H. D. Kenworthy s Company fanerai Directors TWO ESTABLISHMENTS Phone Tabor 5267 Phone Tabor 5895 5802-4 92nd Street S. E. 4615 66th St. Cor. Foster Rd. Lents Arleta First-Class Service given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense G. 1. MORRISON LUMBER COMPANY Specials On Doors This Week A few doors with 2 upright panels and one flat panel on top Regular price. $3.50. Special $2.00 Regular $1.75 Four panel doors. Special $1.00 We specialize in aash and doors, glass. paints. oil, finish lumber and wood G. A. MORRISON LUMBER CO. Tremont Station, ML Scott car line Tabor 62 THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN who 1« successful surround» himself with every availabh modern devise for saving hisjtime and money. The business man who tails to use an AUTOMATIC TEL- EPHONEsimply closee hi*establishment to thousands of possible customers. He may never know the real reason for his failure in business. THINK IT OVER. Long Distance Everywhere CALL A 6221 Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon Phone Tabor MX) WM. WOODHAM, Proprietor KERN PARK HARDWARE CO. Builders’ Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, Tinware, Graniteware, or anything you may need in the Hardware Line—Also Paints and Oils Cnn Save you Money on Anything in Our Line. block North of Kern Park Station Mt. Scott Car Line 44524 67th Street 8. E. PORTLAND, ORE. One Good Term Deserves Another Our War Governor FARMERS! THIS IS YOUR WAR. BUY LIBERTY BONDS Success of Teutonic Arma Spella Despoliation for Ameri­ can Producer* Re-Elect The Man Who Has Made Good From the Re-Elect Witbycombe Committee 527 Chamber of Commerce. Is It Well To Change In War Time? J. C. NICKUM VOTE FOR JOHN E. OWEN LABOR COMMISSIONER Will foster industries and pro­ tect investments. Will give em­ ployer and employee a square d“al. Celia P» 4 A ». Primaries, May 17, 1*14 Louise Primaries, May 17, 1918 DR. PRATT’S Optical Primer The Optical Shop The Williams Really Co. Solicits your Property for Sale We have the Buyers, you have the Property COME AND SEE US Williams Realty Co 1206 Woodstock Avenue Tabor 4634 KERN PARK CABINET SHOP S. c. SMITH \ LIGHT MILL A CABINET WORK Screens, Sash, Windows, Doors and Picture Framing Seriously considered, with Insight and understanding, tbe Third IJberty Loan means but one thing stability. The unification of Government and people. The much or little which the peo- pie place at th* hands of the Govern ment, proportionate to what they pos­ sess, will have behind it not alone the voice of the (>eople but as well the united will and force of the peo­ ple against a war which threatens to engulf the whole national family. We are being just to ourselves If we place our money where It Is safe And we are living up to the dictates of our national conscience, which also is our family conscience. The most safe and reasonable in­ vestment possible is with our Govern­ ment. For the Government is but ourselves viewed through the magni- fying glass. If we were born in the United States we love our birthplace, It is home if we were allowed to adopt the United States that offered to us more than our oppressing birth-coun­ try; offered to us more freedom, a wider scope, then through that adop­ tion we have gained a Privilege worthy of even greater devotion and love. So, let us all be glad that a Third Libertv Ixian Is pending. It is a good sign that we trust ourselves, that we are ready depositors in the Protective Bank of Home. "Keep the home fires burning” is no light slogan, lightly spoken. Only when the fire is quenched by a bomb dropped down through the borne- chimney, can we fully realize how precious and prized is that cherished and cheerful flame We must not and shall not wait for that. Th* Third Liberty Rond awaits ua and w* are re adv. DUTY AND WHY a Residence Phone: Tabor 464)2 Shop Phone : Taboi 77.76 4633 67th Street 8 E. For A Home THE GRIP OF FREEDOM Crittenton "We ar* fighting this war for the next generation as well a* this, We Republican Candidate are dedicating the life blood of thia nation that our children and our children's ohilOren MAY ENJOY THE FOR BUCKINGS OF LIBERTY -OTHERS IN THIS COUNTRY WILL GiVB THEIR BLOOD: TO® GIVE TOUR ■ONBY Department No. 6 > —Beovg* W. Wickersham. Vtormer Circuit Judge Tlie Royal Neighbors (Tub met at Mrs. F. Williamson's at With Street ami (13d Avenue, on Tuesday, April V, about twenty bring preaeut. A tine dinner *u served which wm enjoyed by all preseut. Eighty-S*cond Street 1» getting a good overhauling, some*lung It has needed lor th* jxst year or more When com- (deled it will be one of our flnest ruads. Mrs. A.