mt. Scott fierald Pnbli < *b l Kerry Thuiwiny st Lent *. Or»«®n by Tas M t S cott Pesi inumi voaaraNT A. H. HARRIS. Manager Eatvrvl »• »»coi.J-elaw mail waiter F»bru »rv la. l»l«. at th» twat offlw at lenta. Ore»»»“, unaer act of t'on«reaa. March » IStS. Bubacription rete* - St .SS« year.insdrstwv T am '« I» 41. This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war............... NO STATE UNITS IN ARMY. The response from the general staff to the request by Governor Neville that the former Nebraska National Guard regiments be brigaded as a unit for overseas service gives cogent reasous for not following that course. State pride is fully recognised at the war department, but more Important con­ siderations have determined the dis­ position of troops. To begin w ith, Ne­ braska troops, along with those of otb- er states, lost any distinguishing state designations when they entered the service of the government and be­ came an Integral part of the military forces of the United States. Since then more young men have gone out under the selective draft than were in the Guard regiments, and no effort has been made to separate them. All are inextricably mixed and the read­ ing of the casualty lists now coming back will show how completely mere local distinctions have been lost sight of. This is not a war of states, but of the nation, says Omaha Bee. The forces under the president are not composed of 48 little armies, but of one big. general organization, which the officers are striving to weld into one homogeneous whole, in which there will he do rivalry between states, oth­ er than the wholesome and generous competition of the men themselves to uphold home traditions. Advice is something that somebody who has been through a thing that you •re Just starting into gives you along with a pain. It (the advice), is free, •nd worth it. As a rule, old people give young people advice and young people don’t take it Most of the ad­ vice in the world is about choosing a career and getting married, and both of these are usually dismal failures. Once Ln a while you meet a i-enson who never gives advice and never takes any. Stick to him. He is a rare in­ dividual. AMERICAN FIQMTIR. Every American fighter is In France In the pink of conditimi physically and morally. Everyone there Is Inspired by Intelligent understanding of that for which he Is fighting. Everyone of them I» thrilled with the Ideals of democracy, says Baltimore American. And they are all tn a rage agulust the unspeakable Huns, atrocious In acts and Infamous in designs. Here la the secret of the hitting power of the Americans. This is why they can strew the earth wtth the bodies of their foes while suffering slight casu­ alties themselves. This is the reason why they can hardly be kept tn leash. And there are ten million or twenty million more of them at need. Against such force, what chance has the might of Germany? Secretary Daniels, at the naval academy, well said that, should the Germans march through the streets of both Parts and London, they would still Inevitably be defeated In the war for the things for which Amer­ ica is fighting are eternal. There is not the least prospect of any such march through the capitnte of the principal ally nations. But there Is ev­ ery prospect the Americans will see the war through to that point—the sons of Uncle Sam and their allies march­ ing through the streets of Berlin. That is their objective, and they will reach It. The spirit of giving is not confined alone to the American people and the Americans must keep in practice if they expect to hold the high record they have made Ln the past, for the school children of Paris, a short time ago, undertook to raise a modest sum to take care of the first American child orphaned by the war; la-fore those in charge of the movement were aware of what was taking place, the idea spread throughout the schools of the French capital until 260,000 French children had participated, says Galves­ ton Tribune. The sum raised was 13,- 000 francs. German chemists have invented a drug, according to their claims, which will prevent hunger from causing head­ aches or Inconvenience. There are plenty of existing drugs which have the same effect and permanently. It is not likely that the expert chemist has Improved on these. As for the rest, militarism has drugged the people al­ ready to the point of unconsciousness. The story of the captured U-boat commander who