Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 14, 1919, Image 1

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    ML ^rntt Heralît
♦ Subscription, $1.50 a Year
vol .
The local order of Artisans held
their regular meeting at Odd Fellows
hall Wednesday evening. A large
class was initiated hnd the following
officers were installed:
Master, Paul G. Locke; past mas­
ter, Grace Mills; superintendent, Evo-
ra Noble; secretary, Ixirena Parker;
treasurer, Ellen Ryder; senior ton­
ductor, Rachel Christiansen; master
of ceremony, Charlie Christiansen;
junior conductor, Myrtle Loomis; in­
structor, Elizabeth Brady; musician,
Jenny Hustian.
Refreshments were served and a
good social time enjoyed after the
business meeting adjourned. The Ar­
tisan membership comprises real live
people and the local lodge is making I
a good growth.
A wedding dinner wan given on
Public Reception Arranged Street to be Paved Within
Sunday, March 9, at the home of
by Local Church for
Mrs. M. J. Boland, mother of the
a Year After Walks Are
bride, at 6532 Eighty-sixth street, S.
New Ordinance Proposed I E., In honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Elkins, who were quietly married at
Taxing all Gaaoline
A welcome reception will be given
I. F. Coffman, Cl 16 Ninety-second
Peter’s parsonage by Father at the Mats Evangelical church on
reports that he will have his
i Beutgen Monday, March 8.
agit— (formerly
/ _____ AM________
__ acted Friday evening. March 21, to all petition for sidewalks on Ninety-sec­
The city council at Its meeting last
soldier boys, whether returned from
week turned its “air-guns” in a de­ as matron of honor and Mr. Mile* France or any of the' camps of the ond street completed in a short time.
cided manner on all charitable organ­ wa* belt man. The table was deco­ homeland. Thia church ha* 55 name* He is getting particulars from offi­
cials as to the method of procedure
izations which do not give a proper rated with pink and white carnations on it* honor roll, four of whom were
and also securing estimates of the
accounting of moneys expended and and a beautiful wedding cake was the lull«*«! in action and for whom me-
I center piece, The cake was beautiful-
so as to be able to answer all
sufficient reusons for the use to
mortal service* have been held, All questions on the subject. It is be-
which the funds arc to be applied, ly decorated with pink and white soldier*, whether on this honor roll
si «natures
when soliciting from merchants and rone* and a miniature wedding bell or not, are cordially invited and Ileved that the necessary
of property owners can be secured
citizens in general.
It has been topped by a dove, crown*0 with a heartily welcome.
without delay as virtually all inter­
charged that the public is being wreath of flowers
The reception committoe also ex­ ested parties interviewed are unani­
mulcted and shamefully imposed upon
tends a hearty welcome to the gn­
and that udrqualc knowledge of the Mr. and Mr*. M. J. Boland, fllr. and eral public of Lenta. A program of mous in favor of the project. Mr.
purposes of these drives are usually Mi*. Mile*, Mr. and Mr*. Riser, Mr. patriotic nature is being planned, af­ Coffman has been assured that the Arleta United Artisans
withheld from the people of the city. and Mrs. Russell, Mr*. Josephine ter which refreshments will be served city will pave Ninety-second street to
To Dance Saturday Night
City Commissioner Munn especially Dregg, Father Brutgen, Mrs. Al Bol­ and a general good time is expected. the city grade within a year after the
walks are in, and the enhanced value
< resented these impositions and said and and daughter Dorothy, Miss
The committee in charge of the re­
Arleta Assembly of United Arti­
that henceforth the council will serve Fleming, Mi** Riaer, Mis* Josephine ception consists of R. W. Reynolds, of property along the street will
are to give a St. Patrick’s dance
notice through the enactment of an
Mr*. William Anderson and Mr*. E. of the improvement. It is to be
at their hall at Myrtle Park tomor­
ordinance which will be brought be­
Mr. and Mrs. Elkins are living in M. Scheuerman.
hoped not only that this project will row night, March 15. Prizes will be
fore them in the near future for re­ Rose City Park, where they had a
go through with a rush, but that the given for costumes and also a door
vision, providing for the submission home all ft|miahed and ready for
owners on many if not all prize.
