“»raiijr of Orggtn X *i5'- • ' ML Sciiti Hrralù ’VOL. xvn. No. 33 LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1919 Subscription, $1.50 a Year LENTS MSN WRITES OF WORK GOVERNMENT HIT BY H. G. L City f'ommisloner Blgeiow Is again The following letter from J. Emil a fsw pieces of furniture on.it; soon Hwnnaon of Lenta, who la engaged in a Indy came up th« hill with a pall Evidently they hud just reconstruction work In France for the of waler. m«Kl* church, will be of interest arrived to iiinU .< new stmt for a We proceeded Wo proceedod on to Mont- not only to hla many friend* but to home. The letter all reader* of The Herald was written to the Christian Endeavor Hoc let y of the Mnts Friends church, and among other things, aaya: Now you will Want to know some­ thing about it** unit, I’m sure. Ma­ terially thia unit 1a a complete sue- <•«*•«, Everything la no splendidly or­ acting mayor while Mayor Baker Is attending the Ninety-five per cent of the popula­ tion of France are Catholic, this be­ ing the only church recognised by the No Protestant French government. clergy are given any recognition what­ faucon. ’ Thia place too has shared In the war's destruction. It was al thia point the Crown Prince viewed th« since he has been "acting" mayor so giany times. • • • battle In which he endeavored to Along the roada take Mort d’Homme the stench of decaying flesh la almost City Treasurer Wm. Adams has In­ stalled the latest cash register system to facilitate the rapidly Increasing buslnees. Mr. Adams pronounces It a Montfaucon the Ameri­ unbearable. It la my lot to work through a part of the country Just vacated by the u rmtea and torn with tronrhea shelf hull«, anti added to thia la an endleaa inn** of wire and Iron entanglements. The pu*t few daya 1 have been work­ ing through what was "no man’s land" during the siege of Vauquols. Homa time ago I had a little trip through a the territory In which large part of the Argonne-Meuee fighting was done We wont almost to Verdun when we left the road at the spot thriving city little of where the <’hattancourt aloud before 9 914 but where there la now only pile* uf atones and mor­ tar; occasion», lly on »ugh «• ie:t that one ran .ell it ns once being the comer of a building. Of course the familiar trench whs to be seen From here we went over Mort d’Homme (Dead Man's Hill) where the Crown Prince paper The French armies stormed the through a tunnel otherwise - left — its ------- land- Battle ha» -------- ----------------- neap« effect on thia lull as on others, in addition being honeycombed with It was in Hept «in lier. 191». pushed them back from thin point. On our way home we passed through Neuvilly with* its wrecked church, Whan working I have seen where eight trenchea The five and bear they the faintly walking along men la on an open fire out of doora or To­ under u few bards until a huse can be built by "Le* Amla” (the Friends). gether with thia are the human bones, A few daya ago some of our work­ and which are bleached by some of elements. hill, the ammunition. uneaploded On the other aide the of ths our way through after making mass of wire and Iron bar«, we a German upon the body of camo soldier which had never been burled. We proceeded to road the then what was Bethincourt, now through a pile of rulna. From hero to Ou lay we did not see a living person. At ers were at AcocourL came along aho waa numbers of homes In rulna. Some of the owners perhaps will never return Mrs. Madge J. Mears, state record­ The Hunday School Institute of dis­ trict number nine win held as schedul dressee of the session were not only en­ for the Mult­ nomah county Institute Is the third Thursday of each month, August In­ stltute Is to bo held In Laurel hurst Park, with picnic lunch. As no union Is entertalrflng at thia time, each one provide more fully than must Scenes along Tillamook Coast ordl- Ix>nt* Grange met in Grange hall The regular meeting of the Wood­ No candidate:- mere Community club was held Fri­ Saturday August 9th. were present to be initiated so the day evening. August 8, at the school morning session was devoted to busi­ ness. The treasurer, Mrs. Nick Faler, resigned and Mrs. Hotchkiss was elec­ will be taken up and a new lecturer arranged by Miss McNeil was render­ Gladyn Johnson, daughter of The roll call disclosed tl.e fact that ed. there were about 126 present In the attorney J. J. Johnson, entertained afternoon and 75, at the evening ser­ With a violin solo, accompanied by vice. Among the number were five Bernioce Helm who Inter rendered two At the county last Monday pastors, nine superintendents, three Johns Christian Hunday Schools atten­ meeting ded the meeting. executive we learned more about Only nine of the thirteen schools in the district very difficult piano solos which were editor for the Oregon the "Proeent Farmer, told of were ditions of Agricultural Oregon”, Plans were made for an en­ house. tertainment to^be given at the Tre­ mont park on Wednesday evening. The features of tt.