betrayed four other U-boats when he feared for his own life on the British boat they might tor­ pedo is quite probable. The style of fighting which creeps upon an enemy to stab him in the back and then runs from danger is not the type from which one may expect high-minded loyalty and heroic self-abnegation. A German writer, deprecating the English occupation of Jerusalem, say«, “The English flag flutters over Jeru­ salem and fear and mourning fill the hearts of those who are worrying over the defaming of holy objects and van- dallsm.” And this from the nation that took wanton delight in shatter- Ing the famed cathedrals of Europe, and In bombing hospitals! There is lively argument pro and eon on the subject of armor for airplanes. True the German machine which proved to be the death of Lufbery was steel plated. Equally true, however, that it was brought down soon after it had vanquished him. The opinion of Orville Wright Is that the armoring of airplanes is of doubtful utility, be­ cause it makes them too slow as a rule for easy handling, but he adds that, if desired, armored planes can be tamed out at short notice. Church Directory A Cologne member of the German parliament wants air raids on open towns ended by agreement, so that the senseless murder of women and chil­ dren may be stopped. That the mur­ der of women and children is senseless was discovered only when German towns found themselves subject to that atrocity. However, the walking is good. That’l about the only consolation to be ex­ tracted from the lifting of passenger fares everywhere by steam and trolley. We may yet derive physical as well as spiritual benefits from all our alleged All over the country the German tribulations. Look pleasant language Is being barred from the pub­ lic schools. It may be that the Amer­ Durig May 44 ships were completed, ican children will learn English in the a tonnage of 263,571, or in five months I public schools some of these days. 1,112.897 tons. As this equals about six years’ output before the war, Still nine times out of ten when a man American shipbuilders are at least be­ crumples up and surrenders and says ginning to prepare to get busy. he has done his best the chances are he’s a liar. Various European countries have learned that the affable German agent Among the useless luxuries we all who comes around to solicit is alto­ might «pare 1« the employment of gold­ gether a different person from the mounted toothpicks in public places. German agent who comes around to collect Five and a half million more pairs of shoes are ordered for the army. , The French officer’s Invention of a Tramp—tramp—tramp! way to make bread without flour sounds a good deal like making bricks It seems a waste of energy to worry without straw; but, then, nobody about things that are going to happen makes bricks with straw nowadays. when the war is over. 1 Lents Friends Church. *:M a. m Hlble Schntd, Clifford Harker. Superintendent. Iltuo a tn. Preachlug ** r- vise * Si |>. m Christian SKndeavor. Tllu p. tn Preaching servlo *. s 00 p m. Thursday. mld-wo«k prayer meeting. A cordial welcome to all the services. Mies Lurana Torrell, Pastor Laurelwood Congregational Church. Corner Hath SI. and IMh Ave. B.t> Pastor. Mrs. John J Handsaksr. Sunday nchool, to mu a. m. Preaching service, 11 >00 a. m. No evening servlo * al prceeut. Mr. Arthur W. Pratlou, Superintendent ot mtn-lav School. Intermediate Christian Kndeavor. t:00 p. m. I'rayer meeting Thursday orenlng st SIOu In the church Collage. Arista Baptist Church. S:U a tn Bible School. 11 a. nt. Preaching aervloe T:gO p. tn Kvenlng services. Silk |>. m. II Y P. U. tHcnlor atul Interme-llaei S'.Ou p. m. Wednesday Prayer mealing, kwrybody welcome to all ol tbcee service *. Kev. W. Uarnet Ils —11- V . Pastor. "MM. «Sih Ave Anabel Presbyterian Church. Corner ot MchS irv»< and attb Ave. s K Sabbat |ll a in and p. m. Sunday Selioul, »i«a a. Ill t'lirlatlan Kndeavur: Senior, • :» p tn.. Junior, t p ni Thursday, I'rayer Meeting, ? It. Tuesday. Orvhmtra Practlc *, 7:S0 p. tn. The Factor Is always ready tu rail un ike sick and center with those w ho deelrr spiritual help. John K Nelson, Factor. Residence, v-JSrilli Ave. S. K. Fhone Tabor laaa. Only one-tenth of 1 per cent of the American sokllers In France suffer from social diseases, and the low per­ centage constitutes the artny “the cleanest In the world.” Is the percent­ age for civilian life anywhere near as small? One by one the lying ru­ mors about the character of American manhood and womanhood In war serv­ ice abroad are being refuted by the plain, unvarnished truth. After two American negro soldiers carv-nl np twenty-four GermsiiM wftb bolo knives while fighting like it is not surprising to hear that Him : treopa on the east front are mutinying rather than go to France. The fight­ i h!