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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
KEV. BKA< KKNHfRY TW NPEAK WUODMEN HEI.O RECEPTION UN CENTENARY CUN VENTION TO HONOR NOLDIEK MEMBER» News Items from Arteta- Kern Park Neighborhood 9 In a recent Kimi, of baseball the Hlnglea of the Arlela lluptlat church lami the Benedicta If to 11. Itoy Perry, 4D24 HHty-sIxth street H. K., left last Tuesday evening for Itnlnler, where ho wjll join a party of M usamas. Hldney Bravure, one of the active young people In lhe Arlela lluptlat church, has just returned from hie week's vacation. Howard Crofts, lion Fifty-seventh avenue H. K., left Wednesday of laet week on hie regular trip over the Hound. Ho was booked for Olympia last Tuesday. II. U Hamilton of Han Francisco is visiting hls mutlier. Mrs. Georgs Wilson. of 4*23 Hlxty-fourth street H E. lie arrived last Hunday for a three-weeks’ visit. Mra. Irene Noel Holty of Hellwood Is now at the Heilwood hospital cele brating the arrival of n lovely little Irene. Mias Irene st reel H Holly Holty was formerly Noel of 4447 Slxty-flrst Mrs. E. A. B. Gates of Gilbert station haa sold hls businoss tu Faul Neiden of Mr. Neiden will carry Forest Grove, an assorted stock - groceriea, feed. He will be prepared candiva, .etc. to deliver ordere to any ad dr Halurday, August 2. Mr. mid Mrs. France Noel and Baby Victor, for merly well-knowt^lii Arleta. now of IJnnton road. wetW motor guests of Mr. and Mrs Hmlth. also of l.lnnton. I teach, down on lhe way lo Netart near Tillamook. The Arleta 11« pt let church haa new paator. the evening he will topic, "Cali and be church will have and evening during ond and fourth Wednesdays of each Mra. <1 haa been for aeverul weeks a house guest of her viator, Mra. W. O. Boon, «»an Keventy-flral street H. E., re Mrs, turned to her home Thursday. Hunt, who la a teacher of piano In her' home town, haa been pursuing her atudy of music here In Portland under the direction uf Professor Miss GeraMine will go Hut unlay, as Mr. Root usually spends the week-ends there. Al the Fourth United Brethren church next Hunday the paator. Rev. E. Hhrpherd, will speuk In the morn ing on "Winning the Victory. Hunday morning at the regular hour Rev. A. C. Brackenbury will speak at the I-atirelwood M. E. church on the centenary pageant which was given at Columbus, Ohio, during the past few weeks. Mr. Brackenbury returned last Huturday morning from Columbus where he had uttended the methodist centenary celebration. This mammoth conference was held at the Ohio state fair grounds, up wards of 50,000 people dally attend ing the services. The celebration was In honor of the anniversary of Methodist missions. home and for* and was the climax of the world-wide drive for funda in the ln- The librarian at Arleta rtu-ommends The pageant the following books with these notes: tereat of Methodism. entitled "The Wayfarer." of which "llerself—Ireland," by Mra. T. P. O’Connor. Mrs. T. P. O'Connor writes 4Hr Brackenbury will, speak next Hun of Ireland with a keen desire to day, Is said not only to have rivalled arouse within Bor resile re that ab- but to have excelled the famous Pas It Is sorlilng Interest In the Irish she felt sion Play of Oberammergau. elgn, Boons. l-ocal Fire Chief Idndlosa nt Hlxty- fifth street mid Fiftieth avenue has lieen entertaining his two sisters. Memlumea Van U. Hmlth and C. E. Burtrum of Lincoln, Neb. This has according to staged lieen a delightful reunion after a sep aration of from 11 to 15 years. Mrs. Hmlth was obliged to make Tier visit shorter than Mrs. Burtram’a and is ;iow on hor way back home. "Foch the Man," by Clara E. Ijuughlln. A Iiook that reveals Foch to the history of that church. The young people’s society of this church la planning lo co-operate with as n father mourning the death of hla son; as a soldier fighting for the right; as a strategist defending the world. the other B. Y. P. U. chapters In the city In planning for a confer ence to bo held at Gladstone park during the last of August and the Thin con first day of Hepteintrer. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. Fiances Swope, 5329 Bev- entlot II stroet 8, E.. u county coni- mlitee of the W. C. T. U. met in session under the chairmanship of llghtfully profitable. Mra. Joe Hmlth. 5610 Hixty-elghth held ut luxurelhurst Park August 25, on which occasion therg will be a piogrum. including capable speak ers whose names will be given later. erai weeks t>eon a house-guest at the Mrs. Hmlth recent- Hmlth residence, ly returned from a visit wlth her In Ixrng Beach. Cal. Hhc evening (August K) tory by the Rev. Crowther of Shoes That Stay Comfortable the First M. E. church of Heattie. -nd in asmuch as It was a presentation In connection with Methodist affairs, the concluding scenes relate particularly You need not necessarily sacrifice style to get shoes that will stay comfortable. But you must be sure that you are properly fitted. And proper fitting is sn art that we have mastered in a highly commendable manner. When You Want to Move JETTY’S TRANSFER : and Express Auto Truck PROFESSIONAL men, women and children. I GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Goggins’ Shoe Store 9436 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. — r J. H. Bradbury CORD WOOD AND Choice Hams COUNTRY SLAB Plans were also made for each union to arrange for a visit from the flying squadron. This squadron will consist of Mosdames Maliel Burton, Ada Jolly, H. T. Gilbert. M. J. Mears. Anna llprchani and M. Frances Hwope. the Our styles are latest and prices lowest—for