The prizes are beautiful
of a budget to the council before a occupancy, Mr, Elkins is gn elec-
articles made by the la­
permit is granted.
trtcian employe«! by th* Northwest
and that Ismts.streets may be speed­ dies of the assembly. The proceeds
Commissioners Barbur and Bigelow Electric company. A prosperous and
ily transformed from their present of the evening will be used to fur­
joined in expressing themselves on happy future is surely in store for
J. L. Johnson, of Gilbert, recently
almost impassible condition to the nish a room for the Artisan Home.
similar lines and upheld Mr. Mann in the young people.
received the following two letters
Arleta assembly has the honor of be­
his contention to regulate future
Mr. and Mrs. Elkins expect to visit from well-known young men of that best improved in the city.
ing the first assembly to pledge it­
“drives’* so as to eliminate all graft the groom’s parents in Tacoma in neighborhood who are in the service
self to furnish a room in the pro­
and excessive “percentage*’* for the* June.
of their country overseas. Both boys T. Bright, Former Lents
posed Artisan Home.
volunteered for service in the early
Resident, Died Saturday The next regular meeting of the
City Commissioner Perkins is pre­ LENTS GRANGE HELD
days of the war and have been in
assembly falls on St. Patrick's day,
paring an ordinance for presentation
England and France for many
to the city council providing a license
Word was received by Mrs. Tom March 17. A short business meet­
tax of *12 a year on all gasoline
that her father, T. Bright, ing will be held, then the youn£ peo­
Neuvry Paillout, France, Feb. 3.
tanka. It is estimated that the yearly
Is-nts grange met in regular all­ Dear Friends:
died at Phoenix, Aria., and that the ple will take charge. Dancing will
income from this source will be up­ day session last Satunlay, with the
I just received your letter and body would be taken to Los Angeles, be the order of the evening, followed
wards of »3000. Under the present usual good attendance. The morning you don’t know how glad 1 was to Calif., for burial.
No particulars by good, old-fashioned eats in the
law tanks standing back of the curb session was devoted to first and sec­ hear from you again. I am sorry to were given in the message other banquet room. Everybody invited.
were not taxed but pumps near the ond degree Work, followed by an hear that you have had sickness to than that Mr. Bright had appendi­
street were charged *12 yearly. Un­ old-fashioned grange dinner where contend with, But I am glad you are citis. He lived in Lents for a period Band of Mercy Organized
der the new proposed ordinance there everyone talks ami «cenerai good well again, I have been wondering of two years about 12 years ago.
By Mrs. Gertrude Bernal
1 will be no discrimination shown and humor prevails.
Mrs. McSloy and little daughter,
why I didn’t hear from you in such
a license tax will lie assessed on each
An interesting
I Marybright, and Mrs. Lester Moll
a long time.
Assisted by Mrs. J. F. Irons, Port­
tank in operation.
ner hour was the presentation of two
Yes, I guess Clifford will be a big iiil two children left Monday night land’s well-known humane worker,
There has been considerable ill birthday cakes to fortunate grangers boy when I see him again. I had for lx>s Angeles to attend the funeral..
Mrs. Gertrude Bernal has organized
feeling in culinary circles in the last whose birthdays occurred that day. a letter from mother about a week
Band of Mercy, which will be a
few weeks, which has brought Mrs. HotcHrlns. knowing that Mrs. ago and she said she' exported to go
joe Beyer Sends Home
branch of the American Humane Ed­
down criticism from Commissioner Kaier's birthday came on March 8, back to Portland before long. So you
Sample Warship Menu ucational Society. The meetings will
Munn upon certain practices. His at­ baked a delicious whippet! cream cake may see her most any time now. I
take place on Tuesday afternoons
tention was called by prominent citi­ to be presented to her at dinner. In suppose Jesse and Fred are home
just after school hours, at Mrs. Ber­
zens to the fact that one of our the meantime it became noised about now. I see by the paper that they
Joe Beyer, whose home is on Gil­ nal’s home, 6126 Eightieth street, S.
