1 MT. scon WILL GET PARK IF BOND ISSUE IS CARRIED Thursday of last week about 200 of the people interested in the Mt. Scott park went before the city council to report the conditions which make necessary a permanent park at the corner of Millard avenue and Seventy-second street. As the buying of additional ground for parks is conditional on the voting of the |500,000 bonds for the pur­ pose nothing definite could be done in the matter. The question of the bond issue comes up to be voted on June 3 and al) residents of the Mt. « Scott district aro urged to vote in < favor of the issue. • A representative of the city park board stated that the ML Scott dis­ trict would undoubtedly be one of the districts of the city to secure a park as the officials realise that it is a big district and at the present time wholly without park facilities. It is said that Portland as a whole is not adequately provided with parks, hav­ I ing about 300 people per acre of parks, while the usual proportion in large cities is about 100 people per acre of park. In case the bond issue carries the city will make a careful canvas of « the Mt. Stott district for the best possible location for the proposed •• < park, and if they have any particular /■ location in view at the present time they will not make it public until they ¿re ready to take definite action in order to keep owners of possible sites from boosting values. Join! Entertainment Wes COVERS Most Successful Event '' PALESTINE L0D6E141 HELD OPEN MEETIH6 The Masonic lodge, Palestine 141, held an open meeting last Friday evening. May 23, at Archer Piace hall under the direction of Master M. J. Clemmons. Speeches were made by Brother F. J. Robinson, » secretary of the grand lodge, and Brother Bailley, grand junior warden. Of lighter vein were the vocal solo by Miss Larsen, accompanied by her­ self; violin solos, “Mazurka de Con­ cert’" and “The Rosary” by little Miss Gladys Johnson, accompanied by little Miss Berneice Helme; the baritone solos, “The Sunshine of Your Smile” and “Killarney,” by W. M. Walker; and the reading, “The Boarding House Keeper,” 1 by _ Miss Mildred Boon; violin solo by Brother Stone. The address of the evening was given by Brother Haines. The evening closed with refreshments and social diversion. One of the most enjoyable enter­ tainments of the school year was the joint program given hurt Friday eve­ ning at the Lents chool auditorium by the Lenta and V »»dmere schools, under the auspices of the G. A. R. and Circle. The i ogram was of a patriotic nature and s>me of the best talent from both ¡jchoola participated. Mrs. Woodruff. pwsident of the Cir­ cle, presided. Following is the program, which was enjoyed by a capacity house: “Star Spangled lUnner,” by the audience. Remarks by Paul Newmyer. Recitation—Kara Ash. Flag Drill—Room 12. Lents school. Recitation — “The Beautiful Wil­ lamette,” by Roland Call, Woodmere school. Folk Dance—Room 5, Lents school. Recitation—Barbara Havelett . Vocal Duet—Lyle Peters and Ada line Miles. Woodmere school. Wand Drill— Rooms 17 and 19 of Lents school. Piano Solo— Miss Myrtle McNeil. Fairy Dance—Eight girls of Wood- mere school. Reading—Irwin Leonard. Camping Scene — Boy Scouts of Woodmere school. “De Colored Folks.” by F.rastus’ substitute. “America.” by audience. Ice cream and cookies were served in the corridor after the program. MEMORIAL TO CANADIANS HATS—HATS—HATS At the Lents Millinery Store Popular, up to-date styles In worn- We honor the men of aixty-five As they march through the city cnM, misses’ and children's hats. Call and look over our styles. We make street, to order everything in ladies* head low. and their steps Their heads bend wear. Mrs. Gulliks. are slow. But their hearts with courage THE MEN OK SIXTY FIVE CELEBRATE 60LDEN WE0DIN6 Mr. and Mrs. J. Cover, 4629 Sixty - fourth street S. E., for 50 years life j partners, were remarried Tuesday evening. May 21, at the Arleta Bap­ tist church. Rev. E. A. Smith of the Lents Baptist church officiating. The bride wore an all white gown and I veil costume, wth orange blossom coronet, and carried a shower bou­ quet of white roses and marigolds, while the matron of honor, Mrs. Louise Heinrich, carried Scotch bioom. Theis<> 20 Year»’ Experience I. The One-Way-Charge Company. Portland. Oregon WE MAKE TO ORDER ALL KINDS OF PASTRIES FOR LODGE DOINGS, PARTIES AND BANQUETS See Us For . . G its ms a T nix L NOTICE I F. PERRY. THE EXPERT WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1424 P (.1 WlURepair your Sewing Machine at a Reasonable Price. *11 Wort Guaranteed 8222 Foster Rd MT. SCOTT BAKERY rr •>» » » i-rrrrr r r »«tstr.o Shear« Sharpened Selderlng Dane Re« Ta bar 771* Saw Filing Shop Ta bar 8515 Lawn Mower« Sharpened * j a When Yo ■ Want to Move « « « J Call Tabor 7707 « W. J. KERKHAM IFETTY’S TRANSFER Expert Motorcycle Repairing and Brazing * and