REHI DENUE The report of tins committee will be laid before the county board next Monday, after which the plans out lined last Tuesday will be perfected will Bur- ter. Mre. George Harvey. will over- see the place. Friday the tion of Bible and modern church his Mrs. II. T. Gilbert, county president. Plans were inode for a picnic to be K.. loft for Beatile last Sat urday In company with .Mrs. Julie Thomas of Texas, who lias for nov son should be extraordinarily particular at to what kind of shoes you get—not only as to style and quality but also as to fit. Call Tabor 7707 W. <’. T. U. PtaANNING PH’MIC ’Hf BE HELD Alt. 1ST 3STH ference will have the ati radi ve com- blnatlon of sense and serlousnvsu und frolic thut will make the session dc- street H You who are on your feet a great deal dramatisa after one year In Ireland. "Mary Regan,” by l-eroy Hcott. A tense und graphic story of night life In New York, and of adventures of Bob Clifford, private detective, and Mary Began, a member of the aris tocracy of the underworld. they are with him. Hoot and down Hila * month. W. Hunt of Kalllspel, whti Kern Park Christian church will give a reception In honor of the Rev. B. W Mulkey, who at that limo will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of hla work aa a nilnlaler. The rocep- Mr. Don Mat tils, Norm Holliday and Howard Jaeger. The Woodmen meet regularly every Thursday evening and the Neighbors of Woodcraft the stu’- summer. bo in Seattle for a week or so. Ing Mrs. Hmtth’a slmence her daugh- lionald, George and Edna May. feed In honor of the returned sol diers of their membership. Among those thus complimented were Messrs. preach from the ilellvered." This aervtap morning the rest of the gladly welcomed their Hev. Owen T. Pay. Io thelr church Mra. I>ny will arrlve thia family, The niem week from Waahington. bora hope that Mr. Owen and hls wife will be ns pleased with them tut Mrs. George Itoot, «22* Twenty- ninth avenue H. E.. Is spending the season ut H4- hm I<I o . Hlie Is accoin- Imiilvd by her children. Adn Ixiu’ne, The Arista Woodmen met at the hall Thursday evening of last week. combining a regular session with a Yard on Foster Road in front of Lents Library Phone Tabor 7823 There is noth ing more appe tizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have them smoked or boiled as you prefer, and, fried or baked or cooked in any other of the many ways, they have a flavor you will not soon forget. | We have anything you may want in the line of meats. CAROS lion will I m > held In the church. All ministers of neighboring churches are earnestly Invited to be present, Tattor 47.*>t MKM.S 92nd Street and all friends of the church. The decorations are In charge of Mrs. Griff King and Mrs. Frances Hwopc, DENTISTRY and lhe refreshments will be super I.BNTa, OgkGON vised by a committee consisting of Ofl ’ H v : Tabor 3214 Res. Tabor: 5224 Mesdames King. Tisdale and Fish burn. and Oscar Howlett. PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVES DR. C. S. OGSBURY CHILDREN BARBERING A SPECIALTY » See (.'lIBHTBR A G BO BO K DR. P. J. O’DONNELL DENTIST i (Jur. XM and Foster Road. Thornton* Sowards Lenta, Ore. CONTRACTORS DR. A. Q. ATWOOD i Cement-Work. Plastering and DENTIST Hf» Ut ATTMNTIOH TU Pl.ATkH Cesspools PHONS: TA fio K 6421 Residence 5« 10 Fiftieth Ave. Resilience: ! «314 82,1 St., 8. E. -s Office: 92(17 Farter Raad Portland Ore. A DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS A. W. BREWER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING Phones llnmee. • f Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Are. S blunu B ihldinu f i 1 BURKE’S - GARAGE J Portland, Oregon Ma,n ™7 ’*• nH Hours.« a.m. I p.m Reu. Will. 1106 Evenings by Appointment n. Still □ Moving ... SEVENTY-SECOND AND MILLARD AVENUE SfTWI 201 7-8 Swell»nd Bldg Fifth and Washington St. Portland, Oregon General Auto Repairing, Supplies, Oils, Greases and Storage ROSE CITY VAN The One-Way-Charge Company. Tabor 4141 oar Pries» Are Right FOR SALE «r, Orders at Goggins Shoe Store Have Buick 1-Ton Truck} One Oakland, 5-Passenger, 6-Cylinder Truring Car. One 5-Passenger Overland ----------------------- +.... ........ ......... ..... ..... . If you have a Car for sale bring it in and • I will sell it for you. See Us For. . FREY & ALLEN PAINTKRS (isasral Hesse Palstlsx, Tlstlsg and DSeeratlag WOOD AND COAL Material and Workmanahip Uoarantoed Tabor 2573 5919 Ninety-second Street and TINTING Marshall g7<4 1275 Eggiman’s Meat Market Tab. 1424 D«1 8222 Foster Rd I.KNTB. OBKOON THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY Phone Tabor 7468 to clean a bicycle, and that la to take It all apart and clean the way we do It. H. D. Kenworthy $ Company That Is each part separately. But It Is no more thorough than we do all other repair work. Tnneral Directors We never \ misrepresent, never overcharge, tever slight JOHN MANZ TWO ESTABLISHMENTS Bring MANGI OffICÍ: your wheel In today. CORRECT TAILORING FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Spring goods are'now in beautiful, serviceable fabrics to choose from. Come in and select your spring suit now while the lines are com plete. Moderate prices, workmanship guaranteed. our work. REASONABLE CHARGES Two Boors West of Lents Postoffice I For Better Printing call on the Herald ! Phone Tabor 7824 y ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I 5802-4 9214 Srtoot S. E. 4615 66tb St., Cor. Foster U. LEITS ST1TIOI WIED STATION Plow Tiber 5267 Phone Tibor 5095 First-ClaM Service given Day or Night I Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense *