Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 18, 1918, Image 1

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V of O pbr»ry
Subscription, $1.50 a Year
A i.umber of hi« Grand Army coiu-
ra I**- and meiula*r« of Shiloh Circle gate
it -urpri«« to Daniel Clark ami bride
I Saturday iv-ning at their home on
j Ninety-fourth afreet. They went in a
Ixxly, i trrj ing a Illi the n a quauilty of
water melon», which weie quite the
thing lor refreshment» on io<- dry »nitty
Mr. Clark aurpri»ed lu» fiieti ia a few
week» ago by going to Vancouver ami
having the cert taoiiy |e rimmed which
made .Mr». Eliaabth Weller, of b» An­
gele«, hit wile, ami ♦> tlw-y carried
their congratulatory meaaagea in peraoti
Shortly after 3 o’clock Mond *y »ft»i-
norm la-nl* fire Ixwll ««lunded u dl»lr*-»>*
rignal which brought out crowd« of re 1-
dent* to discover the location of '!.<•
In a »urpri«ingly »hurt time Mt Tabor
and Buunyalde Fire Deportment« dai-iwd
up FowU-r r<>ad to th** «erne of trouble,
• tract of alMiut four o<ro« of timber at
B«lr<wv, »lirnng up a du»t an they pimm-d
Sunday School Rally.
through Unta that almoat aurpaaeed the
haae cauaed by the burning limber
Tuesday evening, July 30. at 8
A detachment of aoldiera from V an- o'clock, i» the date »et for the big
enuver had dug trencbea. felled lr**», Sunday school rally of the Multno­
and by other method» u«**<l where water mah County Sunday School Associa­
la not available, ancceeded In getting tion, District No. 9, to be held at
tire flan»**» under control liefore the fire the Arleta Baptist Church, Sixty­
ileparlnienl» arrived, anti they could la* fourth street and Forty-eighth ave­
of little nervier on account of tfie ab- nue Southeait.
»rncr of water.
Ilarotd Humbert, general secretary
Mayor Baker had orderred out the of the Oregon State Sunday School
tin* department«, a» Belroee ia outride Association, who it attending the
Ute city limit», an*i lie ai»l Fire Chief Summer school and conference at
llolden were on tin* **eue
Lake Geneva. Wisconsin, and inter­
Fine In thio »cction are of yearly oc­ national Sunday school convention
currence, and their origin baa not jet at Buffalo, N. ¥.. will deliver the ad­
been diacovered.
t'on«i<lerable timber dress of the evening, bringing a me»-
and altout forty cord« of wood belong­ »age from the great conferences
ing to Mr Wilson were destroyed in which he has been attending, and
.Monday’- fire.
touch upon different phases of the
tin the r* turn trip Engine No. 19, Ml. Sunday school work of the state for
Tatar Company, met wiUi a lull*- mi»- I the
coming year.
hap winch broke the »leering gear.
Dr. J. Earle Else, president of the
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon,
July IM.
Vol. 16.
No. 29
Oregon State Sunday School Associ­
ation. and Charles Stavcr. president
of the Multnomah County Associa­
tion. will also speak. The rally will
Th« Productive Home Garden Promiass Not Only Fresh Vegetables for the
Ask the printer. Sometime» there be opened with an inspiring song
Table, But a Surplus tor Canning and Use Next Winter.
i« a r in a name where there »houtd service under the leadership of Mr.
the cut that can De mane tn tame
women and girts, and boys,
be ay. Z printed doc» not look at j E. P. Towne, assisted by a Sunday
expenses by a larder well stocked with
too, In the homes of America rests
all like y printed, but ju»t look over school orchestra made up of repre­
Jars nnd enns of home-preserved fruits
the large and Important resisinslbility
your manuscript and »re if there may sentatives from the various schools. of making sure that the surplus of nnd vegetables. Furthermore, the use
not be a strong resemblance when
vegetables, berries, and fruits grown of nn abundant supply of fruits and
this year Is not wasted even In part. vegetables Is at all times essential to
health. The problem of furnishing an
A Splendid Record Achieved.
