Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 28, 1918, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 a Year
Battles That Have Marked the
Greatest Struggle in the
World’s History.
Four Yoara of Bitter Warfare Before
the Defeat of Autocratic Attempta to
Bule the World Could Be Aeoured—
Prog ro«e of the Titanic Contest
Practically as It Went On From Dey
to Day.
From Jan« 28, 1914. whrn the naxaa-
■Inatlon of Archduke Ferdinand of
Austria, and hla wife, at Sarajevo.
Rosilla, nave Emperor William of Ger-
many hla excuoe for tteglnnlng WBr
which hr believed would r vault Io hla
gaining practical control of the world
through military domination, the main
events of the struggle arc told In the
following chronicle:
June 28—Archduke Ferdinand and
wife a »»a aalna ted In Sarajevo, Bosnia.
July 28—Austria-Hungary declares
war on Serbia.
Aug. 1—Germany declaren wat on
Russia and general mobilisation Is un­
der way In Franco and Austria-Hun-
Aug 2—German troops enter France
at t’lrey; Russian troop« enter Ger­
many at Schwldden; (hrmin army en­
ters Luxemlnirg over protest and Ger­
many asks Belgium for fre« passage
of her troops.
Aug. 3 British fleet mobilize«; Bel­
gium appeals to Great Britain for dip­
lomatic aid and Germnn ambassador
quits Baria.
Aug. 4- France declares war on Ger­
many; Germany declares war on Bel­
gium; Great Britain sends Belgium
neutrality ultimatum to Germany;
.British army mobilises and alate of
wnr between Great Brltnln and Ger­
many Is declared. President Wilson
Issues neutrality proclamation.
Aug. 5 Germans begin fighting on
Belgian frontier; Germany naks for
Italy's help.
Aug. 6- Austria declares war on Rus­
Aug. 7 Germnns defeated by French
at Altklrch.
Aug. 8 Germans capture Liege.
Portugal announces It will support
Great Britain; British land troops In
Aug. 10--France declares war on
Austria Hungary.
Aug. 12—Grent Brltnln declares war
on Austria Hungary; Montenegro de­
clares wnr on Germany.
Aug. 15—Jnpnn sends ultimatum to
Germany to withdraw from Japanese
and i'bínese waters and evacuate Klao-
chow; Russia offers autonomy to Po­
Aug. 20—German nrmy entera Brus­
Aug. 23—Jnpnn declares war on Oer-
mnuy; Russia victorious In battles In
Rast Prussia.
Aug. 25—Japanese warships bom­
bard Tnlngtao.
Aug. 25—-Japan nnd Austria break
off diplomatic relations.
Aug. 28—English win naval battle
over German fleet near Helgoland.
Aug. 29 -Germans defeat Russians
at Allenpteln; occupy Amiens; ad­
vance to Ln Fere. 65 miles from Paris.
Sept. 1—Germans cross Marne;
bomba dropped on Paris; Turkish army
mobilises; Zeppelins drop bombs on
Sept. 2—Government of France
transferred to Bordeaux; Russians cap­
ture Lemberg.
H< pt. I Germnns cross the Marne.
Sept. 5—England, France and Rus­
sia sign pnct to make no separata
Sept, ft—French win battle of
Marne ; British cruiser Pathfinder
sunk In North aea by a Gorman sub­
Sept. 7.—Germans retreat from the
Sept. 14—Buttle of -Alsne starts;
Germnn retreat halted.
Sept. 15—First battle of Solssons
Sept. 20 — Russians capture Ja-
rolsnu nnd begin siege of Prsemynl.
Oct. 9-10—Germans capture Ant­
Oct. 12—Germnn take Ghent.
