A r FRANKLIN HIGH CLASS mt. Scott Herald UNIS PARTY ON MARCH 7 CtKJRCtitS Published Every Friday at Isnt» Station. Portland. Oreiron. m-i, When T m Want to Move First-Class Sheet Metal Work and Repairing Call Tabor 7707 0 - ST. PETER’S PARISH NOTES 1'roprtetor Manager J. K. UPDIKE - C. W SMITH - Entered as second-class mail mat­ ter February 14. till, at the post* office at I.ents. Oregon, under act of Congress. March 1. 1ST». Subscription price - • Phones: Tabor 7»J4. 1150» year D41—1111 DOES IT PAY? Many of the business men of Lents talk of the “cost” of adver tising with the idea that the few dollars per month spent in this way is gone *the same as money spent for the fuel which they burn. This is not true. The man who adver tises consistently ami persistently if making an investment which pays a larger dividend than any like amount he could invest in any other way. Two weeks ago a well-known Lents firm advertised a special sale of grafonolas. The day following the appearance of the ad they sold two machines. By the middle of th« following week they had sold five They have sold several since. They had an article to sell. They an­ nounced the price and the terms on which they would sell. That ad did not COST this firm a cent. It PAID them a larger dividend in profit than $1000 invested in bonds, Does it pay? The membess of the June, 1919, class of E'ranklin high sch«x>l will hol«l their first get-together meeting and party on Friday evening, March 7. This party has bt'en postponed from time to tim«* on account of th«* influenza ban against public meetings and th«* coming graduates are an ■ ticipating the event with much pleas­ ure. At their meeting on Wednes day. E'ebruary 12, Gene Gillis ap pointe«! the following committees to make arrangements: Entertainment Katheryn Bail, chairman; Charlotte Schulenberg and Helen Harper; re­ freshments, Fred Rogers, chairman; Irwin Wetstone, Camilla Canfield anil Marion Gillis. s s s The Home Economics club will hobi their annual dance tonight, for the b»*nefit of the Armenian relief fund. The gymnasium will be gaily deco rated with patriotic colors and green­ ery will be used in profusion. Carl son’s jazz band will furnish the music and ail details have been carefully planned, with a big surprise for all in attendance. This will be an un­ usual feature displaying the talent of the girls. A cordial invitation is sent to the students of the various high schools to be there to join with the Franklin students in the granii march, which starts at 8 p. m. • ♦ • Miss Rubie Hammarstrom has been appointed an honorary member of the LABOR TO COMBAT BOSH EV ISM class of June. 1919. because of hei Resumption of all government faithful work as chief advisor for the work suspended because of the war annual Post. payment of soldiers* wages until they The June, 1919, class joyously wel­ obtain employment, development of government lands with financial as­ comed the boys of the 65th last Mon sistance provided to the tenants and day who would have been members prohibition of immigration for foui of the graduating class had they not years are recommended in the draft answered their country's call. • • • of a legislative reform program The community dances are being adopted and made public by the ex­ ecutive council of the American Fed­ held every Saturday night at 7:30 under the direction of Professor Geo. eration of Labor. Love. “If these measures are carried *nt0 effect,” says a statement made by Frank Morrison, secretary, it will the Oregon country, not to conquer prevent a critical situation and de­ and destroy, but to teach the Re«i stroy a fruitful field which the rep- Man the Golden Rule. Mt. Jefferson resentatives of the I. W. W. and the is named in honor of President bolsheviki will have for furthering Thomas Jefferson, who sent Lewis and Clark across the continent as their propaganda.” pathfinders. Y’ou all know the story­ The council expects to present well. . these reforms to congress within a “But who is Mt. Hood named few days. after? Scarcely anyone in Oregon knows. The author of the “Guardians SUGGESTION FOR SOLDIERS of the Columbia” says that Lieuten­ AND SAILORS’ MEMORIAL ant Broughton of Vancouver’s ex­ That the name of the beautiful ploring expedition, in quest of new snow-capped mountain which is the territories for his majesty, George pride of Oregon should be changed HI, sailing up the Columbia river in to Mount Liberty is proposed by the October, 1792, saw and named it in East Side Business Men’s club. Mount honor of Rear Admiral Samuel Hood, Hood, it is pointed out, was named of the British navy, who had dis­ by an explorer sent out by King tinguished himself in naval battles George III, the date given as