A« a matter of fact, there is some­
It will be a patriotic service to can. adequute supply of food often Is to
times a great deal of heartache and
H. W. Snashall, president of the dry or otherwise conserve the large be solved only by such conservation.
disappointment in a name that ap­ Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Associa­ surplus of vegetables expected frotn
The need for variety in the diet is
pears in the news or business col­ tion. reports the association has
’trtrtrtrCrCrtttrtrtrtrCrtrirtrtriitrtrtrtrirù met most easily and economically by
umn* with letters in it that -hosild ’bFolteti ntt former records in 19V7.
1 >
the surplus of the abundant season
not be there and letters omitted that | The annual statement shows 383 new
preserved for the time of scarcity.
should be there. Sometimes there is members gained. 17 fire losses paid.
This Is the foreword of a series of
We can
I can
a good deal of money involved in I aggregating $4911; $1,036,677 of in-
nrtlcles prepared by food-conservntlon
specialists of the United States de­
such a mischance.
I sura nee written, one assessment lev-
They can
He can
» partment of agriculture. The articles
Now, printers are very wise peo­ i ied. and $700 invested in Liberty
I are designed not only to guide those
ple—almost always—wiser than peo­ Bonds during the year. The associa­
ple generally give them credit for tion is entering it» fourteenth year, the extraordinary efforts everywhere who have never conserved before, but
to help those who have had years of
being, but they arc not perfect, for and has over 4001) members carrying In America to increase production.
experience. Simple, practical direc­
they have not wholly mastered the $4.250.<XI) insurance. It has made an
In every community tn the country tions will be explained, proved recipes
pestiferousness of names.
annual saving of over 50 per cent to food Is being produced In back yards will be given, and every effort will
In view of this fact, it is well its members At the annual meeting and vacant lots that never before were be made to provide plain workable In­
when sending communications for in January Andrew Brugger of used for this purpose. Last year, ac­ structions. The articles to follow In
publication to be extremely careful Gresham was re-elected director for cording to the United States secretary this series will deal in detail with
to have the names spelled correctly the ninth year. Farmers desiring to of agriculture, the home-garden move­ canning, drying, brining, pickling, pge-
ami written legibly.
join may obtain information from H. ment was estimated to have stimu­ servlng, and Jelly making. Those who
lated the planting of from two hun- wish detailed instructions at once are
W. Snashall, Gresham. R. A., or
dre<l t<> three hundred per cent more udvised to write to the division of
secretary. 40*) gardens than ever before had pro-
Plan» for Special Military Training. Stock Exchange building. Portland.
duced food In the United States, This
year. It Is expected, even last year's
Need of specialized training for
record will be surpassed. Every fam­
prospective soldiers is being empha­
Farewell Service for Soldier.
ily with available ground hus been
sized by the government, ami young
Everybody can 1
Put your
At the Friends’ Church. Sunday urged to plant and cultivate a home
men are being urged to attend col­
spare time Into cans and Jars.
evening, the usual order of service garden.
Home canning is kitchen pa­
lege and join military units.
Eat nil the vegetables and fruits
Details of the new plan arc set was suspended after the singing to
Don't have an empty preserv­
forth by Newton 1). Baker. Secre­ do honor to a departing member, you need, use them to the utmost to
lessen your demand for other food­
jar in your neighborhood
tary of War, and II. P. McCain, Ad­
stuffs. But can. dry, brine or other­
next fall.
jutant General, in communications Fort McDowell,
If you have more preserving
J. Allen Dunbar gave the opening wise conserve all the surplus.
received at Oregon Agricultural Col­
Jars than you can fill, lend them
By conserving the surplus the home
lege. where, a military unit will be
women and girls In the country nnd <1 to n neighbor who will make
«■stzblishcd next Fall. The plan, ac­ Young Man of Today." Miss Terrell, III the cities and towns will be doing I them work for the nation.