Oct. 20—Fighting along Yser river
Oct. 21»—Turkey begins wnr on Rus­
Nov. 7—Tnlngtao falls before Jap­
anese troops,
Nov. 9—German cruiser Emden de­
Dec. 11—German advance on War­
saw checked,
Dec. 14—Belgrade recaptured by
live. 10—German cruisers bombard
Bcnrborourh. Hartlepool and Whit hr
on r.ngiisn coast, gluing ou or more
Oct. 12 Edith Unveil executed by
persons; Austrians said to have loot Germans.
upward of 100,000 men In Serblun de­
Oct. 13—Bulgaria declares wnr on
Dec. 26—Italy occupies Avlona, Alba­
Oct. 15—Great Britain declares war
on Bulgaria.
Oct. 10—♦'rance declares wur on Bul­
Jan. 1—Briiiaii ba I tieship Formida­ garia.
ble ■unk.
Oct. 10—Russia nnd Italy declnre
'mi 8- RoUinnnia mobilises 750,000 wur on Bulgaria.
■loleiit fighting In the Argonpe.
Oct. 27-Germans Join Bulgarians In
Jan. 11—Germans cross the Kuwka, northeastern Serbia and open way
to Constantinople.
80 miles from Warsaw.
Oct. 30 -Germans defeated nt Mltau.
Jan. 24—British win naval battle In
Nov. ft—Italian liner Ancona torpe­
North bus .
Jan. 2ft—Russian army Invades Hun­ doed.
Dec. 1—Britlah retreat from near
gary ; German efforts to cross Alsne re­
Dee. 4—Ford “peace party" sails for
Feb. 1—British repel strong German
attack near La Bassee.
Dec. 8-0—Allies defeated In Mace­
Feb. 2—Turks are defeated In at­
tack on Sues canal.
I h - c . 15—Sir John Douglas Ilnlg suc­
Fob. 4— Russians capture Tarnow
In Galicia.
ceeds Sir John French as chief or
Feb. 8—Turks along Rues canal In English armies on west front
full retreat; Turkish laud defenses at
the Dardanelles shelled by British tor­
pedo boats.
Jnn. 8—British troop« at Kut-el-
Feb. 11—Germans evacuate Ix>dz.
Feb. 12- -to-rmnns drive Russians Amara surrounded.
Jan. ft—British evacuate Gallipoli
from positions In East Prussia, taking
20,000 prisoners.
Jan. 13—Austrians capture Cetlnje.
Feb. 14—Russians report capture of
capital of Montenegro.
fortifications at Bmolnlk.
Jan. 23—Scutari, capital of Albania,
Feb. 10—Germans capture Block
and Blelsk In Poland; French capture captured by Austrians.
Feb. 22—Crown prince's army begins
two miles of German trenches In Cham­
attack on Verdun.
pagne district
March 8—Germany declares war on
Feb. 17—Germans report they have
taken 50,000 Russian prisoner« in Ma­ Portugal.
March 15—Austria-Hungary declares
surian lake district
Feb. 18—German blockade of Eugllab war on Portugal.
March 24—Steamer Sussex torpedoed
and French coasts put Into effect.
Feb. 111-20—British and French fleets and sunk.
April 18—President Wilson seeds
bombard Dardanelles forts.
Feb. 21—American steamer Evelyn note to Germany.
April 1ft—President Wilson speaks to
sunk by mine tn North sea.
Feb. 22—German was office announ­ congress, explaining diplomatic situa­
ces capture of 100,000 Russian prison­ tion.
April 24—Insurrection in Dublin.
ers In engagements In Mazurlan lake
April 2ft—British troops at Kut-el-
region; American steamer Carlb sunk
Amara surrender to Turks.
by mine in North sea.
April 30—Irish revolution sup­
Feb. 28—Dardanelles entrance forts
capitulate to English anil French.
May 3—Irish leaders of Insurrection
March 4- Landing of allied troops on
both sides of Dardanelles straits re­ executed.
May 4—Germany makes promise to
port«! ; German U-4 sunk by French
change methods of submarine wnrfnre.
Muy 18—Austrians begin grent offen­
March 10—Battle of Neuve Chapelle
sive against Italians in Trentlno.
