I Z- Subscription, $1.50 a Year LENTS EIGHTH GRADE PUPILS GRADUATED LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON,.FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919 MRS. BLOYD RECEIVES REPORT OF SON’S DEATH j • LOCAL AND PERSONAL BRIEFS • GILBERT COMMUNITY TO WELCOME SOLDIERS VOL. XVn. No. 5 CLASS OF 25 IS GRADUATED AT FRAKLIN * Brother of H. E. Bloyd, of the Roy Whitlock is visiting rel­ tent. Mr. Mackin was a school­ Reception and Program Will be Multnomah State Bank, atives in tents this week. Held at School Auditorium mate of Mrs. tent. They are Killed in Action. en route to Los Angeles. Evening of Feb. 22. Bom—To Mr. and Mrs. Her­ George Judd, of Eagle Creek, The following letter received bert Martin, 6424 Toon street, A meeting was held by a few spent a few days last week with by Mrs. Flora E. Bloyd, of Kel­ January 18, 1919, a boy. his mother, Mrs. Judd, Eighty.- ladies of the Gilbert neighbor­ so, Wash., from a Red Cross Bom—To Mr. and Mrs. Minor fourth street And Fifty-sixth I hood last Friday and a program worker, is the first authentic Engle, of 5211 Eighty-eighth arranged for a reception to re- avenue. Majority Will Take up Work information received in regard street, January 26, a girl. ■ turned soldiers of the commu- One Lents and Three Arieta this Semester In Franklin to the death of Sergeant Harry Mrs. Roe, of Bell Mountain, nity on February 22. In addi- Boys Receive Diplomas High School. B. Bloyd, brother of H. E. Mrs. S. J. Allen has moved U ash., is visiting her daughter, tion to the program a speaker January 24, 1919. Bloyd, of the Multnomah State from 8901 Fifty-third avenue Frank Sanders' who lives will I* secured for the occasion at Eighty-seventh street and and it is planned to make this The eighth grade graduates Bank, who was killed in action to 5927 Eighty-second street. The January graduating class Fifty-third avenue. of the tents school were handed in France. one of the most enjoyable af­ of Franklin High School were M. N. Sadler, formerly of their diplomas last Friday by My Dear Mrs. Bloyd: Mrs. Marts has returned to fairs ever held in the district. given their diplomas last Fri­ We have just received a re­ 9719 Ninety-second street, is Principal E. A. Hirschner with­ work at the tents Mercantile The reception will be held in the day. The class as well as the out any formal program, which port alx>ut the death of Ser­ now living at 170 Third street. store after a two-weeks absence auditorium of the Gilbert school. student body was very much was omitted on account of the geant Harry B. Bloyd, Co, C, M. George has moved from taking care of her husband, who The program will be announced disappointed when they learned later. prevailing epidemic. Mr. Hirsch- 5th F Signal Bn., who was 5905 Ninety-ninth street to 34 has been sick with influenza. they would not have their grad­ ner made a short presentation killed in action July 15. Following are the names of uation exercises. The influenza East Fifty-second street north. Private Ralph O. Gebhart, talk, followed by singing by the Miss Wilson and Mrs. Thielen the young men of that neigh- ban placed upon school gather­ pupils, and the eighth grade of the same company, says: are substituting this week for I liorhood whose names appear on ings prevented it, however, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Minott came “Harry was killed up in Ar­ up from Rainier to visit the for­ Miss Frances Smith and Miss the service flag at the took their departure for other school: they were forced to give up fields. The majority will take gonne Forest alx>ut the middle mer’s parents the first of the Stella Smith, of the Lents Charles Johnson. their commencement program. up high school work at once in of July. 1 saw it when it hap­ week. school, who are sick with influ­ J. Emil Heiman. The class includes on member enza Franklin. Those receiving their pened. He and Master Signal J. Milton Steiger. Tom Lents, Alfred W. Nygaard, Electrician Terry were teth hit Mrs. Hubert Gilbert and Mrs. diplomas were: Merle E. Hotchkis« and three from Arieta, Roy B. L. E. Minott purchased the by the same shell, and died in­ Hugh Cripe and children spent Joe Beyer. Bradford, Mark Waldo. -awrence, Fred O. Schweitzer stantly. The Ixiys from com­ the day at the Ed Gilbert home property at 6334 Eighty-fourth Butler, Edward. George Hogan. and Robert L. Tucker. The list Court this week formerly owned pany B carried him back. I Tuesday. Barker, Eda Viola. Cortez Valentine. of graduates follows: by E. E. Hatter, Mr. Minott buried him myself up near Ma- Cox, Clyde. James Reed. Anderson, Roy E. Mrs. Driver and Miss Mc- expects to move to his new delon Farm. It wax an old Ger­ Fowler, Dwight L. Hearne Haislip. Aubel, Marie I. man cantonment. I wrapped Naught have taken up their home some