Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 08, 1919, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 a Year
I II I ........ mm
Hhlloh Circle of the ladles of the
O. A. H. will entertain the returned
soldier boys on Haturday. August 11,
Mr» W. J. Hollingworth. late of
at Odd Fellows hall. There will be
Ml? Seventy-aerond street H. K. was
a program and refreshments of Ice
laid to root boolde her husband, Jos­
cream and cake will l»e served.
eph Holllnirworth. Haturday afternoon
All service men are cordially in­
the second of July. For years Mrs.
vited to attend this reception whether
Hollingworth has been a «•mi-in­
they have been overseas or not. Ths
valid and at tlmee a «root sufferer.
veterans of the civil und the Hpanlsh-
Hhe panned Into her last deep, root­
Amerlcnn wars are requested to be
ful sleep Thursday afternoon. July
present and assist In welcoming our
II, at her home, all her children ex-
boys home.
All Hhlloh members of
cept one attending her bedride. The
the ladles of the O. A. It. are also
funeral was conducted from her res­
earnestly requested to 1» present.
idence at I o'clock Haturday after­
noon, the lie*. W. Inm Uray of the
Millard Avenue Presbyterian church
Mrs. Hollingworth wan born In
Ohio Octotow *•> >»<». “n«* ‘•‘*r
came with her parents to Nebraska
The aviation section cf th? Murine
where she wan married to Mr. Jos­
eph Hollingworth July II. 1441. Mr. Corps Is urgently In n»od of four ysar
and Mrs. Hollingworth were of that enlisted men for gi a cnglno mechan­
band of pioneers who homesteaded ics. machine shop meclianlca. electri­
In the great prairie state, all her cians. wireworkers. weldjrs, black­
children ^elng born on the old farm smiths. etc.
Men of good character
near llaalrlce.
and mechanically Inclln.'d are satis­
The eight children who survive her factory. Those enlisting for this duty
are Miss Alma K Hollingworth of wilt be sent to Mare Island, Cullfo. nia
Portland: Mra J. It. Hay of Holmes­ for the regular recruit (raining and
ville, Net»..' A. J. and J. Archie Hol­
ufter completing that, will be trans-
lingworth of Portland: T. H llolllng-
fered to the regular Navy mechanics*
worth of Anaheim. Cal.: O. I» Hol­
school at Great 1-akoa. Illinois, and re­
lingworth of HI. Helens: Ueulonant-
ceive a thorough education in all or
Colonel A. H. Hollingworth of Bn-
part of the abovo trades. They will be
airice. Neb.; and W Alinee Holling­
sent to the flying stations and receive
worth of Portland.
At the house-service Mra lana a thorough practical training In me­
George M. Wilson, for many years a
well-known and respected clttsen of
Ixmts, passed away at his horns at
Scotts *Mllls on Tuesday. July 19.
Mr Wilson was born In Jefferson
county, New York, May 11. 1141. He
enllsten in Jefferson county, New
York, on May 7, till. In company K,
14th Now York Infantry. He was dis­
charged on the 10th of June, 1111.
He re-enlisted at Janesville, Wis.. on
the 9th of September, 1111, tn com-
puny H. Ird Wisconsin cavalry.
Heptember, 1141. ho was transferred
to the veteran reserve corps with
which he served ut.tll December 9,
1944. when he was again discharged.
He again for the third time enlisted
as color sergeant In company B, 62nd
Wisclnsln Infantry and served to the
close of the war.
Mr. Wilson was united In marriage
to Elisa J. Russell on December 14.
To this union two children
were born, one eon and one daugh­
ter. The daughter puased away sev­
eral years ago. He Is survived by his
wife, one non. Frank R., and one
liny Talfour. and one
granddaughter. Herein Walbel. all of
whom are present.
Mr. Wilson was the first comman­
der of Reuben Wilson Post at Lenta,
which wus named after his father,
»ho served In the 24th New York.
Mr. Wilson was a true comrade, a
loyal clttsen and a kind husband and
father, and thia Post extends their
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
family. Funeral services were held at
Kenworthy's. Rev. E A. Smith of the
Baptist church officiating.
