Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 01, 1918, Image 2

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Tf f Sr
mt Scott Gerald
Then- should be no doubt as to the
fate of Titus, nllnn Chatlllou, the as­
Publlabed Ivory Thursday st Lenta. Oregon by sociate of Boy-Ed mid Vou l'apen.
Tat Mr Sorer mustias »'corrati V
I who has been fount! in the uniform
A. II. HARKIS, Manager
| of a lieutenant of the United States
army. It Is p-rfectly plain why he
Enterei »• Vrcond cia» mail matter Febru­
ary I«. 1st«, at ih» poat-eMceat Lenta. Oregon, eullsted, and only the accident of dis­
utider act ot »ougreaa. March S 1st».
covery preventetl disaster. If he had
Bubacriptton price ■ U.»»a year. Inadeance gone to the front he would have been
In a position to betray the Ilves of
hla comrade« Death Is the universal
punishment A<r a military spy. and It
should be promptly Inflicted in this
case. If merely as a warning to oth­
ers, says Philadelphia Ledger. The
magnitude of the |>erll la again illus­
trated by the arrest In Atlantic City
of a ikminn posing as n Relglan. for
the purpose of obtaining in confidence
Information of value to the enemy.
This paper has enli$fed This man Is charged with having In
with the government in the hts possession maps of Atlantic har­
cause of America for the bors. sketches of munition plants am!
set of marine regulations. If the
period of the war............ .. a U-boats
In American waters have been
aided by spies on shore, this Is prv-
ciaely the kind of activt'y to expect.
The natural resources of the United Another alien enemy has been arrest-
States are abundant and are greatly In ed in St. D*uis who had In bls p«MMes-
excess oi the total material resources slon a map of the United States with
of Great Britain. Prance and Italy. the princi)utl railway l>ridg<-s market!
The quickest way to
The full development of these re­ In red Ink.
sources would give the United States check this method of attack from with­
great power as a factor tn the world in Is to make death the certain penalty
struggle. American ingvnuity and of detection.
American industry should have a free
hand in order successfully to play its
If we keep constantly In mind that
part in adapting these resources to the there Is no war-time meaning in thrift
needs of war. Co-operation by the which does not increase the Indus­
government In the fields of research trial power at the command of the
and analysis, constructive legislative nation, we shall be In less danger of
and regulative policies and the Institu­ overlooking the fact that there are
tion of Intelligent and helpful methods conditions in which thrift may defeat
In our consular and diplomatic service its essential purpose. There has been
would contribute vastly to our national too much of a tendency to regard
efficiency and prosperity. After the every dollar saves! as an addition to
war will come the more serious period the war resources of the nation, says
of adjustment, and on the way In New Republic. It is true now. as It
which our financial and industrial lead­ was true before the war. that much of
ers handle this problem will depend our working class lacks the means to
the successful liquidation of our pres­ provide the food, clothing and house
ent credit extensions, says The Pro­ room essential for full industrial effi­
tectionist. The position of the coun­ ciency. To induce the worker who is
ter. however, should be materially Im­ already Inadequately supplied to cut
proved at the dose of the war. We down the consumption of his fnmlly
have become a creditor nation and will and himself la of doubtful service to
continue to be. At the outbreak of the nation. For employers to compel
the war we were debtors to the extent underpaid workers to contribute to
of $ or $8,000.000,000. government loans is to add despotism
Since then we have received over to unreason. Thrift at the expense of
$1.000,000,000 of gold from abroad. Industrial power represents a ■>acri-
We have bought abroad probably $2,- flee of the end to the means.
500,(100.000 of our securities and we
have loaned through private channels
Russian pvnsants are wise, They
approximately $2,000.000,000 to foreign will only accept American bank notes
countries, and in addition our own gov­ in payment for their wheat, says the
ernment has given credits in the way Fart Worth Record. German buyers
of advances to the allies of approxi­ are purchasing large quantities of
mately $6.00«:
United States notes for shipment to
Austria by way of Switzerland to be
More than 2.000.000 members of used for the purchase of this year’s
America's fighting forces are now in- wheat crops from the Ukraine. Rus­
spred for more than $l(L500,OOO.<XM) by sian peasants know the difference be­
the United States government. Secre­ tween the central empire's counterfeit
tary McAdoo announced on May 18. money and the real money of the
says Army and Nary Journal. Up to United States. They were betrayed
the close of business on May 13. there by Lenine and Trotzky Into the
has been received 2,029.886 Insurance clutches of the military autocrats of
applications aggregating $16.063.514,- middle Europe, but they are shrewd
000 by the military and naval division traders and they dema ml American
of the bureau of war risk Insurance. money in payment for their products
The average amount of insurance ap­ before these products pass Into the
plied for is $8.209. the maximum per­ hands of the Prussian overlords.