leading hotels was in the habit of that Mrs. Hotchkiss also had a birth­ are discharging the troops pretty
bert road, writes that he has been E. The little folks will meet at 2:30
levying an extra pre-war tax on cus- day on that date so a number of fast in America now.
transferred to the U. S. S. Connec­ p. m. and the older ones at 3:30.
tomers for service after 9:30 p. m. grangers got together and ordered a
You said I might be home before
without giving notice in advance or birthday cake at the Mt. Scott bakery your letter got here. No such luck, ticut and was sailing for France.
being listed on the menu card. One to be presented to her. Brother Ben­ and I don’t know when we will get He has been in the navy two years Ladies of Shiloh Circle
instance of this kind was of a gen­ efield made a very appropriate pre­ back, but I hope it will be soon. It and this is his fourth trip across
to Have Evening of Play
For the benefit of
tleman and three ladies whom the sentation speech, and needless to say seems like a long time since 1 was the Atlantic.
hotel management had coerced out of a more surprised lady could not have home. Well all things come to those
take care of his boys we print the
The ladies of Shiloh Circle will
*4 for three lemonades, “without lieen found in Lents. Brother Kruder
who wait, and I am one that can menu which was served on board have all kinds of plays at their meet­
dancing” and without any prelimin­ then presented Mrs. Eater’s cake, and
wait, if I have to. We can’t all come the Connecticut on Washington’s ing on Saturday evening, March 15.
ary warning of such procedure. ' You then there was another surprised back at once and 1
guess I might just birthday: Chicken soup with noodles, They will suspend work that evening
are allowed entrance free but the exit lady.
as well as anyone.
sweet pickles, roast turkey, bread and give some new games, such as
is barred with the dollar mark.
In the afternoon Dr. Cohan gave a
It is pretty cold here now, and we dressing, giblet gravy, sweet pota­ Pussy Wants a Corner, Blind Man’s
City Commissioner Barbur says he very vivid description of the Armen­
have had a little snow, There is not toes, French peas, roasted peeled po­ Bluff, Ring Around the Rosey, Leap
don't like to have the city go into ian situation. Judge Gatens, after a
enough snow to Use a sleigh, but the tatoes, pumpkin pie, lemon pie, ap­ Frog, and lots of others. Now don’t
the sand and gravel business, but few preliminary remarks, spoke on
ground is frozen and what we have
should the Portland sand and gravel reconstruction work.
Little Alice is staying with us. I went up in an ples, oranges, candy, cigars, cigarette, fail to come—there will be fun ga-
lore. All members of Shiloh Circle
companies persist in charging exor­ Kruder sang a song entitled “A Rainy
airplane a few days ago. That was
and Reuben Wilson Post will please
bitant prices he will be almost com- Day.” Judge Morrow gave one of
enough excitement for me for a little
The Eastern Star met Thursday make an effort to be there—it will
..polled to enter into competition with his interesting grange talks which
while. I almost spit my heart out
March 6. The fact that it be the time of your life. All free.
them. As it is at present sand has was followed by a general discussion.
once or twice, but I am still alive.
was the sixth anniversary of the lo­
gone up from 50 cents to *1.50 a
cal lodge was overlooked until too
cubic yard and gravel from 85 cents
late to have much of a celebration. Louis Busch Passed On
to *1.50. He maintains that prices State President Visited
Germany, Feb. 2, 1919.
However, they had a short program
are prohibitive and excessive.
Rebekah Lodge No. 178 Dear Hoehr,
at Hospital Last Friday
and served light refreshments, both
Your letter of January 5 reached
One of the most enjoyable meet­ me today and I am ansyering it. I
Royal Neighbors Visited
Louis Busch, of 6315 Sixty-fourth,
ings of Eureka Rebekah lodge No. was glad to hear from you and ap- in attendance.
by the Margarette Camp 178 occurred last Thursday evening,
died at Emmanuel hospital Friday,
preciated it very much. How are you
Melva Lull, formerly of Firland, March 7. He was born in Denmark
the occasion being the visit of Mrs. and Mrs. Johnson? I am thinking
A very pleasant surprise visit was Burke, president of the Rebekah as­ of the best, for my wishes to you now of Salem, spent several days in 1855. Mr. Busch leaves, besides
Given Magnolia camp No. 4026, Royal sembly of Oregon. Mrs. Burke was are that you should be.