Jaspar of lanta sang beautifully chanical work
This Is a wonderful opportunity for
"My k'hlth l-ooks I'p to Thee" and
"All th» Way
Havlour lands young men to learn a profitable trade
Me." Mra J. A. Hollingworth ar­ at the espence of the government
rompan yl ng.
A large percentage of ns< n on aviation
duty are non-commissioned officers
and moat of these receive In addition
to their regular pay, So per cent In­
crease. Mechanics who entered at the
beginning of the tzar qualifica­
tions allowing them to Carn anly |:.00
Eureka Rebekah Lodge No If I, or |100 per day In civil life are now
held an especially Interesting meeting expert mechanics and are »»curing
Friday evening when the following of­ upon discharge, positions paying |10.
ficers wore Installed.
00 to 111 00 per day.
Hcout troop 11 of Ariola baa al­
Etta La. res. N O.
Further Information rcgnrdlnr this ready tieen represented nt Waturn
Mary Grieble. V. O.
unusual offer may be obtained by I Ake, where the Hcout lodge la lo­
Mamie Cos, recording aocrriary.
Among those who have re­
writing to the U. R„ Marine Recruit­ cated.
Peter I arsen, treasurer.
ing Ntatlon, Third and Alder streets. turned, reporting a splendid time, are
Jolly Pratt. Kenneth Ames. Fern
Cora Wright. It. H N O.
Portland, Oregon.
txiulaa Blaufua, L. H. N. O.
Kelley and Gorden Lambert.
The trip is made up the Highway
Ora Hlghmlller. warden.
Eagle Creek, from which point
Mrs. Allen, conductor.
the way Is made by trail for 14 miles,
Mrs. Henge, It. ft. V. O.
puck horses being sent down to carry
Mrs. Hoggins, L. It. V. G.
Francis Marlon Croaawhite. of 7109
the luggage. At Indian mountain is
Mrs. Johnson. Inside guardian.
fllxtlnth afenue H. E , died at the
the half-way station where lunch la
Mrs. Bluhm, district deputy presi-
family home August 4, 1919.
The camp
aldent wan ths installing officer and i'roaswhlto was born In Platt county. served to the travelers.
Mra llomacly. marshal. Visitors Missouri, October 17, 11(1, and had Itself Is practically a training school,
from different orders of the city and been a resident of Portland fourteen the boys being required to go to bed
at taps, to rise at reveille, exercise,
Handy were present.
Ilefreshments years
Funeral services will be held
consisting of Ice cream, cake and this afternoon (Friday) at Kenwor­ breakfqst. exercise again, take swim­
ming lessons, observe the quiet hour,
punch were served.
thy's chapel and Interment will be In
and then take swimming lessons
Mt. Hcott cemetery.
After each time devoted to
Mr. Croeewhlte was 64 years of ago swimming the boys are given liberty
and leaves a wife and large family of for a time.
During the quiet hour
HEATH OF MRH. FRANK UMIIER- children. He hud suffered a long time they may write letters or read. Dan­
MAN <MX’l RILED WEDNESDAY with lead poisoning and about two ger In the swimming sone Is guarded
weeks ago suffered a stroke of paraly­ against by allowing only swimmers
sis. which was the Immediate cause of a certain grade to use certain
Mrs. Frank Linderman died Wed­
of hie death.
swimming places, thus limiting the
nesday. August 4. at 1:16 p. m., after
poor swimmers to the safer and
a long Illness and great suffering from WOODMERE (X)MMINITY CLUB
shallower water. Fishing la allowed
Heath came peacefully and
HOLDS MEETING TONIGHT In the deep water of the lake only
she was conscious to the last. She
by those who have passed a certain
leaves a husband and one child. Hhe
The Woodmere Community Club swimming test. Those who are be­
will be burled at Grasham Saturday, will hold their regular meeting at
low that grade must fish from the
August 9, at 1:10 o'clock.
the Woodmere schood house, Friday
evening. An Interesting program has
The boys are taken In and out by
We are enjoying beautiful summer been arranged and several topics of the scoutmasters or by Messrs. Kent
Interest trill be discussed, among them and Oaks, assistants to James E.
mer weather.
being the paving of Seventy-second Brockway, scout executive.
Merchants are doing a fine business street: paving of Fifty-ninth and
In all lines.