May 31—Great naval battle off Dan­
March 14- -German cruiser Dresden
ish coast
sunk In Puclflc by English.
June 5—Lord Kitchener lost with
March 18—British battleships Irre­
sistible nnd Ocean and French battle­ cruiser Hampshire.
June 11—Russians capture Dubno.
ship Bouvet sunk In Dardanelles strait.
June 2ft—Sir Roger Casement sen­
March 22- Fort of Prcemysl sur­
tenced to be hnngod for treason.
renders to Russians.
July 1—British nnd French begin
March 23—Allies land troops on Gal­
great offensive on the Somme.
lipoli peninsula.
July 0—David Lloyd George appoint­
Mnrch 25—Russians victorious over
ed secretary of war.
Austrians In Carpathian«.
July 0—German mcrchnnt submarine
April 8—German auxiliary cruiser,
Prins Eltel Friedrich, Interned at New­ Deutschland arrives nt Baltimore.
July 23—General Kuroputkin's army
port News, Va.
April 18—Italy has 1,200.000 men wins battle near Riga.
July 27—English take Delvllle wood;
mobilised under arms; Austrians re­
port complete defeat of Russians In Serbian forces begin attack on Bul­
gars In Macedonia.
Carpathian campaign.
Aug. 2—French tnke Fleury.
April 23—German force way across
Aug. 3—Sir Roger Casement execut­
Ypres canal and take 1,000 prisoners.
April 25—Allies stop German drive ed for treason.
Aug. 4—French reenpture Thlau-
on Ypres line In Belgium.
April 2ft—British report regaining of mont for fourth time; British repulse
two-thirds of lost ground In Ypres bat­ Turkish attack on Suez canal.
Aug. 7—Italians on Isonzo front cap­
Muy 7—Liner Lusitania torpedoed ture Monte Sabotlno and Monte San
and sunk by German submarine off Michele.
Aug. 8—Turks force Russian evacu­
the coast of Ireland with the loss of
ation of Bitlls and Mush.
more than 1,000 lives, 102 Americans.
Aug. ft—Italians cross Isonzo river
May ft—French ndvance two and
occupy Austrian city of Goerltz.
one-half miles ngnlnst German forces
Aug. 10—Austrians evacuate Stanls-
north of Arras, taking 2,000 prisoners.
lau; ullles take Dolran, near Salon! kl,
May 23—Italy declares war on Aus­
from Bulgarians.
Aug. 1ft—German submarines sink
June 3—Germans recapture Prxern-
British light cruisers Nottingham nnd
y«l with Austrian help.
June 18—Britlah suffer defeat north
Aug. 24—French occupy Maurepas,
of La Bassee Canal.
north of the Somme; Russians reenp­
June 28—Italians enter Austrian ter­
ritory south of Riva on western shore ture Mush in Armenia.
Aug. 27—Italy declares war on Ger­
of Lake Garda.
many ; Roumnnla enters war on stile
July 8—Tolmlno falls Into Italian
of allies.
Aug. 2ft.—Field Marslinl von Hinden­
July ft—British make gains north of
burg made chief of staff of Germnn
Ypres and French retake trenches In armies, succeeding Gen. von Falken-
the Vosges.
July 13 German« defeated In the hayn.
Aug. 30—Russian nrmles seize all
five passes In Carpathians Into Hun­
July 2ft—Warsaw evacuated; Lub­
lin captured by Austrians.
Sept. 3—Allies renew offensive north
Aug. 4.—Germans occupy Warsaw.
of Somme; Bulgarian nnd Germnn
Aug. 14—Austrians and Germans troops invnde Dobrudja, In Roumnnla.
concentrate 400,000 soldiers on Ser­
Sept. 7—Germnna and Bulgarians
bian frontier.
capture Roumanian fortress of Tutra-
Aug. 21—Italy declares war on Tur­ | knn; Roumanians take Orsova. Bul­
garian city.