* I’T FF I* er» from America are Introducing a *1» style of fighting which is evidently get­ ting on their nerves. A Chicago dancing master prescribe« saltatory exercise as a cure for flat •• feet. Medical examiners for the army •re not as dogmatic as they used to be on the subject of flat foot as a disqual­ ification for military server* . Still, the Chicago “professor’s” prescription will be cheerfully followed. rlr ± ir ir b Ir k Ir lr i- Ir ìrk-k lr Ir Irìr iririr T Get from 1 to 5000 Miles more Wear Out of Your Tires ■- REPAIR THAT TIRE WITH SELF VULCANIZING P¿A R A G U M No tools needed but the Combination Rasp and Shaper on Cover, Self-Curing, will quickly and Permanently Repair Cuts in Outer Casing, Punctures or Blow-Outs in Tubes, Hot Water Bottles, Rubber Boots, and Anything that is Rubber. * 75c 50c 25c Combination Can Gum, only Cement, only Mother thinks she Is making a good The man who could not be comfort­ point when she asks if you think it able in an upper berth is no longer would hurt you to stay at home one heard from. He will be content if afternoon. Of course it wouldn’t hurt shortage of Pullman service does not you, but what Is the use wasting all eventually compel him to make up his that time? own sleeping quarters. The dear little girls may not know it, but they would be much happier If they would treat their poor abused feet like friends and emancipate them from the agony of high heels and toothpick toes. lord's Day, Bible Srhool. Sitft a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. H. Y. P U .l.SOp m. Krening worship 7: *l p m. A cortllal wel- ooms to these service *. K. A. Smith, Pester. In calling the attention of the Vati­ can to the bad faith of Germany, which requested through the Pope that the French and British refrain from bom­ barding Cologne on Corpus Christi Day and then shelled Paris, the Brit­ ish government gives this sharp warn­ ing: “The action of the Germans will not be forgotten in the event that any similar appeal is made in the future.” For treachery so bam» there can be no adequate answer except harsh re­ prisals. A Texan advertised: “I win sell As an example of economy Lt may you two good mules for the price of be mentioned that the one addition to two good mules.” The Memphis Com­ King George’s wn rd robe this year La mercial Appeal thinks he was alUy, but to be a suit costing fifty-seven shill­ be wasn't. He was offering a square ings. A king In a fifteen-dollar suit of deal. How many people get more than clothes marked down to fourteen and a one dozen eggs for the price of two quarter represents the true spirit of dozen eggs? democracy. The alleged head of a family ein “Drunk as a sailor” Is no longer a make himself a rather satisfactory fa­ figurative phrase of meaning, if he la ther If he will always give his children an Uncle Sam sailor. The manner in their own way. Fathers are sure to which sailors and soldiers have ad­ have trouble when they undertake to hered so strictly to the paths of so­ reprove their snippy little darlings who briety is one of the bright spots In have contracted a case of teen wisdom. the history of our war preparations. While one American marine over there was taking a prisoner he ran in­ to two German officers and ten men. He tackled them single handed with his rifle and bayonet, killed both offi­ cers and wounded seven men. The chap who could whip his weight In wildcats had nothing whatever on this tmiformed dynamo. Lenta Baptist Church. Lents livangelkal Church BK FAIR TO DRAFT MRN. Svrtnoii hv ths pastor. 