•ga? . —— — GILBERT Officers and members of district ’ 41 Parent-Teacher association, and aU interested in the boys and girls club work of the district ar» urgently requested to be present at the school house this afternoon (Friday) at 2:30 o^lock to discuss the club work and exhibits for the county fair. Miss Calkins, county club organixer, will be present to assist. . • • • IN MEMORY OF GEORGS H. MEYER. KILLED IN ACTION -------- The following poem »as written by Mrs. H. W. Bangs in memory of her brother. George H. Meyer, com­ pany D. 361st infantry. 91«t division, w ho was wounded in the Argonne October 4, 1918. and died three days later in an American Red Cross hos­ pital at Fleury, 18 mil«» from the scene of the battle: W. C. T. U. NOTES We are glad to welcome home Mrs. Esther Fankhauser. our valued sec­ retary. Sunny California has its attractions, but there is nothing so good as “Home, Sweet Home.” The meeting June 10 is to be with Mrs. Ella Fankhauser, south of town. Flower missions is the subject. A splendid program will be expected. At It o’clock at the Evangelical church next Sunday morning th,' ser­ mon by the pastor. Rev. N. Shupp. will be on “The Church of Jesus Christ.” In the evening the subject will be "The German Alliance, the Brower«, a GennaAt Propaganda. ” At 9:15 a. m. H. R. Scheuerman will vonduct the Sunday school, At 6 p. Before his death, Theodore Roose­ m. the boys ami girls will have a velt said: “There are few serious meeting, and at 7 p. m. the young thinkers nowadays who do not recog people’s organisation will meet. nixe in the Salvation Army an in­ valuable social asset, a force for good BAPTIST CHURCH which works effectively in those dark regions where, save for this force, a only evil is powerful.” There will be Sunday For Rent—Furnished rooms. Mrs usual at 9:46. At H a. i E. W. Elrod. 6335 Ninety-second tor. Rev. E. A. Smith, on th«* theme. “A Godly 1 4t* street. young people will meet « and at 8 p. m. the children’s’ day PROFESSIONAL CAROS exercises will be held. Prayer meet- ing will I m * held Thursday evening. Tabor 4754 5936*^ »2nd Street We are always thinking of our dear Jack Deardorff is remodeling the one. residence on Gilbert road which he In his far-off, unknown grave. recently purchased. He has torn part Who fought for his flag and country of the old building down and turned And died a sildier brave. the rest around and is building an i But the hardest part is now to come. addition to the front. While the heroes all return. • • • And we miss among the smiling Since Mrs. Stow’» accident »ome throng time ago she * has not been able to The face of our own dear one. be out much, , so she has purchased a fine new I surry which,, with her Somewhere in France on the long battle line. driving horse, will enable her to Fought to his death that dear around more. brother of mine; With his U. S. comrades he went H ATS—H ATS—H ATS overseas At the Lents Millinery Store DR. C. S. OGSBURY To carry the old flag to victory. Popular, up-to-date styles in wom­ DENTISTRY en’s, misses’ and children’s hats. Call Somewhere in France near the long l.KNTH, OBIOHOM and look over our styles. We make battle line to order everything in ladies’ head Stands a cross on the grave of Office: Tabor 3314 Rea. Tal»or: 5224 wear. Mrs. Galliks. that brother of mine; Though he lies far from home, over •DR. P. J. O’DONNELL the seas. SOUNDED FUNNY DENTIST We shall meet him again in the Cor. 92d and Foster Road. Lents, Ore. life that’s to be. MRS. H. W. BANGS. DEMAND FOR FARM LABOR EXCEEDS PRESENT SUPPLY EVANGELICAL CHURCH DR. A. G. ATWOOD DENTIST SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PLATES PHONS: TABOX tM2l • Office: The weekly bulletin issued by the 93l)7 Foster Road Residence : U. S. Employment Service, 75 Third 6314 83d St., 8. E. Portland Ore street, states that the demand for farm help still exceeds the supply DR. KATHERINE S. MYERS that is available at this time. There OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN are several calls this week for milk­ ers at wages ranging from 375 to pi . Office, Marshall 1275 Phones. Rpsidelice( 8744 $100 per month, with room and board for experienced men. In about 10 S kiximg B uilding Bortland. Oregon haying in the Willamette valley will be in full swing with wages ranging r JO Years’ Kxp«rfence GIT bmka T bia L from $3 to $5 per day. NOTICE ! There is still a demand for help I. F. PERRY. THE EXPERT Maude—Jack says you radiate hap­ I in the shipyards, especially for un­ Will Repair your Sewing Machine at a piness. skilled men. There is no general