Sept 1—Ambassador Bernstorf! an­
Sept. 10—German-Bulgnrlan army
nounces Germnna will sink no more captures Roumanian fortress of SUi-
liners Without warning.
Sept. 4—Germnn submarine torpe­
Sept. 14—Britlah for first time use
does liner Hesperian.
Sept, ft—Germans make air raid on
Sept. 15—Lallans begin new offen-
London, killing 20 persons and : give on Carso.
wounding 100 others; United States
Oct. 2—Roumanian army of lnvn-
asks Austria to recall Ambassador ■ slon In Bulgarin defrated by Germans
and Bulgarians under Von Mackensen.
Sept. 20—Germans begin drive on
Oct. 4—Germnn submarines sink
Serbia to open route to Turkey.
I French cruiser Gallia and Cunard liner
Sept. 22—Russian army, retreating Franconia.
from Vllna, escapes encircling idove-
Oct. 8—German submarines sink six
merchant steamships off Nantucket,
Sept. 25-30—Battle of Champagne, Mass.
Oct 11—Greek seacoast forts dis­
resulting In grent advance for allied
armies and enuffiag Knlser Wilhelm to mantled and turned over to allies on
rush to the west front; German demand of England and France.
Oct 28.—German-Bulgar armies cap­
Oct. 5—Russia and Bulgarin never ture Conatanaa, Roumanla.
diplomatic relatione; Russian, French,
Rritlsh, Italian and Serbian diplomat­
Jan. 1—Submarine sinks British
ic representatives a 'k for passports In
i transport Ivernla. *
Jan. ft—Russian premier. Tre|»off, re-
Oct. 10—General Mackenaen's forces
I signs Gotttaln succeeds him.
take Belgrade.
Jan. 31 Germany announces unre­
stricted submarine warfare.
Feb. 3—President Wilson reviews
submarine controversy before con­
gress ; United States severs diplomatic
relations with Germany; American
steamer Housatonic sunk without
J warning.
Feb. 7—Senate Indorses president's
act of breaking off diplomatic rela-
j firm«
Feb. 12—United States refuses Ger­
man request to discuss matters of dif­
ference unless Germany withdraws un­
restricted submarine warfare order.
Feb. 14—Von Bornstorff sails for
Feb. 25—British under General
Maude capture Kut-el-Amara; subma­
rine sinks liner Laconia without warn­
ing ; many lost. Including two Ameri­
Feb. 26—President Wilson asks con­
gress for authority to arm American
merchant ships.
Feb. 28-- Secretary Lansing makes
public Zimmermann note to Mexico,
»larch ft—Preaident Wilson calls ex­
tra session of congress for April 16.
March 11—British under General
Maude capture Bagdad; revolution
starts In Petrograd.
March 15—Czar Nicholas of Russia
March 17—French and British cap­
ture Bapaume.
March 18—New French ministry
formed by Alexander Ribot.
March 21—Russian forces cross
Persian border into Turkish territory;
American oil steamer Healdton torpe­
doed without warning.
March 22—United States recognises
new government of Russia.
March 27—General Murray1« British
expedition Into the Holy Land defeats
Turkish army near Gaza.
April 2—President Wilson asks con­
gress to declare that acts of Germany
constitute a state of war; submarine
sinks American steamer Aztec without
April 4—United 8tates senate passes
resolution declaring a state of war ex­
ists with Germany.
April 0—House passes war resolution
and President Wilson signs joint reso­
lution of congress.
April 8—Austria declares severance
of diplomatic relations with United
April 8—British defeat Germans at
Vlmy Ridge nnd take 6.000 prisoners;
United States seizes 11 Austrian In­
terned ships.
Oct 24—French win back Douau-
mont. Thlaumont field work, Haudro-
mont quarries, and Chillette wood near
Verdun, In smash of two miles.
Nov. 1—Italians, In new offensive on
the Carso plateau, capture 5,000 Aus­
Nov. 2—Germans evacuate Fort
Vaux at Verdun.
