Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 01, 1918, Image 1

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    ¿ML ^rrrtt ìleratò
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, August I I9lb
Subscription, $1.50 a Year
,f of 0 Library
Vol. 16.
No. 31
resentation of the spirit of the war.
A number <>f the nations were rep­ ALL CANNING STEPS IMPORTANT;
resented by twirls in costume, em­
the idcu of a united people
AT HELD MEET in bodying
a great cause. Gresham Grange
Lenta was well represented at the
Grange field meet at Groaham last
Saturday. It was estimated that more
than ¿000 persons attended the exer­
cises and witnessed the sports.
Several of the Granges offered spe­
cial stunts, all of which were enter­
taining. While some of them were
very funny it was conceded that
Pleasant Valley Grange was entitled
to the greatest honors for its rep­
had a comedy scene of McGinty at
the bottom of the sea, while Pair­
view had only a single representa­
tive in the person of D. S. Dunbar
who sang a patriotic parody on "Old
Black Joe.”
Multnomah Grange had a stuffed
figure of the ^Kaiser and, proceeded
to swat him with patriotic placards
and a final knockout. Russclville
contented itself with. a song by a
After the program had been fin­
ished the remainder of the afternoon
was devoted to the «port events, in
these the honors again went to
Pleasant Valley Grange.
J, J. Johnson, Master of Evening
Star Grange, was chairman of the
Many more room* thap are lilted
[ will be needed to accommodate the
visitors during the National G. A.
; R. Encampment August 19 to 23.
Mr». John W. Maffet, 6335 Nineti­
eth street, telephone Tabor 1309, is
able to list your room* for Grand
Army guest».
All who can possibly »pare one
room or more should make the fact
known by »ending in their names
and addresses without delay.
Rector Takes Vacation.
The services at St. Paul's Episco­
pal Church. Woodmere, will be dis­
continued during the month of Aug­
ust. The rector. Rev. O. W. Taylor,
will spend the month at Seattle and
other northern points. St,. Paul’s
Guild will also take a vacation dur­
ing August.
most of the choicest plants iu Mrs.
George Merry's flower garden last
week. The beautiful plants were pot­
ted carefully each winter and nursed
watchfully all winter. Everyone in
the community looked forward to
the time when Mrs. Merry would put
them out for all to enjoy. Conse­
quently the person who destroyed
the plants is getting a good roast­
Miss Gladys Crum rendered a piano
solo very creditably. Light refresh­
ments were served and all enjoyed
Little Nanette Younger spent the
week-end at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Harry Usher, on Fifty-seventh
The three children of Mrs. Henry
Haugner have been suffering with
whooping cough.
Mrs. Caldwell, of North Platt, Neb.,
has been the guest of Mrs. Alex Rob­
inson, on Millard avenue, bhe is
visiting all through the west, stop­
ping at Seattle, Tacoma and other
cities. She is now in Hood River
and will return to Portland soou.
Mrs. Ivan Pollard and baby, Bar­
bara Jane, are visiting Mrs. Pol­
lard's mother in Washougal. Wash.
Mr. Pollard is in Nebraska, where he
will have his old position in the
bank, and Mrs. Pollard will go to
him in September. Mrs. Pollard wax
Mrs. W. A. Holmes and children a member of the Millard avenue
arc spending their vacation at the Presbyterian Church choir and a
much appreciated soloist.
Miss Bertha Fletcher is at present
residing with Mr. and Mrs. O. IL
Gilbert, on Forty-eighth avenue, ow-
mg tq the abscuce of her mother,
Mrs JLkwhtr, who has left for Seat­
tle o viait her tv» who is in the
training camp at Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Mira Zchrung spent last
week at Gladstone Chautauqua. She
reports an interesting and benefi­
cial time and most enjoyable pro­
Vancyl Klock, son of Mrs. Blanche
England, on Fifty-third avenue, has
enlisted in the U. S. navy and ex­
pects to be called to service any
day. He is at present enjoying a
short outing al Rock Island with a
party of friends. Mr. Klock will be
greatly missed in our musical circles
as he is one of our promising bass
soloists. He is also a member of the
male chorus under the direction of
Professor liollingworth. It is hoped
that he will cheer some poor soldier
or sailor's life by his singing.
