Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 18, 1919, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 a Year
Uttle Kenneth George Dilley, tha
three-year-old son of Mr, and Mr».
George Dilley of 9301 Fifty-third
avenue, died Wednesday morning at
11 o'clock a» a result of severe bum»
caused when he accidently fell into a
tub of scalding water, The accident
occurred Tuesday afternoon when the
little fellow had been left alone for a
few minutes on the back porch where
4he washing was being done. Tha tub of
hot water was on the porch near the
hydrant, and after getting a drink
the baby evidently stepped backward
an<l fell into the tub, causing deep
burn» on the lower part of the body
anti buck. The baby was rushed to
Good Samaritan hospital and every­
thing known to medical science done
to save his life, but the burns were
too severe and b*’ P*"»ed away Wed­
nesday morning.
Mr. anti Mrs. Dilley ars well-known
anti highly esteemed in lent» and
the sympathy of the community
goes out to them in their great sor­
row. Little Kenneth leaves his fath-
er and mother and two sisters to
mourn his tragic death.
Funeral nervier» will be held today
(Friday) at 2 p. m. at Kenworthy'»
chapel, and interment will take place
at Ml. Scott Park cemetery.
One of the first official .acta per­
taining to establishing park» and
playground» in the City by City Com­
missioner Pier will be a survey of
aitea. The measure for the establish­
ing of additional parka and play­
ground» was passed by the voter» at
the recent election by a large ma­
jority. These aitea will be estab­
lished, where possible, in done prox­
imity to the public school» so a» to
afford plenty of playground for the
h school children. Seven acres in front
of the Franklin high school will in
all probability be converted into a
handsome park, and the Albina,
Peninsula and Irvington district» will
also be assured of additional recrea­
tion beauty »pots. The Irvington
club has made a proposition to Com­
missioner Pier that if the city would
lake over the club's indebtedness of
115,000 the city could have the prop­
erty, and it is vory likely Mr. Pier
will accept the offer.
As soon as the city planning com­
mission ha» made its final recom­
mendation and report Mr. Pier will
immediately proceed to notify the
park bureau, which is now in his de­
partment, to make all necessary ar­
rangements to clear off the ground»
and put them in condition before the
rainy season sets in.
Kwimrkiibi»' photograph of (he r»fent perfide of iiritlNh dominion troop» tarough (he Mtrecta or i»ndon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Allen, of Pl 12
Fifty-sixth avenue, took an automo­
bile trip up the Willamette valley
the latter part of last week, visiting
relatives and friends at Salem, Al­
bany, Monmouth and Corvallis. Mrs.
Allen is a daughter of the Rev. Bow­
ersox. a pioneer minister of the Wil­
lamette valley, and Mrs. Allen trav­
eled over roads and visited scenes
during the trip that were familiar to
her during her girlhood. Mr. and
Mrs. Allen report a great amount of
road building under way in the val­
ley which, when completed and con­
nected up. will constitute a groat
system of paved roads, enabling mo­
torists to reach , almost any point
over rouds equal in smoothness to
city streets. They reached home on
Monday, accompanied by their niece,
Miss Eunice Bowersox, of Corvallis,
who is spending a few days visiting
Lynn II. Gardner, son of L. H.
Gardner, who is assisting his brother
in the Gardner jewelry store, ar­
rived in Ixmts Monday to visit his
father anil relatives. He has Just
been discharged from the navy after
serving through the war on a de­
stroyer engaged in convoy duty with
the transports. The boat upon which
Mr. Gardner served was up to the
signing of the armistice the fastest
vessel in her class, and had one brush
with a German submarine. The fam­
ily home is in Baker, ami Mrs. Gard­
TO GIVE COMMUNITY DANCE ner is also here visiting her husband.
The Woodmere Parent-Teacher as­
sociation will give a community dance
at the Woodmere school Friday eve­
ning, July 25. The association is
giving a dance once a month during
the summer months to help keep up
interest of the members until the
real work in the fall begins.
