Subscription, $1.50 a Year Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, May 30. 1918 ■' LENTS RED CROSS “OVER THE TOP” - 11 Memorial Day’s New Message Hr purl I rem Prcclact lit tieod Alice M. Croft waa captain of Tram B, Precinct No. 114. Her helper* worked in pair*, each pair taking two avruur* From 10 a. m. to 4 .30 p m. on the flrat day 111 '.bb waa taken in. In the two day*' work a total of (16H.U6 waa col- i lecled The captain aay* of her team: “1 wiah al thia time to e*|i*cia)ly thank thiwe team woravra for their iiiterraling effort* in behalf of the “Greateet Mother on Earth”—the Red Cross, and to those who ao gnneroiialv gave the hie**' Inga of million* of suffering humanity will k> added ” local Calf Ha«» Worker* Since January H the lent* Red Croat Auxiliary baa made 43 t*>l ahirta. 7 h pajama amt*, trouaer* and coata, 21 surgeon apron*, >* napkina, rt lied eocks, IM> tea towel*, 70 arm alinga, H tray Cloth*, 42 pillow*, 11 laaly hand*. 10 pillow «lipa, flo cape, 12 T-bindera, 5x handkerchief*, 30 tape ahirta, III pack­ age* of gun wipes, UH pair* of *ocka, 17 pair* of wristlets, 34 awMtera. 0 helmet* and 3 scarfs. The Rebekah fxalge of lent* also ha* | donated eight knitted *<|uarea for quilt*. The I'arent-Tracln r Association and Junior Red (1roe* of lent* turned over |15 to the auiiliarv, the proceed* of their recent entertainment. Many of the mvmlier* of tin* auxiliary work from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, riie Lent« public rchool furuish** hot lunch for the worker*. JcHcrson High Ralxa Goodly Sum More than (or the Red Croat is the record made by the Jefleraon high acliool, according to Mr* E. U. Will, captain of pncinct No. 2.’>8, which ir- clude* the high school. Mr*. Will ie- ported Thuraday afternoon that the, to­ gether with her solicitors, had already obtained IltkK) from the precinct*. Clackama* County Active Clackama* county went clear over tlie top the lirat .day Every person ami place waa canvaaaeil and given an op­ portunity to do hi* bit. An angel cake containing the whiten of 42 egg* wa* nohl at one of the moat entlmaiaatic Ixiyalty league meeting* ever held in Clackama* county at Beaver Creek Wed­ nesday evening. The cake was cut into slice* and auctioned off, each slice sell­ ing for 30 cent*. The proceeds from the cake alone amounted to over f 15. The money all went to the Beaver Creek Red ('roes chapter. Before the cake wa* sold it wa* christened with tiny candy hearts in honor of General Pershing. Deal Children Help Wonderful interest wa* shown in the school lor deal children, which i* a divi­ sion of the Buckman school. Seventeen schoc) children raised |7i) through meth­ ods unique, all the more no considering the unfortunate afflictions of the young patriots. Three little girls collected 50 i cent* tn odd change and opened up a [ lemonade stand near the school on 1 Ankeny street. They wore Red Crons nurse coslumenan ' dreorated their little stand artistically with their mothers' tiest flag*. They did a flourishing busi­ ness. Big dollars—000 per cent—was realised on the investment, and the en-| tire amount wa* turned over to the can­ vassers. The Htand in still doing a very good business and the proceeds will be turned over to the fund a* long an the business proves profitable. These little girls have shown an en­ ergy and patriotism that older citizens might well pattern after. Rev. U. C. Fowler, pastor of the Tre-’ mont Neurine Church, is helping in the organization of the annual Assam- I '»•, w|deb w*1’ he held in the M. K. (.'hniih Boiit’i, Union n< vnne and Mult­ nomah street, .livu 4. ST!LL ONE OF THEM Veterans Always With the Boys in Spirit, Though They . May Not March. BAST SIDI' V5OWKI RS I OR MI:N •'OVER THERIi” MAKI RECORD IN DRIVE I OR OREGON'S QUOTA. John Walrod, Captain ol Precinct 122 re|H>rt> Ihr llr«t day's wurk <>l hi* tram in an appraciulivn luauner. Ila aayi: "I l>*ll*v« I had tile flu**l team In Precinct No. 122 that there wa* in tin- city, and the tinrat lookuig lad"* They ware •<> pleasant no on« c ton aung Island, we have had a pathetic affair In connec­ tion with the present great world war, the little handful of aged men who are alt that la left of the Grand Army of the Republic here, have had seats on the pintform. In the