Mrs. Blanche Klock and Peter Eng­
land were united in marriage at the
close of the morning services of the
Millard avenue Presbyterian Church,
Sunday, July 14, Rev. William Har­
vey Amos officiating. Many friends
were present. Mrs. Klock was given
away by her son, Vancyl Klock.
Mr. and Mrs. England now reside
in their new home at Fifty-third av­
enue and Seventy-second street.
The meetings of the Red Cross
unit, at the home of Mrs. George
Merry, on Millard avenue, are al­
ways inspiring. The women of the
community deserve public credit for
their work.
Mrs. William Lope is recovering
rapidly from a very serious opera­
tion performed about two months
The Arlcta Union of the W. C. T.
U. will hold its next meeting in the
club rooms of the new Public Li­
brary. We are proud of our new
building and many will enjoy its ad­
The Women’s Foreign Missionary
Society of the Millard avenue Pres­
byterian Church met at the home of
“Grandma" Hollingworth, Seventy-
second street and Fifty-seventh av­
enue. Mrs. McClung gave a splendid
talk on the "American Indian’s Prog­
ress," and Mrs. Hickey read a fine
article on the progress of the Amer­
ican Negro. Mrs. Hollingworth gave
a fine talk also. A paper was read
by Miss Alma HoJIingworth in the
absence of its writer. Mrs. Putnum.
Be cheerful. Mental depression checks
digestion. Poor digestion wastes food.
Wasted food helps the enemy Cheer­
fulness is therefore conservation.
tftapa In Canning:
Left, Packing Pimentos In Glaaa; Right, Placing Jara In
Processing Vessel.
The first step tn home canning cf
vegetables or fruits Is to make sure
that all the needed apparatus la handy
and In condition for immediate use.
Aa explained, thia consists of a hot-
water bath outfit (such aa a wash
boiler with a false bottom), or a steam­
pressure canner, glass Jars, tops and
rubber rings (or cans and soldering
outfit), a yard or two of clean cheese­
cloth for blanching and dipping, and
the usual kitchen equipment of clean
•nameled pans, knives, s|x»ons, wood­
en paddle, and sugar, salt and other
condiments for flavoring. Tables and
all utensils with which the product is
to come In contact must be scrupu­
lously clean—preferably scalded with
boiling water.
Use Fresh, Sound Products.
Mrs. A. J. Hollingworth has as
fruits or vegetables to be
guests her son's wife, Mrs, Pearl
canned must be fresh, sound and nei­
Hollingworth and baby Jean.
ther too green nor too ripe. Young
vegetables give better results than old.
Mrs. A. M. Webber and daughter, woody or tough ones. Alm to get the
Alice, have returned home to Havre, products Into the jars ax quickly as Is
Every minute's Mag-
Mont. Tfiey hale been visiting Mrs. practicable.
Putnam, on Seventy-first street, who lessens flavor and adds to the difficulty
of canning. Such products as green
is a sister of Mrs. Webber.
peas or sweet corn are not fit to can
If they are olT the vines more than a
Mrs. O. B. Elliot, of Goldroad, Ari­ few hours. Pens for canning should
zona. returned home last week. She be picked early In the morning or dur­
had been the guest of her son, F. ing a cool spell and rushed Into the
A. A. Putnam.
cans. Don’t let peas stnnd after they
are shelled.