IG has " big
The Lents garage, in order to take
care of the rapidly growing business
and as an added convenience to their
many patrons, has inaugurated an
all-night service, tha garage now be­
ing open 24 hours a day. Mr. Kil-
dahl’s broad-visioned business meth­
ods of publicity and keeping fully
up to the needs of his trade might
well be adopted with profit by other
business firms of the district.
Eugene Gaenxle died at the family
home at Sixty-third street, near Six­
ty-fifth avenue, Saturday, June 12.
Mr. Gaenxle was bom in Whltten-
burgh, Germany. He is survived by CAMPING TRIP TO MT. HOOD
his widow and a son. The funeral
services were held Sunday at the Mt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nelson, of 5903
Scott crematorium, under the aus­
pices of Palestine Masonic Ixxige, of Eighty-fourth street, and two chil­
dren, Luella and Richard, and broth­
er, Dan Nelson, motored to Mount
Hood Wednesday of last week and
GIVEN CHARGE OF BOOKS returned Saturday. Mrs. Nelson had
not been enjoying good health for
Hereafter City Auditor Funk will some time and it was thought a trip
be given entire charge of the book­ to the mountains would benefit her.
keeping of the city departments and They found a fine camping place and
will assume full responsibility with the boys enjoyed the great sport of
Commissioner Pier in keeping the mountain trout fishing, at which they
accounts straight.
‘ M.. had considerable success.
There have been complaints made
by (J|ty Auditor Funk before the Lents Pharmacy Has Electric Sign
council that a number of claims
Ths latest in electric signs was
against the city had been paid twice installed this week by the Lents
owing to insufficient help in check­ Pharmacy. This is the first electric
ing up, and to avoid further discrep­ sign in Lents and is mounted on the
ancies and numerous errors Commis­ comer as. aa to be visible from both
sioner Pier finally authorised Mr. sides oa^JJJpu'ty-second street and
Funk to place a competent account­ also from both sides on Foster road.
ant in each department. By so do­
Walter Lindstrom has accepted a
ing Mr. Funk hopes to rectify any
errors that may arise In the future. position in the Mt. Scott bakery.
The Christian Endcavorers of the
Friends church held their monthly
business meeting and social Friday,
July 11, at the home of the Tamp-
lins. The meeting began with a
goodly number present, and they
kept coming in until there were
about 30 present when refreshments
were served.
Several items of interest were dis­
cussed and * good degree of interest
shown. One special action taken was
to pledge their support to the En­
deavor paper published by the Y. M.
committee and to give the money
usually spent in the union for the
paper. They also voted to raise
money to buy new song books for
the church. Martha Isler and Bertha
Barker were appointed as leaders to
divide the society into equal num­
bers and enter into a friendly con­
test to raise the money. After the
business meeting a pleasant hour
was spent in games and singing. The
society was specially glad to have
Edward Smith with them again; also
an old Endeavorer of past years in
the person of Olive Ramsey, now
Mrs. Frank Fisher, and her husband,
Who were visiting their sister, Mrs.
Tamplin. Refreshments were served
and everybody went home in a good
humor. •
In addition to the Sunday school
hour each day on the Gladstone Chau­
tauqua program, the state associa­
tion maintains headquarters at the
Chautauqua during the entire session.
In the absence of Yiarold Humbert,
general secretary of the association,
who is attending a summer confer­
ence at Lake Geneva, Wis., Miss
Georgia Parker, office secretary and
superintendent of the children’s di­
vision of the association, has charge
of the work at Gladstone.
The morning Sunday school ses­
sions during the Chautauqua are also
conducted by the State Sunday
School association. Last Sunday Ell-
ton Shaw, superintendent of the Mt.
Tabor Presbyterian Sunday school,
conducted the chautauqua Sunday
school. Assisting Mr. Shaw were
Mrs. Carl Smith of Jennings Ixxige,
with the juniors, and Mrs. J. H.
Zehrung, of Portland, with the pri­
mary children.
The orchestra of the Mt. Tabor
Sunday school and a number of other
workers of the local school, 31 per­
sons in all, assisted in making the
big Sunday school of 700 persons a
pronounced success. The offering
taken, which goes to the state asso­
ciation, amounted to just $25.
