Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, October 03, 1918, Image 3

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The Germans are (oo much given to
judging others by tiieinselves. Their
whole motive and action have been ut­
terly materialistic. They sturt«-d this
war because they tiiouglit Germany
would galu from It In a material wax
and everything they have done In the
war has boeu in promotion of German
Charleston News and Courier. Being
themselves as a nation lucapable of
anytoing but selfish purpose, they
aoein totally nnable to understand that
other ¡teople may be differently con*
rtltuted. That Is why Vice Admiral
von Capelie, the German minister of
marine, - in discussing the submarine
warfare, asserts that America Is
building a merchant marine ll<-et not
for the purpose of winning this war,
but for the purpose of capturing th«
world's trad« In the period after the
war. That Is typical of the way the
German mind works. Von Cnjielle
knows that if Germuuy were In Amer­
ica's plnce today she would be working
tooth and nail to profit to the utmost
possible extent from the distress and
the losses of the other countries, and
so be concludes that this is what Amer­
ica is doing.
With a student body ot more than Cions Instructing the engineer to pen-
3000. the Oregon Agricultural collegt lion ths government to co-operate with
<ip«n«d Monday fur tin* full semeater the state and Klamath and Lake coun­
ties on the road between Klamath
Th«' Shi rmau county assessment
Falls and Lake view as a postal road.
rolls for Hila year show an aaaeMod
I The decision of the commission on the
valuation of 111,766,170. l-ast year il
northern route settles an ext« nded con­
amounted to |n,6f>.i,240
troversy between reeldents of the
Cli-nrIngs of I'lirtlund banka for th*
Wood River valley and reservation
weak iiullng Saturday totaled |:io,.
In ths neighborhood of Chli-
619.406 62, oompared with II6.002,
073 78 for the corresponding week ol
B* nator McNary submitted tn tn
last year
War department an ottvr from I), ii.
Conrad I’ Olson, of Portland, was
Welch, of Astoria, to Uonaic to the
appointed as»»< late justice of the su
government 100 acres of land just east
pretno court by Governor Wltliyconibe of Tongue Point, n< nr Astoria, for a
lo fill the vacancy caused by the death ■It«- for a <iuarteriniuit«-r’a depot. Th«
of Justice Frank A Moore
offer has brn referred lo the divisional
Uurning out five bridges, a forest quartermaster’s office at Hun Francis
fire east of Galea stopped traffic on co.
the Eastern ami AlbanyDetroit branch
A highway map of Oregon, declared
ot th« Houthcrn Pacific. It required by State Highway Englimr Nunn to
five days to restore tile Hau.
be the bret ever published In the state,
The Food ad tn I u 1st rat Ion has author lias Isen pre pare d by the state high­
Izisl Dlsirkt Iteprcaentative llouser, way commission
It shows all passe
al Portland, to grant modifications of bio highways, imimrtant cities and
the •<) day storago rule so as to |M-ruilt towns and Is drawn according to exact
aturnxe of grain up to six mouths
scale so thnt distances can be deter­
J. D lirowa, who was certified as mined accurately.
the nomine« of the National party for
Ill-allotments of land have been fre­
A reduction of 1 cent a loaf on bread
repreaeiitailv«* In congress for th«* has been ordered by W. 11 Ayer, state quent In Russia, but this transfer of
third dlsirht, lias filed notice of his food administrator, ujain advice from land from one farmer to another, or
withdrawal with Secretary of State the baking division of lh< food ad from « father to his eldest son. hns not
Oh oil
ministration at Washington. The re­ taken Into account the young men who
The slate board of control has ap duction Is ordered as a result of ali have grown up in Russia's rapidly In­
pointed Mrs. If. T Moor««, of Salem, investigation by tho division <in manu­ creasing population. Kluchle laid an
as supi rliitendi-nt of the Oregon school facturing coat and wholesale and re­ entirely new and complete redistribu­
tor the blind Mrs Moores Is the will tail prices of bread
tion of the available land two days be­
ow of the lat<> superintcndctil of the
Three serious forest fires were re­ fore we came there, Maynard Owen
ported raging In Clatsop county last Williams writ«-» In the Christian Her­
Tho Oregon Poultrymen's assoc I a week One of th«’ most serious blazes ald. The lands are now divided into
lion will create a fund to provide for was burning on the Western Cooperage good and bad, and each peasant bus
labeling eggs produced by members of property on Young’s river where camp been given three strips of land In each,
the ssaoilutloii, thereby guaranteeing 7 of the spruce division was destroyed. one of which must He fallow <-nch y««ar.
