lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I ■ News Items of Arteta Kern Park Neighborhood I ¡ II íiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : iiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !I iiii . iii !I ií ( ARI» OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thunks und gratitude to the friends and neighbors who so kindly und lovingly assisted us during the sick­ ness und «loath of our deur wife und mother, Also to th«« Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges who conducted the funeral services. Robert Met.‘oilurn and Family. The Sunday school of the Fourth Mi»» Helen Bishop, of South Mt, Tabor, left last Monday for a visit United Brethren church, Tremont, uveraged 91 the past month. This with her father In Seattle. I Arleta bam-ball boy» played Kel­ church lx located at Sixty second Myrtle Club to llanee and Sixty-ninth street. logg lit Kellogg field lu»t Tuesday avenue The Myrtle club of the l^nta afternoon. Score 7 to 5 in favor of ■Htrangi-r« who have no place of wor­ Grunge will give another of their ship are (-specially invited. To Ret Arleta. popular dunces nt the Grange hall to thin church, tak«« the Mt. Scott Much property in the South Mt. on Ninely-sreond street, Monday eve­ car, get off u' Tremont and go two Tabor district has been changing ning, April 14. blocks south and one block west. hand» and n number of new house» The home-talent program given by are going up. Just try Mudum C. J. Walker— Evening Star grange la«t Saturday, HER method of sculp treatment. Call Mrs. C. E. Illunchaid. pustor of April 5. was a suer««««. Two candi­ Mrs. Brooks, 6522 Ninety-fourth St. the Fourth United Brethren church, date* took tho third und fourth de- S. E., Lents, Ore., or ring Tabor Trament, hus been listed as one of gree«, and three application« for 6048 Hundpya ull day. A114t* the «lx Liberty Loan «peaker» for membership were received. Among the coming drive. Found On Woodstock avenue, the leading number« on the program The Intcrn^diatea of the Laurel­ i were the address by Mr«. Chapman, wrist watch. Owner may have numi wood Congicgational church went a of the Writ Bide Parent-Teucher As­ by identifying und puying for this ad. «r a body to the rully held In Analiel sociation, on "That School,” and n Call ut 8!K)I Fifty-third avenue. Presbyterian church Inst Sunday «light of hand performance by Dr. For Rent—Store room with living night. Green. This grange meet« the first room» in connection. Good location. luist Sunday at the luiurelwood M. Saturday of the month. Call ut 0032 Ninety-second St. S. E. K. church the Sunday school num- Thur «day evening. April 8, the Ar­ bervd about 151, und the missionary leta Woodmen of the World guve un- collection, third in the series, was other rucce««ful entertainment, It PROFESSIONAL CARDS over |9. included mu«ic by th«' orcheutra; VO- Talror 4754 59?«6lg !(2nd Street Thi» (Friday) evening the man, cal «olo, Edith Snider; piano solo, only, of the South Mt. Tabor Com­ Ml«« l«-c; rcuding. (). V. Hadley; vo­ DR. C. S. OGSBURY munity club will give a program at cal «olo, Mi«« Jeingrich; remark« on DENTISTRY Kellogg school. The entertainment the "Woodmen of the World" by i.Kjrra, okrííon will be under the chairmanship of Frank Matter; vocal «olo with uke- lele accompaniment, Manter Tom George Metcalf. Offici- : Tabor .3214 Res. Tabor : 5224 The Laurel wood M. E. church 1» Budley; vocal «olo, A. A. Galncio; DR. P. J. O’DONNELL planning an Easter program, "Life | nr»ney, president Ol i * MTOMM <> f august m , i»r.’. held at the Fourth United Brethren of the society, made a general report, Of the MT. »COTT HERALD, (published week church, Tremont, was successful. An ly. nt Portland, Oregon, for April 11 1919 Easter program will be given East­ supplementing it by introducing Mr«. HTATK Off OKKGON. I er morning by the Sunday school, at S. J. Merry, who has been active in County of Multnomah. I He tore me. a Notary Public in and tor the 11 o'clock, and another in the eve­ promoting the philanthropic activi­ State and county atuieaaid. personally appear ties of the organization, Mrs. Merry rd J. K. i pdlke, who affirm« and say «he U the ning by the Christian Endeavor at 7. «•ported in Hub«tance: During the the publisher of the Ml. MX)TT HERALD and that the following Is, to the beat of his knowl The Neighbors of Woodcraft re­ fall and winter the ladies sent to edge and belief, a true statement of the owner cently repeated an entertainment management, etc., ot the aforesaid publi­ the Woodmere Old People’s Home 8 nhli>. cation for the datrahown in the above caption, given some time before. Among by the Act of Congress of August 94, big comforters. 2 dresses, u number retiuired 1912, emlMMllod in faction 441, Postal law» and those who appeared the second time of undei'garmcnV. cloaks, coats, Regulation«, printed on the reverse of this wore the Misses Ruth Heindricks and to wit: canned fruit, canned milk, and candy form, 1. That the name and address of the publish­ Della Payne, piano and vocal solo­ er and 1« J’ K- Upkike. Fortland, Ore. and oranges for Christmas. To the 2. That editor the owner la J. K. Updike. ists, and Mr. Dyer, of Archer Place, Albertina Kerr Baby Home they sent 3 C.W, amlth 1« huainraa manager.Portland, reader. 