Fifty-sixth avenues. A report on the GARDNER A SON PURCHASE
The county has oiled Rwenty- park at Millard avenue and Heventy-
second street from Fifty-ninth ave­ second st tee t will be made by Mr
nue to Htxty-fifth avenue.
D. W. Gardner and eon, Floyd H.
Gardner, purchased the confection­
The Tremont Volunteer Fire com­
interesting news items
ery and fruit store at the station, of
pany had a good attendance at their
Fred Davie last week, and took pos­
regular weekly dance last Saturday
session August 1. They are engaged
evening, and the large «rail picture
Daniel McGrath, who died Hatur­ In rennoyatlng and Improving the
given by the Wilson Auction House as
day at Ht. Vincent's hospital, wks storo and apartment upstairs and ex­
n prise was won by Miss Edith Web­
burled Monday at 9:10 at Mt. Calvary pect to move boon from their home
ber and L. B. Hartwig after a lively
Mr. McGrath leaves a at 7426 Sixty-second avenue. Floyd
contest. On Haturday night, August
widow on the place at Hycamore.
Gardner was discharged from the
11, they will give two beautiful wall
service last May after returning from
pictures for the beat waltsers. One
Mr. Flanagan, who underwent an overseas, and expects to attend O. A.
of the pictures Is donated by the Ge-
operation for gallstones, la now recov­ C. this fall.
Mr. Davis and family
vurtg Furniture company, til First
ering and expects to be out In a few have moved to 4614 Eightieth street
street, and the other by the Okl Fur­
niture company.
e e e
The card party given Hnturday In
Ht. Peter's hall was well attended
We tnke this means of thanking Five hundred was played. Matt Ro­
Frank F. Fague died at his home.
our friends and neighbors who so land won the gentlemen's prise and 7706 Fifty-seventh avenue, Thursday.
kindly and willingly assisted us In the Mary Fleming won the ladles* prior. August 7, 1919. He was the beloved
sickness and death of our dear son Refreshments were served.
father of Mrs. F. M. Spooner and of
and brother, and for the beauttmi
Hugh F., William, Margaret, Elmer.
We especially thank the
L. H. Gardner will leave soon for Wesley and Blanche Fague. Funeral
members of the Ignited Artisan lodge a trip through northern Nevnda where services will be held Haturday at 1:10
and pastor, Mrs. J. J. Handsaker.
he may locate If conditions are satis­ p. m. at Holman's undertaking par­
H. J. Ames and Family.
lors. Interment In Mt. Hcott cemetery.
Henry Luther Ames, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H J. Ames of 7101 Forty-second
avenue H. K., passed away at the
home August I. 1919, aged twenty
years one month and fifteen days
of tuberculosis resulting from the In-
fluenxa contracted six months ago.
He was born In Portland June 19,
1699, and lived here continuously. He
was a member of and faithful work­
er in the Laurel wood Congregational
A kind, loving and obedi­
ent eon and brother and the' high
esteem In which he was held by his
host of friends wus shown by the
numerous and beautiful floral pieces
and the large number of friends pres­
ent at the funeral.
His father and
mother and brother Roy and baby
sister are left O mourn his loss.
Funeral services were held Wednes­
day afternoon in Kenworthy's chapel.:
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker, pastor of the
Congregational church, officiated.
Services at he grave were in charge
of the United Artisans of Arieta, of
which order he was a prominent
member. He was laid to rest in Mult­
nomah cemetery.
Inquiries the past month as to the
location of the Cloverlo Film com­
No information could be se­
A. J. Owens of Ix>ga->, Iowa, died
August 1 at the home of his son,
William R. Owens, 4124 Blxty-flfth
street B. E., t.'ter a protracted ill­
Mr. Owens came to Portland
In April last In the hope of regaining
his health, but succumbed to tuber»
culr.r trouble.
The funeral service
was conducted from the Kenworthy
Undertaking Parlors Haturday after­
noon and interment was made in the
Multnomah cemetery, William R.
Owens officiating.
Mr. Owens Is
survived by his wife, his father and
mother, both over 90 years of age.
and all tfiree of Ix>gan, Iowa; his
daughter, Mrs. V. C. Nichols; three
sons. Messrs, Dick, William and New­
ton Owen; three grandchildren in
Oregon and four in Iowa.