their quality when they are placed on Another fire was In the Knappa dis­ But nothing Is said about fertilizing
the market.
trict, and the third In the Necanlcuni the land, and Russia not only doee not
Twenty six years of honorable and district, south of Hcaslde.
use nlghtsoll, the source of the Chi­
faithful service to the stale of Oregon
nese farmer's wealth, but even Ignores
The war la making such Inroads up­
on the supreme bench i-uuic to a close
the value of animal manures. Tho
on the available supply of high school
when Justice Frank A. Moore died
manager»of the count'» estate uses nil
teachers that J A. Churchill, superin
at Salem after a long Illness He was
the manure» from his large stables on
tendent ot public Instruction, an­ I
74 years old.
the land. Under the present distribu­
nounced that next Jun« he will issue
Dugald Campbell, of Euxme. brought
tion of land In Kluchle, each male over
emergency war certificates to appli­
one crop from his farm to town In
twenty-one has 18% acres.
cants who do not come up to require­
an automobile and sold It for I960.
ments heretofore prescribed for teach­
The crop was 240 pounds of pepper
Economize on all food that can the
ers In standard high schools
mint oil, which he raised aud distilled
Because Pacific coast oil producers most easily and safely be went to our
on his place north of Eugene.
are required to furnlxh oil for airplane soldiers and allien. Is about all that the
Tb<* Hood River irrigation district use, thus cutting down tho specific food administration la asking of us.
has made application to the stxtc Irri­
gravity to a point below that required We hear of the untold sufferings and
gation securities commission to have
under the Oregon law. Deputy ’ Sealer privations that both our allies un<l ene­
3167,000 In bonds certified under the
of Weights and Measures Wortman mies are going through, no we can bet­
slate law. The purpose Is to refund
has Instructed all deputy sealers not ter appreciate our happy lot. Provi­
an outstanding Issue, and reduce taxes
to prow-cute dealers who sell gasoline dence certainly han never been mean
Dr Joseph Bchafur, professor of bls
not passing the specific gravity teat. with us. Year after year she hns
lory al the University of Oregon and
Secretary of State Olcott has called blessed our people with bountiful
dosu a*, «m- «umiMsr »rlw^t ot »ft» ire I
a meeting <>T the state emergency board reaps wad hns kept on free of any far-
varsity, has left for Washington, where
for Wednesday, October 9, to consider reaching cataclysm, disaster or pesti­
ho will lake charge of the work of the
the deficiency needs of the state In­ lence. Let us pray that she will con­
national Hoard of Historical Service.
stitutions. The board of control has tinue to bestow her blessings on her
The Medford Irrigation district bond
asked that the meeting be called and privileged children.
election rraulted In 145 votes for to
a request has also b<-en made by Dr.
120 votes against iwtnds in the sum of
A lady suggests thnt men will bo
IL E. Lee Steiner, superintendent of
31.500.000 for prosecution of the work
the state hospital for the Insane, where willing to w«Mir patched trousers if it
on the Butte Creek project to cover
the deficiency will amount to (108.000 esn be made known they can afford
20,000 acres of the best farm land In
The first beardless rye ever known better, but are merely wearing pntches
the hear’, of the valley.
has b<>rn produced by Robert Withy- to conserve money and material for
Through joint action of the city
combe. son of Governor Wlthycombc. the war, says Houston Post. So «be
council and th«* chamber of commerce
Mr. Wlthycombe, who Is In charge ol suggests a patch of rM. white and
a clean up campaign was Inaugurated
the eastern Oregon Agricultural col­ blue to be known as the “liberty
In North Bend and Monday every rent­
lege experiment station of Union coun­ i patch.” Would it be proper for a pa­
dent of the city cleaned his premises
ty, has worked for 13 years trying by triotic citizen to sit down on the na­
aud the streets adjacent lo his prop­
various processes of pollenlzatlon to tional colors that way?
