ONE MILLION CHILDREN ARE Rev. Aubrey Wilson returned from a Scio, Linn county. Monday afternoon HOMELESS — 335.000 HOMES ARE DESTROYED IN FRANCE to which plac«> he was called to Every Friday at L«nU preach for th«* newly federated church ..citation. Portland. Oregon. Sunday morning and evening. Over­ —! "The rebuilding of devastate«! por- flowing audiences greet«'«! him at 'At UPDIKE - Proprietor ions of France is one of the prob both service*, which were belt! in the **'W. SMITH - Manager lent* which is now engaging the at­ Christian church, it being the largest tention of the French people,” said building in the city. The federation Entered as second-class mall mat­ Lieutenant Robert Renard, of the ia composed of the Baptist, Christian ter February 14. K14. at the post- French High Commission, who has an«! Presbyterian churches, and to­ office at I^nts. Oregon, under act of been lecturing on the Pacific Coast gether are exp«'cting and working to Congress. March 1, 1 treaty of peace drawn otherwise than They are: in the new spirit would be nothing 1. Profit—Money gained or money but a “modern scrap of paper.” saved. Following are a few excerpts from 2. Necessity—Utility, commercial. i the speech which show the new ideas 3. Pride—Emulation. which America has brought to the 4. Caution—Foresight. . peace table: i 5- Self-indulgence — Luxury, care. “Do you believe in the Polish cause laziness, vanity, appetite. as 1 do? Are you going to set up The first of these principles, profit, Poland, immature, inexperienced, as is perhaps the strongest as it ap­ yet unorganized, and leave her with peals to all classes of people. Yet a circle of armies around her? Do all goods can't be sold because of a Lieutenant R. Renard you believe in the aspiration of the saving in price, but may be sold nouses in France. France is a well- 1 Czecho-Slovaks and the Jugo-Slavs through necessity, which is a big fac­ ..ooded country, about one-sixth of as I do ? Do you know how many tor in buying. ,ts total area being covered with tim- powers would be quick to pounce In selling through pride we appeal jer. The department of water and upon them if there were not the to the buyer to forget the first two orests, to whom is entrusted care of guarantees of the world behind their points of profit and necessity and he French forests, is recognize«! as liberty ? try to get at his weakness. Some­ ; practising the most scientific forestry “Have you thought of the suffering times pride fails where caution wins, methods in the world. The demands of Armenia? You poured out your as I will try and illustrate by telling ipon the forests of France for tim­ money to help succor the Armenians you of an incident of a firm trying ber was very heavy. after they suffered; now set your to market a weather-stripping they "Plans were made for the cutting strength so that they shall never had started to manufacture. They >f one billion feet of lumber during suffer again. pictured a house made tight with this 1919 by the American forestry regi­ “The arrangements of the present weather-stripping where the children ments. Only the annual growth of peace cannot stand a generation un­ played around the hearth and no cold he timber is cut in France, but due less they are guarant«red by the or dust could enter. They waited for o the excessive demands the antici- united forces of the civilized world. results which did not come. So they >ated growth for several years ahead And if we do not guarantee them, appealed to caution by picturing a las had to be taken. The Argonne cannot you see the picture? Your house where the children were all orest. which was the scene of many hearts have instructed you where the sick, where the cold and disease had doody encounters, has been virtually burden of this war fell. It did not entered, and endeavored to show -uined, due to the trees being filled fall upon the instruments of admin­ through this advertisement what their with shot and shell splinters, making istration, it did not fall upon the re­ product would guard against. They hem virtually valueless except for sources of the nations. It fell upon hit the keynote and their sales picked fuel. the victims’ homes everywhere, where up immediately. “The French government is already women were toiling in hope that In taking up the fifth subject we mdertaking the planting of thou- their men would come back forget all of the other points. We ands of acres of what was formerly “When, I think of the homes upon pick up the paper and see “The Cai- he most fertile lands in northern which dull despair would settle were of Luxury” staring us in the face. •’rance, where even the soil has been this great hope disappointed. I should But that only appeals to those who lestroyed by shell explosions and only wish for my part never to have had can pay the price. toulders and rocks now cover the America play any part in this at­ So in advertising study well these litherto productive fields where the tempt to emancipate the world." five points. Study your field, then .-’rench people lived contentedly in plan your attack. Dr. George Kirchwey, state direc­ heir happy homes. It is hoped to The article to be sold, the possible eclaim these devastated lands '»> tor of the United States employment consumer and the means by which neans of tree planting and also to service, expresses the belief that less this article and the consumer are >rovide natural defenses. We con­ than 10 per cent of the women who brought together are three great fac­ sider the growing of timber prevents held positions during the war would tors which bear on advertising. ■oil erosion, provides building mate- lose them now that the war is over. “Must this selling effort induce an ial as well as fuel and directly af- “We are not advising employers to outright expenditure on the pros- ects climatic conditions, as has been release their women workers now pect’s part, or merely change the di­ iroved by the planting of the bald that the war is over,” he said. “We rection of expenditure to which he is villa along the shores of the .Medi- want them to make room for sol­ accustomed ?” erranean in 1840, which has bene­ diers and also retain as many other “I’ve always wanted something like ficially affected the climate. workers as possible.” He predicted that,” he tells himself, and having “Application for the contemplated that the present labor