-H. Keller has Iteen quite HI with throat trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrill oi Kind. Street as­ pect to return home again soon, he having tini»h*d hi* work in the ilrem- erton Navy Yard. Mr*. John Porter received a letter re ceutly from her sou Willie, who is in training at th* Bremerton Navy Yard Z is for Iler son Harry will have finished his enlistment In June and exjiect* to come Zylonite thè new material w* borne. ars making fra:»»« ot. They »re A. H. Nelsou went lisliing Bunday, April 14, but had no luck, said the vsry pupular now and quii* ti» thing water was too muddy. However h* They are a great protection to thè recently caught a nice lot al Scapp»o*e. Isuses and are vsry light and attrae- Th* Rad Cioas made surgeon’s and Uve. hospital socks, mask* and Ixmlage* on Tusaday. A good attendance was re­ Yon can depend on always getting ported. the very Is test and Itesi in the optical The Woodmere Parent-Teacher Asso­ line here. ciation melon Thursday, April 11, and there was a good attendance. Mr*. Your ey«* are «air in our car»'. Stoner reported that they cleared >.’•3 ’* on the dance giveu recently for Red Ur os* work. They expect to have an­ other In the near future, notice of which will be published. DR. GEO. B. PRATT Mr. Dickson, principle of the Wood- Optometrist mere school ha* invited Ruehen Wilson Post and Bhilo Circle, G. A. R., to at­ 3'26 Alder St. between 6tb anil lldw. tend an entertainment at the school on May 2Vtb at one o'clock. They will be entertained by th* children and teach­ ers and refreshments will be served to them after the entertainment. Third Liberty Loan YOUR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For Rev. and Mrs. Handley of the Arleta Baptist Church, Mr*. Heindru* and Mr». Whitman Hr. ar* attending the Willamette Association of the Hap tilt Church at Astoria. Th* Arleta Baptist Sunday School have bought three Liberty Honda. 1-aat Bunday Rev. Handley gave an •■lightening sermon <>o th* liquor *yil facing th* American soldiers in Franc* Mr. Handley was inspired to do this by editorials in the Mt. Scott Herald and the Oregonian. The Arleta W. C. T. U. tyui an all day sees ion Tuesday at the bom* of Mr*. Geo. Merry on Millard Av. The usual buiitie*» session wan followed by jut­ work, a number of garments being completed for the local work of the National De feme league. Mrs Stella Wilson, former president of the Arleta W. C. T. U,, was present. She has been at Harm, Ore., for some time. Rev. Wm. H. Amos has been at the Millard Av. Presbyterian church as Mated Supply the past four and one- halt year* On Wednesday, April 17th, the Portland Presbytery sent Rev Ward Mac Henry as moderator to install b m regularly as pastor. Rev. John E. Nelson of Ausbel l’rssbyterian church gave th* charge to the |>astor and Rev. L*vi Johnson. Xuperintendsnt ol the Men’» reaort. gave tbe charge to the people. Let us think for a white how the war concerns the farmer We went to war with Geruiany partly because the ruler* of that country refused to let u* send to Europe our ships laden with grain and cotton They sunk the ships and cruelly murdered our sailors. Now suppose we allowed them to stop alt our shipping, where would you be? None of your good» would be sold in foreign countries, with the result that you would get nothing like the prices which you get today. This war I* being waged partly that you may obtain fair prices for your goods. What Is going to happen if w* lose thi* war* Prices of farm pro­ duce will drop; the German* will Impose taxation upon you which wilt cripple you for the next twenty year*. Worse than that. If tbe Germans get over here, they will treat you In juat the same way as they have the farm­ ers of Franc*. Belgium and Italy. In these sections farm housea have been shot to pieces, crops waxled wasted ami burned; even fruit tree« chopped down, the cattle stolen, th* men sent into slavery to work tor German master*, their women ill treated in ways that cannot be talked of in print, their little children have had --------------------------- f. their hand* chopped oft in order that Gray's Crossino. they may never flght or do any mor* useful work again. You may say "such things will not Through no fault of our correspond­ happen here.