LOCAL AND PERSONAL FRIENDS C HURCH M. E. CHURCH President IVnniiuten to Speak Lamont Dunbar left for Caldwell, Next Sunday. March 23, the pas­ Idaho, last Wednesday evening to tor, who is assisting Harry Hays work or, a ranch. with revival meetings at Piedmont Friends church, will fill the pulpit at Albert Daw has been absent from 11 a. tn. In the 'vening lx>v( T. home for several weeks, having gone ; Pennington, piv-wient of Pacific col­ to Nebraska on business. lege. Newberg, will address the church on reconstruction work in It looks natural to see Mr. Dur- kee driving the delivery wagon for France as larried on by Friends. Everybody invited. the Woodmere store again. Mrs. Charles Tillman is assisting Mrs. Guliks in the millinery store during her busy opening week. Laura Gray is treating her store building at Grays Crossing to a new spring bonnet of cedar shingles. Mrs. Dickson, mother of Mrs. L. Johnson, 6103 Eighty-second street, is recovering from a severe cold. Dr. Sells has disposed of his prop­ erty at 8820 Fifty-sixth avenue and the parties purchasing it have moved in. Mrs. Russell, of Fifty-fourth ave­ nue and Eighty-seventh street, is critically ill, with little hopes for her recovery. O. Voss is progressing well with his new industry at Grays Crossing and all wish him success in his un­ dertaking. Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Fisher and Mrs. McSloy journeyed down town Wednesday afternoon and» attended the Orpheum. The Misses Violet Littlefield and Dora Dunbar spent Sunday at home again. They think Pacific college is just all right Miss Gwendolyn McCollum and William Carver were married Mon­ day. Mrs. Caner was formerly a resident of Lents. Mrs. L L Levings, of 6204 80th St., enjoyed a few hours’ visit on Saturday evening from a former neighbor at Marshland. J. H. Page, for many years a resi­ dent of 8932 Fifty-sixth avenue S. E., has sold his home and moved nearer the business part of the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Farrell, of 6321 Eighty-second street, who have been in Park Orchard. Wash., during the past winter, are expected home this week. Little 4-year-old Bobbie Elbon, of 7928 61st Ave., was attacked by a speed-mad lad of eight years, thrown in the mud, and the highwayman escaped with the tricycle. Sunday at the M. K. church, corner of Eighty-sixth street ami Fifty eighfh avenue, then' will be Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sunday being the annual thankoffering for the W. F. M. S„ Mrs. Mark Freman. a te-‘ turned missionary from India, will fill the pulpit at 11 o’clock. Epworth League at 6:30 in the evening, and this will be followed by the regular preaching at 7:30. * Thursday evening will be the regu­ Ladies W ill Make Clothes for French lar prayer meeting at the church. The ladies of the church begin Come and attend these services. their sewing for the reconstruction L. B. JONES. Pastor. work this Wednesday, going and tak­ ing their lunch so as to stay all day. Chapel Meeting at Grays Crossing The extracts below from J. Emil Tuesday of each week, at 2:30 p. Swanson’s letter written just before m., there will be services held in the leaving Philadelphia for work in little white chapel just one block France will show something of the north of Grays Crossing, under the magnitude of the work the local auspices of the First Church of the church is assisting in: “The Saturday- Naxarvne. All interested are inv ited before 1 came to Philadelphia they to bring their bibles and be present. (the senice committee of Friends Jesus said to his disciples. “When churches) sent to Erance from the thou art converted, strengthen thy store room 100 boxes of clothing; in brethren.” these boxes was packed more than MRS. RHODA WALLACE. 24.500 garments. Just three weeks before that they sent away 80 boxes W. C. T. U. NOTES containing 20.000 garments. We will Mt. Scott W. C. T. U. meets with soon have another shipment ready Mrs. J. L. Scheuerman, 6223 Eighty­ again. It is wonderful how rapidly ninth street, next Tuesday at 2 p. m. things come in. Some are just lovely The county president, Mrs. Gilbert, and some are not; some are made will be present sure this time, and correctly; some have parts of trim­ Rev. E. A. Smith is also to speak. ming left off them, such as pockets General topics of the day will be on small boys’ pants, or collars on discussed. Mrs. Gilbert will speak waists and dresses, and some seem on things of interest in the Union to be cut wrong. The percentage of while Mr. Smith will discuss subject.-, these things, however, fortunately along more general lines. The hos are very small.” tess, Mrs. Scheuerman. is soon going east for a visit, so this will be an Prayer meeting at <:45 as usual. occasion for wishing her well on he Don’t forge’ the fellowship meeting trip. We are not following the cal­ Friday. March 28. endar as to place of meeting, but are having good meetings and plenty ST. PETER’S PARISH of interest. All come and help in this work St. Patrick's Day Program Enjoyed for God an I • WANTED Contracts for hauling wood, dirt, sand, ties, lumber or grain. Write and state particulars to (»ary Coast Agency, 71 Broad­ Just take a look at those beautiful way, PortlanB, Ore. Opposite Theatre. I ' I > < > < > < > TWO ESTABLISHMENTS MAW Of f Ki : IlktMH OHKl: 5802-4 92nd Srteet S. E. 4615 66th SI., Cor. Foster Rd. LENTS STATION ARLETA STATION Phon« Tabor 5267 Phone Tabor 5895 hand-made combination Georgette crepe and braid hats at Mrs. Gulik’s. * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douglas, of 7512 59th Ave., entertained dinner guests on last Friday evening, there­ fore did not attend the Woodmere scNbol entertainment. They don’t know what they missed. PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET MIA VEH CHILDREN BARBERING A SPECIALTY See C hkntrk A ( ìkortik Subscribe for the Herald, «1.50. I First-Class Service given Day or Night. Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables ua to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense »♦«**4******«**«*M*»*«H*m«***«***«*«*»*»«**»mf '