erty of all rubbish and accumulated produce a variety of beardless rye and
Russia failed to support Its army
at last it appears that be has succeed­
in response to representations sub­
and Its army failed to fight for Rus­
mitted by Senator McNary In behalf
Because of the death of Justice sia, and today Germany Is taking over
of Oregon wool scouring mills, th**
Frank A. Moore, of the supreme court. thousands of square miles of rich
Wool administration said that Oregon Secretary of State Olcott
Issued a sup- farming and mineral Innds. title to
producers are free to have their wool plementary
county which Is held by Russians w^o will
scoured in Oregon If they so desire clerks, directing them to Insert, In tho have their deeds considered men*
under regulations udopted by the gov* notice of offices to be
filled at the scraps of paper by the conquerors.
general election on November 5, a line Mnke the Unlt<*«l States a success in­
The Oregon state fair last week was to read as follows: "One justice of stead of a failure like Russia.
a record breaking exposition in many the supreme court, to fill the vacancy
ways. Record breaking weather sur­ caused by the death of Justice Frank
There is not going to bo any more
rounded the state show from start to A. Moore.”
Immigrants to the United States who
finish. On Thursday attendance rec
Delay in government orders as to In war will be affiliated with an nttack
ords of fair history were smashed shipping Is causing a grave condition
of prior affections. The Immigrant who
when more than 34,000 people entered of congestion among prune packers of
gets In hereafter will have to make a
the grounds.
the Willamette valley. The season’s speech every Saturday night denounc­
The old Klondyke coal mine of Bear prune crop, estimated at 60,000.000 ing the ruler of the land he hailed from
er Hill near Marshfield In Coos eoun pounds, has been practically comman­
and repeating the words of "Star-
ty was opened for the first time In deered by tho government. The con­ Spangled Banner.”
20 years and 160,000 tons of coai was gestion in the warehouses Is causing a
found still In the tunnel. The output delay In tho packing of the remainder
The latest achievement of the air­
will go to the government for fuel In of the crop, all of which may cause
plane is the crossing of the Andes ut
engines used In haujlng logs from the great loss.
an altitude of lO.OtX) feet. The ma­
Boutin tract of spruce.
Although less than six weeks only chine was managed by Lieutenant Pen­
A building feat comparable to that Is lacking tn completion of the con­
dolarla of the Argentine army, and
of the Vancouver cut-up mill has been crete work, it is ikely that the big
made a trip from Zupaln, Argentina,
accomplished at Marshfield with the 140,000 concrete bridge being erected
to t'urtco, Chili, a distance of 115
completion of a bridge 1600 feet long across Hood River jointly by the coun­
in seven days with a force of 126 sol ty and 8tate Highway commission will
dlcr laborers, Thia bridge la part ot not b«1 open for traffic this year. The
But If we do begin to ent more
a spur to a railroad being built to the new bridge will require a 70-foot fill,
cheeae, an the government urges, have
Boutin tract of spruce.
eight feet deep, and It seems to be a we any assurance that the manufac­
Fanners w111 be allowed to erect question at present as to where the
turers won’t make the holes bigger
new buildings on their premises, pro­ funds for^he fill will come from.
and the retailer won’t charge us more
viding th«* structures do not exceed a
On behalf of the government, Bert for ’emi
root of 31000 and arc essential. This E. Haney, United States district at­
Is an amendment to a previous order torney, has Instituted in federal court
The “don’t worry” specialist would
of the war Industries board that only the first suit In Oregon for condemna­
_do better work next summer if he
buildings built under the sanction of tion of timber wanted by the Spruce
could devise some means of guarantee­
the limergency Fleet corporation, the Production corporation for war pur-
ing a coal supply for the coming win­
army or navy or the railroada wouM poses. Tho actloh Is against the Coon
be permitted. Alterations or additions Hay Lumber A Coal company, a WIs-
to l.itlliilngs already constructed are eonsln corporation, and involves 3S60
The average Mexican citizen Is more
st),I nrowrd, prov'dlng they do not teres of spruce and cedar timber in
or lisa excusable for not knowing from
1 the maximum of 32600 cosL
Coos county. . The government takes one day to the next precisely what his
Tho Oregon Highway commission up this action because the Coos Bay politics is going to be.