Oc­ during the American revolution. tober, 1792. The man Hood was an “Why is it that the name of Mt. admiral in the British navy who had Hood has not been changed before distinguished himself in naval battles this? Methinks that providence has during the American Revolution. .deferred the time until now, that we The suggestion is in line with might name it Mt. Liberty in honor others which call for the planting of of our world freedom heroes. trees and beautifying of roadways "Let Mt. Liberty be the climax and has the advantage of being some­ and coupled with all the other prac­ thing that the entire people, rich tical suggestions made for memor­ and poor alike, can look upon. Fol­ ials. Build a great paved highway lowing is the communication Jrorrt from Salem, the seat of government, the East Side Business Men’s club, to Portland, the metropolis, coming signed by J. J. Oeder, Grand avenue in on the west side through the pro­ at Elast Ankeny: posed Municipal Liberty or Freedom “For a proper and suitable propos­ Mall, thence out the proffered ed monument and memorial to our Wemme road to Mt. Liberty, with soldiers and sailors in the late world a Freedom Victory World’s Peace war I would suggest that we change League Circle surrounding the moun­ the name of Mt. Hood in their honor. tain at its base; utilize Barlow road Why not change it to Mt. Liberty? and connect the north side of the The name itself would be suggestive circle with the Columbia River High­ of the keynote of the ideal in the way at suitable points. Call it Mt. great allied victory epitomizing the Liberty Highway if you like. Get progress toward world democracy and national, state and city co-operation free peoples. and help in the building. It will “Human hands cannot adequately take time* to work it out and develop build a monument great enough, nor’ H, but the ideal is well worth the grand enough, nor high enough. The effort. ideals for which the allies fought, “Then with development to follow: for which our boys fought, for which the farms, the fields, the orchards, we all helped fight, are as high as the vineyards, the landscape gardens yon mountain top, and their motives and fountains along the highway were as pure as the water from its bubbling with Mt. Liberty glacier unfailing glacial springs. , water, the purest on earth, the “Only the Almighty could erect a schools, the colleges, the arches, the fitting monument to world freedom. bridges and scenic vistas on every And as the rains descend and th^ hand; the deer and elk in the for­ snows come down from the heavens, ests, the sheep and cattle on a thou­ just so will the Great Spirit perpet­ sand hills, and all couple«! and hooked ually care for such monument and up with our great liberty harbor, the memorial. greatest fresh water harbor in the Thus Mt. Liberty is the most beau­ world, 110 miles long, extending like tiful mountain on the American con­ a silver thread to the Pacific, the tinent, and its re-naming would but world’s greatest ocean. In our add to its world renown, and the re­ hop«?d-for Portland of the future, nown of the west, and of Oregon. every endeavor will readily lend • it-j A few years ago we changed the self toward this ideal. Then on our | name of Mt. St. Elias to Mt. Mc- memorial days of the future our! Kinley, in honor of our great mar- aviators will circle round an«! round tyred ex-president, who had fought yon liberty mountain peak an«l drop 1 and won a great fight for a prin- flowers in memory of departed he­ ciple. We also changed the name of roes an«l comrades, in the eternal | Mt. Pitt, a beautiful mountain near snows of this world’s’ greatest monu- 1 Medford, to Mt. McLaughlin, in honor ment to human free«!om anti prog­ of Father McLaughlin, who came to ress.” FETT YS TRANSFER Sister Augustine has fully recov­ ered from th«< accident she sustained and was on hand Sunday to rvmw her place in the Sunday school »•» class. RESIDENCE The attendance at both masses on 9436 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. Sunday was large, showing quit«' an increase in the population of th«» F ■ parish. Mrs. Hart, on Saginaw Heights, is quite ill at present. The ladies of th«- parish are work­ ing hard to make their social a suc­ cess next Saturday evening in St. CORD WOOD AND Peter’s Hall. Walter Stutte and Hazel Johnson COUNTRY SLAB were united in marring«* last Thurs­ day by the Rev. P. Beutgen, pastor Yard on Foster Road of St. Peter’s. in front of Lenta Library The holy s«'ason of ls*nt will be ushered in on Wednesday, March 5, Phone Tabor 7823 the.beginning of th«' Lenten stmson. Th«' Sisters of Mercy have coin- I _ .z tnenced their drive for funds in the The Herald Does All Mt. Scott district. Oavanlied Waah lotterà - . UM to U-00 Munlttd (¡ar frage Cana. Wooden l.ega J 00 to 4 00 Stove Repairing and Relining * and Express Auto Truck ; J. H. Bradbury Kinds of Printing.... FRIENDS CHURCH The revival meetings being held in the Friends church will continue /• throughout this, the third w«en in Indiana for the past five months, is report«*«! as having preach«*«! two practical sermons at Plainfield, Ind., recently. His business is located in Indiana anl money. Tba businra« man who tell« to tier an AUTOMATIC TKL- KPHONF. «imply o !