Nov. 5—Germans and Austrians pro­
claim new kingdom of Poland of ter­
ritory enptured from Russia.
Nov. 0—Submarilne sinks British
passenger steamer Arabia.
Nov. 7—Cardinal Mercier protests
ngalnst German deportation of Bel­
gians ; submarine sinks American
steamer Columbian.
Nov. 8—Russlnn army Invades
Transylvania, Hungary.
Nov. ft—Anstro-German armies de­
tent Russlnns In Volhynla and take
4.000 prisoners.
Nov. 18—British launch new offen­
sive In Somme region on both sides of
Nov. 14—Rritlsh capture fortified vil­
lage of Benucourt, near the Ancre.
Nov. 1ft—Serbian. French and Rus­
sian troops reenpture Monastlr; Ger­
mans cross Transylvnnia Alps and en­
ter western Roumanla.
Nov. 21—British hospital ship Brit­
annic sunk by mine In Aegenn sea.
Nov. 28—Roumanian army retreats
ftO miles from Bucharest
Nov. 24—German-Bulgarian armies
take Orsova and Turnu-Severin from
Nov. 25—Greek provisional govern­
ment declares war on Germany and
Nov. 28—Roumanian government
abandons Bucharest and moves capital
to Jassy.
Dec. 5—Premier Herbert Asquith of
England resigns.
Dec. 7—David Lloyd George accepts
British premiership.
Dec*"* R-^0en. von Mackensen cap­
tures big Roumanian army In Prohova
Dec. 12—Chancellor von Bethmann-
Hollweg announces in relcbstag that
Germany will propose peace: new cab­
inet In France under Aristide Brland
as premier, and Gen. Robert Georges
Nivelle given chief of command of
French army.
Dec. 15—French nt Verdun win two
miles of front and capture 11.000.
Dec. 10—Lloyd George decline« Ger­
man pence proposals.
Dec. 23—Bnron Burlan succeeded ns
minister of foreign affairs In Austria
by Count Czernln.
Ih»c. 26—Germany proposes to Presi­
dent Wilson “an Immediate meeting of
delegates of the belligerents.”
Dec. 27—Russians defeated In five-
day battle In eastern Wallachia, Rou-
April 20—Turkey severs diplomatic
relations with the U. 8.
April 28—Congress passes selective
serriee get for roisltyr of arjnv of 500,-
000; Guatemala severs arpiomatic re­
lation« with Germany.
May 7— War department orders rais­
ing of nine volunteer regiments of en­
' gineer« to go to France.
May 14—Espionage act become« law
by passing senate.
May 18—President Wilson signs se­
lective service act. Also directs ex­
peditionary force of regulars under
General Pershing to go to France.
May 19—Congress passes war appro­
priation bill of »3,000,000,000.
June 5—Nearly 10.000.000 men In
U. 8. register for military service.
June 12—King Constantine of Greece
June 13—General Pershing and staff
arrive In Paris.
June 15—First Liberty loan closes
with large oversubscription.
June 26—First contingent American
troops under General Sibert arrives in
June 2ft—Greece severe diplomatic
relations with Teutonic allies.
July ft—President Wilson drafts
state militia Into federal service. Also
places food and fuel und-r federal con­
July 13—War department order
drafts 678,000 men Into military ser­
July 14—Aircraft appropriation bill ;
of »640.000,000 passes house; Chancel­
lor von Bethmann-Hollweg’s resigna­
tion forced by German political crisis. |
July 18—United State« government
orders censorship of telegrams and
cablegrams crossing frontiers.
July 1ft—New German Chancellor
Michaelis declares Germany will not
war for conquest; radicals and Catho­
lic party ask peace without forced ac­
quisitions of territory.
July 22—Slam declares war on Ger­
July 23—Premier Kerensky given un­
limited powers in Russia.
July 28—United State« war Indus­
tries board created to supervise ex­
Aug. 25—Italian Second army breaks
through Austrian line on Isonzo front.