has made a final decision on the north company declined to sell Its stumpage
»nd south route via Fort Klamath In st the fixed price, and demanded (2
A medical officer at the front says
Wood River valley lo be a part of the dot thousand more.
married men stand shell shock bet­
tentrifl Oregon highway on which
What has become of the old-fash* ter than single men. Naturally, they’re
»tale funds will be used In construe
more used to family jars.
loned horse with the fly nett
Hon. The commission adopted rosolu-
BA PTIHT—Eighty-seventh street and
Fifty-eighth avenue. Munday service»:
Moriiii.g worship, II o'clock, evening,
7 «); Munday school 8:46; B. Y. P U.
8:30 |>. in. A cordial wslreme to these
•< rvicee. Rev. E. A. Hiuitb, Pastor.
E V A N G EIJ C A L — N met v -sereml Mt
m ar Hxty third avenue. Honda serv­
ices: Hermon 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. tn.
Sunday reboot 9:46a. m ; Y. P. A 6:46
p. ni. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8
r*. m. A conilal Welcome to all. Rev,
S'. Hliupp, Pastor.
FREE METHODI8T— Filly-seventh
avguue and Niuety-tirst street. Munday
ni l« - . p. m ; preaching 3 p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednowlav at 7 :30 p. w. All
are cnrdiallv invited tn these services.
R«v. Mary Hillis, I’Sator.
F It 1 EN DM— Ninety-second str net near
Wo, drtock avenue. Mondays:
w hool, 0:15 a ui. ; preaching services, 11
ml 7:30 p in.; Chriatiau En.lea-
-• r, 6:36 p. ni. Prayer meeting I'liurs
d iy at H p. in. A cordial welcome to all
n-rvicex. Miss Lurana Terrell, Pastor.
sittn nlr. et and Flity-eiglith avenue.
Bunday reboot 8:46 a. ui ; preaching 11
i>. in. Bible tiudy class 6:30 p. tn.;
pr—i-liing 7:30 p in. Prayer meeting
1'1 qr»-lsy evening at 7:30. Rev. L. B.
Jui ee, Parlor.
e'gtith ave and Ninety-fourth 81.—Hate
alii m liool Saturday, 10 a. m.; preach­
ing, Saturday, 11 a. m ; Munday, 7:46
tn. Prayer im-eting Wednesday 7;30
p tn.
fl’StSt. near iilty-sixtli ave. Bundays:
Imw Mare, 8 a. u>.; liigli Mass, 10’30;
-o mlay school K ;.’1O a. ui. ; Choir, re hear-
d 12 m. Week days: Mass at 8 a.m.
>■> lli of Woodmere station. Holy cem-
nninion, first Bunday of each month at
b a m. No other services that day.
Every other Sunday: Evening prayer
■ r iiion at 4 p. tn.; Sunday school
.1 p m. Rev. O. W. Taylor, Rector.
.< i nu« and Eighty-seventh street. Sun-
icy school 10 a. m.; morning worship
11 a in . V P. S at 7 :30 p. m. Cate­
chetical class Saturday at 9 a. m. Rev.
W G. Lienkaemper, Pastor.
Treturaryr War Work Council
Nati -nal Board Y. W. C. A.
H oases In
military hostess house has been tho refuge
all over the country are one of stricken women. She can tell vou
W. C. A
War also of Incidents when the hostess
Work Council's [ house has brought about a happy end­
Thesai ing.
reception house*« |
Prayers of gratitude for the Host­
are placed at the' ess House are murmured every night
entrance to th« I in many towns by women who are of
cantonments fori uo particular importance to any one
the use of women ezoopt to some matt tn tho army—
visiting their sol and to God.
dler rate lives So
The commaadanfs of the camps are
necesaary h a v e I as appreciative of the hostess bouses
those proved that as Is the most forlorn woman. No
tents and bor house is erooted except at tho direct
rowed rooms wen i request of the commanding officer.
pre»»«’'! into ns? i Fifty-four houses are now In use.
until houses coid'1 others are being built as fast as lum
be built,.