mitted by law being $10.000. Approxi­
mately 11.000 applications for govern­
American silver dollars now have
ment insurance are being received tieen transformed Into rupees of Brit-
dally. In the two weeks preceding ish India, and other small coins, Used
May 16 $1.000,000.000 of insurance to pay Indian soldiers. In exchange,
was written on the lives of soldiers the United States government has ob­
and sailors. This indicates that the tained a quantity of rupee credit or
new men joining the colors are re­ foreign exchange for use of importers
sponding to the government Insurance in paying their debts In India. About
offer with great enthusiasm, and that 62,000,000 stiver dollars now have
American soldiers and sailors are giv­ been melted into bullion under a re­
ing themselves and their families the cent stiver bill, according to a treas­
protection afforded by the United ury report, and most of this has been
States government
shipped to India.
Church Directory
Thruuas A. Edison Is a man of few
words, and. like many a mun of sim­
I ngtlsh Lutheran Church
ilar habits, often packs away a lot of
wisdom In a brief sentence, says Phil­
Services al the Kenworthv Ch«|*l at
adelphia Bulletin. He was talking a T lid p. ui. Sunday. A conlial welcome
few nights ago of the glgautlc tasks io > all. Rev. F. J. Eppling, Pastor.
and rre|H>naibllltlea the war imposed
Lenta M. B. Church.
on the nation, and particularly of the
Sunday School SiSS a. m
Preaching tlrou
necessity of speeding up. when he let a. D' Hlt>l» Study Class, I k: p. tn. Epworth
this spark fly: “It Is not a question teagu»S:SOp m. Ervachlng 7:S0 p m Prayer
meet I tig Thurxtav evealag at 7:lu. P M
of what we must not do, but a question Ja»p«r,
Pastor. Iteal-lance S7W Mrd itreeL
of what we must do," If the truth
of this sentenc«* were to he recognised Millard Avvuua Presbyterian Church.
IV a. m Sabbath School II a m
by legislators and administrators, the
Wonblp. 7:00 p. m. Y. P. B. C. R. 7 «ft p. tu.
task of government In war would be Rv»nlng worship. 7:S0p tu Wrduaaday. mid­
‘easier, and results might be far bet­ week »»tvlcT 7:*> p. m. Thursday, choir
ter. The Inventor was «peaking of the practice Kev Wm H Amo». Pastsr.
waste of mental anti other energy at
St. Peter’s Catholic Church.
Washington in seeking to put aside the
Sundays: »:00 a ni tow Mku. iOil
“nonessential" operations of the coun­ lllghlMa»».;»:*>a. to Sunday filhool UM.
try, and his Immediate application of choir r«b»ar»al Week days: M»>» at l:0u a. m.
his nut shell philosophy was that If
St. Pauls Episcopal Church.
the government were to devotw Its en­ One bleck «oulb ot Woodmvrv «latlon
tire energy to stimulating production Holy Communion tba flnt Bunday ot each
of the things necessary for the conduct month at s:00 a. m No other «»rvlc«« that
of the war It need not bother with non- day Bvary or bar Sunday lb» rvgular »»rvlc»»
will b» a» n-ua. kvvnlng praytrand sar*on
essentials, so long ns they did not pre­ al CM p m. Bunday Be hoot mtata a' l:os
vent or Interfere with war work. But P. m J. E Ulovar, Bupt.. J. Ulovvr, Bcc
the thought deserves a wider appli­ K»V. 0. W. Taylor. R«ctor.
cation. and the substitution of "do"
Saventh Day Adventist Church.
for “don't" would simplify a lot of
10 a. m Saturday Sabbath School. Ila. m.
more or less successful government Saturday preaching. 7:M p. tn. W»4nr»day.
Prayer meeting. 7:U p. m. Sunday preaching
“Old men for counsel." Is the say-
Ing. “young men for war." But this
war rather fnlsifies the old adage,
says Spokane Spokesman Review.
At seventy-seven Clemenceau of
France remains so energetic that he
still deserves bis cognomen of “the
tiger.” Joffre was an old man when
be won the battle of the Marne. Lloyd
Georue Is not exactly young. Wood­
row Wilson Is past sixty. But none
of them seems to require the Osler
method of being chloroformed out of
existence. These veterans do not “lag
superfluous on the stage." Cato learn­
er! Greek at eighty. Chaucer com-
>osed his “Canterbury Tales” at
sixty. Goethe tolled to the end nnd
his “Faust" was not completer! till he
had outlived eighty. Simonides won a
prize for poetry and Sophocles wrote
“Oedipus," when each had passed four­
score. Theophrastus outdid them all.
for he was ninety when he commenced
his “Characters of Men.”
One of the contingents to sail from
the western side of the Atlantic for
Frnnce, before the present year Is out.
will consist of 6.000 native Porto Ri­
cans. These hnve been in training ever
since the United States entered
the war. and are said to be in ex­
cellent condition for almost immediate
active service. So zealous have been
the young men of Porto Rico in the
work of preparation for the call that
will come to them that they have
scarrtsl a considerable part of the is­
land u Ith practice tenches, says Chris­
tian Science Monitor. Those who
have watched the development of the
various companies, as well as their
drilltuasters, expect great things of
these American soldiers.
*** • —
The question of the ultimate owner-
ship of a $20 bill found by a chanee
passer-by on the premises of a rall-
road company and turned over to the
company's agent has been decided, nft-
«• long litigation In a
court, in favor of the finder, says New
York World. There Is the prospect of
an appeal to a higher court, and cer­
tainly an authoritative rule of law on
the subject would serve as good use
for guidance In Innumerable similar
A member of the relchstag says Ger­
many's substitute for tobacco la worse
than the poisoned gas the allies blow
on them. It must be almost as bad as
Every American loss “over there”
some of the five-cent cignrs In this
It Is a good thing that our popular
country which have been named for should call for greater American effort Idols are not judged by the cigars
over here.
prominent politicians.
that are named nftt-r them.
Leata Baptist Church
L sn U l:\angelkal Church.
Lord'» Day. Bible Ruh vol. St* a. tn. Morning
Sermon bv the pastor, II a m and 7:1* p. tn.
R Y.-P tj,,a;«op m.
Sunday School »|U a. m , II K S-heuarman. wonblp, Il a. m.
A i-ordlal wel
Superintendent. Y. I* A.. s:«a p. m . Paul kvvnlug wonblp tisv p. m
K A. Smith, Paator
Bradford. Prealdenl. Pravgr mevling Thur«- come to th»aa cervice«
day It* p m
A sotdlal avlcome tn all
I onta Friends Church.
N Shupp. Paator,
v:«S a. m. Bible School, Clifiord Barker.
lituo a iu. Pr<-m)blng sor­
Fifth Church of Christ. Scisutist
riso. Silt p. tn. Chrlallait^Rudeavor. - 7:So
Firth Church ot t'hriat, 8cl»ntl»l, ot Port
p. m. Preaching aorvloe. S Mp m.Thun.)«».
land. Ora., »Au'.aju.i »treet.
Service» Sunday II a m Sunday School »ISC mid week prayer meeting. A oo r dia I welooo-«
and It a. m. Wtdnvaday »venlng.t»»tlmonlal to all tbo cerviere. Mica Lurana Terrell. Pastor
Meetins »:*>
Laurslwood Congregational Church.
» Laurel woo«! M. L Church.
t:«T a m Bunday Srhttol. II run a. m. preach
lZ:aO p. tn. claa» meeting
Sl«Bp in
Junior League. S:SO p m Epworth League
7 SO pm preaching
St* p m Thurxlay
evening. prayer »ervlce
Pr. <J K Carlos,
Rstormed Church.
Cornar Woodstonk Avo., and »7th St.
W a. Ll»nkaemper.<f paator
Sunday School
10,0. m. Mornlng'Wonhlp. 11 a. tn. Y. P •
al 74V p. m
Catscbstka, ( isso Saturday at
»:<*)a. m.
Free Methodist Church.
Sunday School. l:uB p m. Preaching a p m.
each w»ek. Pray»» meeting. Wednesday at
7 fop. m. Allan- cordially Invited to attend
thee» «ervleea. R»v. Mar) Hlllta Paator.
Kern Park Christian Church.
Cornar Aith st. and «Mb Av». K.1.
Mrs. John J llan-laakvr. Sunder School.I«:®
a. m.
Preaching »ervlce, 11K»' a. m.
evening »arvloe al prvwek.
Mr. Arthur W
Prat ton. Superintendent el Sunday *h<ml.
lutormedlat* Vbrtallan kudeavor, S:tk> p. m.
I’rayer meeting Thunday »renine al »;<*' In
the church cottage.
Arlrts Baptist Church.
V:«i a. m. Itlble School. 11 a. m. Preaching
cervice. 7:go p. m Evening »orvlcee. Silk
p. m B. Y P V itta-ulor and Intermedino* sik>
p. m. Wednraday Prayer meeting kverybody
welcome Inali ol I hear cervie««. Kav.W. Uarnal
Handlev, I'aator. a*0t. «Sth Ave
Anabal Presbyterian Church.
Cerner ot MtliM tr»»t and glib Ave. B K
Sabbath Bervl«-»«. Praachlns.lll a. m. and 7:su
p. m
Bunday School, S:S» a. m
Ch Hat Ian
Rndeavor: Senior, e at p ur ; Junior. « p. tu.
Thnraday, Prayvr Mm-tlng. 1 «4.
