f IHlIinilillllllllllllllllllllillllHIIHIIIIIBIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIHIIBIillllllllllllllllllllllllllll MT. scon MENTAL (News Items of Arleta- I Kern Park Neighborhood | CULTURE CLUB MEET ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIUIIillllllllllllllllllll Mrs. J. ..................... J. Hanaakcr, puator of thr íoo.l Conrr«*Htional church laurel wood Congregational church, exchanged pulpits last Sunday with Rev, A. B. Hotchkiss, of Jennings Ledge. Sunday morning the Third United Brethren church will observe Moth­ ers’ day with a program, followed by an address by the pastor. Iuist Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Geo. G. Root, president of the Franklin High Parvnt-Teuchers asarx'iation, ac­ companied by Mcadames W. H. Buxton, Ed Palmer, W. H. Akers and J. B. Polwarth, visited Ainsworth school. Word has born received from Mr. Nathan E. Chambleaa that ho arrived safely at the home of hia aister, Mm. A. T. Shaw, in Wewoka, Oklahoma. Mr. Chambleaa ia well known aa the aaaiatant poatrr.ataer of Arleta, Mr. Driver of the chapel car service is now substituting at the Arleta Bap­ tist church. During the past week he has been holding special services out at Pleasant Home. lautt Sunday in the name of the church he received five new members into the Arleta Baptist fellowship und next Sunday evening they will administer the rite of bap­ tism to two. A Mountain View Ixxlge of Arleta was well represented at the recent Odd Fellows' centennial at the Auditorium. There was in addition to the spw'ches by leading lodge men, a ladies* drill compos«! of representatives from each Rebecca lodge in the city. Mountain View was represented by Mrs. Mae Grable, Mra. Nettie Gollings and Mm. Barbara Orendorf. * a I V i i Iwtion of hia lovely vrrae the « name, «h« the volume contains .. as w..n well > a > striking essay in character by his friend, Sir Andrew MacPhail. “The Golden Bini,"by Maria Thomp­ son Daviess. “An Idyl of Harpeth val­ ley, lovely Ann Craddock, a flock of thoroughbred chickens, and a man who came out of the woods.” “Those Who Wait, ’ by Frances Wil­ son Huard. "A story of the women of France and their glorious service, the children and their enthusiastic devo­ tion to their motherland, the animals who dumbly and oatiently serve.” This Friday evening, ut 8 o’clock, thr 9th, there will be a lecture of great interest ut the Laurel wood M. E. church. George Edward Ix-wis, for years a resident in Aluska regions, will tell of the native human and ani­ mal life, illustrating It with Esqui­ maux costumes and pelts. Mr. Lewis knows the coast of Alaska from Ju­ neau to Bankslund, a distance of twen­ ty-seven hundred miles, und is umply quulifi«! to entertain his audience. It is estimuteii that Mr. leal reason for his failure in business. THINK IT OVER. Long Distane? Everywhere CALL A 6221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company ot Portland, Oregon TWO ESTABLISHMENTS 5802-4 92H SrtHt S. E. If you have a Car for sale bring in and I will seil it for you. HIGHEST QUALITY—LOWEST PRICES Tnneral Directors BRANCH OfflCf: J. ROSENAU, Proprietor r BEEF B. D. Kenworthy $ Company Pioli Tibor 6267 All our goods are baked every day, which makes them better—that’s all. « Eg-giman’s Meat Market Portland, Ore. Phone Broadway 2162 MAIN OfflCf: % Phone Tabor 7468 GARY COAST AGENCY, Inc. ■ ■ The Largest 10-cent Loaf of Bread in Lents, fresh every morning, and has a quality and flavor all its own, and it possesses purity, cleanliness and nu­ tritious value not to be found in other bread. ■ A GARY TRUCK IS THE TRUCK TO BUY be­ cause there is a size for every requirement, and because every truck represents the highest de­ gree of perfection as exemplified by the best balanced truck built, composed of units of the highest order obtainable. GARY’ MOTOR TRUCKS are made in six models: Model F 1-ton, G 1%-ton, H 2-ton, HU 2%-ton, K 3^4-ton, V 5-ton, and all are equipped with the war-famed Buda Motors. The motor adopted for government work in France. The HU or YU with the force feed lubricating system through a drilled crankshaft in all large sizes. THE SHELDON WORM