The Mt. Tabor contingent went to
Gladstone by auto, had a big picnic
dinner, and remained for the eve­
ning to listen to Mr. Bryan.
Next Sunday the chautauqua Sun­
ON LARCH MOUNTAIN day school will be under the leader­
ship of Mrs. Clara Esson, of Forest
A number of I^nts people visited Grove.
larch mountain last Saturday and
Sunday. One party was composed of EASTERN MAN MARVELS AT
Mr. and Mrs. H. Townsend, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. McNeil, Genevieve Dear-
dorff, Leanore [.arson, Martha Schul­
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Coulter, Mrs.
er, Esther and Goldie Levage, Olive John A. Graves and her cousin. Geo.
Townsend. Myrtle McNeil, Hope Hel­ C. Fi-acker, made a trip over the
ler, Hervy Long, Donald and Gordon Columbia highway as far as Bonne­
ville last Monday. Mr. Fracker has
Another party was composed of been visiting at the Graves home the
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell, Mrs. past few days. His home is at 3808
Smiley, Mrs. Arnspiger, Myrtle Benton boulevard, Kansas City, Mo.,
Moore, Rosie Matthewson and Ray and he is superintendent of religious
education for the Presbyterian church
Most of them «limbed to the top of the mid-west district. Mr. Frack­
of the mountain Saturday evening in er was greatly impressed with the
order to enjoy the sunrise from that wonderful scenic beauty of the high­
vantage point, after which they had way and stated that from an engi­
breakfast. Needless to say a num­ neering standpoint it was the great­
ber were nursing sore, stiff muscles est piece of work he has seen in his
on Monday, but they declare the travels.
trip is worth the discomfort en­
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn to Leave
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Donnell have
as a guest this week Elbert Derosia,
Mr. Derosia is
BURNED BY GASOLINE of Nadania, Wash.
an uncle of Mrs. O’Donnell. Mr. and
L. O. Conlee, of Fifty-seventh ave­ Mrs. Quinn, father and mother of
Mrs. O’Donnell, are also visiting them
nue, was quite badly burned about
the face, neck and arms Sunday for a short time prior to leaving the
morning when a gasoline torch he city. They expect to go either to
was using exploded, setting his California or Colorado to make their
clothing afire.
The burns, while home, but as yet are undecided which
very painful, are not considered se­ state it will be.
rious. . He left Tuesday for Kelso,
Wash., to visit his brother while in­
Mrs. Hedge Convalescing
The many friends of Mrs. Marvin
Hedge will be pleased to know that
she is recovering nicely from an
operation which was performed last
week. It is hoped she will be able
to be brought home Sunday.
iayrgm L
The Gresham cannery is a busy
place these days. There is a big rush
on hand to put the fruit through it«
processes as fast as it is received.
The warehouse in filling up with cam*
waiting shipment, while crates upon
crates are being unloaded at the re­
ceiving room.
Ideal weather is making the fruit
ripen fart. There is a shortage of
hands, but so far, with every employe
exerting every energy, ail the fruit
has been cared for in good time. Al­
though unable to run full capacity,
nevertheless 16,000 cans of fruit are
produced daily, almost a hundred
thousand cans a week. That means
a payroll for labor alone amounting
to $2000 per week. The cannery plys
out approximately $25,000 a week for
fruit — $25,000 for the local fruit
Mr. Fisher, the manager, said that
this year the cannery is running at
a disadvantage, but even so results
are decidedly gratifying. For an­
other year, provisions for ample help
will be made early in the season and
all other necessary arrangements will
have been made before opening time.
He also predicts a great berry fu­
ture for this locality, which of course
means a big canning business. Trans­
portation difficulties will eventually
be overcome.
Raspberries are selling at $300 per
ton. The yield this year is much
heavier than last year’s, in some
patches almost double. Blackcaps at
11 cents—over $200 per ton—yielding
in places four tons to the acre—ove-
$800 from one acre.
Ten acr*s
sounds like a fortune. That tne
prices are up to stay is - assured.
Land values will rise. A period of
great prosperity has bet ■ opened.—
Gresham Outlook.