Aug. 28—President Wilson rejects
Pope Benedict'« peace plea.
Sept 10—General Kornlloff demand«
control of Russian government.
Sept 11—Russian deputies vote to
support Kerensky. Kornlloff’« gener­
als ordered arrested.
Sept 16—Russia proclaims new re­
public by order of Premier Kerensky.
Sept 20—General Haig advance mile
through German lines at Ypres.
Sept. 21—Gen. Tasker H. Bliss
named chief of staff U. S. army.
Oct 16—Germans occupy Islands of
Runo and Adro in the Gulf of Riga.
Oct 25—French under General Pe­
tain advance and take 12,000 prison­
ers on Alsne front
Oct 27—Formal announcement made
that American troops In France had
fired their first shots in the war.
Oct 2ft—Italian Isonzo front col­
lapses and Austro-German army
reaches outposts of Udine.
Nov. 1—Secretary Lansing makes
public the Luxburg “spurlos versenkt”
Nov. ft—Permanent Interallied mili­
tary commission created.
Nov. 24—Navy department an­
nounces capture of first German sub­
marine by American destroyer.
Nov. 28—Bolshevik! get absolute
control of Russian assembly in Russian
Dec. 6—Submarine sinks the Jacob
Jones, first regular warship of Amer­
ican navy destroyed.
Dec. 7—Congress declares war on
Dec. 8—Jerusalem surrenders to
Gen. Allenby's forces.
Jan. 5—President Wilson delivers
speech to congress giving “14 points”
necessary to pence.
Jan 20—British monitors win sen
fight with cruisers Goeben and Bres­
lau. sinking latter.
Jan. 28—Rtissln nnd Roumnnla sever
diplomatic relations.
Feb. 2—United States troops tnke
over their first sector, near Tout.
Feb. 6—United Stntes troopship Tus-
canln sunk by submarine, 126 lost.
Feb. 11—President Wilson In address
to congress gives four additional peace
principles, Including self-determinn-
tlon of nations; bolshevlkl declnre wnr
with Germany over, but refuse to sign
peace treaty.
Feb. 13—Bolo Pasha sentenced to
death In France for treason.
Feb. 25—Germnns take Reval. Rus­
sian naval base, and Pskov; Chancel­
lor von Hertllng agrees “tn principle”
with President Wilson’s peace princi­
ples, In address to relchstng.
March 1—Americans repulse Ger­
man attack on Toul sector.
Marell 2—Trent.v of peace with Ger­
many signed by bolshevlkl at Brest-
March 4—Germany and Roumanla
sign armistice on German terms.
March 18—German troops occupy
March 14- All Russlnn congress of
•ovtets ratifies pence treaty.
March 21—German spring offensive
starts on 50-mlle front.
March 22—Germans tnke 16,000 Brit­
ish prisoners and 200 guns.
March 28—Germnn drive gains nine
miles. “Mystery gun" shells Paris.
March 24—German« reach the
Somme, gaining 15 miles. American
No. 48
engineers rtfsnen m am nnu«u.
March 25—German« take Bapaume.
March 27—Germans take Albert.
March 28—British counter-attack
and gnfn; French take three town«;
Germnns advance toward Amiens.
March 2ft—"Mystery gun” kill« 75
churchgoers In Par!« on Good Friday.
April 4—German« »tart second
phase of their spring drive on the
April 10—Germans take 10,000 Brit­
ish prisoners In Flanders.
April 16—Germans capture Me««ines
ridge, near Ypres; Bolo Pasha exe­
April 23—British and French navies
“bottle up" Zeebnysge.
April 26—Gormans capture Mount
Kemmel, taking 6,500 prisoners.
May 5—Austria starts drive on
May 10—British navy bottle« up Os­
May 24—British ship Moldavia,
carrying American troop« ¡torpedoed;
56 lost.
May 27—Germans begin third phase
of drive on west front; gain five miles.