DRIVE AXLE is an­ other important feature of construction of Gary Motor Trucks. It is the costliest, the oldest and highest priced worm drive axle built. All Gary trucks use Sheldon axles. THE SPRINGS — THE TUTHILL SPRINGS — titanic fronts—and banded rears. The rear springs, which carry the load, are guaranteed for the life of the truck against breakage in the center. THE BUILT UP CAST TANK RADIATOR. The Gary built up cast tank radiator with oval tubular core, finned for radiation, is the last word in radiator construction. It is invincible in strength, oversize in capacity and 100 per cent in cooling efficiency. GARY MOTOR TRUCKS are of the same high class in every other unit and detail of construc­ tion and are warranted for one full year. FOR GARY TRUCK FACTORY INFORMATION for the northwest territory call on or address the Portland Agency, and secure our terms to deal­ ers and agents if considering ______ a line of trucks or desiring a selling agency. DRIVERS WITH DEMONSTRATORS ______________ will _ cover the territory and call on interested parties. 71 Broadway 10c Our Specialty Sl'BSCKIBE FOR THE HERALD. Gary Motor Trucks ■ Big Loaves oí Bread at CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the friends who expressed their d«*ep sympathy and love in ser­ vices at the funeral, and the gift of flowers. Mrs. J. P. Dorsey and Family. ■ ■ ■ his talk Mrs. Bernal outlined the At a twenty-ninth anniversary cele­ work she is doing with her Band of bration of the general C. E. work in Mercy at Woodmere. the Unite«! Brethren at the Fourth United Brethren church last Sunday The missionary societies of the I.au- evening, there was a real cake on ■ relwood M. E. church held a mite-box which 29 lighted candles were placed opening last Friday evening, the 2nd, in succession as each of 29 persons at which Mrs. Joshua Stanfield spoke.. finished his program part. The members of the Queen Esther and Vocal solos by Miss Garretson of Mothers* Jewels societies added their Montavilla added to the enjoyment of ■ activities and the net mite-box results the occasion. Sunday being visitors’ were something over forty-four dol­ day at thia church the pastor is pieascii lars and a half, two-and-a-half having to report 13 at the Sunday school in been collected through the Queen Es­ the morning and 20 in the evening at ■ thers and over seven dollars tnrough the anniversary service. the Jewels. Refreshments concluded the evening. Following church services next Sunday at the Ijiurelwood Congrega­ tional church a fellowship dinner will be served, followed by a business meeting. There will be no meeting of the young people’s society in the evening on account of the Sunday School convention to be held at Kern Park Christian church. Next Sunday Mrs. Handsaker will begin a serica of sermons from the Gospel of Luke, These will be explanatory and the members are requested to make a private study of the goapeL^ feet 'i inch and first in the high jump. He left off in the high jump with the bar resting at 5 feet 10 inches. W. C. T. U, r “There are bands of ribbon white, around th j world, around the world.” It make i the song real when w'e meet Mrs. Jones, wife of our M. E. pastor, who is a member of the WOman’s Christian Temperance Union of far-away India. Now comes a word of prophecy. Can you believe it 7 I “It all came true December 31, 1925. (Apologies as usual to K. C. B.) Once upon a time a few women who loved their homes and country (the United States) decided that the liquor business should be prohibited in their country. And they talked and worked and prayed and the li­ quor business was prohibited. And by that time these few women in the W. C. T. U. were half a million women and they said, “No more liquor anywhere.” And they raised a big jubilee fund and worked for world prohibition and now in 1925 ■ liquor is prohibited everywhere. 1 thank you.” < • < i CORRECT TAILORING FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Spring goods are now in—beautiful, serviceable fabrics to choose from. Come in and select your spring suit now while the lines are com­ plete. Moderate prices, workmanship guaranteed. JOHN MANZ J