Plans and specifications for a sew­
er system to be known as the Fifty-
second street and Foster road sewer
system have been examined and a^
proved by the city council and notice
to that effect is being published. The
proposed sewer is to be laid in the
following streets:
In Fifty-second street 8. E. from a
point 94 feet north of the center lin
of Thirty-sixth avenue 3. E., ex­
tended, to a point 97 feet south of
the center line of Thirty-eighth ave­
nue 8. E.. extended west; thence west
through private property to a con­
nection with the proposed south
branch of the Rhine street sewer.
In Thirty-sixth avenue S. E. from
a point 436 feet east of the center
line of Fifty-fourth street 8. E. to
the proposed sewer in Fifty-second
street 8. E.
In Thirty-seventh avenue S. E.
from a point 436 feet east of the
center line of Fifty-fourth street 8.
E. to the proposed sewer in Fifty-
second street 8. E.
In Thirty-eighth avenue S. E. from
the cast line of Fifty-sixth street 8.
E. to the proposed sewer in Fifty-
second street S. E.
In Foster road from the center line
of Forty-first avenue 8. E., extended
east, to the proposed sewer in Thirty­
eighth avenue 8. E., extended west.
In Forty-first avenue S. E. from
the southwesterly line of the O. W.
P. company’s right of way to the
proposed sewer in Foster road.
In Fifty-second street S, E. from
the center line of Thirty-ninth ave­
nue S. E. to the proposed sewer in
Fifty-second street S. E. 97 fert
south of the center line of Thirty­
eighth avenue 8. E., extended west.
The estimated total cost of the
improvement is $19,876.23, which will
be assessed as provided by the char­
ter upon the property benefited.
The council has also approved and
declared its intention to construct a
sewer in. Fqrty^second street
from a point 130 feet north of the
north line of Forty-fifth avenue S. E.
to a connection with the proposed
south branch of the Rhine street
sewer. The probable coot of this
sewer is estimated by the city engi­
neer to be $10,607.39. which will also
be assessed to the property benefit­
Florence Gordon, aged 15 years»
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gor­
don, of 4824 Ninety-second street,
died Sunday, July 13, of tuberculosis.
She came here with her parents about
a year ago from Newcastle, Pa., in
search of a climate that would bene­
fit her health. She is survived by
her parents and two sisters, Mrs.
Black and Mrs. Baldwin, ail of Lents.
Funeral services were held at the
home Tuesday afternoon. Interment FORMER HERALD EDITOR 18
took place at Mt. Scott Park ceme­
J. Sanger Fox, of 6228 Ninety-
second street, formerly editor of the
ENJOY OUR “COOL” DAYS Herald is leaving the last of the
month for Quilcene, Wash., where he
has been called as pastor. He will
Grandma Gilbert, mother of Ed move the whole family up with him.
Gilbert, of 6710 Ninety-second street, For nearly a year and a half he has
and William Gilbert, of Gilbert road had the superintendence of all the
and Buckley avenue, accompanied by Friends churches in Oregon, Wash­
George Gilbert and wife and Mr. ar.d ing and Idaho, as well as the devel­
Mrs. Frank Glore and wife and three opment of new points. Quilcene is a
children, are here from Kansas City, small mission point and Mr. Fox be­
Mo., for a visit with relatives and lieves he can do more good there
friends. Reports of cool summers in than anywhere else. The good wishes
Oregon were laughed at by the vis­ of the Herald and of their many
itors Monday and Tuesday, ah they friends in Lents will go with Mr.
claim is was just ar hot here as in and Mrs. Fox and their three little
Kansas City.
Marie Chapman at Chautauqua
Miss Marie Chapman, well-known
violinist, appeared on the chautauqua
program yesterday at Gladstone.
Miss Chapman’s home is on Buckley
avenue, near Gilbert, and she has
a host of friends in I<ents. She has
been traveling over the Ellison-White
Members of the ftortlHvttt mounted police dispersing a riotous cruutl dur­
circuit the past two months and will
ing the great strike in Winnipeg. One man in the mob was silled and several
conclude her chautauqua engagement
the latter part of August.