DEAL í YOUR SBOM HOME SPECIAL CURRESPOXOEXCE Mr. McGee ol liiwwi River i* a Grand to visit his daughter liefore returning Army man visiting at Nashville station. home. Mias Mildred Volt», daughter of B. F. After several weeks visit at Camp Lewia with her son, Mre. Fletcher has Volts, looks real patriotic in her new . i returned to her home on Millard ave­ suit of overalls ami jumper that she ; wears while helping on the delivery ■ nue. f route. Mrs. lee Henkle, mother oí Mrs. Wil­ Mr» Pound of Salem, and daughter' liam Mcf'olum of the Harker apart­ ments is visiting Mr». W. Hutcheson at Ruby, of the Good Samaritan hospital, I were visitors last week at the home of 4*24 Sixty-fourtb street. Mrs. Lotlie Gilbert, daughter ol Mrs. I Mr» George Merry of Millard avenue Pound. i* expected home Sunday accompanied After satisfactory arrangement» can by her daughter. Mrs. Nettie Carrier, I* made for the di»|»>»al of their home, j whom »lie ha» been mining Mr» Elate Titus and children, of Sixty­ fourth avenue, will go to California for The mid win* prayer meeting of the the winter. Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church Mrs. B. L. Yost, on Fiftr-reventh ave- j is held each week at the Manse, 7420 nue, rewived twenty-three letters in one Sixty-second street, aoutheaat. day from her husband, who is serving in France. He is well and rends beet wish'-», Mr». Bob Witherail and children, of to all fríen.!». Sixty-third avenue, have returned trout the beach, whete they have l>een visit­ The RedJ Cross Junior girls of Ml. ing frieuds tor several weeks. Scott are busy sewing for the Belgian babies They are making bootees, cs|* i and jackets out of nice warm outing All members of this community wuo, which the babies will surely ap­ have the lime will surely like to sell tag» preciate. for the Baby Home on September 21. For further information phone Mrs. Mc­ Mi»e Hester Tibbetts of North Yakima. Laren. superintendent of the home Wash , is a Grand Army guest at the home of Grandma llollingworth. who The community around Millard ave­ was a pion,—r friend of her» year» ago. nue have certainly enjoyed the lovely They are greatly enjoying the visit and singing at the revival meetings held on love to remeinb-r the bygoue happy Whitman avenue ami Seventy-second days. street The old hymns an- very inspir- Mrs. Sarah Cauthorn has returned home from t orvaUis after a month's visit with her daughter. Mrs. Fred Buchan­ Cyrus Macey is a G. A. K visitor in an. Alisa Mary Cauthorn, her other this community from Loa Angele», Cal. daughter, has gone to Corvallis on her He expects tu leave Frit i«y (or Eugene vacation. Yow BaK^r FOR CANNING BEANS CORN AND SO FORTH 9 Use Mrs. Price’s Canning Compound Beans need only be boiled for 20 minutes with this Canning Compound and you will never Lose a Jar. 3 Packages 25c Good for 12 Quarts MT. SCOTT DRUG CO Rather unusual ram in August. A good crop of potatoes in sight. The hunting sea-m is here once more and several parties are up in the moun­ tains hunting deer. An auto with a trailer liehind passed here last week loaded witli luO gallons of huckleberries. IV. J. Faubian of the LaCasa Monte i hotel near Zig-Zag has a contract for ' 150 gallons of huckleberries, and ha- • pickers on Paradise Flat near Zig-Zag Dr. and Mrs. Bolkine have gone to Portland this week to attend tlie G. A. R. The Doctor served throughout the Civil war in an Iowa regiment. The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Tene- wyck returned iron» their wedding trip on the mountain trail* to Jefferwon park Saturday. They camped at Jefferson Park for a week. This park if delight­ fully located at the foot of the mountain and is a plateau nearly a mile long and about a half mile wide. It is covered with an abundance of gras* and abounds with innumerable wild dower», mostly Indian Paint buabea and blue lupin«* at this time of the year. They rejxirt an immense crop of huckleberries all over, the mountains and fully a month earlier They ascended Oilala Butte, which Ha­ an elevation of over 6oilb feet and from it* top counted 37 mountain lake* which al>ound in trout of which the largest iw Eastern brook. A sheep herder said sev­ eral of hi* fish ¡¡neo had been broken by trout in Ollala lake. FOR ALL KINDS OF First-Class Sheet Metal Work and Repairing SEE A. S. PEARCE, The Tinsmith Foster Road, Opp. P. O. Tabor EGGIMAN S MEAT MARKET HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES.... Tabor 2573 5919 92nd Street. LENTS MERCANTILE COMPANY HIGH GRADE STAPLE AND f ANC Y GROCERIES ERESH IKLITS AND VEGEIABLES You_r 5805 92nd Street. S. L OCR MOTTO: TO PLEASE ASLI SA ISFY 'Print«» BRUGGER’S BAKERY h the only Bakery in Lenta that make* the Dough with a Machine. Perspiration from the hak<-r’s face does 'not run in to the dough. HELP YOUR gyaifAÎ 1 \/YY J/l / WITH HOME TRADE ïî FOR SANITARY REASONS Buy Brugger’s 9112 Woodstock Ave. labor 5724 Conserve Your Eyesight HOME TOWN MANY people who take alarm at the first aymptoms of other physical ailments, and burry off to the doctor or delllist, fail to give »re ond thought to the warning of di.