parade* they have had their place tn line, seated In automobiles. Ln*t year. wh*n these aged veterans had their annual Memorial day parade, they permitted the Liberty Loan com­ mittee's automobile* to occupy a place In the line. No doubt, when these old men an* naked to the sent* nt honor In affair* having to do with the present war only, there I* a desire, on the part of those who Invite them, to honor th«1 men who fought through one war ami who have lived to *<•<• another anil more enonuoii* Avar. Sitting on the plat­ form or In the automobiles the old men may think. "Even In these mighty time* we nrc n<>t forgotten.” They are not forgotten. Indeed, they are more freshly and more Im­ portantly remembered than they have been for many years. It la hardly too mu eh to any that they are only now being remembered. Except on the one day Memorial day -set aside In honor of their dead comrades, the old men In blue have been fairly well for­ gotten. They have been submerged In the onward rush of new time* and new Interests, and not remembered ex­ cept when they put on their uniforms to place flowers on the flag marked grave*. When, to secure a few dol­ lar* for one purpose or another, they held nome *mall affair, we remem­ bered with something like surprise that they were still alive. Then we forgot them again. The*e old men seem, as they sit on the platform these days, rather silent and unmoved. There Is ao much enthusi­ astic youth nnd lively patriotism In the seats facing them thnt by contrast they seem stolid and uninterested. What they are thinking of It all 1 can­ not tell. They are very old men. many of them, nnd many of them are none too well, for they have the Infirmities of age. No, I cannot guess what they are thinking. One may ho thinking thnt he would be more comfortable In bed ; another may be thinking how pit­ iful It Is that he should have fought and lived to see. In his last days, a now and a greater wnr, n* If wars were never to end; another may be think­ ing of Hltnllnr meetings and similar pa­ triotic fervor that leaped Into lielng when Sumter wiis tired upon. Sight to Arouse Patriotism. I wish we could have, hero In Flush­ ing, or out yonder In Iowa, or in Oregon, n band of the old men In gray to sit on the platform nt a pa­ triotic meeting, ns we have the old men In blue, sitting I know how we would feel when we saw them seated there No. 22 .................................. 1 Ixtfore us. with the flag of our coun­ try over them, and perhaps the flag of the Confederacy they fought for hnnglng at It* aide. Bomeone would «tart singing "Dixie." nnd every one would slug Someone would atari sing­ ing the “Htar-8|mngled Banner.” and every one would sing. If there were old men In blue sitting side by side with the old men In gray, w* would weep. We could not help weeping. It would he a night none of us would ever forget, because the presence of the old men In blue and in grny would mean to us the union of complete pa- triotlara, North. Kouth. East and West. In n consecration of this just war against ruthless autocracy. Thnt would be the first night we saw the old meti In gray and the old men In blue sitting there. Presently we would become accustomed to seeing them sitting there. Just as we have be­ come accustomed to seeing the old men In blue here In Flushing. We would applaud them each time, but we would not weep again, because that first great sweep of emotion would be over. Then we would feel Just what we now feel when we see the old men of the Grand Army of the Republic at our meetings. We would feel thnt they were there (o typify the greater, the everlasting patriotism. Too Many Lack Real Patriotism. In a time of great stress, such as the present. Ideas are In flux and each day bring« Its high and low tides of pa­ triotism. Each day, tAwn, and village Ism. There are men who are all hut disloyal, and men who are like gleam­ ing beacons of loyalty. There are par­ tisans who put party abjve ^country, ami shifters who change with every breeze. There arc sliders who weak­ en at every German He nnd strength­ en between Iles. There are fnke Intel­ lectuals who gurgle and croon over any bit of unpntrlotlsm nnd who scream for world-democracy but sneer at America. Each city. town, nnd village Is Just .such a poo) of swaying, senseless, un- nnchored feeling. And on the plat­ form sits the little group of old men In blue—American once. American twice, American now nnd every minute and every hour. Thnt Is what we see when we look at the old men In blue on our plat­ form* here In Flushing. Rather silent Traveler Visits Lents. Harris Wilson, formerly employed >n R. E. Morton, traveling ■ leeman for Chester’« Rarber Shop, wae a Lent* vis­ itor Tueadav. He is demonet ating the Mergenthaler Linotype Co. of Ben Brunswick Talking Machine« for the Francisco was a pleasant caller at this Jon.