mt. Scott herald ADDITIONAL LOCAL OUR CHIEF MACHANIC Mrs. Sabra Klinger came down from Hood River to accompany her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Deaton, of • Proprietor Ninety-second street, on a camping - Manager trip. Publiahed Every Friday at Lenta Statton. Portland, Oregon. J. E. UPDIKE - C. W. SMITH - Entered as aecond-claaa mall mat­ ter February 14, 1*14, at the post­ office at Lenta. Oregon, under act ot Congress. March 1. 1(7*. Subscription prlro - - |1.50 a year Dr. and Mrs. David Nelson mo­ tored out to Dayton the afternoon of the Fourth and report a pleasant trip, the roads most of the way be ing paved. William Heintielman is at work on some fine new pedestals for the Grange, That of the Grange master till Nlnety-wcond Street is fitted with a shelf and a drawer in which to keep his papers, and the BIRDS HELP THE GARDENER others, while not so elaborate, are The importance of protecting our of good, substantial make native birds is apparent when we Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGee, of consider that insects cost the Ameri­ can people approximately a billion Eighty-ninth street, returned from a dollars a year. A writer in Thrift visit with relatives in Tillamook magazine says a “recent examination county the first of the week. of the stomach of a cedar wax wing Ben Miller and family enjoyed the (cherry bird) revealed 100 canker Fourth camping at Zig Zag. They thoroughly understands his business. No machine is worms.” In the stomach of a scarlet went out Thursday and returned on tanager were found 630 gypsy moth Sunday. ever allowed to leave us without getting a final look caterpillars. over. We believe we can best serve the interest of Hawks and owls are birds of ai BELLROSE-GILBERT our many customers for repair work by being care­ repute, yet it is estimated that a hawk or an owl kills an average of ful and particular. B. T. Davis and family and Mr. 1000 mice every year. Birds that feed on the seed of weeds, small Shotwell and family left Tuesday for rodents and insects are friends to a visit with Mr. Davis' brother, who the gardener. In their persistent lives in California; also a general quest of food they aid materially m visit and recreation with friends along the line to Los Angeles. May conserving crops. ! The wanton destruction of birds is they have the time of their lives. AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor William Elslip is in the hospital, ■ both inhumane and an economic waste. Fortunately, many states having undergone an operation on a Tabor 3429 Home 1)61 8919 FOSTER ROAD have recognised the value of protect­ June 30. Reports to date are good. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hurrle, with ing man's feathered friends and sen­ sible laws have been passed for that their son Edward, motored to Salem purpose. Alabama has an ably con­ the Fourth to visit their daughter, ducted fish and game department, Mrs. Armpress, who they report is presided over by John H. Wallace, doing fine. Berry picking is the fashion now. who is recognized as an authority throughout the country- a CARD OF THANKS a To Reuben Wilson Post. G. A. R-. : ROOM FOR RENT Furnished room for rent. Call at No. 38, to Shiloh Circle No. 19. to 6116 Ninety-second street or phone ladies of Rebekah 178. and to each ■ and every friend who has been so ■ a Tabor 3499. 7-11-lt* helpful while my husband was suf­ a THEY COST NO MORE fering from his long illness, also for LOST their sympathy in our affliction, we ■ Large photograph, with man and ! wish to extend our thanks. Especial- | ■ AND ARE SO MUCH BETTER wife standing in front of store build­ ly do we wish to express our grati­ ing. Sign reads “W. J. Steele, Pro­ tude for the many floral pieces. duce Market.” Finder please leave MARGARET G. HUMMEL. at Herald office. 7-11-lt lents Bicycle and Motorcycle Repair Shop Clocks, Speedometers, Goggles and Oilers in tact, anylluug «ml «nvrytliiiw in Mi|>|i|ii-« for morlori yrli •. All . of good, Milttinnlial quality. too, Tin- kitul that will »land iniii'li um- and i'V< ii a Lure Take a i*aik al "Ur di-play Keen If you m-vd notliinv i < n . when you du require anything in au|>|ilh-a you’ll know tlie tight j.lare to coine Io. Phones: Tabor 7(14. D41—1111 : ■ : i I The Lents Garage BUY FRESH GROCERIES W. C. T. U. Mrs. Frances M. Swope, state vice- president, spoke at the Second Friends church, Lents, last Sunday night. Her earnest plea in the in­ terest of the world-wide campaign for prohibition and all moral reforms was listened to with interest by a good audience. The meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elva Scheuerman was another interesting occasion. Sabbath observance and patriotic top­ ics were discussed. The Union de­ cided to discontinue meetings until August 22. This will give one meet­ ing before the annual election Sep­ tember 8. Mrs. Esther Fankhauser will be hostess August 22. Remem- ber the date. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45. Mrs. Rosa Silver, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. “God’s Requirement” will be the theme. Young people’s meet­ ■ ing at 7 o’clock. Preaching at 8 o'clock. Song service led by Geo. T. Howard. “The Christ Hunting Men” will be the evening subject. Union prayer service with the Friends church Thursday evening. Footwear for All the Now is a good time to make your selection of boots, shoes and slippers. Our stock is complete and we can fit all members of the family. We have the latest styles for dress and the most durable for work. Let your footwear be the best. It doesn’t pay to buy an inferior quality. Good footwear insures good health, while uncertain quality is always a poor in­ vestment, no matter how low the price, Therefore, be a wise guinea and get your shoes at ■ ■ ■ I Dew Drop Washing Powder SPECIAL—25c per Package EVANGELICAL CHURCH The regular services will be held at the Evangelical church on Sunday. The pastor will preach at 11 ,a. m.. subject, “Travail of His Soul.” The evening sermon will be at 8 o’clock. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Young people’s meeting at 7 p. m. cordially invited. G oggins 5935 92nd Street Lents, Oregon Gents9 Furnishings First-Class Sheet Meta! Work and Repairing Tabor M38 Foater Hoad, Opp. P. O. »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»♦♦•♦♦♦O •♦♦♦♦♦«♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« I wo boors West ol lents FoMofflce Gary Motor Trucks For the Farm, City or Interurban A GARY TRI UK IS THE TRUCK TO BUY be­ cause there is a size lor every requirement, and because every truck represents the highest de­ gree of perlection as exemplified by the best balanced truck built, composed of units of the highest order obtainable. GARY MOTOR TRUCKS are made in six models: Model F 1-ton, G l'-z-lon, 11 2-lon, 11U 2K»-ton, K 3‘n-ton, V 5-ton, and all are equipped with the war-famed Buda Motors, 'me motor adopted for government work in France. The HU or Y U with the force feed lubricating system through u milled crankshaft in all huge sues. THE SHELDON WORM DRIVE AXLE is an­ other important feature of construction of Gary Motor Trucks. It is the costliest, the oldest and highest priced worm drive axle built. All Gary trucks use Sheldon axles. THE SPRINGS THE TUTHILL SPRINGS - titanic fronts and banded rears. The real' springs, which carry the load, are guaianteed tor the life ol the truck against breakage in the center. THE Bl ll.T UP CAST TANK RADIATOR. The Gary built up cast tank radiator with oval tubulur core, finned for radiation, is the last word in radiator construction. It is invincible in strength, oversize in capacity and 100 per cent in cooling efficiency. GARY MOTOR TRUCKS are of the same high class in every other unit and detail of construc­ tion and are warranted for one full year. FOR GARY TRUCK FACTORY INFORMATION for the northwest territory call on or address the Portland Agency, and secure our terms to deal­ ers and agents ff considering a line of trucks or desiring a selling agency. ORDERS WITH DEMONSTRATORS will cover the territory ami call on interested parties. GARY COAST. AGENCY, Inc Lents Mercantile Co Phone: labor 1141 71 Broadway Portland, Ore. Phone Broadwav 2162 5805 92nd St Lents Furniture Co Phone: Tabor 2923 Used Furniture as Good as New for Half Price. Highest Cash Price Paid for Used Furniture, Etc. 9213 Foster Road Lents, Oregon Eggiman’s Meat Market BEEF PORK MUTTON VEAL SMOKED and SALT MEATS FISH an POULTRY 5919 Ninety-second Street SECRET s E R V I c E Quality Goes Clear Through Nothing that could be said about the Dort would be half as convincing as its own per­ formance on the road. What you will hear from one Dort owner will simply be a repeti­ tion of what another will state as to the reliability and economy of the car Tabor 257.3 THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN Coupe 1.155 Roadater 8edni>et (Convertible) tIOMO F. O. lì. Factory Wire XX heels and Spare Tl who i* MiirccHMful Rin round* hinifwlf with pvery available niodurn deviiw» for na» ing hi* time hii «I money. The bnnine*-«* iihih v ho iailM to iij «»* an AUTOMATIC I 1,1, EPHON E Him ply cl<»*<* hi.-* •••*tai»iiHhineiit to thoflNgndN of |x>-*ihie enMone r* lie may never know the ieal r* a*< n for hi- failure in hie-iti' w*. THINK II oVER. Ixing Distance Everywhere CALL A 6221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon Guttering. General ¡Repairing, Garbage Cans, Flour Bin» Wash Boilers, Stove Pipes, Chicken Fountains, Chicken Grit- Feed Boxes and Chicken Feed Troughs. A. S. PEARCE, The Tinsmith 9124 I osier Kood For Better Printing call on the Herald The Lents Garage Local Agents Phone Tabor 7824 3919 Foster Road Tabor 3429 HomeD 61 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■aaaaaaBBBaaBBBHBaaaHBBHIBHHB