visiting in Lents the past week. Miss his widow, one daughter, Othelia
Busch, and two sons, Robert Busch,
Neighbors of America, by Margarette presented with a beautiful hand-
I am fine. Could not wish to be Lull’s friends note with pleasure her
camp No. 1440, of Union avenue and painted plate done in pink and green, better. My appetite is large and is development from childhood, through with the U. S. forces in France, and
Henry Busch at home. Funeral ser­
East Alder street, Wednesday eve­ emblematic colors of the order.
always present. That is a good sign the grades until now she is in the
ning, March 5, at Oddfellows hall.
senior year of high school. She ex- vices were held March 11 at Ken­
Mrs. Charlotte Woodman, past that one can tell of good health.
worthy’s Undertaking parlors.
The Margarette drill team, com-1 president of the Rebekahs, Past
Uncle Sam is feeding us boys fine, pects to enter the teaching profes- terment was at Mt. Scott Park cem­
mantled by Captain C. P. Smith, put Grand Master Andrews of Portland giving us all we wish to eat and to ■ion.
on the degree work. After the initi­ and Past Grand Master Taylor of wear.
ation ceremony the regular penny Pendleton were also present and
A number of friends of Merle
About coming home: That is some­
Dr. J. T. Fox, of Arlington, spent
drill was Riven, the proceeds of gave short talks. A number of vis­ thing of which'I know nothing. Ru­ Hotchkiss went down to meet him as
which are used to buy plants and itors from Mountain View and Utopia mors are aplenty but you know Dame he came in with the old third Oregon r few days this week with his son,
flowers for the sick. A social gath- lodges were also present.
Rumor is a very busy person when last Monday. Merle is well known J. S. Fox, of 6228 Ninety-second
ering was held after the business
felldws look forward with anticipa­ in this locality, having lived just east street, He was called in consultation
meeting closed.
to the home-going. Wish I on Lents on Foster road a number owing to the sickness of his daugh-
Each member of Magnolia camp Surprise Shower Given
could tell you of some just now go­ of years. He looks fine and says he ter, Mrs. Albin Peterson, who is in
brought something to be auctioned
Popular Lenta Woman ing the rounds. They are riduculous. never felt better in his life. He also the Good Samaritan hospital conva­
off to raise money for the flower
My mother spoke of meeting you says France is all right, but old Ore­ lescing from an operation.
fund. District Deputy Mrs. Chitten­
A surprise stork shower was given and said you were looking fine. The
weeks with the Fox family before re­
den was auctioneer and a goodly sum Mrs. Jap. Miller, 6435 Eighty-third news which dribbles to me of the
was raised. After the auction the street, Friday afternoon, March 7. folks back home is very interesting
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rusk spent turning to her home and babies st
neighbors marched up to the dining After a line reaching the full length and will always be so. A fellow, you last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Prineville.*
room, where delicious refreshments of the parlor h*d been filled with know, thinks much about the home liam Gilbert at their home on Gilbert
were served by Margarette camp.
The Parent-Teacher association of
dainty little garments the ladies en­ folks. No since war is virtually over road and Buckley avenue. Other vis­
school, district 45, will meet
joyed a feast of sandwiches, cake and and a fellow’s chances of being killed
Norene to Give Talk at __ coffee. Those present were: Mrs. have been cut down it is very much cis Rife, Gladys Gilbert, Harry Rus­ this afternoon (Friday) at 2:30, and
will serve tea for the benefit of the
sell and Roy Holtberg.
M. E. Epworth Meeting Swain, Mrs. Chatman, Mrs. Jackson, that hi* thoughts dwell on home.
Armenian drive. Mrs. E. H. Frazelle
Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Ana Greeves, Mrs.
Have had a few passes to the city
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Elkins gave a will be the speaker.
