Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 07, 1919, Image 2

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    mt Scott fjerald
fate if we westerners are called when the dry weather of sum­
upon to uphold it. Yet we’ve mer comes the “paving" will no
got to render unto Caesar that doubt turn to dust to be depos­
I’ubllnhed Every Friday at Lenta
which is his due. and we can ited on lawns and in houses
Station. Portland. Orecon
conceive of nothing l»etter than along the road.
Proprietor that which tlje New York Pro­
Manaver duce Exchange proposes.
Entered *» aerond-clnaa mail mat­
men met with Mr. Hoover on
ter February 14. lilt, at the poet­
May 25, 1917. He told them of Will Take Active Interval In Develop­
office at Lenta. Oregon. under act of Che food conditions in Europe
ing the Northwest and Eatabliah
Con<rem. March », 1»7»
as he saw them and asked the
S'* Kate on Time Salea,
representatives to drajv up a "If it is worth doing, it is worth
Subscription prie» • - |t &0 « yo»r
I plan, based upon information doing well." said W. G. Cronkright,
and figures which he furnished. western state« factory sales manager
Phones: Tabor 7SS4, I»«l—1111
When the plan was finished for the Gary .Motor Truck Co., of
Mr. Hoover remarked that many Gary, Ind., whose ad of the Gary
had l>een to him with schemes, motor trucks appears elsewhere in
President Wilson in his mem­ but the proposed plan was the this issue. While a considerable
orable address to congress April first constructive one he had number of Gary trucks have found
2. 1917, requesting a declara­ heard. He naturally felt much their way into the Northwest terri­
tory during the past few seasons,
tion of war on Imperial Ger­ pleased with it.
Mr. Hoover insisted from the through the agency of various deal­
many, said:
“We are now about to accept very moment of our entering ers. we realise that “in union there
the gauge of battle with this the war that as soon as it was is strength," and to secure satisfac­
natural foe to liberty and shall, ended the food administraton tory and successful results and grant
if necessary, spend the whole should go out of business. He the service and give the attention to
force of the nation to check and expressed his feelings many which truck purchasers are entitled,
nullify its pretensions and its times, and he privately illus­ demanded more than the. cold com-
power. We are glad now that trateti it by telling of the satis­ mercial interest usually accorded to
we see the facts with no veil of faction he would find in put­ buyers by dealers whose only ambi­
false pretense about them, to ting on his coat, locking his of­ tion is to realise the retailers profit
The wonderful resources of the
fight thus for the ultimate fice door and slipping back into
Northwest, the development of
peace of the world and for the
liberation of its peoples ... ; news by pointing out the dan­ I which depends so largely upon eco-
for the rights of nations great ger of continuing such action : rtomical and expeditious transporta-
I tion, has prompted us to bring to
and small and the privilege of in times of peace.
Yet we find the grain men this territory the same system,
men everywhere to choose their
way of life and of obedience. meeting again in 1919 to con­ methods, terms of payment and rate
The world must be made safe sider among other things the of interest that have resulted in the
for democracy. Its peace must perpetuation of the food ad- unprecedented use of Gary motor
be planted upon the tested. ninistration well through 1920 i trucks in the east. We consider
foundations of political liberty., ■vith Mr. Hoover as the director this could be best accomplished by
“We have no selfish ends to renerai of an international com- having a central establishment with
serve. We desire no conquest, nission to distribute the food­ an organization consisting of agents
and representatives located in every
no dominion. We seek no in­ stuffs of the world.
We should not overlook the 'ocality under direct control and in
demnities, no material compen­
sation for the sacrifices we shall x)int that Mr. Hoover could not close touch with the actual factory
freely make. We are but one of ’oresee the guarantee of the interests; hence, the establishment at
the champions of the rights of »resident to the producers for Portland at No. 71 Broadway of the
mankind. We shall be satisfied :his year’s wheat crop. At no Gary* Coast Agency and our cam­
when those rights have been ime has Hoover been known to paign for the organization of the
made as secure as the faith and avor price fixing. But we have interior sections where the great
the freedom of nations can he price fixed and we have the market for trucks is yet to b«- de-
make them. ... To such a »resident’s guarantee, and thus eloped.
Many are unfamiliar
task we can dedicate our lives ve have a problem.
Mr. Mitchell would no doubt great importance of Gary
and our fortunes.' everything
that we are and everything w»lve it in this way. He would ufacturing center, located in the
that we have, with the pride of ibolish government control of hadows of Chicago and practically a
those who know that the day wheat for the coming crop and suburb. It is here that there is con­
has come when America is priv­ allow the business to return to centrated in the middle west invest­
He would ments of untold millions of the U. S.
ileged to spend her blood and her pre-war channels.
the same Steel Co. in the Gary steel mills and
might for the principles that |
affiliated manufacturing interests.
gave her birth and happiness
and the peace which she has who has manufactured an enor- To this fact is attributable the es­
treasured. God helping her, nous supply of munitions for tablishment at Gary of the Gary
which the government now has motor truck factory and the existence
she can do no other.”
use, but for which it will of Gary' motor trucks.
After the purpose for which settle
with him.