cording to details, calls for approxi­ pastor, ami Mrs. Effie Tamplill gave their part to lessen the national de-
mately r,5<> hours of military work impromptu talks. The Sunday school
publications. United States department
each year on the basis of 33 weeks children presented Mr. Swanson with •i
of agriculture, Washington, D. C.. for
for the academic year ami a six
publications on the subjects In which
weeks’ camp.
they are particularly Interested.
he will finally go into reconstruc­ <1
tion work with the Friends' unit of
Incrcnsed planting of vege­
Intermittent Boiling.
tables this year almost certainly
the Red Cross.
Cruelty to Birds Charged.
For the benefit of those to whom
will mean an unprecedented
the Intermittent boiling or processing
It seems inconceivable that any
yield of fresh vegetables in the
may not be familiar. It may be ex­
small boy reared in an American
Military Drill for Boy».
spring and summer.
plained that this consists merely of
home and the public schools would
This will mean plentiful sup­
placing the cans or Jars of material to
The Multnomah Guard non-com­
l>e so inhuman as to torture little,
plies for summer tables and n
be treated tn the boiler or canner, and
missioned officers will hereafter in­
large surplus.
helpless birds.
boiling for the required length of time
struct groups of youths front 10 to
This surplus, to be useful to
In the brush around Lents young
on ench of three successive days. By
16 years of age in military drill. The
America, must be conserved,
birds have been found with one wing
many this Is considered a safer pro­
intention is to organize a junior
or leg shot off and left to suffer
cedure than the use of a single long
guard. Instruction will be given
brined, or stored in the homes
period of boiling.
and, most cruel of all. some have
of America.
every Tuesday and Thursday even­
If you employ this method, when the
been found tied by a wing and left
Home-conserved food means
ings between 7 and 8 o'clock at the
Jnrs are being given the second nnd
to starve.
that the home will. 1»e more
foil wing parks: Brooklyn, Colum­
third boiling treatments, you should
People in the vicinity arc pretty
nearly self-sustaining nnd that
loosen the clamps or unscrew the lids
bia. Forestry, Kenilworth. Mount Ta­
certain of the identity of the cul­
the burden on transportation
slightly Just before you place them
bor. North Parkway, Peninsula Park,
prits and if the practice docs not
will be lightened.
ngnln in the boiling water. Tighten
Sellwood, Terwilliger, and Lincoln.
who have
cease information will be' given to
covers at the end of ench boiling. As
All youths are asked to report and - t 1 canned should now learn how;
the Humane Society and Juvenile
the senl of the Jnrs Is loosened slight­
aid in promptly forming a company x t women who know how should
< 'ourt.—Contributed.
ly during ench boiling, the metal-
• x
[ at each of the parks.
cappeff- J»>rs. sometimes called “her­
■ X prepare to do more. — United
States department of agricul­
• X
metic” Jnrs, are not suited to inter­
Lents Woman as Editor.
■ X
mittent work. .Tars with self-senllng
< I ture.
Mrs. I.. M. Hedge is busy mailing
wire-clamped tops are most satisfac­
copies of the latest edition of
tory to use In Intermittent canning.
"Gleams of Grace, Through the Shel­
Ralph Stnnz, the popular real es­ ntand for whent nnd meat ami the Save your screw-top Jnrs for packing
tering Blood." The 11,000 six-column tate dealer accompanied by a jug of but­ other foods thnt are needed in increas­ fruits nnd tomatoes, which require but
folio issue was printed in the Herald termilk ami liis ‘‘Tin Liz" went fishing ing quantities by our armies and the one period of boiling In a water-bath
office, and is full of words of Chris­ last Sunday and caught seven runty allies.
tian cheer ami testimonies of physi­ pinto trout, Imt returned them to the
Decrease Food Costs.