Regular meeting of the Epworth Gus Miller. Mrs. Blackbum, Mrs. of Coblenz. Had a rather good time
Ix-ague next Sunday evening. Ed­ Marks, Mrs. Elsa Crawford, Mr*. with the aid of my marks and the farewell oyster supper at their home I
in Rose City Park Wednesday eve­
Lynne Peterson, who recently re­
win Norene, recently returned from Gabelson, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Bun- “Y."
ning for Mr. and Mrs. Miles, of turned from Mare Island after re­
France, will be present and give the derson, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Jesse
Eighty-sixth street, S. E., who will ceiving his discharge from the navy,
address of the evening. Everybody Grooves, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Friday,
Theodora Dunbar made homefolks leave Saturday for Rainier to make is now hard at work again with the
come and come early. Services at Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Elsa Crawford,
Southern Pacific.
Mrs. Scherwin.
their home.
happy by a visit last w^ak-end.
6:30 sharp.
Men’s Clubroom of Some
Kind Would be Welcome
Lenta, March 7, 1919.
Editor Mt. Scott Herald:
About six months ago we decider!
to make our home in this locality,
which, in many respects, is one of
the most desirable residence districts
in the city of Portland. Cheaper
rents, more room and garden patches,
fruit tree* for family use, etc., to­
gether with it* scenic beauty and car
service should make it attractive to
the home seeker. We have one of
. the finest and best equipped school
buildings in the city.
Yet there are some things we wish
to criticise. While we save a pub­
lic library, which is good as far as
it goes, it does not fill the bill, inas­
much as there is no reading room
nor sufficient accommodations for
one. Hence, the library is almost ex­
clusively patronized by pupils of the
public schools.
To make Lents an up-to-date com­
munity center there «should be a
men’s resort, with the daily papers
and current magazines. If a part of
the library rooms are available, so
far so good; if not, some other room
should be secured where workingmen
who desire could meet socially and
read if they wished in the evening.
This is not “hot air,” as I am willing
to do my share towards promoting
such a movement.
Then, still more Lents needs a good
hotel that would be attractive to
tourist* and transient visitor* to this
part of the city, and let them see
that we have something beside* mud
and water knee deep to offer.
Another need in this community is
a live-wire improvement club. It
was such a club that made Vancou­
ver, Wash., where we lived and made
our home for six years, the live city
it is today.
Last but not least, The Herald
should be in every home in the Lents
district, and every business man
should be an advertiser in its pages.
We have talked with several around
and within three blocks of The Her­
ald office who have said in reply to
a question, “O, I never see that pa­
per,” and still others who remarked.
“O, pshaw, I didn’t know they had a
paper here.” Let us wake up and do
Multnomah Co. Pomona
Grange Meets March 19
Multnomah County Pomona grange
will meet at the Russelville grange
hall on the Base Line road Wednes­
day, March 19, at 10:30 a. m., Master
J. J. Johnson presiding.
Reports of granges and resolutions
passed on will be the order of the
morning session.
Dinner will be
served by the ladies of Russelville
grange and a good feed is assured.
In the afternoon a short musical
program will be given, followed by
election and installation of officers.
Delegates to the state grange meet­
ing at Hillsdale in June will also be
Supper will be served at 6 and at
7:30 work in the fifth degree will be
put on.
High mass will be as usual at
10:30 a. m. Panagoric on St. Patrick.
Friday evening the “Way of the
St. Patrick’s day celebration will
take place at St. Peter’s Sunday.
Luncheon will be served in the hall,
beginning at 12, noon. After lunch-
eon the musical and literary program
will commence. The opening chorus
will be sung by the choir Selections
will then be given by the following
persons: Miss Marie Chapman, Miss
Hattie Kelly, Miss May McGinty,
Mrs. Chicos, the Misses Winters, Mr.
Leo Delaney, Mr. George Bums, and
others. The hall has been tastefully
decorated for the occasion by the
ladies of the parish and a large at­
tendance is expected.
A little 7 H-pound son was born
to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Saber
Saturday, March 8, at the home of
Mrs. Saber’s mother, 4528 Eighty­
ninth street. Mrs. Saber was for­
merly Miss Ruth Larson.