Oftsi: ber and carpenters can bo secured.
the Association
Each house has its individuality
rooms in the near-1 The plaas for the building at Camp
est town were! Gordon. Attenta, Georgia, were re­
Mr». Davison
turned temponu- drawn by Mie« Pay Kellogg In order
Br into hoetess houses.
to save three magnificent oak trees.
"We put up an extra cot.” re­ A fine old Southern mansion secured
ported one western secretary, who re­ for the Young Women’s Christian As
tamed to tell the War Work Coun- sociatlon headquarters at Petersburg.
«fl the special needs of her common Virginia, is as popular with the sol
ta. ’lor an old Lithuanian mother diers from Camp I>ee as is the official
who esune a hundred miles to see ber hostess house.
boy in «amp. She cannot speak a
The hostess houses serve the entire
srerd of English and she has to have nation.
tar atd black pipe every hour. But * The work with girls Is one of the
tar boy loves her.
most Important functions of the Wai
"Another charge bestowed upon us Work Council. It deals with all kinds
tn the girl-wife of a ‘bootlegger’ ar- of work with girls. Girls in small
ranted for seUIng whisky to soldiers. towns, in cities, in country villages.
He xrae wild with anxiety about * her and in the great manufacturing cen
tfll we said we would look after her. ters are ail touched by the unusual
"A tblrteen-ycar-old Imp has just conditions of a country in a state ol
been turned over to our care, She war preparation.
Their patriotism
ran away from a convene and, be- may urge them toward unexpected pit
lag adventurous, made straight for falls. Their very enthusiasm leads
them into danger.
Aay hostess can tell you heart­
breaking stories of times when the
BAITIST — Sundays: Bible school,
9 l’i; preaching services, 11 a. tn. and 7
p. in.; B Y. P. U. 6:15 p. m. Frayer-
ii.««ting Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Every-
body welcome to ail services. Rev. W.
Garnet llandiey. Pastor, 6404 48th Ave.
3’KRISTIAN MClENCEIiFifth 1—4204
Hixty-i-ecoud street. Sunday services at
11 a. tn Sunday school, 9:30 and 11
a tn. Wednenlay evening testimonial
ui ¡«feting at K o’clock. AH are welcome.
England will Include men up to
fifty-five years old In her new draft.
It may be a young men's war, but it la
knocking the props from under that
old Osler theory.
To quote London, a good man's war­
time boot as now standardised sells for
(5.215. Rut what will a boot for an
yrdlnnry man sell fort
9112 Woodstock Ave.
Tabor 5724
fl. D. Ken worthy $ Company
funeral Directors
Chain Reference Bible
MAM (Iff Ki:
58024 92id Srteel S. E.
4615 66tk St., Cor. Foster Rd
Phone Tabor 5267
Phone Tabor 5895
P. O. Box 2072
P ost - land , Oas
Telephone East 683
First-Class Service given Day or Night
Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables U9 to hold Funerals
at a Minimum Expense
Still Moving
The One-Way-Charge Company.
See Ui For
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8222 Foster Rd
5919 92nd Street
Tabor 2573
Screens, Sash, Windows, Doors
and Picture Framing
Residence Phone : Tabor 4802
8h«-p Phone : Taboi 7576
4t>33 67th Street 8. E.
Ladie's and Gentlemen’s Tailoring
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
Phone Ttrbor 4596
The Williams Realty Co.
5940 Ninety-second Street
Lents Station
Portland. Oregon
Solicits your Property for
We have the Buyers, you
havefthe Property
Williams Realty Co
8206 Woodstock Avenue
Tabor 4934
First-Class Sheet Metal Work
and Repairing
(Javanlzed Wash hollers
$3.50 to $3.00
Galvanized Garbage Cam, Wooden Legs
3.00 to 4.00
Stove Repairing and Relining
A. S. PEARCE, The Tinsmith
Tabor MM
Foster Road. Opp. P. O.