Ezpiess Auto Truck ■ ■ g 5511 Foster Rd. at Archer Place Cor. 92d and Foster Road WE BUY AND SELL REPAIR RE-FINISH UPHOLSTER PACK AND CRATE RESIDENCE J 94ÍS Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. J — PAINTING, PAPER HANGING Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. ■X Lady Reading has departed irotn Washington with her husband, for he has completed the special work for which he came here as British ambas­ n sador and has gone home. This new photograph of Lady Reading CHILDREN BARRERING A SPECIALTY See C hkstrr A 992 CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB Dew Drop Washing Powder SPECIAL—25c per Package Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain 'Lents Mercantile Co ho» chimney.’ 99» BELMONT STREET Nui 3M i Eggi man’s Meat Market Yard on Foster Road in front of Lents Library Phone Tabor 7823 BEEF G koboi : Caught at Last. At one of the summer camps, a ther said to his pretty daughter one morning: “What time did you send that young Simpson home last night? “Oh,” replied the girl, “I don’t think It was very late.” “It must have been close to mid­ night.” “Why, father?" “Didn’t you send him out of the back door and hurry off to bed when you heard me coming InF "Oh. I must have been In hours when you came In." “You heard me. then?” “Yes. You woke me up.” "And you had hours T “Uh huh!” “That certainly I« finny.' “Why?” “Because when I went to lamp * burned my hands on TABOR V PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVES / SUNNYSIDE FURNITURE SHOP J. S. Bradbury and TINTING . J. ROSENAU, Proprietor Z" ; « « « X « « « a a A. W. BREWER THEY COST NO MORE The Largest 10-cent Loaf of Bread in Lents, fresh every morning, and has a quality and flavor all its own, and it jiossesses purity, cleanliness and nu­ tritious value not to be found in other bread. All our goods are baked every day, which makes them better—that’s all. Sir Robert Borden unveiling u me­ Cor. 92d and Foster R eed. lambs Orc. morial to Canadians who have died at 206-7-8 Swetland Bldg. Portland. Or. the duchess of Connaught’s Red Cross Fifth and Washington hospital at Taplow. England, and who Mnln 7M7 DR. A. Q. ATWOOD are burled In this Italian garden <>□ DENTIST the grounds of Major Astor. The gar­ SPaCIAI. ATTBSTIOM TO ri.ATK« den was turned into a cemetery for CHOXK: TAIIOH 6421 ..e Canadian dead. .iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii < iffice : Residence : 5922 92.1 Stree t, S. E. 6314 82d St., 8. E. Portland Ore A CORRECTION. In the report of the Sunday school institute at Kern Park held May 11, we stated that J. A. Dunbar, of the ( Friends church, Lents, rendered a • solo and lead the congregational singing in the evening. It should BAPTIST CHURCH have been J. A. Dunbar of the Laur­ elwood Congregational church. It Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Good seems that there are two men by the music and live classes. same name and we gave credit to Preaching at 11 • a. m. Theme, 'the wrong one. “The Upper Room and Its Lesson.” Young people’.- meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 o’clock. Subject, WOODMERE BASEBALL TEAM "How Jesus Gathered His Disciples.” WINS CONTEST IN B SERIES Prayer meeting on Thursday eve­ ning. Woodmere has won all the semi­ finals in the boys’ baseball contest WANTED in the B series, and will play Elliot An experienced -aieslady and a school for the finals on the Vaughn lady to do light housework. Phone street diamond soon Tabor 760 or call at Teeny’s dry­ weather permits. goods store, 6602 Foster road. GROCERIES Many i»eople wear Kia«»«*« w I m * do not urvtl | (hem. If the muscle* of your 11 rub« were weak you ; would not wear vrulche«. But cxercUr them.! H hy no* f Xv»< i»e your eye muBcle«** Dr Kauri** ha* in*tilled the beat Instrument I (or imtina your eye« the Pboroptameter ('all on Lr .^auvir and let him explain thor oughly hi« treatment to you. .PORK MUTTON VEAL SMOKED and SALT MEATS FISH an POULTRY HIGHEST QUALITY—LOWEST PRICES 5919 Ninety-second Street GENERAL REPAIRING Tabor 2573 4—---------------------------- SUNDRIES IT TAKES AN EXPERT todiagnow n t>i< ycl<- or niotorcjcl(, and to repair Uiem properly. | yottr machine does not run as you think it should, bring it in. It mny lie that a flight adjustment by our ex|»rts will rectify the trouble and rasp yon much future expense. I wo Doors West of Lents Postoffice SECRET THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN s E R V I C E who is successful surrounds himself with every availabh modern devise for saving his time and money. The business man who fails to use nn AUTOMATIC TEL­ EPHON E simply closes hisMtabllsbment to thousands of possible customers. He may never know the teal reason for his failure in,business, THINK IT OVER. X * II Long Distance Everywhere CALL A 6221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon I ■