Prepare Water Bath and Empty
Mrs. Harry Usher, on Fifty-seventh
Jara and Lids.
avenue, is quite proud of her little
Start your day’s canning operations
ten-year-old daughter, Marian, who
was able to do her share of war by putting your wash boiler or hot-
service by canning ten quarts of water bath with Its false bottom to
boll on the fire. Before the water In
raspbecrics absolutely unaided. She It gets too hot place clean empty Jars
also made five pints of currant jelly. on their sides and put glass covers
or metal caps In the bath, the me’nl
The Red Cross class at Mt. Scott caps preferably In a piece of cloth
play park was treated to a fine pic­ which mny be lifted out conveniently.
nic at Peninsula Park last last Sat­ Cover the Jnrs with water, put the lid
urday. They all wore their- khaki on the boiler, and let the Jars boil
until you are ready to use them. They
suits they had made during the week.
should be allowed to boll for at least
They went swimming and had a fine 15 minutes. As It takes time for a
big vessel of water to come to a boll,
start this boiling of jars some time
“Grandma" Hollingworth has re­ before you begin actually to prepare
ceived a very interesting letter from your fruit or vegetables. Try not to
Clarence Freeman, who has gone to have your prepared fruits or vegeta­
his home in Fairbury, III., prepara­ bles wait any length of time to be put
into the boiled Jars.
tory to joining the U. S. Infantry.
for blanching
Mr. Freeman had not been home for
to boil In a c’ 'an enameled pail.
four years. Mr. Freeman and Van­
tTse only new rubber rings. Shortly
cyl Klock were given a fine farewell before you will use the rubber rings-
reception before Mr. Freeman’s de­ add a tenspoonful of bicarbonate
parture for the East, at the home of (cooking) soda to a qunrt of boiling
“Grandma” Hollingworth. The yard water. Cleanse the rfibber rings. Just
was a beautiful scene with its Japa­ before putting them on the Jars by
nese lanterns, bunting and American dipping them for one minute in this
flags. A delightful musical program hot soda water.
Preparing Fruits ana Vegetables.
was rendered and fruit punch was
Select sound, fresh fruits and vege­
served during the evening.
tables and carefully wash in cold wa­
The two boys were each presented
ter. Do not put soft berries into wa­
with soldier and sailor kits, and ter. Rinse them by pouring water
other cherished presents.
over the berries in a colander, being
careful not to mash or bruise them.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hollingworth Sort the product again and discard all
and family; also her son’s wife. bruised or defective pieces.
With clenn hnndx and scalded uten­
Pearl, and baby, Jean, have gone to
their ranch near Banks for a short sils peel or scrape or cut up large
products Into pieces of cnnnlng size.
If the hot Jars are not yet ready—
and they must have boiled for at least
Mrs. George Merry, of 7103 Fifty­ 15 minutes—cover each dish of pre­
fifth avenue, was suddenly called to pared product with a clean towel or
Seattle by the illness of her daugh­ scalded cover. Better yet, prepare
ter, Mrs. Mattie Carrier.
only a small quantity at a time «nd
rush into one or two Jars. Then pre­
Miss Myrtle Camel, of Fifty-fifth pare another batch. The quicker the
avenue S. E.. has returned home product Is prepared and packed Into
from Eugene. She is working at the the hot jar the better.
Ladd & Tilton Rank, but will return
to school in the fall.
Rev. and Mrs. William Harvey
Amos, pastor of Millard avenue Pres- j
hyterian Church, ami son, William,
left for Tacoma Tuesday for a short
vacation. They will visit Mr. Amos'
Cart L. Randall, one of the radio
students recently sent to the Lents
Radio Station, was a caller at The
Herald office the other day. Mr.
Randall is a bright young man from
Kansas City, Mo., who had just been
admitted to the bar when he was
called to the colors. The other young
men at the radio station are Delbert
W. Sprague, of Seattle; Frank W.
St rope, from Kellogg. Idaho. They
were sent here from the United
States Naval Radio School of the
University of Washington, at Seat­
tle. and will finish their course at
this station.
The boys are all of the character
which makes the people of the
United States especially proud of
their soldiers.
Mr. Randall spoke appreciatively
of the hospitality shown the men in
Portland, and, as Lents is notable
for its good eating places, they wilt
be well fed, as well as getting
plenty of fresh air while here.