« Ii-cg Co. of O-egon CRr fll'-e Mondav. TENT CITY RISES FOR CONFERENCE FORTY NORTHWEST ADVENTIST CHURCHES SEND LARGE DELE* OATIONSJTO CRESTON CAMP. Forty ehnrehe* are represented at the eampmeeting at Creston * tat ion. The conference opened Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock.¿.More than 300 tent* make up a young city, planned to glorify the Redeemer of mankind. A number of prominent pulpit orator* will «peak during the two week* the conference is infreseion. The Oaks Now Open The Oake amusement park opened Saturday with an unusual number of Comes the old-time feelin’ as I see features for entertainment. The audi­ 'em march along; torium where Cioffi's band will give its The winds that wave the old flag concerts, will seat more than 2G0u, while the skating rink will accommodate 7000. seem to sing a battle song! The dance ball is large enough for from 200 .to 300 couples. Manager Cordray announces that all concessions and pleasure devices are in readinees for tbe crowds. German Names of Streets Changed Final action to change tbe Teutonic nnd rather unmoved, they sit there uamee of certain streets in the Brook lyn with their blue hat* acroaa their district has been taken by the city knee*—Americans all the way through ' It I* what those of the South see when council. ’Under tbe ordinance jaeeed they look upon their old men In grny. tbe following changes have been auth­ These men have fought. They have orized : Frederick street to Pershing, lived long. Out of their battle* and Karl to Haig; Rhine to McLoughlin; the well-fought fields came the Re­ Frankfort to LaFayet’e, Bismarck to public aa It la today, strong and no­ Bush. ble. and they have seen It nnd know that It la good. We come in from an Government Allowances Mailed air that is permeated with disloyalty, petty questionings and German-propa­ In answer to inquiries ’from families gated doubt*, and we see these si­ of soldiers and sailors, tbe war iirk in­ lent unmoved old men. the faithful. surance bureau has announced that all They are not questioning why. It is checks for April allotments for pay nnd enough that the Republic has been In­ government allonances were mailed on sulted and assailed. That Is. when we come to think of IL enough for all tbe 25th of May. of ua. Great Republic Bern In War. Freight Rates Increase Out of the wars that have been An’ the n|U on the rack there—must The Oregon Public 8ervice commis­ fought on our Roll we have created a I see it with a sigh, Republic. Washington. IJncrfln. Davin. sion has received word from W. G. Mc­ Grant and Lee, the thousands in blue My war days gone forever, an’ the Adoo stating that be would increase’all boys a-marchin’ byf and buff. In blue and In gray, wrought a freight and passenger rates, in order to Republic out of the raw, chaotic Ideas meet cost of operation. of freedom, braving foreign powers Keepin’ step so fine— anil daring a struggle at home In or­ How it thrills this heart o’ der that the best might result, and the mine! Republic »till stands—the best the (An ’ lots o' grayhaired fellers that world has yet kjiown. It Is good The State encampment of G. A. R. would form a battle line!) enough for the old men In blue and the held at Albany recently closed with the old men In grny; it I* enough for them that It ha* l»een scorned and In­ It isn’t to the old brigades they’re election of the following officers: T. H. Stevens, Portland, commander; E. F. sulted by a bloodthirsty Imjwrial Ger­ handin’ out the guns. Sax, Albany, eenior vice; A. C. Spencer, many. The ¡¡ged men In blue nnd gray re­ Though when it comes to trouble we Ashland, junior vice; J. E. Hall, Port­ are all the country’s sons! mind us that there Is still a