Mr*. M. L. Bernal, 4124 Eightieth
street, was hostess at a surprise party
for her sister, Mrs. T. M. Hunsaker,
of 5450 Eighty-fifth street last Fri­
day, August
Two machines were
loaded with the guests and the party
repaired to the Clackamas river, near
Barton, where a picnic lunch was
served and a most enjoyable time was
spent by those in attendance.
birthday cake, decorated with candles
in the form of a question mark, was
the object of much interest Those
present besides the hostess and guest
honor were Mrs. G. J. Cole, 5450
Eighty-fifth street; Mrs. D. L. Hiatt,
5714 Eighty-fourth street; Mrs. Elsie
Simon and Mrs. Frank Miller, 511
Eart Thirty-fifth street.
VOL. XVH. No. 32
Now Is the time If you have not al­
ready begun to make arrangements
for your exhibit at tho Multnomah
County Fair this Fall. Grains and
grasses should be selected before hoy
get too ripe co as to shatter, and tho
livestock wiych you are going to ex­
hibit should be decided upon now
and be given a little special attention
during the next two months so as to
keep them up In condition and proper­
ly fitted to stand a strong competi­
tion in their class.
Thia year the Multnomah County
Fair and the Manufacturers* and
land Products' Hhow are combined
and will be held at Gresham from
September 15th to 20th
The premium lists are now out and
ready for distribution and can be had
by writing to Mr. C. D. Minton, Man­
ager, 701 3palding Building, Port­
land, or Mr. A. F. Miller, Secretary.
Gresham, Oregon , or the County
The premium list han been much
enlarged thia year taking in several
new departments and the premiums
have been increased so that If the
people of this county respond to the
support of their leeul fair as should
reasonably |»e expected by way of
making exhibits of their farm prod­
ucts and livestock Multnomah Coun­
ty Fair will be surpassed by only the
State Fair.
There have already been prom­
ised a large number of exhibits from
outside of the County. If people at-
ending the fair see exhibits from
other parts of the State exceeding
those from our own County they will
wonder if anything can be produced
In this section.
cured as to the location of the studio
and some doubt was expressed as to
such an enterprise being located In
the neighborhood.
We are glad to
print below a letter received Mon­ MT. S4XJTT PEOPLE WITNESSED
If you have never exhibited at the
day. from Mr. Cloverlo regarding the
County-Fair before, you will find
activities of the company:
Several people in l^ents wondered
it worth while to make an exhibit
at a mysterious display of “balls of
this year.
If you look around you
fire" back of Mt Scott Wednesday
“Mt. Hcott Herald: ■
will find something on your farm that
"Heard there have been several night. Captain Fred Day of the fire
is mentioned In the premium list.
people at your office Inquiring tor marshal's office, who visited the
The premiums which are ^offered as
us According to what the paper said odd electric storm In a cloud bank
an inducement to you are liberal.
recently about studio ready for first back of Mt. Scott, said the lightning
The County Fair is one of our best
take at Lents, It was a mistake. We seemingly collected Into large balls
means of building up our communi­
have started to film, but not out at which darted about in the sky for
ty by letting the thousands of peo­
lanta as yet.
We will have a big several seconds, at times some of them
ple from outside know what we can
open air stage built on the Cloverio remaining stationary.
He said the
produce. Ro it becomes the duty of
property, which Is one block north display lasted for about 45 minutes.
every live, progressive citixen to do
of ML Hcott cemetery entrance, in a
ho. part.
week or so. as soon as we are ready INJURED IK) Y IXDERGOES
to take the Inside acenes of our first
Our main office is 614
Ellers building.
I.Htle Kenneth Anderson, son of
The reason, os you plainly see, that
I am writing to you is that you may
have thought there was no such a
thing as a movie company tn Lents.
If anyone shold ask you how to find
us I wish you would tell them to
see me daily between 4 and 4:10 p
m. at our down town office, or see
my folks at the studio grounds there.
Mr. and Mra George Anderson, who
has been suffering for the past three
months with a crushed leg sustained
when he fell under the wheels of his
father's machine, underwent an oper­
ation last week for skin grafting to
the injured limb. He is now getting
better and it is hoped his recovery
will be more rapid.