Orvhealra Practice. 7:M p. tu. The Paator 1»
alwaya ready to nail on the alek end eouh-r
Willi tboae who desire apirltu«l help John k
itclaou. Paator. Realdettc», MMS7th Ave H. k
Corner t-cth St . and Wth Ave . B K Morning
•crvlgca: Sunday School 10 and preaching !L
kvenlng aerrtevai Endeavor 7 and preaching 1
al t o'clock. Prayer meeting and teacher
training Thurxlay »veiling at» oelvck. A cor |
dial welcome to all. Kev. It A. Moon. Paator. i Phuue Tabor :<C*.
If our soldier boys deliberated as long over doing their duty
as some of our people at home hesitate over doing theirs, the
victory would be doubtful.
It is a sort of financial cowardice to hesitate to put your money
in United States Government securities, and to deliberate over
the wisdom and patriotism of the investment is to hesitate in
supporting the soldiers.
Since It is the part of wisdom to
tun: everything, even misfortune, to
use. there is considerable Interest In
what good effects may be had from the
various food shortages which are with
us and In prospect. Robert Hutchin­
son points out In British Medical Jour­
nal that though a reduction in the fat
ration of half a pound a week would
entail a loss of weight, this loss is not
progressive, the Individual being able
to maintain a lower weight on a di­
minished diet. This Is due to the
lessened output of energy required to «s
transport a smaller body weight ▲
lesser body surface also means a
« •
smaller beat loss. The conclusion Is
reached that there is no reason to sup­
pose that smaller rations means a
lowering of health—probably the re­
verse Is the case.
The president tells us that In the
autumn "a much larger sale of long­
time bonds must be effected than has
yet been attempted." This will mean a
Liberty Loan of more than $3/MJO.OOO,-
000. the highest figure. The fact that the
oversubscription of the third loan to­
taled $1.500.000,000 creates an Impres­
sion that possibly the next call may
be for between $-1,000,000,000 and
85.000,000,000, says Syracuse Journal.
But Americans will foot the bill, what­
ever It mny be nnd In whatever form
it may be demanded. They realize,
ns the president says he does, that “we
The man who just loves to work are not only In the midst of the war.
doesn’t deserve much credit, It Is the we are at the very peak and crisis
boy who knows It Is lovelier to fish df It”
or sail or snooze In it hammock, but
Housewives are reminded that the
sticks to the job through the hent and
fly objects to oil of lavender, as well
turden of the day that we love.
as to honeysuckle, heliotrope and hop
A captured Hun nvlntor who bombed blossoms. Ills taste Is unrefined in
a hospital says he couldn’t see the Red what he dws not like ns well ns In
Cross sign. The commander of the what he docs, and the determination
sub who sank the Lusitania probably to keep him out of the dining room
and away from the baby's cradle
couldn't hear the babies cry.
should not be receded from in the
Some men are honest because they slightest degree.
are honest, and some men nre honest
There is said to be 8,000.000 dogs
for fear of th-^law. The first clnss
frequently have to wait till the hereaft­ In Great Britain, nnd the war exi­
gency for food will lend to putting them
er for their dividends.
on rations. In all the war countries
Ecuador has a tree producing ber­ across the ocean there Is competition
ries that can be used ns soap. The sa­ foi every crust of bread.
ponaceous supply is limited and rising
in price—can't we have a little soap
Another way to Improve the verse
tree In the home?
of three-fourths of the war poets Is
to put them in the trenches where
Dairymen are trying to find an Amer­ they can get the inspiration of the
ican name for llmhurger cheese. Aft­ battle itself.
er that we hope they'll try to find an
American smell for it, too.
The average woman finds out how
her husband likes to have her do up
Personally. Instead of arranging our her hair and then she does it up some
affairs for the millennium, we are just other way.
beginning to fight.
Threats of sonp shortage ought to
The worst thing that can be said stimulate Inventors of substitutes, such
about any man Is that he's a good as wood ashes, sand nnd other scour­
ing materials.
! Mt
Portland, Ore.
Lents Station
o* oo o o» «o oo «»tot o» oo o omo» «3HO» Oto» e
ri'i’ ■►+++" lr I t
Ir^^ìrìr^ir^rir^ Ir'^ìr ìr ìr^r'ìr Ir ìrìr-lr ìrir ini
Why Go to the City when
You Can Get AU Your Auto
SuppUes from Us?
Goodyear and Goodrich Tires
Monogram Oils and Greases
Gould Storage Batteries
Columbia Dry Cells
Spark Plugs
Automobile Lamp Bulbs
Spot Lights and hundreds of
other needed for motor car
We recharge and repair Storage Batteries.
We Vulcanize Casings and Tubes.
We do Acetylene Welding.
We Bum Out Carbon with Oxygen
Lents Garage
Tabor 3429
D 61
8919 Foster Road