Republic, land, medical director; Daniel Drew, a fact we are too prone to forget. They An that’s why I’m a-sayin’, when Portland, chaplain. file In slowly, some of them leaning on Officers of the Ladies of the G. A. R. the time’s drawin’ nigh, canes, and take their scats, and put are: Mrs. Eva Carnegie, president; I ’ m one o ’ them same youngsters — their lints across their knees. They Minnie Simons, Portland, senior vice; with the boys a-marchin’ by! look out upon the audience with eyes Belle Elwood, Lents, junior vice; thnt nre dim; they stand when the Myrtle Eggeuian, Springtield, trrasurer; “Stnr-Spnngled Banner" Is sung, and Don’t they keep step fine! Elmira Underwood, Portland, chaplain; then sink into their seats again, si­ An’ I’d give the world to jine! Veleria Benvie, Portland, counselor. lent and rather unmoved. They lis­ ten to speeches and rather wonder (They's lots o’ grayhaired fellers j Officers of the Woman’s Relief Corps that would leap to battle line!) j are: Bertha Drew. Heppner, president; what It is nil about, I Imagine. Why should this mnn shout ao loudly that —Frank L. Stanton, in the Atlanta Mrs. S. Watte, Corvallis, senior vice; we must tieware of this or that? What Constitution. Mary Simons, junior vice; Minnie has thnt got to do with it? The Re­ Horseman, Portland, secretary ; Jennie public hns declared wnr nnd the war Bentley, Hood River, inspector. must be won though ft cost the Inst All three organizations »elected The life and the Inst dollar. That Is what Dalles for the next state encampment. the old men think, I Imagine. They fought; They offered their live*— what Is nil this pother about? Have The State Woman’s Press Club has the Germans already annexed the coun­ sent out a circular letter over the state try. or Is It still a free and Independ­ urging all clubwomen to endorse a reso­ ent Republic? Well, then, there are NOTHING SAFE FROM THEM lution «ent out concerning the xone poe- hut two thing* to do—tight and win! tal act and urging all to send in pro­ Their Duty Done; Our* to Do. Gen. Henoeck Evidently Had High tests to Congress. In their old age they sit there, the Opinion of the Foraging Abilities veterans In blue and gray, and they of th* Nineteenth Maine. The seventh annual convention of are rather helpless. They are old and Oregon Grand Chapter of the P. E. O. they are feeble; they cannot tight, few “There Is some doubt as to what of them can so rtuch ns work; they part the Nineteenth Maine played In Sisterhood was held at Sa!em last week. look ,out with dim eyes, not quite un­ the war,” remarked a veteran of that derstanding. but with faith that we regiment. “The fact is, the Nineteenth The East Woodstock Red Cross unit, will do what they are no longer able ate up the Southern Confederacy. They to do. In a few days they will slip stole pigs, robbed hen roosts, cleaned of which Mrs Selden J. Cochran ie away nnd no longer be. nnd these last out orchards and cellars and foraged chairman, will in tlie future meet on hours they loosen their fingers and let the country so thoroughly that the Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays. slip Into our hnnds. for safety or for enemy had nothing left to feed on, and loss, to be preserved or dishonored, *o lay down nnd died.” Mrs. Dora Gerardy, president of the the Flag of the Republic. Then Al Wells of tne same regiment Creston Parent Teacher Association, And we? We dispute nnd complain took up the thread of the story: who has been ill for a number of nnd whine nnd falter. But. hark! “We were sweeping along one day. months, is recuperating and hopes to be What sound Is thnt? The old men In dining on the fat of the land, as usual. able to take up her work again eoon. blue nnd gray arjse nnd salute with Another troop was ahead, and between trembling hands. Their old eyes fill them and us rode General Hancock. As She says she ie very grateful for the with tears. They stand and listen to the general was passing one planta­ flowers and notes which have been sent the trnmp! tramp 1 tramp! of mnny tion. the aged proprietor came out and her by the various organisations and wishes to express her thanks. feet. There are still men to carry •topped the general's party. the Fing" . t caching near Reecbnrg Saturday. CLUBS AND SOCIf TIES