Just before plnclng In the Jars pnt
the prepared product In the center of a
clenn cheesecloth square. Take the
cloth by the corners and plunge the
product Into the clean boiling water In
the blanching vessel. Allow it to re­
main In the boiling water only for the
time specified for the particular prod­
uct. Remove immediately and either
dip Into cold bath or place directly in
the Jars, as directed for the product
Rev. Frank M. Jasper spent Friday Dowler, were callers at The Herald
at home with his family.
office Thursday.
No wonder Eggeman’s Market is
Stevens’ Cash Store has some in­
busy place. It is so clean and cool
If dipping In s cold water bath la teresting news for you in large type
that one feels very comfortable in
advised for the product, the moment on page 4 of this paper.
eating meat served there. See the
the hag of blanched material lx taken
from the boiling water plunge It into a
on another page.
Mrs. E. P. Tobin and children are
vessel of clean cold water—the colder
the better. Allow it to remain In the
Miss Caroline Rhynell has rented
cold water only for the time specified. ranch at White Salmon, Wash.
her home at 597 Ninety-ninth street
Do not allow it to soak in the cold
to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howard and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes, of gone as cook in a logging camp to
Packing the Jar.
St. Johns, spent Sunday at the O. S. aid in the war service.
Remove from the water bath the Worden home at Gray’s Crossing.
Jars and covers, which must have been
boiling for at least 15 minutes. As
Lents Mercantile Co., sales people,
Glen V. Wimberly was the guest are very busy these days, but can
quickly as possible pack the blanched
(and dipped) product Into the bulled Sunday of his brother. Corporal Carl find time to serve the newcomers
Jars. Pack quickly and carefully, us­ E. Wimberly, at the O E. Lent home. with groceries of the best. See
ing a flat and narrow wooden paddle
the company’s ad in another column.
or wooden spoon. Eliminate all bub­
Dr. Ogsbury, the dentist, is one of
bles. Pack tightly but not so as to
the busy men in this community. See
Mrs. G. R. Evans, who, with her
mash or crush the product.
Fill the Jar to within one-half inch his professional card in another col­ husband, recently came to Portland
of the top with hot brine or water or umn.
from Idaho, was in Lents Friday to
Juice if you are canning vegetables,
see her father. C. W. Smith, of The
or with hot sirup, fruit juice or merely
Herald force. Mr. Evans is now
clean hot water if yim are cantilug
working in the Portland shipyards.
fruit. Directions for making brines
and sirups are Included In the bulletin days. See his ad in a “new dress"
James E. Snyder, half-brother of
on canning Issued for free distribution this week.
by the U. S. department of agricul­
O. H. Auborn. on Fifty-sixth avenue,
Mrs. L. Madden has moved to who was called to the colors in
Partial Sealing of Jara.
Lents from the West Side and March, is in the Medical Officers’
As each Jar Is filled and while it lx
Training Camp at Fort Riley, Kan­
still hot place a rubber ring cleansed opened dressmaking parlors in the
sas, and is helping care for the boys
In boiling soda and water on the Jar. Yott building.
the hospital. Mr. Snyder is a
Screw down the boiled top, If a screw­
Lents boy.
top jar is used, but do not screw it
Roy Hurst has bought a house at
tight. If glass-ton Jars are used, put Myrtle Park, on Forty-fourth avenue,
on cover and slip wire over it. but do
O. S. Worden, of 8521 Eighty-third
not press down side spring. Do not and his family has moved into their street S. E.. suffered a fracture of
delay In putting on tops until the jar
the collar bone Monday, the result
and top are cool.
a fall from the delivery wagon of
Do not seal jars tight at this stage.
The regular monthly business
The packed product will expand some­ meeting of the Methodist Episcopal the Morrison Lumber Co., for which
what when the Jars are boiled (proc­ Church was held Monday evening at he is working. He is recovering
essed), and there must be an outlet ,
nicely and hopes to be at work agai
the church edifice.
for the expanding air.