** They said this In France, In Belgium and in Italy. Such ed thi* came too .ate lor publication things will happen here just m sure last week. M you are alive, unless we snioah the Germans so utterly that they ire unable to reach this country. Th* German fleet and tbe German army will take just one week to get here if we are beateu They have mad* X up their minds that America shall pay. Is there a farmer who will at and forward now and say. ' This war does not concern me*" You have money that you do not need at present. Loan It to th* Gov­ ernment at good interest, when yo* want th* money back again, you can borrow on your hood, or sell It. Unci* Sam will take car* of your money until you need it and pay you interest on it. Go and buy a Liberty Hoad t*. morrow. Don't be a slacker, and don't fool youraalf with the Idea that you are too far away from the war for It to hurt you. Remember 1914. when th* <>*rmaue upset tbe world's shipping, and you took what you could get for your products. Think of the twenty years starva­ tion prices ahead of you, in case we ar* beaten This is your war, and If you won't get in it you deserve to lose your American Citizenship. Call in at the bank tomorrow, and talk it over. By JAMES WITHYCOMBE NFWSY IT!MS FROM DOWN I Ht LINI C. WALTER R. Prominent Ex-Progressives are Endorsing] Ralph E. Williams Tab 33117 M43 Foster Rd., Myrtle Park Sta for Republican National Committeeman Real Estate and Rentals ^SJTPortland, Or»., April 20, HflH. it» tbi'i Republican Voter« of s»tion of Repub­ lican National Committeeman. We endorse his candidacy (or the follow­ ing definite reason*: In tha first place, if Mr. Williams had not invited and encouraged the Progressive* to join with the Repub­ licans of this state in 1916, there would have l>een no active co-opera­ tion between the two fori»» and Ore­ gon would undoubtedly have been lost to the Republican cause. Mr. Williams advocated the adoption by the Republican National Committee ot a similar program of amalgama­ tion and co-operative action in other stat»*. If his snggentions concerning California and Washington had Isvii fol­ lowed, those two states would also futve been found in the Republican col­ umn after the national election. Mr. Williams’ attitude of friendliness toward Col. Roosevelt is generally known to Republican leader* throughout the country and state. The same spirit of unity which Mr. Williams was so largely instrumental in effecting in Oregon in 1916. he also strove successfully to bring a)s>ut at the recent meet­ ing of the Republican National Committee at St. Ixynis. The new chairman of the Republican National Committee, Will H. Hay», who was elected at the St. Louis meeting, lias joined with George W. Perkins. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the former Progressive j>arty, in commending Mr. Williams’ efforts to achieve harmony at Hi. Louis. On the occassion of his recent visit to Portland Mr. Hays called attention to the •jtlerided spirit of harmony which now j>revail» among all elements of the Re- publican party in Oregon and earnestly urged that it !»• maintained. Mr. Williams’record as an earnest supjsirter of the Government in the energetic conduct of the War, is widely known, owing to the aid he ha» given to all war activities. We believe in all fairness, that Mr. Williams’ services, as on tl inn I alsivo, entitle him to re-election. We also believe that yon are entitled know where we stand with regard to bis Candidacy and for that reason, we nave addressed this statement to you. Henry Waldo Coe. Progressive National Commltteman for Oregon, Thom«» B. Neuhausen, ICx-chairman of State Progre»«lve Party. Oeorge Arthur Brown, Kx ehalrman of Kxecuilve Committee, Progrexlve Party. Hanflelrl McDonald, Pre», of A»»n. of Father» of Oregon Soldier» and Sailor». D. L. Povey, A. I. Moulton, F H. Ix-wl», Prog Member» Hughe«Campaign Com Cha» Ackeraon, Oliver M. Hickey, C. P. Bodley, Ix>n I>. Parlier. Oeorge B Andree», Mlaa Vivian Flexner, Mra O. 1. Thompson, Mra. Maud« IZNeuhluaen, Mr«. Anna K Orovlilll, Mrs. Maude M Povey. Ml»« Mary ft Hill We often have exceptional bargain* Why gi> d<>*il tu» e for 0RÏ GOODS AND hCTIOhS Shoes, Hats, Corsets, Etc. when you can buy them lor lea« at J. A. TEENY’S Tabor 760 C602 KERN PARK STA. W. W. HALL f -• Republican Candidate ter County Clerk II l fail to rtwlnce the annual expense of the office by from |T>,000 to IIO.oOO or to irfvo ns jirompt and efficient service, I will donate one-half of my salary for two years to the lte»| Croas Fund. Paid Advertisement. 2t 4