18 quilts, 11 little made-over blank­ Ore 4 That the known bondholder!, mortage vs Ijist Sunday, April 6, the laurel­ ets, 120 little garment« and two 01 anJ other security bidders owning or holding per cent or mo r of total amount of bonds, wood Congregational congregation threo bundles of little wool stock- I mortgagee, or other Mcnritfe«, are MONK. 0 Tliat the two paragraphs next above, jiv­ held a fellowship dinner in Lucky ings. Every altemate week from ing the names of the owners, stockholders cp’tage, after which a bu«ine«s meet­ Mrs. Merry’s, a« headquarters, since and security holders, if any. contain not only the list of atockholdeta and security holders ink wa« held and the first quarterly fall, there has been sent some del­ aa they appear tipon the books of the coin aa trustee or in any other judiciary re­ reports heard. Ben !x>abo, president icacy to the casual» at the Vancou­ pany lation. the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee I* given; also that the of the board, acted as chairman of ver barracks. These delicacies have aald two |>ai agraphs contain statements em­ the meeting. bracing affiant* fu I knowledge and belief aa to included upples, jellies, cookies, the circumstances and conditions under Arleta scout troop 21 met Thurs­ candy and cakes, The ladies have which stuck holders and security holders who not appear upon the books of the company day evening, April 3, at the troop also sent flower«, It should be said du bn trustees, holt! stock and securities in a cap­ headquarters. The subject of the that these activities arc the result of acity other than that of a b na fide owner; X and this affiant has no reason to believe that evening’s discussion was "Flrat Aid n successful combination of Red any other person association or corporation ha« any interest direct or Indirect in the said to the Injured.” J. R. Ix'ach, scout - Cross (under the Arleta W. C. T. U.) ■tuck, bond« or other securities than as so master, had charge of the meeting. and Millard avenue interests, under stated by him. J. B. UPDIKE This troop ha« its full quota of 32 the enthusiastic leadership of Mrs. Subscribed sworn to before me thi« luth day of April 1919. S. .1. M.-rry. members. Ç. E. KENNEDY, Notary Public for Oregon. At the Third United Brethren The Epworth Ix-ague of the Laur­ My commlMlon espires July t. 191» church, comer Sixty-seventh street elwood M. E. church was represented and Thirty-second avenue, next Sun­ by nbout 18 people at the convention day morning the pastor will speak on at the First Methodist church Inst "A Flourishing Church." In the eve­ Saturday night. Among those pres­ ning he will discuss "A Wasted Life.” ent, besides the pastor, Rev. A. C. At the morning hour there will be a Brackenbury, and his wife, wore the reception of new members into the following members of the league church. At that hour there will also cabinet: Edith Mayes, Mildred Boon, be music by the junior choir con­ Lillian Schmidt, Raymond Mollett, ducted by W. H. Smith. Garnet Saulcer, and Thelma Mollett. Eau De Quinine HAIR TONIC The positive results in cases of dan­ druff and falling hair produced by this excellent Hair Tonic warrant our money back guarantee. guarantee. Do not confuse it with the indifferent hair tonics now on the market; this is a scientific, reliable hair tonic, compounded of pure gredients, to stimulate and invigorate the A trial bottle will prove ita un­ usual merits. SAN»TOX Eau De Quinine Hair Tonic and a full line of SAN-TOX toilet and remedial preparations for sale by We have also added a new line of the Celebrated P athe P honographs AND RECORDS Priced from $32.50 to $225 LENTS PHARMACY Phone Tabor 2047 Cor. 92d and Foster Road Perscriptions Carefully Compouned ROSE CITY VAN = = I have purchased the Meyer’s Garage and Machine Works where I will be pleased to meet all of the old patrons as well as new ones, as I am prepared to do all kinds of re­ pairing on the shortest notice possible. Will test Generators and Storage Batteries by a New Method once a month for $10.00 per year ELECTRIC WIRING AND IGNITION Day and Night Service. MEYER’S GARAGE AND MACHINE WORKS J. OLLtyÆAN, Proprietor Foster Road and Darrin Ave. Phone TabOI 3109 BET. LENTS AND LENTS JUNCTION LENTS FURNITURE CO. About April ¡15th r~------ V. Autos fOr Hire—Storage ------ Lents, Portland, Oregon Plain Snails Custard Snails Buns or Rolls Raised Doughnuts Filled Doughnuts Pies Cakes of all kinds 15c per doz 20c u 15c u 15c M 20c 15c and up 10c and up CORRECT TAILORING WILL OPEN A FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Spring goods are now in- lieautiful, serviceable fabrics to choose from. Come in and select your spring suit now while the lines are com­ plete. Moderate prices, workmanship guaranteed. New and Second-hand Store WE TRY TO PLEASE YOU 9213 Foster Road MT. SCOTT BAKERY JOHN MANZ FURNITURE BOUGHT, REPAIRED AND EXCHANGED y Sweet Doughnuts Saturday only 20c doz 9131 Foster Road J. ROSENAU, Proprietor .............................................................................. = Under New Management