- Ire., occasioned by defective eyesigh’. Tills seems Inesen-able in view of the easy access to the aarvicee of an eye specialist. M You may have the mistaken idea that youi eyre are nut »troug and clear- sighted a. they lined to lie. but you will perhaps be surprised a» to the extent to which pn>|>erly tilted glaax-a will improve your vision and help your appearance 1 The Optical Shop DR. GEO. B. PRATT OPTOMETRIST 32t> Alder Street PORTLAND. OREGON BOVS it SINCE JUNIi S MUST REUISTER AUGUST 24 • All male who bivr rmrbrel their Slot birthday nince ft . V*| m , mint rrtfHtrr on 4tiguM 24, IV'.M. Thvte men •hnuld ronault with ItM'rtl «trait *M>ardi* a« m how and when they should regietrr. CHERRYVILLE 92nd Street. Near Carline. He re kaat IN YOUR WÙ0DMERE and MILLARD AVENUE I < > < > < > • : : ♦ : i ♦ ♦ : :♦ CLEAX-UI » SALI All summer goods and small lots of broken lines that we are unable to duplicate or re­ order. A small saving on the O ld P rice means a Hijr Saving on Present Price« SMALL LOTS OF Women’s and Children’s SHOES HOSE Women’s Shirt Waists Dress Goods, Aprons Women’s House Dresses Curtain Scrim Men’« and Boy«' Punt« Small lots of men’s linen collars at 10c. We Solicit Your Patronage STEVENS GASH DEPARTMENT STORE i 5827 92nd Street. Near foster Road "fi-tE; Q ugle : (X ll bumnom all the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have rank' d as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of th* country f >r excellence in military training, hm rcsjionded t < tin (.ill. T’he College is distinguished not only fur its triilitary instruction, but D istinguished also roa— Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: lu Aurkultuie, Commsrc«. Enxinrcrfag, Forestry NOTICE OF TAKING UP STOCK Notice is her*-by given that the undri signed ha.« takm up the following d scribed stock which w*T‘* found running I- ■ <>iv i t. Mining, Pharmacy, and at large about my place. Vocational Education. One dark bay mare about 11 year* old, Its wholesome, purpose fuI student life. weight aiiout 1» m X) pound*, light spot on Its democratic college spirit. right hind foot. Its successful graduates. One mule (male) about 20 years old, Students enrolled last year, 34^3; stars on its service flags, I2$8, over forty percent representing officers. dark brown < 61or, brand on right hip and shoulder, very gray about nose ami College opens September 23, 1918 face and stiff in front legs. For ratalox, o«w Illustrated Booklet, and other informs tian write to the Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon These animal« are at my place, corner Buckley avenue and Bar road. Owner vineyard use, for use on the big grain can have same by proving property and ranches. paying lawful expenses. Behind the tractors will lie pulled Adv. It T. L. 0. THOMAS. m'lidboard ami dire plows, peg-tooth, spring-tooth and dine liarrow», H<:ra|>ers, THOMPSON’S land leveler- and suh-soiler«, virtually TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION every kind of tractor drawn implement. By the nee of tractors as motive pow­ Great, tractor and implement demon- ' -tration coverii j alxiut 250 acres of land er, one person can now till from five to 20 times more land, can do very much THE BEST at Portland, September 5, 0 and 7. more work where power is required on You will nee in actiiBl operation practi- the farm and do it all much easier tlmii HANDLED by , rally every tractor manufactured or sold could Is- done by the old methods. Because of farm tractoas and tractor FLOYD GEER i on the Pacific ( oaat. implements men who thought tie y had The big, the medium, tin- »mall »¡zed passed tlie age of active labor and wo­ I'. O. Box 2072 I’onri ivn, H ue i tractors. Home witli w heel diive, some men are la-ginning to replace the men Telephone East mm who have Imen t illed from the farm into with creeper drive. The right for orchard line, for GET YOU A BIBLE NOW ChainReierenceBible DOLLARS SPENT IN TOWN HELPS US ALL AROUND