Mr. and Mra.
Anderson furnished the skin grafted
onto the injured limb.
W. C. Rockwell and family of Cal­
ifornia have moved into the house lit
4111 Eighy-ninth street
Clarence O'Neil Is home from his
vacation which be spent a» the Evan­
gelical camp meeting at Jennings
Woodmere Parent-Teacher associa­
tion will give one of their regular I
community dances at the Woodmere
school house Haturday evening. Aug­
ust 14.
Edith Webber, of One Hundredth
street and Fifty-fifth avenue, won the
prise picture which was awarded tho
bort waltser at »he Tremont firemen's j
dance last week.
Mr. and
the arrival
Augsut 2.
already the
Mra. J. A. Teeny» 4715
street, are rejoicing over
<fl a baby daughter born
Mr. and Mrs. Teeny are
parents of four boys.
Ray Kerr of Eighty-third and Sixty­
eighth avenue, and Cecil Brown, for­
merly of Lents, will leave next week
for California, near Han Francisco.
The trip will be mails in a Ford.
Corporal William E. Evans and
Miss Mary Laherty were quietly mar­
ried Monday evening. August 4, at
the home of Mr. Evans* brother, 4211
One Hundredth street. Rev. N. Shupp.
pastor of the EvAgelical church, of­
Mr. Evans only recently
returned from overseas service, where
he served In the instruction corps 11
The following poem was composed
by a member of the M. E. church
Mr. and Mrs L. E. Elkins. Mrs. M. J. Ladles* Aid, and dedicated to the
Boland and Mrs. Margaret Duffy.
memory of our dear sister worker,
Mra William H. Armstrong, now
Frank Coulter and wife and Mrs. asleep in Jesus:
Wilson and mother closed up shop
and went out to Mrs. Coulter’s broth­ It is finished, another life has ended.
With what It held, of hopes and
er’s home at St. Helens and spent the
day Wednesday instead of going to We stand beside the silent casket
And pay the tribute of our tears.
the grocers' picnic.
They report
crops in fine condition and blackber­ We look in vain in those calm features
ries a foot (?) long.
To find a trace of care or pain.
For God has set his seal upon her
F. R. Peterson of the Lents Pharm­
And washed her fiAe from earthly
acy had a smile on his face yesterday
morning that would crack a brick
O Rpirtt, Just released from sorrow.
wall, all on account of his winning
Whisper a message, e'er you leave.
third prise at the druggists' convention Give us a glimpse of heaven's beauty,
Send comfort to the hearts that
for the beet window display.
prise is now on exhibition In the win­
dow facing Foster road.
But all is still, there comes no an­
We have had the grim reaper.
No human tongue the tale could
Death, with us this week. On Monday
evening, August 4, T. M. Crosswhite, We only know that Christ is with
64 years of age. was called. He left
And that he doeth all things well.
a wife and large family of children.
He has suffered a long time with lead
poisoning and about two weeks ago
suffered a stroke of paralysis, which
was the immediate cause of his death.
A. D. Kenworthy has disposed of
his interest 4n the Dunning A Mc-
John Walrotl to Take Trip East
John Walrod and Mra. Anna Wal- Entee
devote his
road and little daughter Violet ex­
pect to leave about August 20 for a time to the business in Lents.
Marie Rathkey. Mrs. J. Roy Carter
and R. Clrtano"lch went by train to
Bonneville Bunday to attend the picnic
given by the Loyal Legion of Loggers
trip through the east.
Their first
and Lumbermen. They also visited
Clarence Dougherty and family
stop will be at Falrbault, Minn., where
the fish hptchery while there.
Mr. "Walkod's brothers and sisters motored down from Castle Rock.
Home of those attending the picnic live. They will then continue on to Washington, last Haturday to visit Mr.
at Crystal lake park Sunday, given Columbus, Ohio to visit friends and Doughertys' sister Mrs. W. C. Smith
by the labor unions, were Mr. and Mrs I relatives and Mr. Walrod wifi take a and Mrs. W. H. Woodworth, also his
A. Boland, Mr. and Mra. O. W. Webb. Inumber of aide trips also.
niece Mra. Clarence Cone.