DO YOUR SHOPPING DEAL WITH THE* HOME PREPARE 10 KHtlVt Ì GRAND ARMY 6UESIS CORRESPONDENCE only a few feet. He says it was about as big as his “tin Lirxie.” an«! as it is the open season for wild- cats he would chance a mix-up Everybody with it. the moun- CHERRYVILLE Still dry and warm, seemingly coming into tains. Mr. and Mrs. C. AA’. Miller have gone over to their ranch on the Lewis River, in AA'ashington. . ! E. Gale is painting his store. Mrs. J. T. Fried. Jr., and «laughter E. J. Mahony is busy with Nola are running the hotel here, and will keep it open the rest of the i new auto. BELR0SE • GILBERT season. AA'ho is there among us, even the poorest and humblest, who would exchange places with the Kaiser and the fearful day of reckoning ahead of him both in this present life and throughout all eternity? England overcame the greatest military genius who ever appeared in any age. Napoleon, anil also defeated Paul Kruger, who was as stubborn as old Hindenburg, and with the help of her allies she will humiliate and his Mr. an«i Mrs. A. Blatchtor«l have I leased their store at Shelborn am! ! bought a place near Mrs. Blatch- «¿rd’» father. Mr. Lenox, of l.em'x I avenue. Blanch will be welcome«! • back by her girlhc>od friends. J. L. Johnson is working in the i ship yards. He received a letter lately from Cortes Valentine of Gil- bert, who is now in active i »ervice in England, He sends his . most kind regards to atl and asks to be remembered. which he certainly utterly defeat the Kaiser. ! will be. The mail driver now makes this Several families from this district! place, going up from Sandy into the mountains at 9 o’clock in the morn­ met in a basket picnic at the Oaks ing and coming back at 1 o'clock. ! last Thursday afternoon. The fam- ‘ Consequently he has to make his ilies represented: Rindle, Bateman,. “fliver" fly. One day last week he Johnson, Anderson. Southers anti ran over a covey of pheasants dust­ Casey. It was a matter of regret ing themselves in the road. He says that Mr. and Mrs. Hinebean could he is sorry, as this is the closed sea­ t not attend. A jolly good time was son for pheasants. The next day a had. Oregon may be dry—very dry wildcat deliberately* crosed the road —but breathing spell* of this kin«! ahead of him and he missed it by 1 help to make life enjoyable. In view of the fact that accommo­ dation- in the city arc already at a premium, it is urged upon those hav­ ing routs that they can rent to list them early for the accommodation of the crowds that will be here at the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic August 19. A price of 75 cents for one person ill a room, or $1 for two persons, has been fixed. Mrs. J. AV. Moffct. bJJS Ninetieth street, will receive lint - ing*. or you can send to the Liberty Temple. Let Oregon he first in this, as she has been in everything else, and fur­ nish a cordial western welcome to old soldiers and their families, and let Mt. Scott people not be slow in doing their part. A letter h«.« been «ent to every City t’otnmisx.oner by Mayor Baker, asking that «'I lepartnient head* make an im­ mediate canea» among the employe« tlx* city for available rooms. Severa) bill «lieti paik bench«« will be plac* d on dokn own street« of portlaml fur the tine oi livilWar veterana amt t eir wive« during the convention The act that they are f«*r the exclusive one oi tt.e veteran« and their wives will le )*aiut«**l on the bench«-« In heel« ether there eight, ters knitting »<**ks. it 15 stitches *>■> no* pick>-«l in 'ead of !'* and the stitch taken from tlie «x*k leg, will lie no hole in ankle ; clone*« This is worth a lot to «ock knit- G. A. MORRISON LUMBER COMPANY Specials On Doors This Week IN YOUR HOME TOWN A few doors with 2 upright panels and one flat panel on top Regular price. $3.90. Special $2.00 Regular $1.75 Four panel doors. Special $1.00 Wi* a;xs'ialiu* in »ash ami loora, glass, paint». oil, finish lumber and wood G. A. MORRISON LUMBER CO. Tremont Station, ML Scott car Une Tabor 62 J\. D. Kenworthy $ Company funeral Directors TWO ESTABLISHMENTS Phone Tabor 5267 Phone Tabor 5895 5802-4 92nd Street S. E. 4615 66th St., Cor. Foster R<1. Lents Arleta First-Class Service given Day or Night. Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense PHOFESSI()\Al. C APOS *A Great Net of Mercy drawn Through an Ocean of Unspeakable Pain" f'', ' Rheuniatl»m Lumbago, Lonatlpalion Serve and Stornarh TrouMe«, («olire atvt all ■ Fenulv Troublro ('urrd "“ m P1 The American Red Cross Drugkss Dr. ELNA SORENSEN Office Sr deiitfart, fail to give «•*<*■ . ver nin proof, tiecause th«* located in the Philippines and in Shang-j vermin or “coot i. »” object to the odor hai are called, have iieen making pongee 1 of the silk. Capital .lock paid in surplus fund. f*o.tal saving** bank individual deposits subject to check .... 1 In-rnan*i r«*rtlflcateaot *i«*p«*»lt Cashier « Im ks out.t.ndlnn Certified chevl«» Time See U« For , . . 19,11» VI WOOD AND COAL 173 7» Tab. 1424 DtiL^ W 14 8222 Eoater R«l NOTICE TO CRI.DIIORS Notice in herein given that theuruler- Kign>-<1 ha«« lieen duly appointed ex«cn- ; py, smiling women might he tired, nor trix for the estate of Susan C. llryant, were they tired then, even though all Total ................... deceased, by the County Court of the day long they had been serving train Slate ot Or* iron, I