As each Jar Is partially sealed put
It back In the hot-water bath from
A. Guler. living on Greeley street,
The advertisement of the Lents
which some of the hot water has been | who is representing the Rubber
removed and to which cold water has Elastic Roofing Co., was a business Garage is not hard to find, as Axel
Kildahl, the progressive proprietor,
been added until the water Is merely visitor in Lents Saturday.
believes in letting people know
warm. Do not put cold Jars directly
Into hot wnter. They will crnck. Try
through the local paper the ad­
The ever progressive Mt. Scott
to have filled Jars and the water In the
vantages of trading at home.
bath about the same temperature nt Drug Company is prepared to fur­
nish music for your home, as an­
the start.
Miss Anna Ricther. of St. Paul.
Fill and partially seal all the Jars nounced on page 4 of this paper.
Minn., is visiting at the home of Mr.
as rapidly as possible and place them
and Mrs. N. F. Tillman. 6236 Ninety­
in the bath. See that when all are In
the water comes over tops of the jars. : J. L. Johnson, of Gilbert, was in fifth street. Miss Ricther left Port­
Put a tight cover on the vessel to Lents yesterday. He is very busy land two years ago to accept a posi­
keep the steam around the tops ofYhe this week painting the residence of tion with the Great Northern Rail­
Mrs. Silverstone, on Wilson Hill.
road. and has come back to spend
Allow the Jars to remain In the boil­
her vacation with old friends here.
ing water for the time specified for the
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haugner.
product. Begin counting the time for from Abbotsford, Wis.. have pur­
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kersting, of
proce?slng when the water around the
chased a home on Sixtieth avenue, Damascus, were in Lents Saturday
Jars In the water bath starts to bolt
near One Hundred and First street.
looking after business and. inci­
Sealing the Jars.
Remove jars from the hath at the
dentally. taking in the Rancher show
end of the canning period prescribed ! Tom Anderson, brother of Ser­ attractions. They are selling off
for the particular vegetable or fruit.
geant William M. Anderson, who en­ their stock and farm implements
Instantly clamp tightly or screw '
with a view to going to California
down the ltd on each Jar as It is taken listed in the Quartermaster’s Depart­
next winter.
out. Make certain there is no leak.
Store Jars to cool In a draft-free place.
Miss Winona Aniferson is at home
Test for leaks again next day. If any
Mrs. Hattie Reldin. of Arleta, was
Jar shows any signs of leaks replace with her mother, Mrs. William M. in Lents Monday and called on her
fnulty rubber, cap or container and Anderson, on Saginaw Heights, after old-time friend. Mrs. William Wood,
an absence of several months at Sea­ on Third avenue; also making The
Canning In Metal.
Herald a visit. Mrs. Beldin is rep­
Wash the cans carefully and scald
resenting this paper in Arleta and
with bolting wnter to make certain
S. R. Dowler says if he is not able Kern Park, and as she was for sev­
that they are absolutely clean. In the
case of cans, prepare the product the to go to France to lick the Kaiser eral years editor of the Mt. Scott
same as If It were to be packed In he will do his bit by helping to News, is well qualified for the work.
Jars. Fill the cans. Solder on the build ships at the Foundation Ship­
tops, leaving open the small hole In
George W. Day. of Ninetieth street,
the center of the cap.
now working for Uncle Sam in the
Bolling (Processing) Filled Cans.
Becker’s Market is not only still Government Commissary, is a re­
Remove the exhausted cans, tip the
air hole with solder, then process In selling extra choice meats, but also markably vigorous veteran of the
boiling wnter or In a wnter-seal or has a fine lot of fresh fruits. See Civil War. As he is accustomed to
stentu-pressure canner for the time advertisement on another page of getting what he goes after, his rec­
specified for the particular product The Herald.
ord as a fisherman is very good. He
and for the particular outfit.
has brought home one or more large
Bulletins Issued for free distribution
fish each day, caught under the
by the department of agriculture,
Rroadwav Bridge during his noon­
Washington. D. C.. tell nil about can­
rest hour.
ning In cans as well as !<• glnss Jara.
Cold Dipping.