Wottld-be-*'oti—Ca-> vou UK* a |>oem
cal and moral healing. It is a Pen­ sparkling flat* r*< oi the Clackamas, Mr.
Not only is there n national respon­
tecostal publication and is the eighth Stanx is going angling again a» soon as sibility culling for the conserving of on "Our Daily Bread?”
Editor (without looking up) — No;
number, “published as the Lord per­ bi* can get his breath, bit not on the food, but there Is an obvious personal
what we want on our daily bread is bat­
< Ti'.i knmas river.
ter—Boston Transcript.
Mr». Paul Bcinecker. 6131 Ninetieth
street, was in the Herald office this
week and left to be published, for
the benefit of his friends here, a
letter just received from her son,
William. Everybody in the state is
proud of the Third Oregon, and
Lents people are especially proud of
their boys who have distinguished
themselves in service. A very trim
military picture of the handsome
young »oldier with the stars and
stripes in the background, and a
clipping from a French publication
telling of the American troops’ first
important victory, at Amiens, are
other inclosures in the letter, which
is very dear to the mother waiting
at home and longing for the end of
I the war in a speedy victory. The
letter follows:
, “In France. June 1, 1918—My Dear­
est Mother: Weil, here I am again,
' still safe and sound and as healthy
as can be. I have been ‘over the
top’ for my first time and. believe
me. things certainly were exciting,
and we made things very exciting
for the Boche—and then some. It’s
certainly a great life, if you don’t
weaken. I would like to tell you
about the French life, but can't. The
most important thing in this drive
was that the American forces were
for the first time launching a big
attack without the support of the
French troops, and 4the men that
were launching the attack were the
first ones to set foot on French soil.
I was transferred just in time to be
one of the boys that went over the
top and I certainly am proud of it.
“Clarence Johnson, also from
Lents, was the only other boy from
i the old Third Oregon Infantry that
went ‘over the top.’ He is in Com­
pany I, and I am in Company K.
Twenty-eighth Infantry. With love.
“Your dearest son,
The meeting of taut» Grange in Odd
Fellow» hall Saturday was an inspiring
occasion. After the uaual buaineea Ma­
rion and luncheon came the entertaii'-
m*-Dt program, which waa one of unuaual
Gresham Grange were guest», and the
aaaembly of about 200 joined in singing
tta opening number. ‘‘America,” with
great spirit giving the recently added
touching sentiment:
"God blew our splendid men.
Bring them safe home again.
God bleea our men.
Make them victorious,
Patient and chivalrous;
They are so dear to n*—
God Ideas our men.”
Next came the ‘‘Penny March” to the
•trains of ‘‘Marching Through Georgia,"
the chons being sung with a will by
all prenent. The money thus contrib­
uted ia used to supply flowers for sick
Little Miss Leery Boogaert rendered a
piano solo with unusual skill for one so
young, anil Mrs. Robertson Cook stirred
the patriotic spirit of her hearer» in her
presentation of “Tbe Perfect Tribute,”
giving on the encore tbe beautiful poem,
‘ The Little Blue Star in the Window,”
expressing the feeling of every true
American infregard to the service flag.
Hamilton Johnstone then apoke upon
the necessity of united effort to the end
of speedy victory in the termination of
the war. He said that we should not
rilow smaller issues to abeorb our at­
tention and create dissension, that we
cannot stop to ‘‘mend fences when tbe
barn is on fire.” He pointed out that
wrong acting is the result of wrong
thinking. That right concepts produce
right activity, and that it is liecapse
Germany knew thia that she set about
to first poison the minds of peoples in
order to accomplish her evil purpose.
He then read President Willson’s mes­
Premium List Con»iderably Enlarged sage ts President Poincare on Bastile
day, which follows:
to Give School» Representation.