de­ Reasonable Price. All Work Janet—Gracious I Guaranteed. mand for skilled mechaxics. Maude—And he also says you ra- Shear* Sh«r>e**d —Selderiag Done Orders are on file with the U. S. Re« TaWr 771« Sa* Flltag diate beauty and wisdom. Sh«» Taber ISIS Lava Ma ver* Nbarpeaed Janet—Dear me, how funny I He Employment service for 200 men to work in mills and woodB, the wage must think I am a radiator. rate for common laborers being $4, A. W. BREWER MICKIE SAYS and that for hooktenders, high climb­ ers and a few others geing as high PAINTING, PAPER HANGING as $8 per day. and TINTING f ajBuwnsiM* n tm ' (jasouNt Work for boys is plentiful. Last I IH TV»’ KUTO»AOe»Ut OF BVSV week 44 boys were placed in positions Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. Hist TVAXS »* TW paying on an average of $50 per ■ ■ SSuF-*TaWTl» month. Boys seeking employment /■ must be more than 16 years old or must secure a permit to work before registering. The women’s division of the U. S. Employment Service has openings this week for 2000 women and girls in the strawberry fields The price established for pickers is 11 to 13 cents per carrier of six boxes. UNDER ENTIRELY FOR SALE A good wagon; rigged especially for camping; in good order; will sell cheap if taken quickly. Call Tabor 1822. 23-3t* WANTED An experienced saleslady and a lady to do light housework. Phone Tabor 760 or call at Teeny’s dry­ goods store, 6602 Foster road. -s TABOR Authorized FORD Service Station You Can See a Picture 'wi KVU ol repairing activity any time. There is always a car or more receiving or waiting our attention. Our facil­ ities are such, however, that the waiting is never long. You can count on getting your car back to use again in about as quick a time as the work can lie done properly and thoroughly. The Lents Garage SUNNYSIDE FURNITURE SHOP 992 994 BELMONT STREET Near 33d AXEL KI LOA HL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 Home 1)61 8919 FOSTER ROAI) YOU PAY NOTHING DOWN ON This Grafonola We will deliver this handsome Grdfooolo at $5.00 down which pays for half of the records and the balance in small, convenient Perfection Confectionery r St. Peter’s parish is making ghvat pre l»u rut ions for the celebration of the Fourth of July. Then» will b< u regular program of umusementu, con­ sisting of athletic sports, music, dancing ami many other features. A dinner will I k » served by the ladies of the parish. Prises will I m * awarded u> the successful contestants. Tin* public is cordially invited to purtici i pato in the celebration, The wedding of Miss Theresa Roth and E. J. Hirschman will !«• cole bnited in St. Peter’s by u nuptiul mar on Monday, June », ut !> u. m. There was quite a large delegation of pariahoncra who attended the I.-, -«-tiny, of the t’nilt*d Irish Societies nt the Lincoln high school Inst Sun­ day. Th, Rev. pastor and a»*ral of the parishoners will attend the com mcnevment exercises at .Mt. Angel June It). WE BUY AND SELL REPAIR RE-FINISH UPHOLSTER I PACK AND CRA TE ■ ST. PETER’S CHURCH weekly payments new ; management the Best and Breeziest Dances-the latest HIGH GRADE FANCY COOKIES Popular llits-the Grandest Opera-the Finest Gon- ICE CBEAM certs-the Sweetest Melodies-^upberb Orchestras CANDIES Splendid Bands-the Old Familiar Songs that ETC. everyone knows and loves- this great Grafonola (»Ilice: Main TAT. TWt HE» Hows. » a m. 6 p m. Be,. Will. 1106 E.cnlnf, by Appointment plays them as no other instrument can. LaReau & Hurget E-TRlsf - Cor. 92d and Foster Road MICKIE SAYS \F yOVJVE G oft* VK1BN0 SOMt- WHi.BE WVVO USTO UVE HEWE.WWV POMCHA SEMO TV»' WAVE* FEW ATEAKN HOTHlH TA OQ VOLL PIEME SFA «AO«.» I 206 7-8 Swetland Bldg Fifth «nd W ashington öt. (Portland, Oregon BUY FRESH GROCERIES THEY cost no more AND ARE SO MUCH BETTER Dew Drop Washing Powder SPECIAL-25C per Package Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain “The scope of thrift la limitless. V bomas A. Edison • - - Ts Lents Mercantile Co Phone: Taber 1141 There Never Was Such a Grafonola as this for $125 including Twelve Records Twenty-four Selections Liberty and Victory Bonds taken at face value If you look around for the next ten years you’ll never find an investment that will pay you such dividends in glorious music as this big. handsome Grafonola. with any mood, It plays music to harmonize the cabinet harmonizes with almost any design of furniture. You can choose from half a dozen finishes—anc from all the music of all the world to play on this Columbia Grafonola MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. |( 92nd Street near Carline