<>•«■• hi« establishment to tliouoande of |»>Mible cuelomrre lie may never know the ire I reason for lile failure in buainrse. THINK 1TOVKR. I«ong Distance Everywhere CALL A «221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company ol Portland, Oregon YOUR LAST CHANCE To buy the best securities in the world . ... United States Victory Bonds WILL OCCUR IN APRIL NEXT Now is the time to get ready. Bonds of this quality will never again be sold at par during your lifetime. Make arrangements to buy all you possibly can. THE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK Lents Station Portland, Oregon WHY JUST OIL? To many motorists this simple subject is enshrouded in a haze of mystery. They are bewildered by a mass of technical terms, claims and counter claims, flung at them by unscrupulous man­ ufacturers. Cheap oils and greases have seemingly been endowed in print, at least, with all the qualities of higher priced products. Yet some motorists will spend thousands of dollars for an automobile, and then endeavor to save a few cents by buying cheap oil. This is like stopping the hands of a clock to save time. To them, if one gallon of oil costs 25 cents, five gallons will cost $1.25. Easy arithmetic, but— If so many gallons at so much jier gallon cost so much plus a repair bill because of using wrong oil, that makes different figuring. The engine of your car is a piete of delicate mechanism that demands a lubricant of a certain virtue. Your instruction book instructs you to use the best ANY OLD OIL WON’T DO. The oil you need is oil of the highest quality, made by special­ ists in scientific lubrication for your particular car. That oil is MONOGRAM. Recommended and used exclusively by more manufacturers of automobiles than any other oil on the market. Used to win more races than all other oils combined. The first oil on the market scientifically prepared to meet the exacting requirements of gas engine lubrication. It blazed the trail — others followed. MONOGRAM products — the choice of experts in all parts of the world, who demand scientific lubrication — not merely oils and greases. The use of Monogram will reduce your up-keep hills, elimi­ nate engine troubles such as smoke, carbon, noise, and make motoring pleasant for you. It is the cheapest insurance against rapid depreciation of your motor and its use will save you money. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Gladys- Bass, superintendent. Spe­ cial music. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Dr. O. C. Wright, secretary state convention. Young p«*ople*s meeting At 6:45 p. m. President, Mrs. Ressell. Preaching at 7:30 by the pastor, Theme, “The Greatest Thing in the Christian Religion.” Sunday afternoon at White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets, there will be a massmeeting of the Baptist men of Portland addresse«! by eastern ex­ perts. All day Monday there will be a convention addressed by Dr. Snape, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Agar. MT. SCOTT W. T. C. U. TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE FEB. 25 Mt. Scott W. C. T. U. holds its Willard memorial service at the reg­ ular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Hostess, Mrs. Gessell, 6119 Eighty-ninth street. One of the pioneer workers and contemporary of Mrs. Willard, will speak. A silver offering for the benefit of the Willard memorial fund will be taken. This fund is world-wide in its beneficent helpfulness, a fitting memorial to her whose name we honor. Remember the date and place— Tuesday, February 25, at Mrs. Ges- sell’s. i Owing to increasing business Ches­ ter & George, the enterprising bar­ bers of Lents, have installed a fourth chair to their shop to handle the Saturday rush, showing their appre­ ciation of patronage. Sergeant-Major Carl E. Wemberly, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lent, who has been stationed at Camp Lewis, has received honorable discharge from the service and re­ turned to his home in Roseburg. Mr. Wemberly is city attorney of Ro-e- burg. A. S. PF ARCE, The Tinsmith THE LENTS GARAGE AXEL KILD A HL, Proprietor 8919 FOSTER ROAD Tabor 3429 Home 1)61 ■ «