*e evening will con­ sist of films, readings, music, etc. The Woodmere club is working In­ sistently for street lights on poorly illuminnt«*d corners, for the paving of Seventy-second street and for the se­ curing of a city park at the corner of Seventy-second street and Fifty­ Beside* the many composed of Messrs. C. U. and Chas. outside duties, she Is a good home ’L.. Fowler and Mr. Hillis sang. keepet-. sharing her bountiful home These quarterly district Sunday bert la no slacker. with many others. Visitors from the stopping place and frequently enjoy its privileges. Time will soon be here for the next meeting of the locablTnlon. ber August 26. hauser, hostess. Mrs. I lose Pusey Pusey of Remem­ Mrs. Esther and grand Fank- daughter, Ninety-ninth street and Fifty-fifth avenue, left for Hea- slde Tuesday where they will enjoy a two weeks outing. Ixtwell II rad ford In carrying mall on route 3 while Mrs. Howe Is hav- In her vacation. school Institutes certainly are worhth attending, if the worker is interested In the work. <’AHI> OF THANKS in and W. A. Young also gave interesting short speeches. and acquaintances and Odd Fellows, for the kindness and sympathy shown GRAYS CROSSING MAN PASSED AWAY $UNDAY ing passed away August 10, Hunda.v. He la survived by nine children, seven of whom were with Imi to celebrate us in our. recent bereavement, the his 64th birthday on July <1 and loss of our devoted husband and later to be present at the obsequies, father, also for the many beautiful Mr. Woolen was born In Canvllle. flowers. Mrs. A. C. Miller. III., July 21, 1858. The funeral ser- Mrs. Hannah Root. vice was held at the Kenworthy un­ Mrs. E. L. Kelsey. dertaking parlors, Mrs. C. P. Blan­ D. M Miller. chard being offl-latinc minister. The N. Gerlinger of Beaverton C. E. Kennedy, Tuesday. visited the second Friday of each month. CITY PLANNING COMMIS­ SION TO MUET RESIDENTS more He was known as a for water works The following children Mrs. F. grange for a number of years and Is kins and Mrs. Peters furnished music for those who wished to dance. Re­ freshments of ice ci earn were served apd those ity in their new home. * X ’ ------ ---------- - Mias Gary, park assistant, took a dren. all of Portland. to attend the general meet at Penin­ sular park Saturday, Barbra Hel- luist Monday evening as Mrs. Will of this district zendeger won the somersault and foot race. Owing to lack of faclli- ties and interest taken m the Lents between the city boundary on the Interment was made nomah cemetery. In the Mult­ on the west, are requested to meet with representatives of the Portland Lents rating was very low at the meet. Hunt of 7*19 Woodstock avenue and Mrs. A. I-a B rance were getting off the Mt Scott car at Woodmere sta­ taking the second step to the ground when the car abruptly started throw­ ing her heavily to the ground, The ALVORD FURNITURE STORE HAS BEEN SOLD The Alvord Furniture company, of 4629 Sixty-seventh street 8. E., Las changed hands, Mr. Alvord having conductor had not yet given tbe for- sold it to 8. Director & company ward signal and Mrs. I-a Branca was Augst 6. For years the Alvord furni­ still in the vestibule. Mrs. Hunt was ture house has been known in the carried to her home and the family Kern Park and Arleta district and jihysiclan was summoned- The doc­ its change of ownership marks the tor pronounced it a case of internal passing of another landmark. injury from which the patient may suffer for several months, and or­ dered her to remain in bed for four or five days; an order scarcely need- ed as Mrs. Hunt is so sore and bruised that she moves only with dlf- flculty. It is reported that a similar RETURNS TO EUROPE FOR WAR BRIDE AND BABY Freeman Armstrong left for New York this week. From there he will accident occurred aboti half an hour later at Firtand on the same car go to Europe to bring Lis wife and baby home. Mr Armstrong enlisted line. in the Canadian army at the beglnlng ALBERT MILLER DIED FRIDAY OF LAST WEEK Albert Miller of 244 Port­ West land Boulevard passed away August. 8. 1919. He was born in New, York state in 1849, and had been a ago. of the war and served with the Can­ adian Scottish infantry. The ladies of Portland and vicinity are up in arms over the H. C. of L A special meeting to be held Central library is at the scheduled for * resident o’clock next Tuesday afternoon. He lived at between ty-fifth avenue S. E. çn the south, and --i/J" LENTS CHILDREN TAKEN TO PENINSULAR PARK number or children residents of Woodmere two and a half years and Forty-second moved from there to the home where .»venue s. E. on the north and Seven­ he passed away about three weeks district all wished Mr. and Mrs. Faler prosper­ Hpooner, M Property owners and the cake and present Wesley, Blanch, and tour grandchil­ <»f Portland ten years. east and Seventy-seventh street S. E. Harold I. Woolen of Grays Cross­ We wish to thank the many friend* fifth avenue. Con­ Industry the flying squadron organised in this represented. county. Mt. Scott Union Is to have a Mrs. Me Guire of tl.m- city planning commission at the I^nts hus. Ohio, and other eastern cities. Hauvies Island. Mr. and daughter The ents garage is moving Its office Into the annex teniporarlnlly while the older building is being remodeled. Mrs. W. 8. Elisabeth, Handers and Mr. and He brought home a nice string of fish*. Mrs. Mrs. Mary Gethlng visited her a delightful day at Bull Run last Sun­ children and other friends here Wed­ day. nesday. I,ord and daughter Maude spent