For years Gary trucks have sup­
our brave troops went to France
the farmer delivers his plied the transportation and haulage
had been accomplished on No­
to the country merchant, departments of leading concerns in
vember 11, 1918, the president Train
buyer pay him the mar­ the industrial centers of the country
paid the following tribute to ket price,
receiving from him af­ and now the object is to extend Gary
our soldiers on December 2:
the country agent, service and the Gary system of dis­
“The gallant men o5 our
thresher, the banker or any tribution to rural and agricultural
armed forces on land and sea the
authority, showing how- sections.
have consciously fought for the other
grain he has actually
Not the least factor of importance
ideals which they know to be
and the price which to the Northwest is our ability to
the ideals of their country. I he was paid,
to which should handle times sales at an interest rate
have sought to express those be attached a statement
of the of 6% per annum. It is our estab­
ideals; ... I owe it to them to differences which the govern
­ lished rate in the east and we see no
see to it, so far as in me lies, ment owes him.
that no false or mistaken inter­ eould be made through the fed­ reason why citizens of the Northwest
pretation is put upon them, and eral reserve banks. The wheat should pay more. While our head­
no possible effort omitted to re­ ?ould then pass into its natural quarters are established at Portland,
alize them. It is now my duty channels of trade and the farm­ we shall be as well represented at
to play my full part in making er would get his guarantee. Seattle, Spokane and other points
good what they offered their This would provide a specula­ where truck distribution can be con­
ducted and service given to the ad­
life’s blood to obtain.
vantage of our agents, dealers and
Upon the platform announced
necessary for ’ handling purchasers. We invite a visit to our
in his address of April 2, 1917, I lutely
this year’s crop, and it would office and showrooms at 71 Broad­
and none other did the people mean
that the millers and the way, Portland, and to our warehouse
of this country give up their exporters
could compete in the and storage rooms an inspection of
peaceful persuits and turn to world’s market
trade, based the full line of Gary trucks from the
war, and President Wilson is upon the law of for
and de­ capacity of one ton up, and we pre­
now using his every effort to mand.
dict a surprise for prospective pur­
bring about such a peace of
is quite evident that this chasers, dealers and garage men who
justice and liberty to all na­ j will be the solution of the
tions, great or small, instead of wheat problem because the gov­ are interested in this next big com­
the usual and much easier meth­ ernment can not afford to buy ing industry, in our product,
od of division of the spoils up all the wheat in the country prices and our proposition.
among the victors, thereby lay­ through the grain corporation
W. C. T. U.
ing the foundation for another as it did last year. The grain
period of preparation in which corporation has been paying
Mrs. El va Scheuerman
the whole world would have to much more than the wheat is I hostess, and Mrs. Frances Swope
take a part.
worth according to the world’s speaker at a most interesting meet­
visible supply.
ing of the Mt. Scott W. C. T. U.
It must be remembered that Tuesday. Also the Misses Esther
By Milton P. Wiley
the United States government Mitchell and Dora Dunbar furnished
is in competition with Australia music, while little Alma Scheuerman
We are confronted with a se­ and Argentine. The difference gave a fine little speech about the
rious economic crisis. We are in price between Argentine and girlie who lost her missionary box.
now in a swirl in the tide of American wheat is approxi­ The relation of temperance and mis­
events, when things which have mately $1.25 per bushel. Ac­ sionary work was the subject for
gone up must come down. Arti­ cording to reliable reports it is the day. MrH. Swope was prepared
ficial sustained prices for food­ estimated that Argentine has with charts and statistics, as well as
stuffs are seeking natural lev­ between 100 and 150 million statements from missionaries to
els. Yet the price on wheat is bushels of grain carried over show that prohibition in the home
land will be one of the greatest helps
here to stay in some form until from last year’s crop.
to foreign missionary work. Our ap­
the wheat produced this year
is marketed. How prices can
There is a great deal of dis­ peal was made for apples to be
be maintained to carry out the satisfaction among property given as a treat to the soldiers in
Government guarantee to the owners along Fifty-fifth avenue the Vancouver hospital. It met with
producer and at the same time with the “mud paving” which ready response, and one day since
appease the consumer when the county laid on that thor­ then Mrs. J. L. Scheuerman was seen
literally thousands are being oughfare, and there is talk of with her arms full of baskets, gath­
thrown out of jobs is one phase filing a vigorous protest with ering up the fruit for this purpose.
of the question which the peo­ the county commissioners. So Mrs. Honey, president of Gresham
ple of America cannot under­ far as anyone knows there is no Union, visits Vancouver hospital
stand. It is a complex problem i necessity of leaving county every Tuesday, and it frequently oc­
in all respects, and yet one for roads with nothing but a cover­ curs that she calls on the sister
which a simple solution must ing of dirt over the crushed union« to help in some little treat
rock and as far as permanence for the men there.
be found.
Our next meeting will be with
There is a constructive plan ' is concerned it is apparently a
on foot waiting for a hearing waste of money. Instead of an Mr«. Rowley, 5fi22 Eighty-fourth
of congress which is known as occasional pool of water in the «treet. All are invited. It is time
load there is now a continuous to consider our Willard memorial
the “Mitchell plan.”
Mr. Mitchell is a New York mud wallow from Ninety-second service, and all member» «hould be
man. It will be the irony of street to Buckley avenue, and present.
.......... ..
ni *
First-Class Sheet Metal Work
and Repairing
QavantoaO H m A Holton
SJ.M to fJ 00
QalnntoaO Uarbago C mm , Wooden Legs
J. 00 to 4.00
Stovo Rapalrlng atul Vellnlng
ml EigmAMt Truck
A. S. PEARCE, The Tinsmith
MM FtaUr N. Luta, Ore. '
Tabor MM
Poator HoaO, Ogg. P. O.
HMM44*M4444»«»4444tto«»444»H4 t»4«44«***4mm*
J. H. Bradbury
Yard on Foster Road
in front of Lenta Library
Phone Tabor 7828
who Is euMsasful syrrousds himsslf with
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his time and money. Ths business man
who falls to use an AUTOMATIC TIL-
Ei'HON E simply closes his eetablisliuwnl
to thousands of imsslbie customers lie
may never know the leal reason for bis
failure iu business. THINK 1TOVMH
Long Distanoe Everywhere
CALL A 1221
Borne Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, OrafM