Maj 28—Germnns take L5.000 pris­
oners In drive.
May 2ft—Germnns take Soissons and
menace Reims. American troops cap­
ture Cr.ntlgny.
May SO—Gormans rench the Marne,
5a miles from Paris.
May 31—Germnns take 45,000 prison­
ers iu drive.
June 1—Germnns advance nine
ntlles; are 46 miles from Paris.
June 3—Five German submarines
attack U. 8. coast and sink 11 ship«
June 5—U. 8. marines fight on the
Marne near Chateau Thierry.
June ft—Germans start fourth
phase of their drive by advancing to­
ward Noyon.
Juno 10—Germans gain two miles.
U. 8. marines cantnr • south end of Bel-
leau wood.
June 12—French and Americans
start counter-attack.
June 15—Austrians begin another
drive on Italy nnd tnke 16,000 prison­
June 17—Italians check Austrians on
Piave river.
June 1ft—Austrians cross the Ptave.
Jun? 22—Italians defeat Austrians
on the Ptave.
June 23—Austrians begin great re­
treat across the Plave.
July 18—General Foch launches «1-
Utd offensive, with French, American.
BrttiFli, Italian and Belgian troop«.
July 21—Americans and French cap­
ture Chateau Thierry.
July 30—German crown prince
flees from the Marne and withdraws
Au,-. 2—Solssons recaptured by Foch.
Aug. 4—American^ take Flames.
Aug. 5—American troop« landed
at Archangel.
Aug. 7—Americans cross the Vesle.
Aug. 16—Bapaume recaptured.
Aug. 28—French recross the Somme.
Sept. 1—Foch retakes Peronne.
Sept. 12—Americans launch success­
ful attnek In St. Mihiel salient.
Sept 28—Allies win on 250 mile line,
from North Sea to Verdun.
Sept. 2ft—Allies cross Hindenburg
Sept 30—Bulgaria surrenders, after
snetessful allied campaign In Balkans.
Oct. 1—French take St. Quentin.
Oct. 4—Austria asks Holland to
mediate with allies for peace.
Oct. 5—Germans start abandonment
of I.llle and burn Douai.
Ort. 6—Germany asks President
Wilson for armistice.
Oct. 7—Americans capture hills
r round Argonne.
Oct 8—President Wilson refuses
Oct. ft—Allies capture Cambral.
Oct. 10—Allies capture Le Cateau.
Oct. 11—American transport Otranto
torpedoed and sunk; 500 lost.
Oct. 13—Foch's troops take Laon
and La Fere.
Oct. 14—British and Belgians take
Roulers; President Wilson demand«
surrender by Germany.
Oct. 15—British and Belgians cross
Lys river, take 12,000 prisoners and
100 guns.
Oct. 16—Allies enter Lille outskirts.
Oct. 17—Allies capture Lille, Bruges,
Zeebrugge, Ostend a%! Douai.
Oct. 19—Czechoslovaks Issue dec­
laration of Independence; Czechs rebel
and seize Prague, capital of Bohemia;
French take Thlelt.
Oct. 1ft—President Wilson refuse«
Austrian peace plea and says Czecho­
slovak state must be considered.
Oct. 21—Allies cross the Ol»e and
threaten Valenciennes.
Oct. 22—Haig’s forces cross the
Oct. 23—President Wilson refuses
latest German peace plea.
Oct. 27—German government asks
President Wilson to state terms.
Oct 28—Austria begs for separate
Oct 29—Austria opens direct nego­
tiations with Secretary Lansing.
Oct 30—Italians Inflict great defeat
on Austria; capture 33,000; Austrians
evacuating Italian territory.
Oct. 31—Turkey surrender«; Aus­
trians utterly routed by Italians; lose
50.000; Austrian envoy«, under white
flag, enter Italian lines.
Nov. 1—Italians pursue beaten Aus­
trian* across Tagliainento river; allied
conference at Versailles fixes peace
terms for Germany.
(Continued on Page Four)