-T,! -...... " b I OREGON NEWS IN BRIEF | ITALIAN PEOPLE SHOW VITALITY to the pllce, playtflings nave been pro­ vided in addition to food, and Instruc­ tion In hygiene Is about to be started. America Is helping to preserve Avezznno's children. But the duty of the foreign workers begins and ends with the suffering caused by war. Be­ Multnomah county propose« to spend acoldenta during toe wees were. Frank B. Baldwin, Knapps, logging; approximately 1600,000 on lu roads In Dharlss A Brooks, aatorla. Iron yond that, the Avezzanese are shoul­ 1919. works; Ray Norton. Coquille, logging; Survivor« of Earthquake Build a dering their own burdens. During, tho The annual meeting of the Oregon ICIlls Pinkerton, Klamath Falls, lum­ lean years of war, women and boys Irrigation congress will be held In New Avezzano. and old men are building a new town bering; Benjamin L. Ward. Astoria, Portland on January 9. 10 and 11. shipbuilding. The deaths resulting for the men who will come back from The service of th« Pacific Telephone from accidents previously reported thetri-nches one day. A Telegraph company has been dis­ were: Frank Dempsey. Bridal Veil, continued at Hrooks. Marlon county. lumbering, George Magill. Lakeside, OLD GAME FOR AMERICANS. Hilliard Halley, eon of Mayor Harry lumbering; Luther Schumaker, Placer, Details of new German tactics and Ballsy, and Lane Thornton, son of mining; 8 Ota, Westport, lumbering; Disaster That Wiped Out 10,000 Lives of American success In defeating them A. L. Thornton, of Laksvlsw, wore W. H. Gardner, Portland, steel works. Was Loot tight of In Mora Absorb­ suggest that American experience In drowned while fishing in Goose lake ing News of War—Ruins of Old fighting Indians in the West snd Fili­ Aroused over the proposed Increase Town Provide Material for Building pinos and Moros In the Orient Is prov­ A recent ruling of the War depart­ la telephone rates, a mare meeting of the New—American Red Cross ing of value. German success In the ment prohibiting fraternities from bualneaa mon was held at Albany and holding social meetings and Initiating a oommlttee was appointed to Investi­ Lends Helping Hand to People. early part of the present campaign was or pledging new members, has bean ro­ gate the poeslbllity of consolidating won largely by the process of infiltra­ se in ded LIEUTENANT GRIFFIN BARRY. tion, which General Pershing described the two systems. The fourth Oregon state officers' Who save the Italians In America on the authority of a prisoner taken pt The annual meeting of the presi­ training camp, which was to have dents and faculties of the Independent remembers through three and a half Vaux. Eight men deployed In skir­ opened at the University of Oregon colleges of Oregon will be held at New­ crowded years the earthquake In Ave®- mish line. Immediately followed by Novemtier 23, has been Indefinitely berg Noveffibor 29 30 Faculty mem­ zano In Januury. 1915? The great war other groups, each of which carried w«a six months old. Italy was gath­ two light machine guns, says Portland postponed. bers from eight institutions of the ering tier forces to enter. The atten­ Regardless of the fact that 140 con­ State will be present. Oregonian. They were stopped by tion of the diplomatic world was fo­ victs at the state penitentiary at Salem The Rogue Htver Valley Canal com­ cussed on the struggle of the Germar machine-gun fire from their flanks, and were Inoculated for the disease, llf> pany, of Medford, recently enlarged Its Mnbassudor to prevent a decision unc another platoon which deployed on the of them are suffering from the Span­ main canals and laterals in order to left was also decimated. The men ish Influenza. oover 1000 acres more farm land for remain in Rome. Meanwhile soldiers were then ordered to save themselves According to the figures of the city next year's crops. The Medford irri­ were leaving Italian villages for con­ as best they could, end they took ref­ budget Kinmath Falls may have a drop gation dietrict board, which recently centration cam|>*. Suddenly the news uge in a cellar, where 50 or 60 of them was flashed from a populous center of 3 2 mills In Its tax rate The adop­ voted 11X00.000 for th« Installation of near the middle of the peninsula that surrendered. American defeat of Ger­ tion of an occupation tax by the city an Irrigation system to cover 20,000 ten thousand people had been burled man infiltration Is explained by the Is considered, acres adjoining Medford, is prosecut­ beneath their homes In a single con­ Army and Navy Journal as having Storm and high tide last «(pek re­ ing the work of preliminary surveys vulsion of the earth. A thriving town probably been due to Incessant vigi­ sulted In greater damage on Coos bay lor Its main canal from Butte creek. had disappeared; within Its circle, the lance, superiority of fire and outflank­ than had occurred In a number of ing the flankers by regular troops, who Plana have been, made to obtain 300 disaster was complete. years. The principal damage was to goats to be used In connection with The nations fought on in France and thus used their training In fighting In­ Industries, Including sawmills, ship­ the new milk goat project which la in the East, the American newspapers dians and Filipinos. It was a game of yards and allied lines. being added to the boys' and girls' gave scanty space to the Italian event sneaking up In small parties, Indian Relief A big convention of the Oregon But­ slub work department of the Oregon Italy herself barely paused. fashion, at which the Germans tried ter and Cheese Makers* organisation Agricultural college extension service. workers in plenty were rushed to the to beat the Americana not knowing acene, the survivors were fed and will be held In Portland December 11 Mr. Seymour has made arrangements housed and all that could be reached ths» the latter were past masters at it and II In connection with the meet with the Portland clearing house tn of the ten thousand dead were buried. B butter and cheese exhibit will be loan to every boy and girl In the state Ever since this terrible war started, Three month», later the nation threw held In which prises totaling 1360 will wishing to bn a member of the goat itself into the European conflict, its a great feathered army has been fight­ be awarded the winners. dub, money with which to purchase momentum unchecked. ing day and night summer and winter, Hcveral hundred Oregon trappers al an animal. to help the allies win. Without the Example of Vitality. rea