surplus would long planned to make such a pur­ lurchase of large quantities of Doug­ change to a labor scarcity within chase when the opportunity presented as fir seeds for the reforestation of six months. itself, we have but to explain, de­ lenuded French soil was made some scribe and picture our product, show­ nonths ago. '• I ing that it is what he has needed and The tendency in France prior to ' desired. he war was the steady movement of Still Moving If, however, the article is some­ he agricultural population to the | thing whose lack he has never felt, :ities. This is one of the reasons ROSE QTY VAN and which, on the face, appears to vhy France will send its million be merely an added expense, in this lomeless children to the country to The One-Way-Charge Company, case our advertising must not only levelop an agricultural population.” develop the possibility of more profit It is said the soviet government of See Us For through our article, but must make the prospect feely keenly the disad­ Russia has divided the population of WOOD AND COAL vantage of being without it. It must Moscow into three classes—those who inspire him to save effort; make ake a bath twice a month, those who Tab. 1424 D61 8222 Footer Rd money or seize some new delight ake a bath once a month, and those and persuade him to make an un- who never take a bath. People in expected outlay for the untried ad- his country who profess to admire he Russian form of government be- vantage it may be to him. If we find trade passing by our ong mostly to the latter class. vcott lieraid When ton Want to Move J • Chll THof 7707 First-Class Sheet Metal Work and Repairing 4 ffTTY’S TRANSFERS QavaatoM W’atb HoJIcrt • M-M to M-OO (Ulvmlifd (torbagt Cant. Wootton Ltgt J.00 to 4.00 StovO Htpalring ant! Rtllnlng : and Eipress Auto Truck GET YOU A BIBLE NOW door we must find some appeal, some THEY ANSWERED THE CALI^- individual cause for turning them in. WHAT WILL WE DO? Your appeal must show the reason Mow shall we welcome the boys com­ why. ing home? (Article No. 2 will appear in next How pay the high tribute we owe? week’s issue.) Words will not tell it, just words alone, This spring is a good time to Tho we told it wherever we go. make needed repairs to your property and perform a patriotic service at Their lives made our homes more the same time by providing work precious to us; for men during the reconstruction We’re so glad to see them again. period. Many buildings in the dis­ ■x»yal to duty, without any fuss, trict, both private residences and Serving thru sunshine or rain. public structures, are badly in need of paint. It is said the lack of paint And, if that duty called o’er the sea, causes more damage to buildings Or was it preparing to go, than fire. The boys are returning When liberty beckoned, the call of now from their work of making the free right and justice rule the world in- Was all that they asked to know. stead of the German idea of might and arrogance. Show your apprecia- Work, service or prison, it matters tion of their sacrifices by ' aiding not, them to secure employment. Willing to die or to do. Jo let us give them the best we have Influenza is raging again in Spain got, and England. Don’t let down yet on Three cheers for the red, white and your precautions to keep yourself in blue. perfect health. Lents, Feb. 20, 1919. J. L. JOHNSON THOMPSOITS Chain Reference Bible THE BEST HANDLED BY FLOYD GEER P orti . amd , O rb . P. O. Box 2072 Telephone East 6»i3 —......... PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVES CHILDREN BARBERING A SPECIALTY Sktara ■ber,eee4 Pheaer. BeMeela, Dw> ■«. Toker 77M. ortle, Taker allf CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB Yard on Foster Road ia front of Lents Library i s E R V I C E who is sucivsslul surrvuuds hiiusell with •very aval labi«, modara devise for saving his time and money. The buelnese man who fails to use an AUTOMATIC TEL­ EPHON K simply cloeee his nrtabiiaiituent to thousands of possible customers He may never know the teal reason for bis failure in business. THINK IT OVER L ohr Dittane« Everywhere CALL A <221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Orofoe 1 WHY JUST OIL? t To many motorists this simple subject is enshrouded in a haze of mystery. They are bewildered by a mass of technical terms, claims and counter claims, flung at them by unscrupulous man* ufacturers. Cheap oils and greases have seemingly been endowed in print, at least, with all the qualities of higher priced products. Yet some motorists will spend thousands of dollars for an automobile, and then endeavor to save a few cents by buying cheap oil. This is like stopping the hands of a clock to save time. To them, if one gallon of oil costs 25 cents, five gallons will cost $1.25. Easy arithmetic, but— If so many gallons at so much jler gallon cost so much plus a repair bill because of using wrong oil, that makes different figuring. The engine of your car is a piece of delicate mechanism that demands a lubricant of a certain virtue. Your instruction book instructs you to use the best. ‘ ANY OLD OIL WONT DO. The oil you need is oil of the highest quality, made by special­ ists in scientific lubrication for your particular car. That oil is MONOGRAM. Recommended and used exclusively by more manufacturers of automobiles than any other oil on the market. Used to win more races than all other oils combined. The first oil on the market scientifically prepared to meet the exacting requirements of gas engine lubrication. It blazed the trail — others followed. MONOGRAM products — the choice of experts in all parts of the world, who demand scientific lubrication — not merely oils and greases. The use of Monogram will reduce your up-keep bills, elimi­ nate engine troubles such as smoke, carbon, noise, anil make motoring pleasant for you. It is the cheapest insurance against rapid depreciation of your motor and its use will save you money. AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor 8919 FOSTER ROAD Tabor 3429 Home D61 NOTICE I I. F. PERRY, THE EXPERT I P. O. THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAH THE LENTS GARAGE Gtvs ■■ * T bial Will Bepalr yotir Sewing Machine at a Reasonable Price. All Work Guare meed. J. H. Bradbury Phone Tabor 78»! Poator HaaO. Tabor MM 9436 Foster Bd. Letts, Ore. n A See C kkhtrr A G bohtir SO Year,'Bxparienm A. S, PEARCE, The Tinsmith RESIDENCE »