TEST TEST If you are puz­ zled over what to get for Sun day dinner how would a nice veal roast or leg of veal appeal to you? We can also satisfy you if you prefer a beef or pork roast, for we handle nothing but choice meats of all kinds. Honest weight at prices that are right, is the motto of this market. PAINTING, PAPER HANGING women and children at lowest prices. 2 TEST 3 TEST 4 From front fender lo rear lamp bracket maximum efficiency of oper­ ation requires even distribution of weight, work and wear. The motor must not be too light for Ila load — tho frame must not bo heavier than la necessary. Consider whether or not there Is proper co-relatlon of ami parts. TEST (»VER CARRIAGE Do not buy a one-ton truck ami pact it to do a 3%-ton duty, the truck yotFdo buy should bo built ta allow for a reasonable margin of ovorloud. Buy the sis« truck that your business needs. Do not invest in a 5-ton truck for 1-ton labors. Nor should you buy a 1%-ton truck to do the work of a S-ton truck. TEST HrtTIM El» OPERATION 6 Accidents will happen, and some pairs nr«" Inevitable Select the truck of a design so standardized that re­ pairs will never keep your truck out of service. TEST 7 A truck made by a maker having limited resources la a questionable Investment. Be auro that the maker of your truck will be able to continue In business as long us you do. REASONABLE INV ESTMENT Don't buy a truck that will doproci- ato too rapidly to be economical. You really rent a motor truck when you buy It. At the end of Its perlo<] of use It ______ should have substantial "/ash-ln or trade-in' l” value. Investl- gate the actual "after u»e” worth of any truck before you make your se­ lection. Veal Roast N A. W. BREW ER Everything in footwear for men, three years. to the Overseas See CitssTRR A Ggonug footwear at prices that make it profitable for you to buy here. We can supply waterproof shoes and hi-cuts, as well as outing? shoes or slipper*. for Men enlisted for the A. E F. will be sent Immediately upon enlistment CHILDREN BARBICHINO A si'Ei’l il I Y We carry, a large line of rainy-day may en­ enlist r You protect your shoes us well us your teet by wearing? rubbers on ruiny days Wut shoes •re likely to crack and lose their shape So don’t take any chances. Recruits without previous experience Material sud Wurkmanablp (luarahteed I.KNTS. OH KOON Be prepared for all kinds of weather. prices niust be sought tn Increased rather than in diminished Industry, and in more moderate buying. Every strike by workers tends to cent Tiatlas VELVET HII.AVEs profiteering, but profiteering Is only cost of living is to Increase produc- incldental to the far greater Influ­ olution adopted by the national ex­ lleu.e l*aleOas. ■»•I bereratlas PRACTICAL IIAIRCUTH and demand Is not dead. It was only napping under wartime conditions, Persons of doubtful loyalty, and and now that the war is over it must especially those whose disloyalty has be taken Into Increasing conridera- been established. who seek legislative |on. or other public office will be vigor­ The way to bring down the hlgh ously opposed by the Amman Le­ tion and diminish consumption, Of gion. the national organization _of course, ways must be found to curb This action is urged upon the entire rAlNTMS tieaersl IK.IOX WILL OPPOSE I»IS|A»Y \l. ) HO NAOMI I QVWbStt J FREY & ALLEN * \ \ ECONOMICAL sl.Ll.tTlON Trucks are means of economy. It is not an Investment to buy a truck that will Increase your transportation costs. Find out what It wlll-actually cost you to transport your merehan-