11 a. m and Tilt p. m. There weetua to be • aeutliueut in Bunday School *:«! a. nt. II R. N-hsusruian, Home business circles that h man nub- ■uperintoadeat. Y. P A.. t:«S p. m . I'aul jri-t to draft Is a marked mau and I ngllsh Lutheran Church Bradford. Pmldsnl. Pravsr mvsling Thurs­ ons not to be considered In applica­ * to all Services st the Ksnworthv Chaj-el at day s:-0 p. nt. A cordial wvleuui tions for euiployuivnL Notwithstand­ 7:30 u. m. Suini« *. A cordial welcome N Sbupp, Pastor, *. F. J. Epplmg. Pastor. ing the war de|>artmeut authorities to ail. Re Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist have ordered all men of draft age to Leuts M. B. Church. Fifth Church of Christ, Bclsntlsl, ol Port­ become usefully employed, frequently Sunday School *;«A «. » Preaching IIMM land, Ora., «*> p ni Kpworlh *rvlc S ** Sunday II a m. Bunday School *:su state specifically that men of draft age Lsagus *:S0 p. m. Frvachlng T:R> p. tn Prayer and 11 a. nt Wednesday evening testimonial Thurvdav svvnlng al 7: *u. Corner Meeting IW need not apply. When ths» govern­ mccllng •Sth «trevi sud Mth Avenue. F. M. J aspar. ment was urgtug U|-on the people the Pastor. Residence S?SS Mr-1 street. Laurel wood M. ti Church. S:«f a. ni Bunday School, 11:00 a. tn. preach selective service act as the most demo­ Millard Avenue Preabyterlan Church. Ing. li:so put. class meeting. Snap a. cratic and the fairest way for raising 10 a. m. Sabbath School. II a nt Morning Junior League. S:SO p nt Kpwortb l eague un army It was generally understood worship. s:uo p. nt Thursday T:ou p. tn. Y. P. S. C. K. T I4 p tn. Tso p. m. preaching that no odium attached to the man wbo Evening worship. ?:S0 p. nt Wednesday, mid evening, prayer service Dr. C K. Carlos, waited until the government called him week setvice T:SO p. u>. Thursday. choir Fas tor. to the particular service for which he practice Rev.Wm H. Autos. Pastor. Reformed Church. St. Peter’s Catholic Church. wus needed, says Houston Post. It Corner Woodstock Avs.. sud sTlhBl, Key. was the theory, at least, advanc'd Sundays: S.iMa. I ■ Low Mass IS:» . W U. Llsnkasmpsr.^ixwlor. Bunday School lllgh^Mass. S:soa. nt. Bunday Bshool. I1M. that there should be no difference be­ choir rehearsal. Wrtt days: Mats at l: a. tn. 10a. m. Mornlug Worship, Il a. ni. Y. P. H alTUMp. m. Caischsticai Class Balurdav al tween the volunteer and the draft num, * p. in. Frvarhlug 1 p. in •ach weak. Prayer mevtlns. Wednesday at In the camps have been well treated, day Every other Buuday the regular services ?:»p. at. All are cordially Invited to attend and if there have been any favora will be as tt>ua> Kvenlng prayer and sermon lheae aervlcva. Kav. Mary lllllla Pastor. «:ue p m. Sunday School meets at 1:00 shown at all by military authorities at Kern Park Christian Church, t>. -n. J. K Ulover. Hu pt.. J. Olover, Bee. they have been toward draft men. In Kev. O. W. Taylor, Rector. Corner set h Hl .and tSIh Ave K Morning spite of this some employers apparent­ services: Bunday School 10 and (-reaching It. Seventh Day Advenllat Church. ly plai-e the wnvenlence of their bust­ Kwulng services: Kndoavor ■ and preaching 10a.m. Saturday Sabbath School. Ila m. at S o'clock. Prayer ■ncrtlng and teaehsr ness first and boldly announce that * Salurda preaching. T:»0 p. m. Wednesday, training Thuiaday earning al v «clock. Acor men of draft age are not wanted, for Prayer meeting T-.U p. tn. Sunday preaching dial weleome Io all. K»v. K A. Moon. Faalor. fear of an early call inconveniencing ' its labor arrangement If all employ-. era took this view a good many men 1 subject to draft would starve to death while waiting for the government to call them. Auto owners are well aware that small cuts will admit moisture to fabric. The fabric so exposed will soon rot. If these cuts are taken care of by filling with PARAGUM the cut is closed to stay closed, thereby keeping small gravel and moisture from attacking the fabric. It is evident that the mountain and lake resorts In the Interior of the coun­ try are likely to enjoy the patronage this year of many who usually go to the seashore. A great many people assert them­ selves as amateur Investigators simply because they happen to have soms spare time on their hands. OUR GUARANTEE—Use PARAGUM as directed and if tor any reason you are not entirely satisfied simply say so and German soldier« are being arrested for trying to smuggle part of their food rations to their hungry families. Food will win the war! your money will be returned the day we hear from you. 0 The German generals evidently do not propose to let many of their sol­ diers die of old age. Lents Garage The housewives seem to be Bolving the servant problem by doing the work themselves. One way to get a trip to Europe this summer is to Join the American army or navy. All roads for war drive funds Ln this country lead over the top. »- AXEL KILDAHL, Prop. T T + 3429 D 61 8919 Foster Road t»