time next week. Fish, Mildred A. Philip Dahl. Blohm, Evangeline. him in a blanket and laid him work as teachers in the Lents France, Everett. Bland Rice. Carstens, Dorothea. Interest in the local Red away right beside Terry, We school. Goodman. Catherine M. Clair Elrod. o Chausse, Dorothy H. F ’ Cross seems to be reviving, as were under heavy shell fire Gee, Homer B. Walter Steiger. Cowan, Lewis E. been dis- Killeen has Chris there was a good attendance at every minute of the time, We Hawken, Izella. Jesse Farnsworth. Dobbs, Harry C. from the service and charged the meeting last Thursday. Let were attacking but the Boches Hensley, Marie J. Fred Dosier. Ginty, Geraldine M. morn- everybody attend who possibly were offering us pretty stiff arrived home Wednesday llilzendeger, Katherine. Donald Gilbert. Harrow, Ruth M. ing. can as there is lots of work to resistance." Ingram, James. Coe Durland. Hausler, Luella. be done. We are told that Private Geb­ McGrew. Richard. Mrs. Harry Sager, of Syca- Homer Gossett. Hubbard, Miriam L. hart seemed to lie an excep­ more,’ is visiting at the E. L. Miller, Elfrieda. Harold (Ross) Starr. Ruhl, Carl H. Axel Kildahl, proprietor of tionally intelligent young fellow Rayburn home on Fifty-sixth Peters, Grover F. Elder Anderson. Lawrence, Roy B. the tents Garage, is moving and we believe you can rely avenue. Rice, Lewis R. Gerald Jensen. McCormack, William U. into a new home on Ninetieth upon his statement. His home Sines, Clovis C. William Smithers. Nutting, Violet. Mr. Summers bought prop­ street tetween Sixty-third and address is 209 Wellemer ave­ Steinbrink, Maliel Cecilia. Victor Do mm. t Nygaand, Alfred W. Woodstock avenue, which he re ­ erty on Ninetieth street and nue, Dayton, Ohio. Smith. Margaret Estelle. John Gentry^ Ober, Blythe H. The Red Cross is glad to be Woodstock avenue and is mov­ cently purchased, Sorenson, Selma. Earl Guisness. Routledge, G. Hollister. of service to you and if we get ing in this week. Toelle, Fred. Palmer Herman. Ninety-second street has been Schweitzer, Fred O. any further details we will let Turner, Mildred Olive. Lewis Bishop. improved with a macadam sur ­ Staley,- Glen. Arthur Partridge, of Seattle, you know. Wakefield, Kenneth B. Hebert Knight. face this week from the car line Staley, Minnie E. came down Monday to attend Weddle. Marjorie Dorothy. Harold Bretell. north to Fifty-fifth avenue. It Trebes, Ezra E. the funeral of his sister-in-law, ABOUT 180 FRESHMEN Wellman, Crystal. Francis Johnson. was surfaced from curb to curb Tucker, Robert L. Winters. Edna teuise. ENROLL AT FRANKLIN Mrs. Ray Partridge. Donald McNeil. from the car line to about Fifty­ Welin, Inez L. Wood, Ruby. John Leiden, Mrs, Nellie Woodworth, of seventh and a 16-foot strip the W’heeler, Marguerite A. Woody, Susie. Basketball Game and Impromp­ 431 Third street, was visiting a rest of the way. Roy Crawford. tu Dance to be Held on Albert Wagnor. few of her many friends in MRS. PARTRIDGE DIES Mrs. Darnall, Miss Vaughn INFANT CHILI) OF MR. Clinton Johnson. February 8. Lents last Saturday. ON JANUARY 26, 1919 and Mrs. Otto Katzky went to F. Alexander Hurst AND MRS. GRAYDON DIES Roy J. Hurst Philip Cronn, infant son of Salem Monday evening to at­ This term finds many stu- Remains Cremated at the Mount tend the child, welfare meeting. Carrol F. Pen Eyck. dents enrolled, about 180 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronn, was c Scott Park Cemetery Opal Gray don, two-year old whom are Freshmen. Many ab­ buried Wednesday morning in The principal hopes they may Albert Ewalt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. sences have been noted the past Multnomah cemetery. Crematorium. not catch the “fly,” or any Duain Wheeler. Graydon, of 7003 Eighty-sixth term due to influenza, but every other grave danger befall them Chris Phund. street, died January 25 at Good one is ready for a successful Mrs. Raymond E. Partridge, Robert Henderson. A beautiful six-strand hair while away. Funeral new term. Samaritan hospital, of Lents, died January 26, 1919, Ray Starbard. switch has been donated to the services were held January 28 J. II. L. Maybee and wife re ­ at the Portland Sanitarium of Roy Starbard. One of the interesting fetes local auxiliary to be sold for the turned Monday evening from an at the Kenworthy chapel, Rev. of the new year will be a bas­ benefit of the Red Cross. influenza followed by pneumo­ Captain W. D. Starbird. Interment ketball game in the gymnasium Jones officiating, extended visit in California. Mr. nia. Edward Woodman. was in Mt. Scott Park ceme- on February 8, after which an Funeral services were held Mrs, C. 8. Bradford, of 1225 Maybee saw many interesting George Burns. and instructive sights and has Wednesday afternoon, January tery. Vance Trout impromptu dance will be held. Gladstone avenue, witnessed the promised to give us an account 29, at Kenworthy ’s chapel. The •Fred Knulton. Everycue is urged to go and presentation of diplomas to the WELL KNOWN YOUNG of it next week. remains were cremated at the Chris P. Killeen. witness the good old “Quaker” eighth grade graduates last Fri­ Mt. Scott Park Cemetery crem­ day. James Busch. ■' * MAN INFLUENZA VICTIM spirit. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rusk and atorium. Henry Klinke. The Parent-Teacher associa­ Ragel Mills, who has lieen sta­ Mr. and Mi's. J. E. Gilbert and Mrs. Partridge is survived by Ragel Mills. Lived on Farm in Happy Valley tion is planning a community tioned at Camp Lewis the past daughter, Gladys, visited John her husband, Raymond E. Part­ •Mr. Knulton died just as the dance to be held every Saturday the Past Three or Four five months, received his dis­ Holtburg and family on Mis­ vessel he was on reached ridge ; two children, Marion, six, evening, under the instruction Si- charge and arrived home Mon­ sissippi avenue last Sunday. I Years. and Walter, three; her father, of George E. teve, to whom day evening. The Holtburg family were form­ H. M. Thornton, lives in Se­ credit is given for the success er neighbors of the Gilberts and attle ; one sister, Mrs. Nutina tewis Spady was liom in this of the dancing class held in the ANOTHER PIONEER Charles VanSlyke, of Ninety- Rusks in North Dakota. Tweed, lives in Lents, and an­ city January 7, 1889, and died tents auditorium last winter.’ second street and Fifty-fifth other, Mrs. A. B. Livingston, of influenza at the Portland PASSES AWAY A new member of the faculty Miss Lulu George apd Miss lives in Fresno, Cal. A brother, Sanitarium January 17, 1919, is Miss Lilli Schimidli, who will avenue, has been on the sick list the past week but returned Sagorsky, who have been teach­ Harry M. Thornton, resides at l>eing at the time of his death be an instructor of pedagogy. to his work at the Mt. Scott ing in the tents school for al Mrs. Alice C. Robinson, age Toppenish, Wash. 30 years of age. • ........ . " number of years, have been 63 years, passed away last Tues- bakery Wednesday morning. Funeral services were held CHESTER CIESLINSKI IS transferred down, town, Miss day evening at her residence, Lena Adams at the Pearson chapel January SICK WITH PNEUMONIA Martin Manz, son of John George to Glenco and Miss Sa- 7020 Fifty-fifth avenue, S. E. Lena Adams, infant child of 20, and intei-ment was in Rose Manz, was confined to his home gorsky to Atkinson school. Both She leavesan only son,Guy Rob- Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of City cemetery. Chester Cieslinski, proprietor Tuesday with influenza. The ladies were popular teachers inson, of Lents. Funeral serv- Mr. Spady had been living on of Chester’s barber shop, is con­ rest of Mr. Manz’s family were and will be greatly missed by ice will be held at the Ken- 6344 Ninety-first street, died January 25. Funeral services a ranch*southeast of tents with fined to his home this week sick with the same disease a Lheir many friends here. worthy Chapel Saturday. were held at the Kenworthy his brother, Joe Spady, and was with pneumonia. He took a trip month ago. chapel Monday morning. In- Frank Smith, of the Smith removed to the sanitari"m after to Vancouver in a machine with LENTS SCHOOL NOTES terment was in Mt. Scott Park contracting influenza. He leaves Dr, P, J, O’Donnel last Thurs­ Marvin Hedge, of the Lents Candy kitchen, in the Herald cemetery. The baby was four his father and mother, Mr. and day and got a bad cold as a Hardware company, made his building, was taken to the Mult­ Mi's. Ludwig Spady, of 649 E. result of getting wet, which appearance at the store again nomah hospital last Friday eve- I A surprise party was held by months old. Sixty-seventh street north; two terminated in pneumonia He Monday morning after a two- ning in a serious condition as a her class in honor of Miss Marie J. C. McGrew, who was in­ brothers, Joe Spady, of tents, is reported to be getting along weeks siege of influenza. result of influenza. It was re- Meager, a teacher in the tents jured in an automobile accident, and Henry Spady, of Meadville, as well as could be expected. ported about town Monday eve- school, to show the gratitude is now able to be about. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mackin, ning that he had died Sunday of the pupils for her return Idaho; and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Sandburg, of Sherwood, O. B. Guisness is at home this All kinds of commercial print­ and son Harold, of Glenside, mt this was found to be an after a recent sickness with in­ Canada, are gests of Mrs. O. E. error. Ore., and Anna Spady, of tents. ing at the Herald office. fluenza week pruning his fruit trees.