“America greets France on this day of
stirring memories with a heart full of
The premium list for the county warm friendship »nd of devotion to tbe
fair is being prepared and will soon great cause in which tbe two peoples are
be ready for distribution. A number now so happily united. July 14, like
of changes have been made in the list our own July Fourth, has taken a new
of prizes.
significance, not only for France but for
Prizes are being offered in both ' tbe world. As France celebrated our
city and county school departments Fourth of July, soda we celebrate her
and neither will conflict with the Fourteenth, keenly conscious of a com­
other. This work is to take the radeship of arms and of purpose of
place of the old juvenile department, which we are deeply proud. The sea»
which has been abandoned.
The seem very narrow today. France is so
county fair board is offering $250 in close neighbor to onr hearts. The war is
prizes for each division, and a large being fought to save ourselves from intol­
range of subjects is named upon erable, things. but could also be fought to
which the prizes will be awarded.
s*ve mankind. Weexteud our hands to
In the county division the sub­ each other, to the great peoples with
jects include practically all field and whom we are associated, and to the
garden crops, hogs, sheep and poul­ people everywhere who love right
try. canning, sewing and food pro­ and prize justice as a thing beyond
duction. Dairy herd record-keeping price, and consecrate ourselves once
and the raising of Relgian hares are more to the noble enterprise of peace
also included for premiums.
and justice, realizing tie great concep­
In the city of Portland list the tions that have lifted France and Amer­
prize-taking exhibits will take the ica Ifgh anting the free peoples ot the
form of school exhibits and will in­ world. The French flag flies today from
elude vegetables and flowers, rabbits the staff of the White House, anil Amer­
and poultry, manual training, home ica is happy Co do honor to that flag.
WoODHon W ilson .”
economics insofar as these subjects
are taught in individual schools.
Mr. Johnstone closed by offering the
following tesolution, which was unani­
Gra nge Changes Meeting Day.
The July meeting of Multnomah mously adopted by the Grange:
"Resolved, that the 14th of July
grange will be held at its hail at
Orient Saturday. July 20. instead of message you have just heard be the sen­
July 27. The change is made on ac­ timent of America's millions: that it be
count of the grange field day. The delivered through Four-Minute Men of
program will be in charge of Mrs. the Committee on Public information
Margaret Wheeler and is the first of to the French Ambassador for transmis­
a series of contests for membership, sion to the people of France, and that
attendance and excellence of pro­ this audience, with thousands of others
Mrs. Wheeler will manage this day. salute and honor our noble
two programs and Mrs. Myrtle Ball, Ally, the Republic of France.”
Dr. Esther Clay »on Lovejoy occupied
the other captain, two programs.
the remainder of the session with a dis­
course glowing with patriotic fervor.
Home Guard at Pleatant Valley.
She stated with ringing conviction that
Saturday evening. July 8. a home ‘‘we can win the war and win it now."
guard was organized in Pleasant She said that nothing else is worth while
Valley by Colonel Hibbard and other just now. That the "fate of mankind is
officers, assisted by the Multnomah at stake, our religion is in danger.’'|
Dr. Lovejoy said that she ia a farmer
Home Guard band of Portland,
that she expects when the war is
Thirty-three were present to take
the oath. T. P. Campbell was elected won to return to her little rauch near
captain and much credit is due to Roseburg and spend the remainder of
him for the success of the organiza- her days. She requested that as a testi­
mony of their appreciation, the Grange
make her a member. So now Lenta
Grange has the distinction of number­
Reporters Wanted.
ing among its members the eloquent
The Herald wants to get in touch speaker who gave them a glimpse of
with a number of people who are her experience on the battle fields o
willing to report news from their re­ France and brought most vividly to their
spective districts, each week, and in minds the need of the people aero«» the
addition, if they wish, to receive sub­ waters as well as our own dear soldiers
scriptions and other business tor the in conflict that every American citizen
paper. For particulars please call put his whole energy into helping re­
Tabor 7824 or come to the office, in lieve suffering and bringing the war to
an early and victorious ending.